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Eggy Give Away! ~Game~

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Hurray! Hurray!! It's finally another Eggy Give Away day! biggrin.gif

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I still have to figure out if I can fit a Eggy Give Away banner in my signature...anyways, I can't wait for the drawing!

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TEXT I reallllly hope I am doing this right otherwise I am going to look really silly. Ok my name is NorthernWing and I would like to enter into your drawing. I think I might be able to donate an egg or two as well but I am not sure how. If someone could please help me understand this a little more I might be able to particapate more. If you are busy I understand and if you can't enter me that's allright but I would like to enter if possible. Hope I can enter and help!




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..I almost fell off my chair getting here. And NorthernWing, I believe you can enter until an hour before the drawing. Anyways, I still can't wait until the drawing!

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Congratulations, donators, you have managed to fill my "EGA Donations" folder to the point where there are more messages there than in my regular "Inbox" folder. You know what that means? That means there are a LOT of donations!


So, assuming I can write a paragraph of story every five minutes, the giveaway will be up on time. smile.gif

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could I be Re-added to the list, its been a while??? Edited by amberheun

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Yeah! We(the donators) have filled the 'EGA Donations' folder! Now, I've got to stop falling off my chair...each time I get here, I fall off my chair so far today. And I managed to fit the banner in my signature.

Edited by seacatsmew

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..The line of people waiting grows as the drawing grows closer..

And good luck everyone!

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Welcome one, welcome all, and welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day, and that your dragons aren’t still sick off the chocolate treats they received or stole during the holiday season.


Here is the story of a little camping trip recently organized among some of our beloved eggies. The jury is still deliberating on whether or not it was a disaster, so we encourage you to poke them in whichever direction you think is the right one.


A few days ago, a brilliant idea came into the mind of A GOLDEN WYVERN EGGY FROM THE CAVERNS OF LADYLUCK777! Why not grab a few tents, sleeping bags, blankets, and friends and head out to the nearest wilderness for a night? It seemed reasonable enough, so the eggy sat itself down and began to scribble out a list of needed equipment and possible attendees. The list sounded perfectly normal until about half way through, when it started to include things such as stolen alcohol, fireworks purchased from the black market, “scrumptious” dinos, and something about an egg that lays golden geese. None of the invited eggies found this odd, though, and soon they were all packed up and headed for a secluded hill in a dark, creepy forest, on land owned by number 38, AnnieLyla!!!


Every trip needs a few loyal pack mules to haul the stuff along, and this time they were A ROYAL BLUE, A SPLIT, A BLUNA, AND A BLACK EGGY FROM THE CAVERNS OF ANGYAL! Tangled up in an elaborate system of straps and buckles and hooked to a series of bright red wagons, these four eggies hauled all the supplied out to the camp site. At first the group had been less than enthusiastic to be the muscles of the operation, they reluctantly took the job upon being offered all the cake they could eat. It turns out that the cake was a lie, though, so three tired, grumpy, and rather enraged eggies stormed off into the woods, only to reappear later almost on the other side of DC. The royal blue is now with number 101, xxForGoodxx, the split with number 119, Cthylla, the bluna with number 112, Big Stuff, and the black with number 84, happyseagull!!!


Tents are sort of important, and for this trip, they were provided by TWO ROYAL BLUE EGGIES AND A SPLIT FROM THE CAVES OF DRAGONGRRL! The various tents and tent-like contraptions that this trio brought along were all highly elaborate and amazingly simple to erect. At the simple push of a button, the poles and canvas would roll themselves out and set themselves up. The tents were all set up quickly, so no one suspected anything when the eggies asked for volunteers to take the tents down the next day. Little do they know that the fine print clearly states that taking a single tent down will take three hours longer than putting it up did. So much for simplicity. These eggies will find themselves running away from an angry mob tomorrow, and we have predicted that their erratic courses will lead them to new caves. The royal blues will end up with numbers 41 and 23, razidragon and Erob13, and the split will find itself with number 81, Poison2007!!!


Every operation needs a good chief, and this time the trip was taken over by an overly confident GUARDIAN EGGY FROM THE CAVERNS OF CHEMIST98! Sitting atop a large rock and wielding a long stick, the eggy barked out orders and did its best to keep everything moving and on schedule. No one was particularly happy with its behavior, but if they got too close they would be met with a solid whack from the stick. Of course, when the day began to melt away into night, some of the other eggies staged a mutiny. They came at the guardian from all sides, and managed to grab it and throw it into a nearby stream. The current swiftly swept it away, and now it’s bobbing along near the home of number 45, NazDrag!!!


