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Insane in the Main Cave - Dragon Cave Fancomic

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Dust Storm ain't no foo'. Also, because, even though I tried, I'm afraid this comic is horribly unclear. Basically, they saw a sharp tree, and Dust Storm was gonna take the blow, so she put Kai in her place. LAUGH.


That's so much like this comic it isn't even funny: CLICK FOR COMEDY


This won't be the only comic today. I just want to upload it before I forget.

What do you mean? I understood it perfectly.



As for the redone comic... Are St.ATG's tears pink O.o


They are awesome zovesta.

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Oh no, Sandrock's a pushover. But even pushovers can only be pushed so far before they snap. *is speaking from personal experience* >.>.....

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Nope, it's simply a blush sticker.


Also, good, my skills as a comic artist are slows getting better. X)


Yeah, Rina, I totally know the feeling. I mean from earlier, someone said "He's the nicest character in the comic?!"


Also, no thoughts, I suppose?

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Now, a question to you guys... I'm getting sort of bored of the forest story arc, so what do you guys think to more frequent updates ONLY until we get to a part where I'm less bored? The next few comics will be very short and very slow, so if I updated it to two, maybe three times a week, you'd still be getting the same quality of work, just more of it faster. Thoughts?


I can agree with more frequent updates to get to a part that bores you less. <3 I'd hate for you to be bored. You are to awesome to allow such an atrocity.

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I told you guys I'd eventually take over with love. AND I WAS RIGHT.


Good to hear. smile.gif TBH, I get a few nights a week where I'm home alone all night, so... yeah. I draw a lot then. >_> You guys should start expecting more updates, then~

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Super Villian should be coming soon *waits around excitedly*


Very nice, as always Zovesta.


As for moving faster, it is your comic thusly your choice~

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Yes indeed! xd.png In 3 comics, so, yeah, what with my updating going to be faster, you'll see him in a week or two? o3o


<3 I love your avatar.

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xd.png He's still the nicest. He's just slowly being pushed to the edge.


As for thoughts on frequent updates.....go for it. ^ ^ I'm all for seeing updates.

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Speaking of which...



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Joke stolen shamelessly from my sister.

ROFL xd.png Yes the third dimension is awesome.

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Yay the missed the-.......Nuuuuu watch out for the other tree!


Will our heros escape the second tree? Find out next time. Same bat time. Same bat channel. *shot*

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Sorry for the late comic, guys. I spent all yesterday dreading it and putting it off... and got up two hours ago to do it. =V You have no idea how hard it was to not draw something like this. I blame a huge overdose on Rocko's Modern Life.


But, hey, you guys got an early comic, and this is only a day late, so it's all cool. =V


Also, my damn mouse has decided to rebel. It refuses to work. So I had to do the comic with a tablet. Which was enough to make me headdesk in some areas.


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And that's how it started.


God, it's so weird to see Dust Storm be the sensible one. :I

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Poor Sandrock! He needs cuddles! Cuddles will keep him from losing his temper!


It's funny seeing DS say she's afraid of heights so nonchalantly. xd.png

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It's actually a shout-out to Aqua Teen Hunger Force, where Shake says "Oh wait. HE'S DEAD." very calmly when Frylock is dead next to him. >_>


And she's bat**** insane.

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Sorry for the late comic, guys. I spent all yesterday dreading it and putting it off... and got up two hours ago to do it. =V You have no idea how hard it was to not draw something like this. I blame a huge overdose on Rocko's Modern Life.


But, hey, you guys got an early comic, and this is only a day late, so it's all cool. =V


Also, my damn mouse has decided to rebel. It refuses to work. So I had to do the comic with a tablet. Which was enough to make me headdesk in some areas.


user posted image

And that's how it started.


God, it's so weird to see Dust Storm be the sensible one. :I

I love it. My only thing is sproing is more of a repetitive sound than an extended sound.


So instead of ssproooing


more like sproi oi oi oing.



Does that make any sense?

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Good point. I actually thought about it, but I thought it sounded too awkward. *shrug*

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Good point. I actually thought about it, but I thought it sounded too awkward. *shrug*

BUT IT MAKES SENSE! XC *whiny voice*







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*giggles* X3 I hope they get down soon tongue.gif I also hope they don't come across another red herb X3


And luls Rocko's Modern Life. That show was... odd to me X3 I do so envy your drawing skills >:X Rawr they're awesomesauce.

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Haha, Rocko's one of my favorite shows. Come on, how could you not love a show about a wallaby who exists just so the world can mess up his life in new an interesting ways? People are constantly coming onto him in very creepy ways, his job consists of reading comic books while a turtle says "Then you turn the page, then you wash your hands, and then you turn the page, and then you wash your hands..." over and over... his own laundry even tries to kill him.


... If Kai had an Australian accent... *scratches chin*


Also, I love you guys. *hugs* And in the next comic, we'll be getting a new character. biggrin.gif

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