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"Zombifying Pigs"


Interesting concept. Not really sure what to think of it. o.O

It's a concept that's been tossed around in critical care medicine for a while now - -- - of course the news uses 'zombification' in order to capture the attention of the general public. rolleyes.gif


You guys probably have heard stories of kids surviving being underwater for prolonged periods of time in extremely cold temperatures because hypothermia is protective - the body's metabolism (mitochondrial function) slows in the cold and thus hypoxia-induced damage to organs (hypoxia = low oxygen levels) is delayed.


Basically, scientists have found that hydrogen sulfide (H2S) slows mitochondrial function - H2S competes with O2 molecules that bind cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondria. So in an animal/person, this would result in a decreased body temp, decreased metabolic rate, decreased O2 consumption, and decreased CO2 production. H2S also reduces apoptosis and upregulates anti-inflammatory cytokines. These are all good things to have happen when organs are dying.


So in a nutshell, scientists are trying to see if inducing a hypometablic state courtesy of H2S will preserve organ function and reduce inflammatory cytokine damage to ultimately limit end-organ injury in critically-ill patients.


SOURCE: I did my PhD in a related area of cardiovascular medicine

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Trying to read the above post, normally I'd be thrilled reading it, right now chem is just....


It's amazing how one bad (really bad) professor can ruin everything.




Tell me about the cardiovascular medicine stuff. I'm interested.


I'm going to (hopfully) be shadowing a cardiologist in the soon-ish future, I'd like to hear about cardiovascular stuff without buying a book about it :3

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Also, this comic isn't exactly new, but... whose side would you take?


user posted image

Lol cool comic xd.png I personally don't like biology very much so I should side with the physicists =P On that note I've always found it fun that different types of science have like a fun-hate thing going on with each other. At my uni us climate/meteorology people don't get along very well with the geologists, obviously though it’s all in good fun and everyone knows it but it’s still funny. One of my geo lecturers once remarked he didn't like climate science people because when ever there's a storm we like to run up and down the offices telling everyone about it annoying them. On open-day the geologists stole all the people looking at our stuff by bringing over a metal detector and leading them away with it lol.


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"1) Hal 9000."




.... well, okay, not really (rest of the quote: 1) Hal 9000, in 2001, apart from his apparent psychotic episode, is a robotic system that people live inside. Current research agendas, in human-robot interaction, task planning, command and control, etc., could conceivably lead to such an intelligent system.), but still xd.png


Also, I read EDI and got all excited because I thought they were talking about ME2's AI... I am disappoint.

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cuttlefish are so cool. they can change their color fast enough to make complex, moving patterns across their bodies.


it other news...




and @ string theory people a few pages back. it's important to note that while string theory is one of few grand unified theories, it is experimentally baseless. there is no true evidence to support it (yet)

Edited by Alec

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So while I was working out how lizards walk on water, this is what my colleagues across the way were up to...

You for real?

Edited by RheaZen

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You for real?

Yup. For real. If I can store the paper online I will link it.

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You for real?

The basilisk lizard. They're actually pretty cool.






EDIT: @Rhea's "double what?" - Ever see Terminator?

Edited by Crisis

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The tenth dimension just broke my brain. I also had the future of our world in another tab, which started playing and giving epic music to the dimension video

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Oh, I know about the lizards, I was just curious about Kestra's working across the way.

Ah! Well yes, I worked near to the IFR.

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Old news. Sure there's MORE evidence now, but people have been saying that for DECADES. The most compelling evidence is that carcinogens are things that would have only rarely been encountered in centuries past.

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