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On These Wings: The Remake

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((Wait, I'm sorry, but now I'm really confused. So they're not kept in cells, but in nice rooms. The captors are allowed to talk to each other? Are they separated from their dragons? How are their dragons treated? ...I wish you had told us this stuff sooner so we could play along properly. I had 3/4 of a post written, and now I have to start all over.


Also, I think Tokino was actually talking about the explosion Drac caused when she said "One of us has already escaped."))

Edited by Sky-Lark

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((I was referencing DS' post, where at the start she mentions that one of the NDK has already escaped.


And Hyro is trying to turn the sense of dictatorship into more of a friendly monarchy: it's easier to rule without expecting a rebellion every six weeks. So he's creating his own Royal Dragon Airforce and making sure that if they ever complain he can condescendingly reply and any claims from that day forth by them will be discredited and Hyro will look like a good guy. Plus, if they were kept in locked cells, how could an organised rebellion of the NDK be organised?


Wow, I can make stuff up fast.))

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((I may have confused people, I said city. I imagined they wouldn't all be in one close area because then they have more of a chance of interacting and plotting))


((Edit: Quick bit of info you may all find useful:


Hyro lives in a tower that shouldn't technically be possible it's so high. Think skyscraper type thing made of stone. Because of this, it's held up by magical supports.))

Edited by Dragon Song

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((And it twists like ****ing CRAZY at several points.


Because I was the architect. ^^))

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((I was referencing DS' post, where at the start she mentions that one of the NDK has already escaped.


...Plus, if they were kept in locked cells, how could an organised rebellion of the NDK be organised?))

((I was assuming the four people who were locked up could be across from each other and able to use sign language or some other sort of communication, or in cells next to each other with a chink in the wall, or even all in the same cell (there are only four of them, after all). And word just has a way of spreading in any sort of close-quarters situation where there's nothing else to do but gossip.


And ah, I must have misread. I'll be DS's escaped person then--I really don't feel like re-writing up a long post. Madeira mysteriously escaped somehow, but if you want me to actually go through it all, I suppose I could whip up something.


Still throwing out my new&improved&updated character database for people to use: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dc8hbgbv_1862jj9nh))

- - - - - - - - - -


Madeira still couldn't believe that he had escaped.


He'd heard the other captives talking about the plan to break free, but he didn't know how much he believed it. It wasn't that he liked where he was, or didn't understand what was really going on; he just thought that the plan was impossible. Break out? Break out of here?


But one explosion and one hair-raising escape later, he found himself on horseback, urging his horse to gallop pell-mell through the rain-soaked forest as thunder roared overhead, and he thought it must have been a better plan than he had first given it credit for. Rosalia clung to him as everything flashed by, staring at the sky in awe.


He heard shouts in the forest around him, and urged his horse faster, but then—


::!!:: Rosalia sent excitedly, and for a minute Madeira was overwhelmed by images of dragons, dragons, dragons. He pulled on the reins as he scanned the forest and the sky. Nothing, but—wait—what was that flash of white?


Rosalia flopped to the ground in an awkward pile of limbs, but quickly regained her composure and trotted over to the tiny white dragonet and the young woman that accompanied her. With a happy trill, she nudged Kei with her snout, trying to wake her up. Madeira had in the meantime dismounted and walked over to Aduare, shaking her shoulder gently. He was surprised to find her here; the others must have already escaped, and faster than he had expected. He must have gotten lost in the castle for longer than he remembered. “Miss Shiruin, do you remember me? I'm sorry to wake you, but we aren't safe here.”

Edited by Sky-Lark

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((Wait, this is a literate RP?! I thought it was semi-lit. If it really is literate, then tell me, so that I can quit this RP for now until my skills improve.))

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((I prefer to think of it as a teaching lit. You can stay and we won't expect much more than semi-lit but expect eventual improvement over time.))

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(Yeesh, this has started... and everyone's making long posts... I dunno where to start o.o)

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((Well, I would start by taking stock of the setting, your supplies, and your options.

Setting: You know that your characters are kept in opulent rooms, and your rooms are probably guarded. All of our characters talk and know each other already.

Supplies: *Probably* your Dragon is with you, which means you have a smart Guardian winged dragonet. You also have a knife. You would know if your character is good at fighting, and good with particular weapons. Also, your nicely furnished room might have a lot of things to play with.

Options: How would you get out of your room? From there, what would you do? Would you try to arm yourself? Would you climb out the window? Would you try to get a horse? Would you just go on foot? Would you try to sneak out in a shipment of apples? Would you bribe/threaten one of the guards into help you slip out? Would you run out in a blaze of glory, using your dragon's Guardian abilities to protect you? Maybe you run into another character along your way. You have lots of options! You've just got to pick the one that you'll have the most fun writing, as well what best suits your character.


