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Midsummer Shadows| OOC Thread

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Thanks for the heads-up Manga. I kinda figured they'd still be there, but as Varianne is out and there's no telling what Clay is doing, I decided to... basically not complicate things. Hope that's alright.


I'm really getting into a time crunch on my research paper now, especially as my relatives visited unexpectedly yesterday/today, further delaying my paper. So.... yeah, you probably know what that means as far as my posting goes.


You've no idea how bummed I am about it. But duty calls, as The Lotos-Eaters and Ulysses remind me. XP G'night all!

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Just finished High School, all that's left now is graduation, so I might be able to manage a good post soon

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Sorry Nessie. I keep forgetting it myself so I thought it'd be nice to remind you too. That is sort of a problem. I guess we could just say that Clay is so tired that he's slept through everything? I'll probably have him Varianne OoC when they get killed or whatnot.


Sure Sess, you can have Eve do that. ^^ Sort of random but who cares. =P And yeah, sorry about making you read it.


That's great, Jaina. Then you'll have time to catch up on what you've missed too. ^^


Btw, Murder, is your bf okay with a Dark hybrid spot?

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Sorry Manga for firing you three PMs in a row.


Like I told Manga, my cousin is spontaneously and without previous warning visiting this evening (like my uncle just called and said they'll be here in X hours and we're like (WTF) sure sure, sounds awesome! because what else do you say and we really do miss her. I'm just...busy. XD) And tomorrow is a big Asian-invasion style lunch because a Korean fam from my church is going back to Korea next week so all the Koreans are getting together for a farewell... partything. And my paper's due Monday. And so is my semi-take-home final.


So I have to finish my paper this afternoon... next couple of hours. I'm like 5 pages out of 8-10, so I need 3 or four more. I'll survive, I think. But anyways, with luck I'll be back in a day or so. Without luck I should be back either late Monday or sometime Tuesday.


For now, hugs everyone! -throws confetti around for no reason-


Woo that's a lot of rainbow code.

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Btw, Murder, is your bf okay with a Dark hybrid spot?

He is, he's just exeedingly lazy and putting it off.

Plus, he has to babysit two puppies for the next two weeks, so he hasn't had much time to write.

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Leveled Murder's Squibies.


Have nothing else to say right now. 3 pages away from freedom. -dies-


EDIT: One more page, some quotes and citations.


Final in 40 minutes.... waiting for something closer to class time because I don't want to stand outside in the cold waiting for my teacher to show. XD

Edited by Elsendor

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Haha Murder, I think we're all lazy like that ;] Though I guess it should be fun to babysit two puppies.


One more page isn't taht bad, is it, Nessie? Is your essay double-spaced?


Okay, anyways, I just remembered, since I was reminded about Dash's post. I just wanted to point this out to y'all.


After a pact with the Umbralatronis, the vampires agreed to refrain from drinking human blood, thus changing the human into a vampire, and instead, kill and drink the blood of demons. 

Keep that in mind ;] It's essential~


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Okay, I still have Spanish and Ceramics that don't end until mid-June, but they don't count because they're easy. ;]]]]]]]]


I'm gonna confess here what I can't confess elsewhere. XDDD I really am a painfully slow writer, but what really took me so friggin long on my essay wasss... because I downloaded City of Bones and the sequels and spent TONS of essay-writing time reading. Don't tell my mom if you ever want to see me alive again. XDDD


Yes, Manga, you've gotten me hooked on not one, but TWO series. XD And I LOVE you for it!


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay I can RP more now!!


Sooooooooooo sleep-deprived. -_______________- Imma rest here, someone wake me up when the action starts. xd.png


HOOOOOLY twizzlers so much PM!!! I love you Dash and Manga!!!


EDIT: -dances off to spanish- I'll see you awesome people later!




Imma throw paintballoons everywhere because it's too quiet. -splattersplishsplattersqueesplooshsplatterthunk-

Edited by Elsendor

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*walks in and is pelted by paint balloons*


Okay, well we have two new creatures from Nessie. They would be the Auroel and the Myrr. biggrin.gif


(Nessie, I just realized that Aurol happens to be the name of the wizards in Harry Potter, the ones who hunt down the dark wizards. Of course, I might be wrong, but I think that's the same name. X3)


Anyways, I'm going to be gone for the rest of the weekend. ^^ If you see me around in the other forums, it's probably because it's quicker to post there than it is here.

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Well, that's something good to hear, manga, since I will not be on at all this weekend. Says why in my signature.

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I've never read Harry Potter. ;]]] I've been getting sick of "Aurol," though, and thinking about having the general name for the race (Auroel) be the singular form too. Haven't really decided yet.


