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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Ash nodded at what he said about just learning how to talk that way and about his liking the name she had given him. She giggled a little at that image and replied, Yes I know and it's a shame. Oh well. They continued to ride through Gil'ead and when they got to the end of it, rode along the Ninor River. Ash really wasn't sure where she was going but didn't mind, just as long as she got out and saw new places and people. She decided to stop Nimbus somewhere off the road but still in sight of the river to rest for the night. It was starting to get dark and she didn't want to overexcert Nimbus. She dismounted from Nimbus, put down Korana, and let her wander off to graze and then found a spot where she could rest. She got out a blanket from her pack, laid down on it, and pulled the other half over her for covers. She said in Korana's mind, Good night, Korana.


She continued to sleep and heard all the night-time creatures make their calls. She slept peacefully and was glad for the rest. Nimbus came back and kept watch on her mistress and Korana by looking for suspicious-looking people or predators. She also knew that Nimbus was keeping watch on them and smiled a little in her sleep.

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((holly leaf: what ever you want. I'm back for good tonight, the kayaking was fun.))


Draith heard what Wyrda had said and it seemed like a good idea. We could look around a bit but I might cause a little more trouble than need be. She said lost thinking about something else. Whoever this Eragon is, if he's as good as he sound Galbatorix will have a great problem on his hand. She smiled with an image of Galbatorix surrendering himself going through her head. Think we should go look for this Eragon kid? She said to Wyrda looking around for Roran.


She reached out to Wyrda with her mind. Do you by any chance know what Roran would be doing? I saw him walking around, he seemed to be looking for someone. Draith looked up at the dragon again. I think I forgot to mention this, your scales are a nice color of purple. They look good on you. She smiled before turning around again.

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(OOC: Hey guys? Where exactly is the Varden? Cuz I have no idea where I'm supposed to be headed. Were they in Surda? Or not? =/ )

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((not completely in Surda but close by, close enough ti have their protection.))

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(OOC: So I guess I go... Southeast? =/ )


Avenfiel had to smile at Sior, who was trying out her wings for the first time. She wasn't looking where she was going and suddenly stepped into the bright sunlight. After a few blinks, she realized that she had just left the forest. The Varden should be close by to the south-east. In the meantime...


She said to Sior, I'm not quite sure how to fly, since I haven't done it before. But I think you flap your wing as hard as you can. It's ok of you can't at first. You will learn eventually. Or Rein can teach you. She added an afterthought. Rein is one of my friends. She's a dragon too.

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((yeah that seams about right, someone should mark that- or I could look it up in the books. I'll do that. See if I get a specific answer, memories here I come!))


((correction the varden is in surda. warning random to come: me and my skimming, I wish the forth book was out, I want to read galbatoix's death over and over, I'll be laughing the whole time./random))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Soon when I grew bigger I will be able to carry you around on my back. After Ash put him down and went to find a spot to sleep for the night he went to the river and drank as much as he can before sitting down be the river and and thinking about to do after Aisling and himself leave this spot. Where should they go but he had no idea where to go since he was just a few days old himself, he started off into space and wondered when he would be able to fly so that he could look down at the world and see what the world looked like. He heard Ash say good night to him and returned it. Good night Aisling. He then spread his wings and got a slight running start before flapping his wings and trying to lift of the ground, after some time and no advances in flight he returned to Aisling and laid down by her side as to share his heat with her to keep her warm in the night and drifted off into sleep.

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((Actually the Varden is north of Feinster and south of Belatona. The varden is laying seige to cities on a path to Urubaen.))

Roran gave up and went back to Wyrda and Draith were. He opened his mind to them and said "I can't find any Eragon or Saphira. I think they are on an assignment." He looked up at them and said out loud "Do you two want me to show you were you will be staying?" He stood up and turned to look them in the eyes. "I can get you a tent Draith and show you the field were Saphira lives. I would have to take Rein with us to the field." He said.