Light is another important thing, provided by a RED, A MAGI, AND A WHITE STRIPE FROM THE CAVES OF AUTANA! As soon as the sun disappeared bellow the horizon, these eggies started to pull out flashlight after flashlight from their bags and, strangely, pockets. Soon, there were enough lights to make the campsite as bright as day, though most were kept off until some eggy had to stumble to the bathroom in the middle of the night. More impressive was the supply of glow sticks that the trio produced, each a different color and with a nice long string to send it flying through the air. As the night wore on and the eggies became more frisky and daring, some of the glow sticks were cut open so that the luminous contents could be smeared directly onto their shells. We’re not completely sure if the stuff will wear off, but at least it’ll be hard to lose the eggies now. There are a few bath houses nearby where they might be able to scrub the glow off, and the three eggies have already made appointments: the red will be at the baths of number 121, kiyye, the magi at number 43, D Pixie, and the stripe at number 120, silverrose1290!!!


Comfort and warmth are absolute necessities if camping is to be a fun experience, and this was a fact not forgotten by a certain ROYAL BLUE EGGY FROM THE CAVERNS OF SEACATSMEW! Having missed the pack mule train of red wagons earlier, the royal was forced to carry all the blankets it owned to the campsite on its own. This made for an interesting first impression, because the first thing that could be seen coming through the trees was an impressive pile of colorful fabric. The pile advanced towards the nearest eggy, murmured something about tents, stumbled towards the little village of canvas houses, and collapsed into one. From the discarded burden emerged the sweating royal blue, suffering from a type of heat stroke. It was so exhausted that it only managed a few more steps before it fainted, so some of the other campers rolled it into a secluded shady spot and gave it a teddy bear to keep it company. When it awoke a day or so later, delusional and afflicted by amnesia, it waddled off in a random direction, clutching the teddy bear, and the last time it was seen was near the caves of number 26, ChicknThief!!!


Food is the one thing that must be remembered above all else. Dinner was prepared by a MAGMA, AND TWO UNWILLING CHEESES, FROM THE CAVES OF CATLOVER3288! It was a messy business filled with squeals of fear and shrieks of pain, but eventually the campers all got to sit down and enjoy a bubbling pot of fondue. The magma sat a little ways away from the fire, watching everyone indulge in the pleasures of eating, glowing with pride. Its extensive knowledge of fire, and disturbing set of skills picked up from a band of robbers, had finally paid off, and it wasn’t even showing signs of hypothermia or experiencing guilt over the two cheese eggies that had mysteriously disappeared. We have our top operatives out looking for the magma now, for it has vanished since that camping trip, though we don’t expect to find much. Number 56, Wolfu-san, is in charge of the magma itself, while numbers 5 and 97, Nyda and RAWRRRR!!!!!, are in charge of picking through the leftovers of the cheesy fondue!!!


That took care of dinner, but one question was burning in everyone’s minds: What about dessert? Thankfully for them, that was all taken care of by A MAGI, A WHITE, AND A GOLDEN WYVERN FROM THE CAVERNS OF LAGIE! Each brought along one of the key ingredients in that most traditional of campfire desserts, s’mores. Of course, the graham crackers that the magi has smell a bit fishy, literally, and those marshmallows may or may not be twitching, not to mention that the chocolate which the wyvern is passing out looks suspiciously like a bunch of frogs. On the bright side, I’m sure it’ll all taste fine once roasted over an open fire, so there’s nothing to worry about! Just to be safe, though, we’re assigning surveillance teams to keep an eye on the eggies, just in case they’re either insane or brewing evil plans. The magi is being watched by number 107, Anna Selka, the white by number 82, Moonbeam22, and the wyvern by number 66, Ice_SW!!!


Finally, the necessities are taken care of! We can move on to music and dancing and ghost stories and games! Speaking of music, it looks like some instruments are being brought out by A SILVER TINSEL AND A MAGMA FROM THE CAVES OF MYLORITE! The tinsel’s instrument looks like the demon child of a guitar and a flute, played like a wind instrument yet producing sound by the vibrating of strings. Despite its odd appearance, it makes a melody rivaled only by professional symphonies, especially when accompanied by the magma’s portable church organ-pan pipe mix that changes colors depending on the note that’s being played. As the two eggies play traditional campfire songs, as well as some of their own invention, others join in with singing and dancing. The party went on for hours, until the two musicians got up and led a few of the drunker eggies away like the pied piper did not so long ago. We’re not sure what happened to the followers, but the tinsel is predicted to end up with number 47, thundersky86, and the magma with number 85, RainbowChris!!!


As the music faded into the distance, the remaining eggies were left staring thoughtfully into the dying embers of their campfire. Suddenly, two of the eggies came forward with a ghost story: A NEBULA AND A VAMPIRE FROM THE CAVERNS OF PINCH OF STARDUST! For a good hour, they entertained and spooked their audience with a tale of lost romance, demons that live at the ends of tunnels, and explanations for the scary sounds of the forest at night that made some eggies hide under their blankets and others cling to their neighbors. They finished with smug expressions, leaving the audience silent. Just as conversation was starting up again, the two storytellers vanished unexpectedly, instilling fear in everyone and making them retreat towards the tents. No one is sure yet what caused the disappearance, but it is known that the eggies are alive and well. The nebula was found with number 50, Horse2000, and the vampire showed up with number 48, DragonCryings!!!


