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((I've just told Fortune if Tegan figures out Claire has done what she's going to do now, Tegan wouldn't like her at all anymore, so tell Moonshine to chill.))

Edited by Laura-Lana

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She walked over to Tegan and kissed him on the cheek.


"Thank you for every thing you have done for me" she told him.


She kissed him again, only this time on the lips. Tears fell from her eyes and her hand wound its way up Tegan's chest until it rested over his heart.


"I'm sorry" she whispered as she broke away. "But it has to be this way."


Claire watched Tegan's eyes as they faded into the usual blankness that indicated that she was inside their memories. It wouldn't last long, perhaps only ten minutes, but Claire carefully locked away every memory concerning herself.


When she was done Claire left him standing in the small room and exited via another door into a corridor. Tegan would snap out of his trance soon and return to the others. She would have to rely on the confusion he caused to buy her time to escape. By the time Tegan regained his memories of her she would be long gone.


Wiping her face Claire ran down the corrdior. The hosipital was a vast one. They wouldn't find her in time.


((Decided against screwing with the others and focused on Tegan. This okay?))

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Tegan blinked. Where in the world was he? Shouldn't he be in Hero School? Carefully he studied his surroundings. It looked like the hospital, but not the one Cizzur had been taken to and Cizzur was right again anyway.


There were two doors in the room.


Tegan choose the bigger one and found himself in the bathroom.


"Daystar? Julius?" He asked confused. "Why are you here?"


((Fine biggrin.gif


Tegan: I hate mindreaders, but I just decided that I hate memory manipulators even more! I hope the Freezes catch her again.


Me: I think she only wants to protect you.


Tegan: She's going to need protection FROM me once I find out she messed with my mind


Me: Would you remember she's the daughter of earth?


Tegan: Grrrr!))

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Julius was just starting to wonder if he should check up on the two young heroes when the door opened. Tegan stepped out and looked as if he wasn't expecting to see them. When he questioned their presence Julius raised an eyebrow.


"Well as your teacher I thought it would be best if we all went back to the school together. It wouldn't do for us just to abandon you here."

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"Uhm.. Excellent notion."


The teachers words made sense, but they brought home another problem.


"And why are we here to begin with?", Tegan wanted to know. "Did I hit my head or something?"


He lifted his hand to his head to feel for a bruise. If he had needed medical attention it would explain the hospital as well this lack of memory how he had come to be here.


Daystar glanced at Julius totally bewildered. What was going on here? And where was Claire?

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"Are you alright Tegan?"


Now concerned even more Julius walked over to the teenage boy and put his hand on his head. There were no bumps that he could feel.


Stepping back again he fixed Tegan with a suspicious stare.


"Did the two of you have a fight or something?"




Outside Claire was just climbing into a taxi. If she was going to do this there was only one place where it should happen. Giving the destination to the driver she sat back and watched the hospital move out of sight.

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Tegan wiggled out of Julius grip and took a step back, stating wordlessly that he didn't want to be touched by the teacher.


"The two of us? Do you mean me and Cizzur?", he asked confused.


"He means you and Claire.", Daystar said imatiently.

"Who is Claire?"

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Julius glanced at Daystar and moved past Tegan into the small room where he had just come from. It was empty, although there was another door. Walking over to it he yanked it open and looked through. A deserted corridor.


Swearing in a tongue no human could understand he went back to Daystar and Tegan.


"She's gone."

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"Would someone tell me what is happening, please?" The words were polite but the tone showed his mounting irritation.


"What is the last you do remember?"


"I walked through the woods." Tegan frowned. Why in the world had he decided through the woods? He wasn't such a nature person.


"You walked through the woods with Claire."


"I don't even know a Claire.", Tegan said upset. "I was alone when I took the walk."


Daystar ignored the outburst and looked at Mr. Abbadon. "Any trace of her?"

