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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((no she came back.. I think... sorry I didn't get on yesterday I had to much homework to do))

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((...well everyone mostly is at the varden still talking, Kianna, Raven, Emily, Eragon are those. Saphira went to get a cow and came back to Raven for the meat thing so your're there too I guess. Draith and Zailik are closer by Melain now (forgive spelling please...also that city is on the map) They were just in Eastcroft which is twenty miles north of Melain. That's all I got.))

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((Erm... I think Emily and Kianna were talking about going on the hunting trip, then Raven walked up and they were talking about Raven being an elf and how old she was. Then Eragon and Saphira came and gave Raven's little dragon some meat, but the little guy didn't eat it. The meat made Raven feel sick because she's an elf, and Eragon apologize.... Then they talked about the trip again, I think...))

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(ya you got it right... sorry but I'll be gone for the weekend so I wont get on till sunday... maybe.... well see ya guys)

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((I'll be busy with homework and some things going on in life....not nice things but nothings happening to me, so I'll post when and IF I have time....'cept I haven't a clue what to say for eragon....so I'll post this and if it screws you up, ignore him!))


Eragon nodded to Raven. "That's fine Raven. More people is always a great help."

((sad isn't it? ....I'd think it be funny for later if Kianna met Draith...just saying 'cause...well pugglemuggle should be able to figure it out somewhat easily...maybe everyone else too but considering Kianna is pugglemugle's....*stops rambling*))



Draith looked at Zailik then past him, spotting another group of soldiers. This one was bigger and better organized, it also moved a little slower which made her consider leaving before they reported her being here. "Maybe we should...but somewhere not out in the open." Draith said, getting back on her horse. She started it moving before turning to Zailik. "Perhaps you were right about staying at the castle for the time i was ordered to stay." She said, jestering to the group ahead of them.


Zailik almost thought he'd hit some nerve of Draith's that made her crazy instead of mad. He opened his eyes when she spoke but saw her gaze passed him. What now? He thought, turning. A group of soldiers caught his eye, about twenty of them, some mounted on horses some not. They all moved at the same pace which only meant one thing to him, it meant trouble. "Why are they-" Zailik turned as he spoke to see Draith getting on her horse. "Are we leaving already?" He asked, wishing he hadn't. He blinked, astonished when Draith said he could have been right about listening to their King. "Something's wrong isn't it? They bother you don't they? What, you don't want to get caught again?" He asked, making the last sentence a little humorous while mounting his horse and following Draith.


((....I'll explain something later, but it's self explanatory once we get further....fun stuff coming up.))

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Saphira nodded. Her giant sapphire eyes settled upon the group. "Indeed, the more, the better chance we'll have. But there is no chance, if even there are millions, if they do not work together in a plan and there will be no victory, if one does not participate while the rest do. One flaw with a commander, intitles, failure." Saphira had not known what she had just spoken.

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Username: Elemental Dragon

Name: None yet

Gender: Female

Personality:(After you hatch): Still in egg

Color: Blood Red with white and black markings

Rider: None yet

Other: My mother is dead

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((Hey, welcome Elemental Dragon. But one thing, I'd PM Picknick10 like the rules say so you DO actually get accepted. 'cause the last time he didn't accept someone until they sent the pm'd form. Oh and Hi!))


Eragon listened to Saphira speak and smiled a little, confused for a moment on where she learned that. "Right." He looked at Saphira kindly, knowing she didn't understand what was said. "I think what Saphira means is, if we work as a team we have a better chance than working alone."



Draith's horse galloped down the road in the opposite direction of Eastcroft, toward Melain. Even from where she was the large city poked above yet another hill. She searched for a path that lead away from the city but still went in the direction she needed. Not being able to find one, Draith continued down the road for a bit before reaching the top of the hill. From there she saw a forest wrapping around the city of Melain. "Good." Draith muttered, steering her horse in that direction. "Come on Zailik, or you can stay and be interrigated. We're not supposed to be down this far south without more soldiers!" She called behind her, not turning to see where Zailik was.