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((where's roran and the others? I'm going to try to have aisling catch up with you guys))


Ash smiled a little more when she felt Korana's heat. It would be so much fun to ride on his back when he grows bigger. She had heard him try to fly earlier and she wondered if he would start getting better with it once his wings grew in more. I wonder if his wings would grow in more after he eats on his own a couple more times. She mentally shrugged at that and continued to sleep, not letting her thoughts disturb her. She woke when she could see the sun's light on her eyelids. She sat up and stretched, looking around the clearing. She saw that Nimbus was still beside them keeping watch and that Korana was still sleeping. Not feeling like getting up just yet, she fixed the blanket so that it wasn't messed up and laid back down, looking up at the sky.


Nimbus saw that her mistress was up and went to graze before they left elsewhere. Ash watched Nimbus go off to graze and smiled. She turned toward Korana and stroked him gently on the head and then looked back up at the sky. It was getting brighter with the rising sun and she was fascinated watching it.

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((i think they're all in the Varden now :/ its rather confusing having the plot progress so fast and i have to catch up by reading the past few pages ==wink.gif)


Arya hastily greeted Lady Nasuada, Roran and Tensi, before proceeding to see this new shade that Roran had brought into the Varden. "This must be the new shade Queen Islanzadí was talking about," she thought to herself," I must ask Roran about this." Arya made haste, knowing that a new shade brings about a new adversary. She approached Roran and asked,"Roran, care to tell me more about this shade you had brought here?"


((its still rather irritating not to have an "Eragorn" and "Saphira". They ARE the main characters of the Inheritance cycle ._.))

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((well cshoes the book and internet said the varden was in surda. so I guess we're both right cause yours makes sense whith what they're going to do. Roran and the others are in the varden right now dragonpelt))


Draith looked at Roran. That'd be nice if you would but if you have something else more important do that first. She looked at Wyrda and opened her mind. Would that be alright if we take Rein to the field. She looked back at Roran then looked around more. This seems like a nice place for all the riders to be, there's enough room for all the dragons to walk and fly. She said to both Roran and Wyrda.


((I stay up late and sleep until the afternoon, I still get 8 hours of sleep. I'd rather have 2 hours instead, it's more fun.))

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gayle walked out of her hiding place where she had been for a fortnight . she walked with fire beside her toward the varden,s camp .she stoped when she was 20 feet away and called out to the guard that she was an elf and to let her into the camp

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Draith heard someone call to the guard. She looked in that direction, no one yet that she could see but she felt a presence there. Roran I'll be right back, I'm going to check something. She ran in the direction the sound came from wondering who it was.


((warning: bearded dragon's have small razor sharp teeth that can draw blood and tear skin off arms. Claws are sharp and you look like you got mauled by a very small bear after holding. She's mine and I just figured that out now. xd.png her mouth has a lot of pressure for such a small lizard.))

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Yes, I’d like to find that kid. Wyrda replied to Draith after her question, and then shook her head when she wondered where Roran was. The human had disappeared in the field of tents, and she had lost sight of him a while ago. And when the Shade praised her scales, the dragoness raised her head with pride. All her kind, specially the females, had a huge pride. You think so? Thanks a lot. The purple replied. Oh well, she already knew that, but having a two legged commenting about it was even better.


Then after a bit of walking, Roran came finally into view, and told them that the pair they were looking for was on a mission. Wyrda frowned a bit, she had expected to meet them right away. But they surely had waited a long while for help to come… so she said nothing. Besides, she didn’t wanted to annoy anyone with her complaints. Take Rein to the field? Ok, if we can find her, I’ll gladly go. We should also call Ketu. The dragon said, looking around a bit amused. How was it possible to loose a dragon anywhere?


After a moment, a shout coming from the gates was heard. The dragoness spinned her head to look, but Draith was already at it. At looking at her, Wyrda couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to the Shade. What could be so horrible to force a creature of dark to abandon someone who could kill easily at distance?




