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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((uh...I haven't a clue what to say... Nick you need to approve someone! *rushes to find Nick* Ha I said started instead of stared...))


Eragon smiled. "You're welcome again." He said, glancing at the sky.



Draith was startled out of sleep when Zailik woke. She made her way around the fire to him. It rained here but as of right now nothing was coming down. "Yes, well right now we're not to far from the river nearby the castle. I carried you here if you wondered how you got here." She shifted a pot off the fire and poured the contents into two small bowls made out of smoothed wood. Draith handed a fuller bowl to Zailik. "Don't protest and drink it. That helps with many things other than headaches."



Zailik sighed, holding his head. He glanced upward to see if it was daytime but was unable to tell from too many dark clouds. This action only made his head feel worse though causing him to groan again. "You, you carried me here? I thought you said you wouldn't help..." He sniffed the contents of the bowl handed to him afterward and took a sip, closing his eyes from how hot it was. He breathed slowly at first, trying to cool his mouth and throat down. "What is this? It tastes familiar yet at the same time oddly different." Zailik looked at Draith, half baffled half astonished to find her sleeping again or she at least seemed to be.


((yep I need sleep...messing up color tags again....off until tomorrow.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((so that's a good thing I let you know? ....compulsive poster I do agree....

Draith: DC needs to leave for a while DH, you'll live- maybe.

Me: You're sure??? I'm not so sure...one last post...one...last...post *continues to chant*


yes I do need sleep....I don't think I'll get any though...))

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((Oh blah I was supposed to Pm.... I'll do that. Sorry! D:))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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((got sleep but I don't have anything (I have homework to do though) to do...should've left Zailik with a broken ankle...))

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(grrr my mined fell asleep and won't give me ideas.... so I can't post)

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((uh you posted anyway huh.gif .....*walks outside to go get some anger out on mob across the street* I told him not to do this....well now he'll pay more than just a bump on his head ninja.gif ))

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((er...well how about i send you a Pm about what caused this....and what shall I do about Draith or Zailik or Eragon...leave them where they are.))

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(hang on.. you just confused me mager time what are you saying... you should make eragon do something like mabe go help the varden with something.... but like I said my mined is not working... so I can't think of anything to do for Emily or Raven unless someone posts somthing that has to do with them)

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((do you want to know why i'm going crazy or not is basically what i'm saying. if so send me a pm. I posted for Eragon....up there somewhere...not much to go on from what you posted.....Saphira, oh Saphira! We needs you!))


((Psh, and I;m supposed to be doing homework xd.png yeah right! 7 hours ago maybe!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(OH ok sorry)


"do you wan't to help with the hunting party" Emily asked eragon as a horn sounded on the outskerts of the camp.


(there thats the only thing I can think of... grate now I have to go see you later)

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((um....so then you're not around?? ....I hate being bored.))

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Coryn twisted in mid-air, scales glittering. He soared on an updraft and then climbed higher into the clouds. How free I feel… I have no chains. I have free will. He pulled his wings close and dived down, into the lake and screeched a stop, the sounds muffled by the water. He flipped over and swam, a little ache in his shoulders. He snorted and made a mental note to practice his dives more. He rocketed out of the water and surveyed the area. Nothing of interest, he noticed with distaste and headed towards Tesni's tree.


Coryn landed lightly in front of the tall tree and curled up at the roots for a nap.

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((*doesn't know* *is bored*))


Draith woke up to the sound a rustling, a very faint rustling across from her. Opening her eyes she say it was Zailik trying to sneak away. "I, could have left you there you know." She said, appearing in front of him with a cold stare. "So, do tell, where are you off to?" Draith smiled a little as she watched the boy stare at her then search for words.



Zailik never knew a shade could do what Draith had. He knew he probably shouldn't have tried sneaking off though. "I was going to see if I could walk for one, and maybe go scope the place out..." His voice dyed away as he ran out of words for explanations. You just HAD to get up didn't you. Now look, you've got her mad. Zailik thought, watching Draith pick up a small bag from the ground. "What's that?'


((sad...one day he'll cross the wrong line...one day.... *wonders what would happen if two shades should meet* *watches internet explode*))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Fist thing, you said you were leaving then so I'd be left with a post waiting for no one to reply since they aren't there. Second, I thought I'd let you get back before I posted. Third- I'm bored...eventually Draith's gonna get mad...eventually))


Eragon listened to the horn and sighed with a smile. "I'd be glad to help." He glanced at the sleeping Saphira before turning his gaze back to Emily. "Lets let her sleep some, she'll know where I'm at." He turned, walked into his tent and grabbed his bow before coming back out. "Just in case."


((*isn't really here....doesn't remember if Eragon hunts anymore 'cause he's acting elf-like...flees before she's seen*))

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Saphira let her mind tumble into a sleep. She felt Eragon's mind drifting off farther away and she felt Emily's too. But she knew that Eragon was probally doing something dangerous so she blinked her eyes open. "Eragon, I'm coming with you."


Sleepily, she rose to her feet. "Need a ride?" She asked.


(I dunno and forgot what Aryn's doing.)

