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Leon still asleep fell next to Roxy, and said something in his sleep.

"No matter what I will protect everyone here. For once in my life I am not alone anymore." smiling in his sleep as he said it.

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Roxy slipped off the couch and padded towards the kitchen, turning back into her human form as she went. She opened the fridge and found a soda, which she inspected curiously before shrugging and taking a gulp. She walked back into the main room where Tanner was working on his computer. She sat down in a chair, taking another drink of the fizzy soda. "I think I rather like this drink." Roxy said to herself.


Tanner continued hacking into different cameras, trying to find whatever it is that was after them. He hacked into a police security mainframe, meaning to open the camera's recordings. But his eyes were drawn to a different file, labled 'Supernaturals'. Inside was one other file, labed 'Dragon'. He opened it. It was about him. His jaw dropped. Where had they gotten this information? Unless... no. The cruel one that had raised him was dead. So it was impossible. Right? And then he read the bottom line.


This information was given to us by Raph.


"NO. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING! WHEN DID RAPH GIVE THEM THIS INFORMATION? HE'S DEAD!" Tanner yelled at the computer screen. He growled and deleted the file and everything in it. That's the end of that. Tanner leaned back, distressed.


Raph, the cruel dragon-like creature that had raised him, was dead. Of that much he was certain. After all, he had killed the guy himself. And his dragon always made sure he got the job done. So Raph must've delivered this before then, probably realizing his death would soon be at hand. Tanner ran his hand through his hair, frustrated. All this time, thinking everyone was oblivious. But now they would be. Tanner made sure of that.


((Tanner's past is somewhat revealed! And Raph is dead, BTW. And a traitor. But still dead.))

Edited by polaristar

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Leon awoke from his sleep and stood up. Looked around the room, and saw Roxy in her human form. he blushed and looked away quickly. Then saw Tanner's distressed from something.

"Tanner? I may not know what it is, just remember one thing. The past is what made us, whether is for bad or good. I believe mine happened so I would be here. Mine is lonely and dripping with blood. Yet I am here,I was saved by Rilian, Arron, and Daniel. Thank you Rilian for taking in your home, and you too Arron for assisting in saving my life. I met you Tanner, a fellow half dragon. We might be different, we are the same none the less. Roxy thank you as well. You showed me that I am truly not alone. There people out there who know the pain of loneliness, and being hunted. I saw that in your eyes, thank you Roxy." Leon says with a smile and tears of happiness down his face.

Leon finally understood what it meant to be surrounded by people; people that you can call friends.

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"Hold on can someone tell me what's going on what are we going to do now that we have more supernatural bad guys going around the city."he said pacing the room looking at everyone and the pacing again " we can't stay here forever.


(Sorry for short post don't know what to do.)

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((*gasps* does Leon have a crush on Roxy???))

Tanner smiled at Leon. "I'm glad you have friends now. You say your past is dripping with blood, but I murdered hundreds of innocents in cold blood. Why? Because the one who raised me, if you could call it that, made me think that dragons are evil creatures. I got low. Tempermental. I can't tell you how many times my dragon took over because of my anger. Then I got it under control. I went to school, learned how to program, hack, and such. So here we are. But it haunts me every day, Leon. I have to live with the choices I've made. We are very similar, Leon, in more ways than one. And I'm glad to call you a friend." Tanner said, a slight frown on his face.


Roxy listened to Leon as he talked to all of them. "That was nice, Leon. Although I guess my emotions aren't as hidden as I thought, huh?" She said, giving him a small smile and taking another sip of soda.

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Leon walked over to Tanner and placed his hand on his shoulder.

" It is ok Tanner just remember, It was not you who did those things. You trusted someone who used you. I see someone now, who can see the value of friendship ." says as one would say to a brother.

Leon got up and turned to Roxy.

"I would not say that. Just for some odd reason. Looking into ones eyes I learn so much able a person. Plus your eyes are not that different from my own... I mean about the lonely...not that i mean your eyes aren't beautiful cause they are."said Leon trying hold back blushing. Leon felt like a total idiot when he said all that.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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Tanner sighed. "Trust him? I never, EVER, trusted Raph. As a matter of fact, I killed him." He leaned backwards in his chair, looking smug. It took all the control he had not to burst out laughing when Leon talked to Roxy. If he didn't know any better, he'd say Leon had a crush on her. Then again, what did he know about these kinds of things? He shrugged it off. It wasn't really his problem anyways, and if Leon wanted to confide in him, he would. But at least he would get a good laugh about it.


Roxy flashed him a bright smile. "I know what you mean." She said, taking the last sip from her now empty soda. She got up and went to throw it away. She headed into the kitchen and tossed the can into the recycling.


((I am like dying of laughter right now xd.png))

Edited by polaristar

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Leon heard what Arron had said.

"Got a point but can't just up and leave while Rena is still healing Akane." said Leon.

Leon face palmed himself.

"I am so bad at this kind of thing." Leon told himself.

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"Bad at what kind of thing, Leon?" Tanner asked innocently. He had, of course, already realized that Leon had a crush on Roxy. "You can talk to me, you know." He said sympathetically.