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I know this is a doublepost--sheepishgrin--I didn't want to edit the other one because then no one knows there's a new post, and I want you guys to know I'll be gone for the weekend. Going to a college retreat (WOOT my first college event!) with my church--sort of came up last minute. Soooooo I'll try to finish my post and get it up before I leave tomorrow, but if I don't manage to post...you know where I am. ;]


I don't really think it'll be a big deal, with the pace as it is, so I don't feel so bad as I probably would... XDDD Sorry!



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Thanks for posting Sess :] I'll head over and read it if I have time after this.


And Nessie and Tequila, no worries. (: I doubt I'll have the time to post before you two come back, but when I do post, everyone should be able to post, because I'm moving the plot along, and then everything will be extremely interesting from then on. ;]


Jaina, did you ever read those RP posts, or are you just hiding from this RP until I give in and write you a summary? If Sess could read through all of that, so can you.


EDIT: Never mind. They're actually called the Aurors. I was wrong. XD

Edited by Mangaholic

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I haven't missed anything, have I? Is there anything I should reply to? Can Danni attack that one girl now? (sorry, it's been awhile so I have forgotten her name >.<)

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Hey guys.


I am sorry to announce this, but I am leaving Dragcave, permanently.


Midsummer Shadows is the biggest regret I have, as I have loved the roleplay like my own life these past couple of months. But that's part of the problem, I guess.


It's not the roleplay, it's not dragcave... As you know, I went to my church's college retreat this past weekend. I've spent a lot of time considering where my struggles lie and the things that are causing me to stumble in my relationship with Christ. The roleplay here has not been the main struggle, but roleplay in general has been serving as a gateway into other problems. For that reason I am pulling out of all my forum involvement, both here and elsewhere.


To those my absence will affect, I am really, truly sorry. Mainly I'm sorry that I went and integrated myself rather deeply into the roleplay and that my leaving may cause some trouble (I hope it won't be too difficult...).


Manga--if you like I can send you the complete NPC post I had written--I'll leave it completely open for your editing and use. My character...I'd like to have him removed, if that's okay with you. I hope you can forgive me.


I am open to talking to any of you and explaining on YIM any time. (elsendorsilverpen@yahoo.com) I've just come to a point in my life where there was a direct confrontation, one thing or the other had to go, and it wasn't going to be my relationship with God. I love you guys.


Many regrets and fond memories,


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Nessie this is a gateway to fun and writing and being creative and having fun with other people! Don't leave! You have to break the curse!

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Tequila, I don't see why you have to ask me that. You can go check for yourself. Sess has been the only one who made a post, and it shouldn't hurt your eyes too much, despite its length.


Nessie, I doubt you'll be back on here, but I've chucked an email at you already. :\


Dash, I'm sorry. I should have replied to you sooner, before something happened to get me down, but life, like always, has to be demanding. I'll try to reply tonight, or latest, tomorrow...Maybe not tomorrow, as I have lessons.

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Sorry manga, I was checking many other RPs so I hadn't gone to look at the actual RP yet. I should have some time today, so I'll go read it.


Aw, I'm sorry you have to leave Nessie. :( We'll miss you here.

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Tis all right Manga~ *hugs* Only reply when you feel like it. Any sooner then that and I'll not be a happy camper. You aren't obligated or anything *huggles*


As I say to everyone that leaves DC Elsendor, I won't try to stop you or interfere. It is your choice.

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Aw Elsie. ): We'll miss you~


I tell you, that winter faerie hybrid spot is cursed, CUUURRRSEDDD. ><

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Well good luck in what you choose Elsendor and for the rest of your life while I"m at it xd.png. Sad you have to go though.


Ok. HOpe I haven't missed much I had a bit of disconnection with RP since every single one I was in was too slow... guess I should find a more regular one to keep the connection open. xd.png


I'll post later today, if I need to finally.

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It's okay, Kira. Sorry if I sounded snappish. I was just a bit...shocked. But yeah, there's only one post, and I haven't posted yet, so no...Danni can't attack Ree just yet. But soon. I'm working on the post right now. Just ask Lily ;]


Aye, I think that the Winter spot really is cursed. T-T Okay, from here on forth, I decree that no one can take the Winter spot. Then we'll stop the curse! *is obviously superstitious*


Skarx, you can catch up on reading, but as far as plot goes, we haven't moved along at all. But like I said above, I'm working on the post right now. It should come by...Sunday, hopefully?


Also, Nessie asked if Concord could just have never existed, since he hasn't been seen too much in the RP. Can you cope with that, Odio?


*scuttles off* Piano lessons, and I haven't practiced at all! D:

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Oiii, just a heads up here.


I will be gone the week from June 6th - 13th.

Going to Texas on a group-organized trip, and probably won't have access to internet. :3

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