Does that help? O_o))

Edited by Sky-Lark

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((I'll edit my post to coincide more closely with yours then, Tokino. An OOC thread doesn't sound like a bad idea. Can I assume my character knows your character's last name? If that doesn't sit well with you, just tell me.))

Edited by Sky-Lark

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((Hey guys, sorry for not RPing here. I'm just waiting for the right time for my character to get into action.))

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(That very helps. Can't start now, 'cuz I don't have lots of time, but I think I know what to do.)

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((deap breath deap breath...reading...reading...composing....composing...and post!!!))


Gelltor was no fool and had himself been on his way to the armoury. He had heard talk among the servants that an escape plan was in motion, but because everthing always got hushed whenever the servants where around the prisoners it was only fleeting bits. This of course tallied up to 'there was an escape plan' and nothing more. Gelltor unfortunately had been slow to act and knew Hyro would be enraged with this. So he made his way out to the forest instead of investigating the scene at the armoury, figuring that the forest was likely the place to go since the city was for all intesive purposes, one giant all seeing eye for the servants of Hyro.

Malice on the other hand went striaght to the scene of the Armory to figure out exactly what had happened and pass the news on to Gelltor. It seemed that action was already being taken to fix the issue. The Grey dragon landed near the sight and observed and relayed this information to Gelltor as well as anything he overheard.

Gelltor found footprints in the mud but they were fast dissapearing he decided to follow them.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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(( EDIT: Thanks...sorry for the trouble. ))


Adua opened her eyes with a start. Almost reflexively, she reached for the knife hidden in her boot, but stopped with her fingers on the hilt. She sighed in relief. "Madeira. Thank the heavens, I thought..." The girl trailed off. Meanwhile, Kei had woken up in response to Rosalia's nudging. She squealed in delight at seeing the magi and pounced on her. Briefly forgetting the situation they were in, Kei assumed a playful pose with her rear end in the air and tail waving enthusiastically. Adua had to laugh. The hatchlings were such children. Shaking the thought from her head, she stood up and brushed herself off. "Thank you, Madeira, but how on earth did you know where I was?" She was in the middle of stretching the stiffness from her muscles when she was abruptly aware of a sound.


Adua froze for an instant and listened as the shouts of men, muffled before by the crash of thunder, became more and more audible. "They found us already," she exclaimed. Before she could do anything further, however, a shadow detached itself from a tree. It took on the form of a soldier. It stood for a minute, and emitted a yell. "They're over here!"


(( I kinda have no idea where I'm going with this... Well, Sky-Lark, take it away. ))

Edited by TokinoMukou

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Mordred Rubyflame, a member of Hyro, was soaring through the skies on his mean two-headed dragon, Ghidorah. He heard that there was an escape going on and he had planned to capture the prisoners and bring them back to jail to have them tortured for fun later or kill them on sight if they resisted. Ghidorah sniffed the scents on the ground below the forest for any signs of the prisoners. "Find anything yet, Ghidorah?" Mordred asked. The two heads growled to say 'no' and the rider said, "Well I guess we'll have to keep on looking then. Let's get closer to the woods." The split dragon flew down closer to the tree tops and continued to search the forest. Now that he was slightly above the forest, scents became more vivid to Ghidorah's nose. As they flew over the woods, Ghidorah smelled one of the prisoners, a magi hatchling, a white hatchling, & the familiar scents of the Hyro soldier and the two heads started snarling excitedly. "Good boys, now let's go get that rat," Mordred said as he made the split dragon go to where the scents' direction was coming from. As they got closer, they could see a tall black-haired girl with a white and a magi hatchling. "Enjoying some fresh air in the woods, are we?" Mordred said as Ghidorah landed behind them. The two heads growled savagely at the girl and the hatchlings, eager to go and take a bite out of them. "Well kids, playtime is over. I suggest you come quietly back with me or you'll be having your head cut off and my dragon eating you. And as for the little hatchlings, I'll be skinning them alive, turning their pelts into wallets & shoes, and then torture them if you make any further resistance," Mordred threatened them.


((Tokino, your charries are in the woods, right? If not, I'll edit this post.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((En'k, do you have microsoft office? If so you should get into the habit of typing your posts in Microsoft Word and checking the spelling mistakes.))

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Luci, meanwhile, hadn't gotten far.