Zailik kept his horse in step with Draith's but he also kept farther back to keep an eye on the soldiers behind them. The ones on horseback had been picking up the pace since Draith spotted them. Zailik wondered what they could want all the way out here, they hadn't stopped following the pair even though the group on foot was far behind. Zailik nodded when Draith ordered him to hurry, pushing his horse faster. The soldiers behind him also pushed faster which got him worried as Draith made her comment. "What! If we're not supposed to be down here then why are we!?" He called, catching up to the shade. "Did you do something to make them want to follow or are they mistaking us for someone else?" Zailk asked, realizing not many mistook a shade for another person.

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Saphira nodded. Eragon had explained well, even to her, now what she said made more sense. But still, where did she learn that? No, her late mentor had not taught her that. It felt, while she was speaking, if a great ancient part of her awakened and spoke, as if, it were not coming out of her mouth. But the feeling passed away.

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Kianna glanced up at Saphira and Eragon, a little surprised. Were they approving of her decision to accompany the rest of the party? She’d been so sure Eragon would refuse… Kianna had expected a heated argument, and possibly the need to “borrow” a horse just in order to go along. I guess their quick support is a good thing… she thought. Kianna disliked quarrels, but she had made a habit of speaking up when someone made a suggestion that she disagreed with. In those situations, she became as stubborn as an ox and very opinionated. Or at least that’s what her mentor had said, before it happened…

A sharp pang of hunger interrupted her thoughts and caused Kianna to double over in pain, clutching her stomach. “Shoot… I need to eat…” she moaned. How much time had Solembum said she’d been asleep? Four days? That was a long time to go without any food. But, then again, so was 120 years. “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!” exclaimed Kianna. Then, catching Raven’s horrified expression, she added, “Or a bunch of vegetables,”

“I’ll be back in a little bit. I’ve just got to pack and eat. It shouldn’t take too long,” Kianna called back as she walked back in the direction of Angela’s tent. “Don’t leave without me!”

((Hey, welcome, elemental! Is that your first character, or do you have more? You'll have to find a rider or create a rider character...))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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((hey again to all. I'll be on/off for a bit but I don't think that bothers anyone to begin with.))


Eragon watched Kianna as she walked away. Maybe we should help get her something Saphira. He thought to Saphira, calling to Kianna. "Would you perhaps like us to get anything for you!?" He asked.



Draith gripped the horses reins tighter as Zailik continued to ask questions. She looked straight ahead, turning off the road and pushed her horse even faster before making it to a safe distance away from the road. The forest spread across in front, along with the large city of Melain. Melain surely was where the soldiers thought they were headed, Draith had other ideas. "What do you know about riding, top speed, through a dense forest while trying NOT to loose anyone?" Draith asked, putting emphasis on not and having the horse jump a stray log as they neared the forest.



Zailik steered his horse around the log just in time, distracted before by Draith question. "I know how to ride, I've done a pretty good job keeping up with you, what's a few trees going to do?" He asked in return, glancing backward to see a few soldiers actually following them. "They aren't fools, or know well enough what happens when you don't bring the catch home..." Zailik commented, turning back around to see a large tree coming up on him. The horse turned sharply on instinct, flinging the unprepared Zailik off, almost. Zailik held on with three fingers to the reins. It was quickly getting though, with the ground throwing everything it had at him. He tried to get a grip on the reins with his free hand for better support but kept missing each try. The horse swerved again to miss a downed log, Zailik caught it full force in his side which also caused his grip to loosen. Great. Zailik thought, landing on the log again with a hard hit, the log moved slightly as his body hit. Zailik's horse ran on following Draith's, not realizing he was gone.


((shhhhh, he's not there, shhhhh xd.png fun!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna glanced back at Eragon. She would rather have died than admitted it, but it pleased her than he showed some concern for her well-being. Just like Brom used to... she thought.

"I should be fine..." Kianna called back. "I'll just go ask to cooks for some food. I'm sure they'll give me something...” Her voice wavered as she struggled to withstand a second blow from the angry monster in her stomach. Perhaps she should get some help… If she passed out, there would be no one to help her or bring a doctor.

No. That would be more embarrassing than helpful, having someone watch you keel over just because you need a bite to eat. It wasn’t that far anyway. Plus, if she did get into any sort of trouble, she could probably use her magic to call for help. With a swish of her long, silver hair, Kianna trotted, a little unsteadily, in the direction of food.