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Kianna sat at the entrance of Angela’s tent. Dried herbs hunt from every available place, giving the area an interesting aroma. Inside were neatly stacked piles of ancient scrolls and orderly planted pots placed on the far corner of the room. When Kianna had first been accepted as Angela’s apprentice, she’d taken the liberty of keeping the place organized and presentable. It had been a total disaster, but now it was at least fit to be seen. Not even Solembum had objected to having the place a little tidier.

Bored, Kianna decided to practice some magic. At least it was something productive she could do. She reached into her back pocket and grabbed a small, polished pebble from the pocket in her skirts. Placing her right palm above the small stone, she prepared to use magic.

“Stenr rïsa!” Kianna exclaimed. The small pebble rose a few inches, and then stopped. Her hazy purple eyes screwed up in concentration, she continued on her endurance exercise. After several minutes, the stone quivered, and then fell back onto Kianna’s pale white palms. Exhausted, she leaned back, resting her head on the side of the tent.

“I bet Eragon could do that for hours without a single break in between,” Kianna said to herself. Although she pestered him and Saphira nonstop, she still admired him in a way. She looked up to him, even. But Kianna would rather die than admit that to him. Why should an aunt admire her own nephew?

Kianna was Brom’s elder sister. Unfortunately, she was placed under a curse by some spirits, and was held in a sort of trance for the last 120 years. It was quite a shock for her to learn that her little ten-year-old brother was dead, and his son a very powerful dragon rider. Even more terrible was the fact that Brom’s son, her nephew, was one of the only dragon riders left. She had grown up in a time where dragon riders ruled the lands. Their peaceful guidance had allowed her generation to thrive as they did. Now that the dragon riders were gone, it felt as though a huge hole had been punched through her heart. It still troubled her from time to time, but she’d gotten used to the idea after a couple months. Living with Angela had helped quite a bit as well.

Down the road, Kianna spotted a familiar figure approaching the tent. With a nervous yelp, Kianna jumped into the small pavilion and peered into the mirror. Her wispy silver hair hung loose over her shoulders, nothing very special or attractive. Raking her fingers through a few of the worst tangles, she straightened her light blue skirts and looked outside again.

Only a few yards away stood Nolfavrell with her favorite silly grin on his face. Blushing profusely, Kianna stepped outside the tent.

“Hi,” she squeaked. Why couldn’t she act at least a little more calmly? Was this the best she could do?

“Sorry? Did you say something?” Nolfavrell asked.

Kianna felt as though her head must be burning up. “I-I just… Never mind…” she muttered. An awkward silence followed.

“So you see, I was wondering…” Nolfavrell scratched his head anxiously. Could it be? Was he really going to ask her out? It was so sudden! Not that she minded, not in the slightest. This was great!

“Yes?” Kianna encouraged, hardly daring to believe it. This is what she had dreamed of! She’d had daydream after daydream about this very moment. And now, it was finally coming true!

“I was just wondering… Do you know where Angela is? My mother was hoping to get some advice about a few herbs she has around, and, well, she sent me here to check it out,” Nolfavrell explained.

“Oh…” Kianna muttered, deflated. “I don’t think she’s around today… You can check back tomorrow,” she muttered.

“Well then, I guess I’ll see you later then!” Nolfavrell exclaimed.

“Um… Bye,” Kianna said, wondering if he’d even heard her. Unfortunately for her, the spirits that possessed her for those long years before hadn’t taught her how to act around boys. At least that would have proven useful, unlike half of the things they showed her.

That was interesting, said a voice from inside the tent. Kianna jumped. Whirling to face it, she was confronted with a shaggy black cat sitting on the desk in the far corner of the room.

“Solembum! You were watching, weren’t you?” Kianna accused.

Naturally. I can recognize a good show when I see one, the cat replied.

“Well, I…” Kianna struggled to come up with words strong enough to express her anger. “You… You stalker!” she cried angrily as she stomped out of the pavilion.

Alas, the young seem to be so clueless these days… Solembum said.

“You had no right to spy on my conversation like that!” Kianna shouted back.

If you say so…

“ARGHHH!!!” she cried exasperated, running as fast as she could away from the tent. This day was proving to much more troublesome than she’d originally anticipated.


((If this isn't right I'll be happy to edit it...))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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((...welcome Pugglemuggle. I'd post something to add but my brain can't think....))


((Saphira, I'll reply later....first off I need homework to be done so I don't end up getting in trouble...which I have 4 times already today xd.png not a very good start but I can fix that.))

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"could you hang on for a sec" Emily asked eragon "I have to go get will... or he will just sleep all day".


Raven looked up as a horn sounded "sorry.... but I don't want to be out here when they start hunting" she tolled the dragon as she ran toward to varden's camp.

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(i'm replying to this, after I finish writing my book report. And... Welcome Pugglemuggle)

Edited by Saphira BrightScales

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((I have homework to finish...BEFORE i was supposed to get on xd.png which is why I'll respond later...I'm almost done then dad checks it (not sure why) ....maybe this is why Draith's always in trouble with something, i don't listen very well xd.png not something to laugh about but they know I'm on....oh shoot! they know! AAAHH! *hides*))

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