(You have a bearded dragon? How nice!)

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OOC: OMG! I have a bearded dragon too! She eats crickets uber fast! And she hates my mom, black beards her everytime she gets near xd.png

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((my mom is afraid of mine. her name is Henryetta Henry for short. When we first got her, mom would hold it but now that she's bigger, I have to force my mom to hold her xd.png and the funny thing is Henry loves my mom but could care less abut me unless I have crickets or take her outside to eat bees.))


((this I think is funny. There's this kid in 5th grade that lives on my block. Well he heard me talking to a friend about Henry and heard the word "dragon." Amedeitly he runs up to me drags me over to a tree and yells, "your a rider!" I'm like, "what?" He smiled and ran to his house, he came out with the Eragon book and pointed to it. Just because I said that I have a bearded dragon he thinks I'm a rider. He missed the word bearded. I tried to explain that that wasn't true but he insists I'm lying. Now we're friends but he still is in amazement. xd.png ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Ok, since this could be the only time I'm going to be on the internet for the next ten days, let's just say Eragon and Saphira are on a mission.))


((I'm in Boston right now! xd.png Since I'm on, I'll do something pointless with Angela.))


Angela stepped out of her tent after caring for the Ra'zac, brushed off her dress, and glanced at Roran. "Good morning, Stronghammer," she greeted him.

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((ok; I'll have them go to Surda next then after monkey wakes Korana up happy.gif))

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((I'll be doing something random that hopefully won't get me grounded.))

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Roran nodded a greeting to Angela. He thought about what Draith andlooked at the field. He could move the riders' tents around here and the dragon could live in this field. Eragon and Saphira only lived a little bit away. not far enough to even fly. Roran nodded and went over to his men. He told them to transfer Nick and his own tent to the field, bring a tent for Draith and Clara, and tell Nasuada his plans. He had his own tent brought to because he felt responsible for these Newcomers and wanted to help them out as much as he could. He went to one of the surrounding tents and found a messenger boy. He told the boy to run to Katrina and show her where the tent was going to be. He looked where Draith and Wyrda were looking and heard someone calling to the gaurds. He walked over to the guards to look.

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Draith noticed Roran standing by the guard she was still looking in the direction of the sound. Can either of you see anything at all? She said to them both. No one in view even for her abnormal range of eyesight. Who ever it is they better not cause trouble. She thought gripping her sword to be prepared.

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((have fun. Yay pointless things!))

((I am! And yes, pointlessness is WIN.))

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Korana finally woke up when he felt the heat of the sun was on him and he warmed up. He opened his eyes and stretch out his arms and legs, he looked around and saw Aisling was laying beside him awake and got up shaking her hand off his head. Good morning Aisling. He still wondered where they were going to go next and turned toward Ash. Aisling where do you think we should now that I've hatched and am big. He was larger then a dog now and his wings were almost ready to carry his weight soon.

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Ash looked over at him and replied, I think we should go to Surda. That's where a group called the Varden are located and we might be able to help them out. She got off of her blanket, folded it up, and put it back into her pack that she carried with her everywhere. She then looked around for Nimbus and saw that she was a few yards away, still grazing. She whistled to get Nimbus's attention and she came without hesitation. Nimbus figured that the only reason her mistress would whistle for her was because they were going to be going to somewhere important. As soon as Nimbus came, Ash tried to see if she could pick up Korana. She could but he was getting a little heavy. She mounted on Nimbus's back and placed Korana in front of her as they headed south towards Surda.


They continued to followed the Ninor River until it flowed into the Ramr River after passing the city of Bullridge. She's always wondered why it was called that and figured that at one time, there were bulls nearby that was on a ridge close to the city itself and it was named after that. She shrugged mentally and looked around them in case anything were to attack them. They were out in the open now with no woods to run to if need be and anything, including orcs and urgals, could attack them out here if they saw a lone rider.

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