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((and with that I don't know what to say for Eragon...*smashes another log onto Zailik* how about you stay under there for a little while?))


Draith slowed her horse as she heard what sounded like Zailik's horse getting scared. She turned back to look to find Zailik heaving himself off a log and watched as he rolled to the floor of the forest. Zailik's horse shot past her, mane and reins flying. Draith let it go, knowing Zailik didn't carry anything on the horse. She looked back up the direction they'd come, judging how long it'd take for the soldiers to reach them. Not very long it seemed as the forest sloped downhill from the road and the fact that the horses they had were running as fast as they could. Draith dismounted, walking over to Zailik and past him, being careful of the log. She walked further until she was at the base of the hill, not very far from Zailik to begin with. Draith muttered a string of words quickly as the soldiers picked up pace if they could. Shoot. She thought, feeling the effects as the spell started to take effect.

A faint wall appeared a few feet in front of Daith, it'd last long enough to get some distance away from the soldiers again she hoped. Turning back to Zailik Draith took as little time as she could without having herself fall to get to him. She called her horse over and lifted Zailik up onto it. Mounting the horse also, Draith positioned the now unconscious Zailik so he wouldn't fall off at high speeds or effect the horse's ability to run very much. "Come on!" Draith yelled, getting the horse moving as the soldiers neared the wall. Shrills of the horses behind them bothered Draith's horse but Draith pushed it on, not wanting a confrontation right now. She looked back after the sounds faded a little to see the wall dissolving. "So much for giving us a decent start." She mumbled, noticing the horsemen had quieted the horses while a few sorcerers worked on getting the wall completely out of the way.


(( blink.gif okaay...what happened to me not writing much? Where'd that deal go brain!?))

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((um... recap on whats going on with Emily & Raven pleas))

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((Nothing more has really happened. Kianna just left to get some food and pack her stuff for the trip. That's all... right?))

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((yep that's all for Raven&Emily. Alright Elemental Dragon, that's good. I likely won't be on much today....homework catchup day since I wasn't able to start yesterday....))

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((I may find you, Elemental Dragon, but to be honest, I kind of wanted Kianna to find a white dragon or a purple dragon or a blue dragon. But that sounds a little racist toward red dragons, doesn't it? wink.gif I might just make my own egg for her to find...))

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((In truth Kianna should be lucky to even find a dragon with the way things are. and he thought he'd gotten rid of them all xd.png never count your dragons before they hatch.))


Draith pushed her horse on, dodging trees while trying to make it hard for the soldiers to follow. Zailik's body nearly fell off a few times from the sharp turns but Draith made sure he wouldn't be left again. She heard shouts of various things from behind her, neither close nor far enough away for comfort. Her horse was getting tired from the fast running and quick turns. "Keep going and I'll let you free later." Draith muttered, knocking a young tree down with magic before the horse hit it. It fell for a short moment before getting hung-up on another tree, creating one more obsticle for the soldiers to get past. She wondered what had happened that they'd chase her, besides the fact she was the one running. A small fireball flew past, setting part of the forest on fire. Draith's horse protested but kept running as Draith cleared a path from the flames. "Now might be a good time to wake up Zailik." She said, knowing this wouldn't keep up much longer with the group behind her as he magic to form the wall began to take a lot out of her. Draith's horse swerved to miss a log and another fire asult which shot past and landed in the tree directly in front of them. The horse stopped and reared, but lowered again as another horse ran by. "Come on! Go!" Draith yelled, setting the horse on a course that would bypass the soldier.


((.....no long posts....no giant long posts anyway.....she'll be somewhere soon....just not too soon.))

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(Hmm. Holly hasn't replied as Tensi and the last Arrow and her were was in the forest. Hey, does Holly the dragon have a rider?)

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((I don't know....I haven't seen Holly in forever anyway.))

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((True. Well, in a form on eragon V2, Holly made. There this one, where there was the offspring of Saphira and a Wild silver male dragon. Maybe, I should make a wild male silver dragon? Then, it sorta flows with the next RP?)

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