The blond half-elf had slipped out into the halls with Angela following her with near-silent pawsteps. She knew a good deal about picking locks, and her timing was carefully calculated with logical precision. As a result, she was alone but for her dragon as she crept out. Most everyone else had already figured a way out... she didn't want to run into any conflicts on her way, and had waited for her time. She had agreed to some sort of alliance thing... pff, they'd probably ditch her when she didn't show up early enough, and she'd be alone. She didn't trust them, and if she was right, wouldn't get the chance. She would give it a try, though... on the off-chance they did take her in, she'd have allies. If she didn't, well, she was free with a dragon. As she navigated the hallways, knowing exactly where the guards were and what they were likely doing and using this to her advantage to avoid them, she considered stealing a horse. But no... even if it was slower, she was less of a target. It would be easier to hide from those who would inevitably chase her. That was how Luci found herself stealing away on foot, her small winged Guardian dragon beside her. The pair didn't need long to get to the trees... Luci's natural environment. Once in the forest, she seemed to melt away, moving with a definite quickness to her that was entirely natural, and she and the dragon were clearly alert for any danger, anything out of place.


(Yeah... Luci's the type that would wait for others to escape first, and not expect them to wait for her. That way, if there's danger, she can see it ahead while they fight and get away unharmed.)

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(( Yes, Dragonette, they're in the woods. I think I should wait a bit for Sky-Lark after this post... ))


Adua remained calm as more soldiers appeared from the surrounding trees. She reached for Kei and tucked the hatchling under one arm. Kei's mind broadcasted concern for their situation, but no fear. The hatchling's bravery-or perhaps ignorance-gave Adua hope. You've gotten over your fear of thunder? Good girl. Well, I do have my knife. Madeira is here too. Though I wonder how many more soldiers will come... Suddenly, there was a leathery flapping sound from above. Adua whirled around and looked up, shielding her eyes from the pelting rain. A flash of lightning was blocked out by a massive form. The form dropped out of the sky, somehow managing to land in the dense forest where they were. Adua could now make out two snarling heads. Kei became genuinely afraid. A man clad in smoky gray armor spoke from his mount. "Well kids, playtime is over. I suggest you come quietly back with me or you'll be having your head cut off and my dragon eating you. And as for the little hatchlings, I'll be skinning them alive, turning their pelts into wallets & shoes, and then torture them if you make any further resistance," he said. Adua recieved a mental image from Kei. The other soldiers seemed to have run away in fear, some even dropping their weapons. To be honest, Adua herself felt uneasy. The large dragon would have no trouble devouring the four of them where they stood, not to mention the armored man with yet unknown abilities.


...where they stood...!


But the dense forest was to their advantage! The large dragon would not be able to move easily in the thick foliage. He would have to take off-vertically, at that-to have any advantage, and even that would be difficult. The trees around him acted as a sort of cage; spreading his wings enough to take flight would require breaking the boughs off of the trees first. Adua wasn't sure how fast the man could run if he chose to dismount his dragon to pursue them, but the ornate armor was sure to be heavy. Not that smart is he, Kei asked innocently. Adua smirked. That's not a very nice thing to say. She decided to take a chance. In one swift move, the girl rushed forward, grabbed Rosalia under the arm that wasn't occupied with her book and hatchling, and ran deeper into the forest. "Madeira! Come on!"

Edited by TokinoMukou

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((Okay sure, I'll wait for Sky-Lark, too.))


The girl had chosen to defy Mordred's demands and she and the hatchlings had started to flee away from them. The long black-haired man smirked and said to himself, "Big mistake, little girl. You'll soon see why nobody resists me!" Then he said to the armoured dark blue split dragon, "Come on, Ghidorah! We're going after them to shred them to tiny little pieces." As the split dragon flapped his wings into the air, Mordred glared down at the soldiers and yelled, "And as for the rest of you, you're going to be in some serious trouble for letting these brats escape! Now after them, before I make your torture a lot worse!" Then Ghidorah flew above the trees and followed the scents of the run-away prisoners. The two heads each licked their tongues ravenously at the thought of eating their flesh and tasting their blood.

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((My posts are that bad??

Well this one should be better.))


Gelltor had been closing the distance between him and the voices one of which clearly belonged to Modred. He had passed a few soldiers on the way but by the time he arrived everyone had left.


He mentally cursed and then searched for a new trail.

Fortunately the trail had not yet been completely dissipated by rain but he was well behind since he had to determine which of the tracks belonged to the escaped prisoners.

He needed to find them before Mordred got his hands on them. As he understood it Hyro wanted the prisoners alive along with their dragons. He set out again but this time he mentally called for Malice to catch up with him.

Malice was still observing the scene of the armory when he received Gelltor’s mental call. He took to the skies and soared off towards his rider.

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((So sorry! I completely forgot about this! There were midterms and then spring break and I ran off to see the boyfriend, whom I haven't seen in three months. I'm still at his house, actually...but hooray for catch-up time!