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"I think someone said something they shouldn't have done" said Julius with a look at Tegan. "In that case Claire may have decided to take matters into her own hands. This is exactly what I did not want to happen."


Turning his attention to Daystar he spoke directly to her.


"Can you fill Tegan in a bit while we wait for his memory to sort its self out? I better go and look for her before she does anything stupid."

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Tegan was bright enough to understand Julius was critizing him but he ignored the comment with the same skill cats displayed if they were jelled at.


"I'll do that, Sir." Daystar had no idea what had happened but Mr. Abbadon seemed to. Tegan had obviously forgotten all about Claire. She could tell him about her.


Daystar patted the place beside her to indicate he should sit down.


Tegan looked at her out of narrowed eyes as if the gesture somehow offended his male dignity.


Then he suddenly gave her a dazzeling smile, that for the fracture of a second let her forget even Mr.Abbadon's presence and sat down next to her. He put an arm around her shoulders too.


"All right, Daystar. Fill me in." he said in a pleasant tone.


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Leaving the two of them to it Julius went back into the small room and out into the corridor. If he was a young teenage girl on a mission where would he go? Outside and as far away from those who could stop you as possible.


Julius teleported himself outside and spotted a taxi stand. There was one lone car sitting there. Walking over to it Julius bent down a little and rapped on the glass. When the driver lowered the window he spoke quickly.


"Did a young teenage girl come out here? Fair hair? A rather frilly dress?"


"She got a cab a few minutes ago sir."


"Which direction did they go in?"


"I wasn't looking sir."


Julius nodded and straightened up. He could kill Tegan.

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((Tegan: Well I didn't force you to talk to me.))


Daystar debated if she should tell Tegan to take his arm back, but it did feel rather nice. And she had dreamed of something like this a time or two.


On the other hand it was clear that Tegan was courting Claire at the moment and it was probably unfair to take advantage of that.


Internally cursing her own moral fiber Daystar took Tegan's arm and put him firmly back to his lap. Thinking of Mr.Abbadon made the gesture a lot easier. Tegan wasn't the brightest star in the universe.


The boy looked at her, seeming more curious then offended by the rejection and she started to talk, telling him all she knew about Claire.


((That was rather hard. All I wanted to write was: Daystar filled him in))

Edited by Laura-Lana

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((Julius: I apologise. I had the impression that Tegan was an intelligent young man. My mistake.


Fortune: *pushes Julius out the way* Anyhoo, Tegan's memory can come back to him at any point now.))


It didn't take long for the taxi to reach their destination. All the traffic lights seemed to just wave them on through and Claire was at the park not long after.


She was glad Tegan had told her what Mr Abaddon said, even if she was sad she had to leave him. But everything made sense now. No matter where she went she would always be hunted. She just couldn't take the chance that she would fall into the wrong hands.


Stepping onto the trail leading into a deep and secluded part of the national forest Claire started the last leg of her journey. The calmness in her heart was still there. She was going to go home after all, what was there to be afraid of?

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At first what Daystar told him seemed utterly foreign to him, but gradually pictures started to come to his mind along with her tale. Eventually he was beginning to recall additional information to which Daystar could have no access.


When she had finished he sat there quietly, sorting through the information and finally the least bit came to her.


Claire kissing him and telling him she was sorry.


"That *@#~!" he cursed. "I've done everything for her and she just steals my memorys."


He jumped up and prowled through the room like a tiger in a cage. It had been a long time since he was so furious.

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Not really knowing where else to look Julius returned to the hospital after randomly teleporting to a few places. He had checked back at the school, the Cahcun flower and even Claire's parent's home after getting their information from the school computers.


Feeling peeved he walked back into the room were Daystar and Tegan were waiting. Tegan was up and moving around, looking annoyed.


"You remember anything yet?"

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"Oh yes. And as far as I am concerned the villains of the world are welcome to do whatever they please with her." Tegan spat out.


