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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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13 hours ago, Lagie said:

We're now under tropical storm watch. Look what's heading our way:

Not cool. Crossing fingers for you... not to mention my daughter and my in-laws, who are all in the Boca Raton area. Hoping for everyone's sake this one doesn't pull a Wilma and gain strength as it crosses Florida from the Gulf to the Atlantic.

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9 minutes ago, catstaff said:

Not cool. Crossing fingers for you... not to mention my daughter and my in-laws, who are all in the Boca Raton area. Hoping for everyone's sake this one doesn't pull a Wilma and gain strength as it crosses Florida from the Gulf to the Atlantic.

Good point.

*crosses fingers*


Thanks, everyone! So far it's just a steady drizzling rain. Today's Labour Day here so I have nowhere to go which is good. I'm not sure about opening my shop tomorrow as the yard floods badly and the customers (if anyone ventures out in the rain) would have to cross or wade through to get to the building. I'll see how the day progresses!


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and croissants with butter and jam*


3 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

It's too early. Send it back!

Wish I could!


29 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

Work was rough today. The M02 running my line, we'll call him T, was being utterly lazy and useless on top of the machines malfunctioning CONSTATLY all day. Plus side, I got to know our new temp employee better. I like her :3

That does sound frustrating, but nice to have a good person to work with.


My day off project is going to be the Winnie the Pooh LEGO set (and ST: DS9/TNG on BBC America for now).

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morning all!

my friends who are away and i'm feeding their cat come home tomorrow.  i'll be feeding the kitty before work today (i'm 1-5, *gasp* no :15 or :45 weirdness! XD)

and shortly after dinner tonight, i'll have 6 more birthday dragons that can go on an adventure!  hope they bring a Scourgekeeper home with them! :D 


Edited by trystan

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I'm waiting for my final two to grow up to try again.


I've switched to PBS.

The Winnie the Pooh set has lots of tiny pieces.

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I have two new adults. Should I send them out together or separately? Decisions, decisions!

And some of my eggs just hatched so I am not locked any more! Yay!

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Stay safe out there! And keep the storms away. 


Today, we have an exterminator coming to spray the house. Lots of cleaning this week leading up to this, and the house looks... pretty good. lol

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33 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Decisions, decisions!



14 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

we have an exterminator coming to spray the house

Both my home and my shop need to be termite tented. Hope your spraying goes well.


The rain has eased up and it looks like it will stay stopped for an hour or so.

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55 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

 Decisions, decisions!

20 minutes ago, Lagie said:


The answer is "ice cream" or at least, snocones, maybe with ice cream in the middke.

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40 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

The answer is "ice cream"

I like that answer!


Either Chronos are severely underpopulated or Aeons are severely overpopulated, because I can't get anything but Chronos from the two pairs I keep breeding. I just tried again for the first time in over 2 weeks and got the same result.

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2 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

The answer is "ice cream" or at least, snocones, maybe with ice cream in the middke.

Good answer!


1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

or Aeons are severely overpopulated

None of my aeons produced eggs. :rolleyes: I resorted to ghansers.


One bag left in the Winnie the Pooh set.

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huh, for science, I just tried to breed my Aeons, 2 together and one with an Alcedine, first set had no egg, 2nd made an Alcedine baby O.o something MUST be up

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It's been a while since I last posted here. How is everyone? :)


Among the sounds of the Abjadsound, there is an Isa system; The system is almost identical to the language in which the part of the song is composed, which is specific to the existing letters. August 1886; The most common languages in the world of languages, such as Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and the world's most widely used language, are the ones that are most likely to be used. For example, if you are playing a song that is full of sounds, it is a sign of the use of the word, and it is a sign of the use of the word when it is 107 letters or 52 of the words that are used. What are some of the signs that a song can be heard in a song?

(please don't open this)

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37 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

for science

For science! :D


Doing well, @RegalPlumewing. You?


Today's project:



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oh very cool, Lagie!!


also, i either don't know how to count or have serious calendar problems - the dragons i thought were growing up now are actually growing up tomorrow at this time. *sigh*


back to stalking.....

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The spray didn't happen. They got the wrong address? Like a whole other state, and the billing address was another state. We are very confused. 

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That's bizarre, @AsymDoll13, Hope they sort you out soon.


I've placed another LEGO order for pieces to be sent to Denmark. I'm not totally sure they'll get there before my friend heads back to Nassau, but she is going back in August.

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Yesterday, I was struck by an urge to call someone on Discord for the sole sake of telling them that I've been trying to contact them about their car's extended warranty.

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LOL, that's funny.

you can ping me on discord if you want to chat! :D 

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I'm Lagie with a bunch of numbers after. :P I never use it, though.


This has been a pretty impressive non-storm event here so far, thank goodness. Can't say the same for Cuba which has had serious flooding.

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47 minutes ago, RegalPlumewing said:

Cool! :) What's your handle there?

trystan (she/her)#2385

(it's hiding in my sig ;))


37 minutes ago, Lagie said:

This has been a pretty impressive non-storm event here so far, thank goodness.

i'd rather have the warnings and a non-event than the other way round!


Edited by trystan

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