As true as ghost stories may sound, there are always the non believers and those who wise up during the daylight hours. However, it’s hard to avoid the truth when it stares you directly in the eye, and that’s exactly what happened when FOUR SILVERS APPEARED FROM THE CAVES OF NYDA! Sure, there’s always the chance that it was all a trick, but there are a number of problems with that theory. First, how likely is it that you’ll see four metallic silvers all in one place at the same time? Second, these silvers didn’t just creepily emerge from the forest, but they were floating a few inches off the ground and one or two of them walked through trees. Third, when some of the more skeptical campers marched up to the silvers and poked them with sticks, the sticks went straight through them and disintegrated shortly thereafter. Even more disturbingly, the skeptics themselves turned to stone and withered away into dust as the silvers ghosted over them. With a shrill scream from the crowd, all hell broke out, a hell which didn’t end until everyone was cowering in their tents, refusing to even poke their heads outside until morning had come. Our ectoplasm tracking devices lead us to believe that the spirits moved on to haunt the homes of numbers 4, xeyla, 40, asuna123, 69, knitbunny, and 93, ~Dragonbreeze~!!!


The rest of the night was largely uneventful, except for the incident with the GOLDEN WYVERN FROM THE CAVERNS OF ALABASTER_DEMON! At one point, a few hours before dawn, this eggy was hit with an intense need to use the bathroom. Unsurprisingly, though, everyone was still hiding from the aforementioned silver ghosts, and the wyvern was as deathly afraid as its colleagues. It wasn’t long before it simply couldn’t hold its bladder any longer, though, so it burst from the tent and made for the nearest tree, deciding nothing bad would happen if it just hurried. The silvers were long gone, of course, but one other terror was lying in wait: an enormous hound that was underfed and willing to do anything for a bite to eat. The noise it caused while charging towards its target alerted the wyvern of the danger just in time for it to squeal loudly before tottering off in the opposite direction. We watched the chase with some amusement, at times even rooting for the canine instead of the silly young eggy, but the wyvern managed to escape into the cave of number 67, Remy400!!!


The sun rose bright in the Northern sky (because DC is just too awesome to have its sun move East to West), and some of the braver eggies soon began to emerge from their safe havens. Among these early risers was A SPLIT EGGY FROM THE CAVES OF RESHIRAMPHYRE! Realizing that the danger was past and that it was time to start cleaning and packing, the eggy grabbed a pair of pans and banged them together while marching through the maze of tents. No one needed waking up, of course, but the racket was annoying enough that most eggies came out of their tents just to try and make it stop. Once everyone was out and about, the split picked up a stick and positioned itself atop a rock to start issuing orders. This, of course, led to another mutiny before any clean up whatsoever happened, though this time the dictator was catapulted away instead of gently floated downstream. After a terrifying flight through the air, the split landed in the gardens of number 127, Wounded!!!


A few hours after this most recent mutiny, the campsite was as barren as it had been when the eggies arrived, with the exception of a few tents which were still being wrestled into their bags and boxes. Helping out with the last tent was a PILLOW EGGY FROM THE CAVERNS OF GISTOFEVERYTHING! After a fair amount of grunt work and far more coordination than one would ever want to use, the tent was finally rolled up and put away. During its collapse, however, the pillow had gotten trapped inside, and no one had noticed its disappearance. Being a shy little eggy, it failed to call out loud enough to be heard, so it was wrapped up and put away along with the tent. The campers moved out, dragging all the stuff with them, and the pillow eventually ended up in the attic of number 74, QAndais!!!


Now, though, the grand days of partying have come to an end. Please give a round of applause to the donators, who have made this giveaway take an impressive amount of time to read and write.



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I can't find my winner on the Member List...which means I need to wait for her/him to come on here.

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Congratulations to ALL of tonight's winners!!


WOW! Epic donations and EPIC STORY STEALTHY!! biggrin.gif



PM's sent

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Ooooh, we had a lot of lovely donations today! Nice stories! ^^ Messaged my winners.

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PM'd my winner, great story.

*applauds self*

I assume the 3-day cycle continues today and the next giveaway is on Saturday.

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PMed my winner.

My poor Royal Blue egg...anyways, she/he has a teddy bear! That's just amazing.

I won't be donating on Sunday unless I can get on that night. So its a maybe.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Well done, Stealthy! I've PM'ed my winners, and razidragon has already picked up one little eggy! Thank you! biggrin.gif

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I can't find my winner on the Member List...which means I need to wait for her/him to come on here.

I found it.

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Erob13 has picked up the other Royal Blue egg! They may be set for a long voyage! biggrin.gif


You guys are fast! xd.png

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Nebula is on scroll of Horse2000. That was quick! biggrin.gif



Waiting on 2nd winner.

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