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Dragon Hearts

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Poderoso took Luma gently as Nellima handed the hatchling to him then collapsed. Mira came up and looked around at him and the others. Then Kurapika ran up, said Nellima was unconsious, and started dragging her back ot her den. Poderoso was still shocked and startled from telliporting, unsure how he did it, and just sat there, holding Luma.


Aria raised her head when she heard a noises of a collapsing biulding. She wanted to go check, as she was deputy now, but stayed by Spark. "Can you walk? I need to get you to the Medicine dragon's den anyway so she can watch you closely." she asked him and stood.

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"I can walk," Spark said. "And I can get to Kurapika by myself. Go and help Poderoso," he said, nodding toward the obviously exhausted magi dragon. Kurapika winced as she took up the full weight of Nellima. She knew that she shouldn't be doing this, so close to giving birth, but the other dragon really was in trouble. Closing her eyes, she used some of her magic to keep Nellima's strength up.

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((Yeah I especially REALLY REALLY want Skoll...


Laurarockstar is it okay if he'll revive somehow by the power of the gods or something?))

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((Uh-oh, if Skoll comes back... Poor Poderoso))


Aria looked at Spark a moment before nodding and walking over to Poderoso. The Magi was still just sitting there, holding Luma. "Pod?" the winter dragon said after standing in front of him. He looked at her and blinked, spell broken. "Hu?" "Go help Kurapika, I'll take the hatchling." she said and he nodded, carefully giving Luma to Aria. Then he ran toward Kurapika and started helping her carry Nellima. Aria shook her head then looked at the hatchling in her claws. "Well little one, what's your name and who's your mother? She probably worried sick." Aria said to her, voice gentle.



((And happy 4th of July! Here's some Fireworks))

Edited by i_luv_animalz

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Luma opened her mouth ready to talk, but she couldn't say it.

I don't have one... I'm an orphan.

"I'm Luma... But I don't have a mother."

She forced out painfully.


Zanzi turned her head slowly. The fact that Luma was alone was too great.

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Kurapika set Nellima gently down on a bed. She looked at Poderoso. "Where the rest of the herbs are, there's a clump of purple juniper berries; can you get some for me? Thanks. I'll stay with Nellima in case she wakes up."

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((Then can he? and where is Kurapika?))

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((Kurapika is in her den, treating Nellima who is wounded and unconscious...Poderoso is with her helping her, in case you're wondering, Poderoso is Kurapika's new mate because Skoll died, Kurapika is pregnant that's why he's helping her...she's going to have two eggs smile.gif))

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((RAWR Evil you... ;3 Skoll will get revived and there will be all ajwartnaujta4uht4uwjtyn\jw4ntj\enw's!))

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((Like I said before I don't know if I can, thats what happens when someones gone for a long time without contacting the RP's owner.)) Edited by Booo

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(( DX ))


Poderoso nodded and quickly went to the pile. He scooped up some purple berries and brought them back to Kurapika. "Here." he said holding them out for her to take.


Aria lightly touched Luma's head. "Alright, that's all I needed to know, don't try to talk anymore." she said softly and looked up, she had to find a sitter who would look after this youngling.

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Kurapika took the berries. "Thanks," she murmured as she bent over Nellima, feeling the dragon's forehead. Beads of sweat had formed over Nellima's brow. Kurapika winced as a sharp pain jabbed her in her belly. She forced herself to ignore it and waited for Nellima to wake up.

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((Well, thanks anyways Boo, I hope you could do it))

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((FELLA. YOU'RE BACK. *glomps* Erm. Anyone seen Laura? Or Ryuu, for that matter? blink.gif))

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((sorry i was on vacation! And Fella, really sorry! But i don't really want Skoll to be revived...Sorry. I never tghought i would ask this in my own RP, Recap? Does spark have anytime to visit the stone?))

Edited by Laurarockstar

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Poderoso waited and watched, hoping Nellima would recover.


Aria continued to look around, trying to find Nemesis. "Nemesis!" she called, knowing Luma needed a sitter.

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As Kurapika waited for Nellima to wake up, she started to bandage her head wound with some cobweb. Carefully, the medi-dragon spread out the sticky strands and flattened them over the wound. She winced at the blood.

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"Yes Aria?" she said, she walked up to aria. "Whats the problem?"


Oranos stood near his apprentice. ((what happened to her? tongue.gif))

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Poderoso looked up as Oranos entered Kurpika's den, probably to see about his apprentice. (just asuming because you said he stood by his apprintice)


Aria nodded in greeting as Nemesis came to her. "This Luma. She has no mother, or doesn't know who she is. I need a sitter to raise and look after her." she said and held the hatchling out.

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Kurapika finished binding the wound and stood there, looking grimly down at Nellima. "It's pretty serious," she said worriedly. "I don't know if she'll recover."

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