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I can confirm what Stromboli guessed; I wasn't on the site back in 2020 but I now appear to have a 2020 holiday event badge through which I can view my cookies.

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18 hours ago, Mystic_Halo said:

@Fuzzbucket Thank you for answering. 


The Pyropellis are supposed to take on the same color of flame as the other parent has, as they do in the Hellfire and the Firegems. 


I guess my real question is, are the light blue tips on a Flame Weaver's antlers fire or something else? 




It seems like this is how the Light Weavers are meant to work, or maybe the Pyropellis are no longer being matched up to change color with new dragons.  Either way, unless new information comes about, this appears to be an intentional game mechanic and not an oversight. 


Thank you so much to everyone who replied.


It's hard to say for sure, its possible they simply haven't been updated in the code yet.  People who breed stripes often have gotten white from a new breed right after release. Might be changed now but before every new breed had to added to that code.


But it could also be intentional. You might get a better answer by making a separate thread asking if it's a bug or not. 

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The antler flames are indeed fire, and I would imagine they should produce blue pyropellis/stripes, but ultimately that would require TJ’s attention since that’s a code thing. It wasn’t something we ever discussed though maybe it can get changed now if it’s not too much trouble

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Thank you TJ ! and to PiedPipeCleaner for responding, too.

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I'm getting The egg you are looking for is no longer available. Another person may have grabbed it already.




And in the DC Community Notice Board someone said the teleport links didn't work....

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9 minutes ago, twol8sue said:

is there a glitch or bug on the cave


cannot accept teleports i am getting 504 gateway errors

in the ap cannot pick anything up, nor in the actual cave, AP is not refreshing

I just came here to ask about this.

Unable to pick up anything from the AP and same eggs just sitting there.

"Try as you might, you cannot seem to find the egg you are looking for in the abandoned area."

Tried clearing cache, logging out and back in, and restarting computer. Still the same issue.

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An upside down mint is just considered an Alt variant, not a spriter's alt, correct?  Ie like the alt black dragon and the alt vine...

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Eh, I guess you could say so. I'm not sure I'd even call it an alt. Only shows as upside down on the /view/ page, the image is flipped by css rather than being a different sprite.


But yeah, it's not a spriter's alt because it's not exclusive to the folks who made the dragon. Anyone who wins the Dragon's Dilemma on April Fools' Day can get an upside down Mint.

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Why is my Yellow Dino sorting (in my breed sort) as:


Yellow Dino


The rest of my Dinos


It seems odd the yellow one would sort on its own above the chickens and looks a bit wonky on my scroll.

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It's because the encyclopedia names are the scientific names, not "Chicken" and "Dino". The encyclopedia names also include the <i> HTML tag, which is why they all end up at the bottom of the sort.


So the breed sort goes

  • <i>Diplodocus carnegii</i> (yellow dino)
  • <i>Gallus gallus domesticus</i> (chicken)
  • <i>Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus</i> (green dino)



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Oh, shoot. 

Thank you, Stromboli. 

(It looks quite odd!)


I have a related question about legacy sort. I don't believe I ever saw a legacy sort option.  When was legacy sort implemented as an option? I started playing in 2013.

Edited by missy_

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Howcome some hatchies have the breed listed but some don't? It gets kinda confusing when I forgot what something is lol.

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48 minutes ago, _Ro_ said:

Howcome some hatchies have the breed listed but some don't? It gets kinda confusing when I forgot what something is lol.


A dragon's view-page will only list the breed if you have it unlocked in the encyclopedia. If you aren't seeing a breed listed on a dragon's page it's because you haven't unlocked that one yet, you can view other people's dragons to unlock the entries. 

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5 hours ago, missy_ said:

I have a related question about legacy sort. I don't believe I ever saw a legacy sort option.  When was legacy sort implemented as an option? I started playing in 2013.


It used to be a custom sort option by which users could sort their dragons by giving them a numerical value; it was discontinued in 2016, but like some old skins, if you had it, you can keep it - and it means that things sometimes sort under older names - like  Storms used to sort as Gray and in legacy sort, still do, but in breed sort, not. So you just didn't notice it, but it was there. You can do something similar by using what is now listed as "custom sort"

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21 minutes ago, _Ro_ said:

Thankyou so much! Seems obvious now I know. XD


So many things in life seem obvious once they are explained.... I will never forget the day - 40 years after I first came across a school in my area with what I thought was an odd and rather silly name, when it was pointed out that it was a contraction of the name of the township it's in.... NOW it's the PERFECT name... (and I am still blushing slightly.)

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So pink Sapphires never turn yellow, right? If not, guess I'll just be happy with my little mix, but it would look a lot better if it could've been the proper color.

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24 minutes ago, Spiteful_Crow said:

So pink Sapphires never turn yellow, right?


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Gotcha. I can see why people wouldn't want the more valuable pinks to turn, but it's kind of a shame.

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4 minutes ago, Spiteful_Crow said:

Gotcha. I can see why people wouldn't want the more valuable pinks to turn, but it's kind of a shame.

Might be kind of nice to have the option to let them turn, but you wouldn't want it to be automatic like it is with the blues.

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Is it stupid to ask if Balloon dragon eggs would be affected by an earthquake action, even though they’re above the ground?



Edited by Montre

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It isn't stupid - but yes, they are affected.

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