Daystars shocked inhale made him realize that his mask had slipped. The kind, somewhat flippant young man he pretended to be wouldn't be that spiteful.

At the same moment he realized that no matter how much harm he wished on her Claire getting into trouble would affect them all if Julius was correct. He'd be forced to help her out. He might as well be gracious about it.


Tegan assumed a rueful expression and said softly. "I am sorry. I didn't mean that. Of course we need to safe her. I just... just can't believe she'd abuse my trust that way."


Daystars eyes softened and she patted his hand.


Tegan looked at Julius next, his eyes full of a remorse he in no way felt and said:


"I am very sorry, Sir. You said she wouldn't be able to deal with the knowledge but I thought I knew better. I thought she deserved to know the truth, that it would actually help her to understand why things were happening to her."


He looked miserable. "And I didn't feel confident in protecting her. I thought if she knew I'd have a better chance if she'd cooperate with me. I am very sorry, Sir. I should have listened to someone wiser and more experienced than me."


"Uhm Tegan? What exactly did you tell her?"

Edited by Laura-Lana

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"What is done is done" sighed Julius. "Although I admit I am a little disappointed. With myself more than you. I considered myself a good judge of character. Evidently this is not true."


In response to Daystar's question, although it was not directed to him, he told her a brief summary of what he had discuseed with Tegan earlier.


"...in short, if Claire falls into the wrong hands then we could all be up the creek without a boat, let alone a paddle. Unfortunately, I believe she may be taking matters into her own hands."

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"I don't quite understand why she ran away." Tegan said upset.


"She wasn't paniced. My empathy was working. I'd have known if she was upset. But she seemed to take it quite calmly. Better then I thought she would in fact. This is so irrational."


"If I were in her shoes I might consider killing myself." Daystar said softly.




"I wouldn't want to be responsible for the things that could happen if someone gained control of the earth through me." She looked down. "What is one life in comparison to that?"


Tegan looked at her speechlessly. "That's downright crazy." He brought out eventually.

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"She may think she has little alternative" pointed out Julius. "If she believes that the world could be thrown into chaos if captured and that her only other choice is to spend her life running and hiding, what else could she do?"


He shook his head sadly.


"Self sacrifice is the perfect epitome of a hero. It will be a great loss ."

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He prided himself on understanding those selfless natures who were so different from his own and even on valueing them. Idealists made good tools.

But on occasions like these he had to realize that his understanding had limits. He'd never have even entertained the notion.


"That logic has a hole big enough to drive a truck through." Tegan said stubbornly. "Even if we ignore the fact that the whole avatar thing is just a theory and I made sure Claire knew it was just a theory - If she believes the earth loves her enough that someone could apply pressure by keeping her kidnapped, what does she think it will do if she kills herself? Most parents aren't very happy if their children die."

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"Most parents are not" said Julius. "Although it may be a different case with Claire. Then again she may not be in the right frame of mind to think things through clearly. To her, perhaps the risk is not worth it. The power to control the world should not lie in the hands of any human."

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"Her precautions are going to do us a load of good if we are all annhilated."

Tegan said sarcastically.


He gritted his teeth. "Sure likely the earth won't react the same way a human might, but then again do we want to take the risk that it will?

I vote we do our best do find her.

And since I assume you didn't manage to do that since you are here we've got to find someone who can help us locating her.

Anyone know of a visionary or... say an earth elemental who could help?"


((Moira: Me, me!!

Me: You have no idea that you are an earth elemental and even if you did you wouldn't be able to help. In case you've not noticed the word earth means something else in Claire's case then in yours.))




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"I can not find her with my own power unless someone else wills it" said Julius sounding unhappy. That was the downside of his powers. The ability to do whatever he wanted, at the request of another.




((I'm just going to go ahead with Cadenza now. They've lagged a bit behind.))

Cadenza was now standing at the edge of the forest. Never having been on a date with Tegan she had no idea if he had a usual route through the woods. Which way would he have gone?

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