Yell at me if I do anything in this post that people don't like. IMO, Mordred landing in the middle of a thick forest without a clearing is some pretty incredible flying, and there would probably be some destruction involved. (Which seems to suit his character just fine!) But if you don't like it, I'll take it out.


You can just call me Sky, by the way. Does anybody want to chat about what to do next on IM? This seems like it would be a lot easier if we planned a little first. AIM: ribbonfree; MSN: wildcygnet@gmail.com; YIM: skai_resdrian@yahoo.com. Add me!))



Madeira nodded with a little smile as the young woman recognized him, offering a hand to help her stand up. Rosalia's blue eyes flashed with delight as Kei wanted to play, and she hopped eagerly from side to side. The healer's smile widened slightly as Aduare laughed at the dragonets.


"Pure accident," he replied as she stretched. "Rosalia sensed your Kei." Rosalia tried to pounce on Kei with a little "squee!", but everyone momentarily froze when the solder shouted out. Then there was a muffled roar of wings, and a two-headed dragon made a landing that Madeira would have sworn was impossible; snapping branches and crushing saplings in its wake, the sound was tremendous, and he ducked down as twigs and leaves were thrown everywhere. The horse he had stolen reared and screamed, but the healer's low center of balance combined with his two-handed grip on the reins allowed him to keep it from running away. He didn't hear Mordred's threats at first, but he didn't need to; he knew what was going on. Only Hyro's Forces had dragons--dragons--::Rosalia!::


::!!!!:: Rosalia sent back; she'd ducked behind him when the other dragon appeared, and now that the landing was over, she was nearly beside herself with excitement; this was the second time in her short life that she'd ever seen a full-grown dragon. She sent Madeira an imperious demand for higher place! and her human gladly picked her up. She extended her neck as long as she could, sniffing at the ferocious dragon, and her excitement was quickly overwhelmed by wariness and anger. A sense of wrongness washed over the link he shared with her, and he agreed.


Madeira looked around for the soldier that they had first seen, and found him crushed underneath a small tree and one of Ghidorah's clawed feet. He swallowed, but kept scanning the area, seeing what their options were. The other soldiers appeared to have (wisely) run away, but he knew it wasn't long until other dragonriders showed up, and more armed men. But for now, there was one caged-in dragon and rider, a thick forest, and dark skies heavy with rain--


He seemed to come to the same conclusion that Adua did, and as she snatched Rosalia from him and tore out of there, he threw himself on his horse, whose eyes were rolling with fear. The horse was only too happy to flee. He bore down on Adua, yelling, "Get on!"


Rosalia's sense of excitement, excitement//wrong, bad, wrong pounded inside his head. ::Run! Run fast! Help?:: he cried, and the little dragonet racked her brain as Madeira reached a hand down to Adua. He had no idea if they would be pull this off, but they only had one shot to get it right.


::!:: Rosalia's eyes flashed light blue for a moment, and she let out a little trill, casting a weight-reducing charm on Adua and the two dragonets. Hopefully, it would make it easier for her to swing onto the racing horse, and easier for the horse to run with a lighter load.



((Those last two paragraphs are happening extremely fast, like ~thirty seconds.))

Edited by Sky-Lark

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Malice was soaring overhead of the forest and saw the familiar Ghidorah, he sent a mental picture to Gelltor. Malice then saw a glimpse of a horse bolting through the forest and decided to play a little 'cat and mouse' game with them. Concentrating the grey dragon intensified the storm around the horse and rider. Rain turned into golf ball sized hail and lightening began to strike the trees around them occasionally Malice was able to guide the lightening making it strike the ground in front of them in an attempt to slow or stop them from escaping.


Gelltor was still following the footprints when he got an image of Ghidorah from Malice later followed by the feeling of playful torment. Looking to the sky he saw what Malice was up to. Such a high concentration of lightning bolts in one area was hard to miss even in this weather. He changed his course leaving the unfortunates to Ghidorah and Mordred and ran off towards Malice's location.


((Is somewhat unsure of grammer regarding the word horse If its wrong please let me know))

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Mordred and Ghidorah followed the escapees who were riding on the horse through the woods. The two-headed dragon used their noses to follow the scent so that they don't lose track of the runaway prisoners. Mordred chuckled evilly and said to them, "You can run, but you can't hide! Because nothing escapes my dragon's nose." As they chased them, they saw a storm cloud appearing around the prisoners. Mordred knew who could do such as thing and said, "Looks like Malice has caught up to us." The gray storm dragon struck down trees with his lightning and then tried to strike the ground in front of the prisoners. With the trees down, Mordred and Ghidorah could see the escapees a lot more clearly than before now that they were out in the open. "Heh, told them they couldn't hide," Mordred said to himself.

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