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Kinda a goofy question, but I guess that's what this forum is for. I SWEAR the last time I was actively on DC Caveborns were counted as 1st gen. So this would be considered a 3rd gen https://dragcave.net/lineage/qKcpZ


Now there's numbers at the top and CBs are considered "0".


I just want to make sure when I'm trading and I say W: 3rd gen stair I'm going to end up with offers that look like the link lol. So, is that lineage considered 2nd or 3rd gen by the larger community?

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You found an odd ball lineage generation count.  The first gen is a thuwed and for some unknown reason some of TJ's dragons will start the lineage count at 0.  The rest of us would call that a 3rd gen.

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12 hours ago, Ch1one said:

Kinda a goofy question, but I guess that's what this forum is for. I SWEAR the last time I was actively on DC Caveborns were counted as 1st gen. So this would be considered a 3rd gen https://dragcave.net/lineage/qKcpZ


Now there's numbers at the top and CBs are considered "0".


I just want to make sure when I'm trading and I say W: 3rd gen stair I'm going to end up with offers that look like the link lol. So, is that lineage considered 2nd or 3rd gen by the larger community?


8 hours ago, Dracaena said:

You found an odd ball lineage generation count.  The first gen is a thuwed and for some unknown reason some of TJ's dragons will start the lineage count at 0.  The rest of us would call that a 3rd gen.


Yep, that!  Dracaena's got it!  TJ's Thuweds do some really wonky stuff sometimes with the lineages for 2nd gens, and I can't quite find a pattern for it.  His are outliers and you should just refer to them according to normal generational conventions--so, in this case, a 3rd gen.  Despite their being oddities, they don't throw off the lineage for the most part (outside of the 2nd gens or if you do a stairstep pattern, like the one you linked)--you can see here that it's a 4th gen and all the CBs are listed as Gen 1, but if you click on "Infinis Thuwed 42" and then click the lineage, you see the same sort of "bred listed as gen 1 from a CB listed as gen 0" thing.

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I haven't played this game in a while so this def could have changed, but are tombstones supposed to disappear from your scroll? I have one hatchling that was frozen and died (maybe I killed it?) back in 2009 but the stone is still there. 

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11 minutes ago, Krissi2197 said:

I haven't played this game in a while so this def could have changed, but are tombstones supposed to disappear from your scroll? I have one hatchling that was frozen and died (maybe I killed it?) back in 2009 but the stone is still there. 


Tombstones vanish after 2 weeks if a dragon dies or is killed, but they will not vanish if they're linked to an Undead (zombie) dragon.  So if it died back in '09, then you must have successfully used the revive action on it.  They appear as a tombstone most of the time, but between 12am and 6am Cave Time they show their specific Undead sprite (and there's a whole lot more variants for those now!)

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2 minutes ago, KageSora said:


Tombstones vanish after 2 weeks if a dragon dies or is killed, but they will not vanish if they're linked to an Undead (zombie) dragon.  So if it died back in '09, then you must have successfully used the revive action on it.  They appear as a tombstone most of the time, but between 12am and 6am Cave Time they show their specific Undead sprite (and there's a whole lot more variants for those now!)

Oh, thank you! It just changed to 12am and there's a little undead hatchling haha there's so much I gotta relearn about this site! Thank you!

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Anyone else having this problem?

I can't pick up any holiday eggs in the AP?  Every click "Try as you might, you cannot seem to find the egg you are looking for in the abandoned area. The egg you are looking for is no longer available. Another person may have grabbed it already."

But I can pick up regular eggs from the bottom row. 

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3 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Anyone else having this problem?

I can't pick up any holiday eggs in the AP?  Every click "Try as you might, you cannot seem to find the egg you are looking for in the abandoned area. The egg you are looking for is no longer available. Another person may have grabbed it already."

But I can pick up regular eggs from the bottom row. 

I think the AP's frozen; around 10:11 EST the eggs stopped shifting around and are just frozen in place. I've been refreshing since then and have gotten a proper refresh two times, but it goes right back to being frozen afterward.


Edit: it looks like the biomes are still moving properly, so it's just the AP that isn't moving.

Edited by Myoukin

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It also says 'Users viewing this page: 1.', which seems unlikely given that it's a holiday. The biomes seem to be having the same problem.

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Yeah, I can't pick up any Holiday AP eggs at the moment either. Even Ctrl-F5 of the browser and deleting all cookies etc didn't help, so it really appears as if the AP is somehow frozen.

Edited by Astreya

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17 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Anyone else having this problem?

I can't pick up any holiday eggs in the AP?  Every click "Try as you might, you cannot seem to find the egg you are looking for in the abandoned area. The egg you are looking for is no longer available. Another person may have grabbed it already."

But I can pick up regular eggs from the bottom row. 

Yup, AP page seems to have a bug.

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43 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Anyone else having this problem?

I can't pick up any holiday eggs in the AP?  Every click "Try as you might, you cannot seem to find the egg you are looking for in the abandoned area. The egg you are looking for is no longer available. Another person may have grabbed it already."

But I can pick up regular eggs from the bottom row. 


Using view, I've found that some of the eggs displaying in the AP are on people's scrolls already.

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I just came to ask about this. Still frozen it seems. I was able to pick up a blizzard, but nothing happened to the AP on the refresh or when I tossed it back. 

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anyone else having issues with the event? My Frosty farming is just a black screen...


Edit: It came up finally

Edited by IzzyCat91

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Anyone having issues with the controls in the holiday event? 



1. There is an arrow in the text box (marked by the blue arrow in the screenshot) but I cannot activate it to see the next screen of instructions.


2.  The navigation keys (up down left right) aren't responding.

I'm using an iPad set on mobile display.



Edited by missy_

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Planted a Cocoanot apparently.



Edit: Also happening with Flameseeds.


editedit: all seeds except for the ones you start with give the black boxes when you plant them.


Edit: Another bug spotted. 


Edited by Mika

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I don’t have the hang of the game. I’m on an iPad, set to mobile view, so I have the arrow keys, and I can move between the seeds. What I can’t work out is how to actually plant a seed? 

ETA: worked it out by dint of pressing *everything*!

Edited by oxoniensis

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Where are people finding seeds? I only found a few early on, but not finding any now. People are planting seeds that I haven't seen.

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2 hours ago, casprrr said:

Where are people finding seeds? I only found a few early on, but not finding any now. People are planting seeds that I haven't seen.

you get them from the shop in the city through exchanging mana. genuinely curious about where you found the few early on? there are some in the inventory at the start of the game, but i haven't seen any in the overworld...

Edited by milkbun

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59 minutes ago, milkbun said:

you get them from the shop in the city through exchanging mana. genuinely curious about where you found the few early on? there are some in the inventory at the start of the game, but i haven't seen any in the overworld...


Yup, I found where to get seeds. I think the others were the ones that were already in my inventory.

Edited by casprrr

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In the Encyclopedia, does the tag for " found in" apply to the raffle when used for bred dragons?


For instance, the Encyclopedia entry for Coastal Waverunner, says that it is "found in the coast".  



Would a lineaged Coastal Waverunner apply for the current raffle that wants use to use dragons from the Coast?

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1 hour ago, Mystic_Halo said:

In the Encyclopedia, does the tag for " found in" apply to the raffle when used for bred dragons?


For instance, the Encyclopedia entry for Coastal Waverunner, says that it is "found in the coast".  



Would a lineaged Coastal Waverunner apply for the current raffle that wants use to use dragons from the Coast?


No, pretty sure it requires you actually pick up a CB from tbe specific biome.  (You can grab them from the AP as well, as long as they're CB)

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The games think I've earned my 300 candy today when I've only played one game today, and left yesterday at about 24 candy earned. Is anyone else running into this? (Also, the delivery race won't load. Mr. Flappy gets stuck in a downflap and then just shivers. Samsung mobile.)


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