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Leon looked at Tanner with the most what the hell face.

"I already know that you know what I know Tanner." said Kein still with the face.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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Tanner snorted before erupting in laughter. "Oh Leon!" He said through his laughter. "I know this is horrible, but your face! Priceless!" He said, laughing like a maniac. "Deep breaths. Whew. That was funny." Tanner said, finally getting ahold of himself.


Roxy walked back into the room. "What's so funny?" She asked Tanner. Leon was looking at Tanner with a really weird look on his face. She smiled a little. It was kinda amusing. She sat down next to Leon, smirking slightly. Whatever had gotton Tanner to laugh so hard must've been pretty funny. For some reason, Tanner didn't seem like the kind of guy who laughed at anything.

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Leon kind laughed a bit as well. When he saw Roxy sit next to him, his face blushed red. Leon tried to get a hold of himself, but could not stop blushing.

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Tanner chuckled softly when Leon blushed red after Roxy sat down next to him. In his opinion, Leon was in way over his head on this one. He winked and Leon, giving him a sly smile.


Roxy shifted slightly. She was much more comfortable in fox form. In human form, she always sat on her tail. Her ear flicked. She shrugged and stood up, quickly changing into a fox before jumping back onto the couch and curling up next to Leon, her tail thumping softly.

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Leon's face was as red as a ripe tomato. Leon still did not know what he should do. Leon thinking about what he should do, he thought about it so hard that steam was coming from his head. He has never been in this situation before. He never liked a girl like this before.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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(( Oh lawd. ))


Dracula nodded in appreciation.

"Why yes. Of course I have." he responded, turning back to his work. "I was awake while I was sealed, trapped in a world of my own device in order to prevent myself from going insane from the seal. While I was in there, I came up with millions of scenarios of revenge."

He seethed slightly through tight lips.

"Oh yes. It was glorious. Simply glorious..." he said, slightly enraged, his memories bringing back his emotions. He shook his head slightly, clearing it.

"But.. it's over now. You and I shall make up for those years of solitude. You see, I don't want to kill Rilain - I want to make him suffer. Suffer for my pain."

He continued his spell, sighing.

"One reason I don't normally do this is how long it takes, Vez.." he said, bored.

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Roxy looked at Leon, her intelligent green eyes meeting his. She tilted her head. His face was really red. Was he... blushing? She yipped as if to ask 'what's wrong?'. She blinked at him, panting slightly. It was kinda warm in here, especially with fur. But she didn't want to move. Lying next to Leon was... nice. She felt safe. Which was a good thing. It wasn't often that she felt safe.

Edited by polaristar

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When she asked what was Leon kind of lost it.

"Well ahhh...i mmm... Well I." Leon sighed and took a deep breath so he could finish. Leon felt like such a dork after that.

"Well Roxy...I like you." Leon said to Roxy still blushing.





Vez clinched his fists.

"We will make him pay dearly for that." Vez said with anger in his words. Vez began to think of ways he could make him suffer. A very sadistic look took hold of Vez.

"Sorry my Lord i was thinking, about how i can make him suffer." Vez said happily

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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Skinner made it back to his seat with minimal embarrassment. He opened the envelope again and started reading some of the reports. Something struck him as off. This report said that the victim was missing his head. Skinner looked at the pictures enclosed with the report. This wendigo had bitten the victim's head clean off. Wendigos were big but they were at least proportionate to a human. He remember Wally being able to unhinge his jaw like a snake. Even that wasn't enough to fit an entire human head.


He was snapped from his gruesome predictions when the professor called him out. incorrectly, he might add. He glanced around the room, catching the eye of nearly everyone in the class. He grumbled and rose from his seat to join the group at the front of the room.


(((Sorry I vanished for four pages. Crazy night last night)))

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[[Tis okay pad ^^ I was out of the house last night too so I wouldn't have been able to post until this morning anyways xd.png]]


Casani continued to smile as Skinner finally joined the other four students at the front, turning to face them and clasp her hands together. "Alright. What I'm going to have you five do is give out your names starting here on the left." She pointed at a portly young man who seemed quiet confident despite having dozens of eyes focused on him and a few others. "Once you've each given your names, I'll list out a few composers and it's your task to tell me and the class which musical era they are from, one by one."


After she finished instructing the students up front, she turned to address the students in their seats. "When these five make their response, the rest of you get to signal with thumbs up or thumbs down whether you believe their answers to be right or wrong. Now! Your names?" she stated, moving to the computer as the portly boy said his name was William. From there, the line went down with Susan, Mark, Jeff, then Skinner.


"Okay, William? Your composer is Giuseppe Avitrano. What's his era?"


"The Classical," William responded without hesitation. Casani nodded, looking to the students. "How many think he's right?" About half of the seated class gave a thumbs up or a simple hand in the air. "How many think he's wrong?" Also about half in response.


Casani smiled, moving on. The process was the same but the names of composers were different. From Ferdinando Paer and Otfrid von Weissenburg, to Adam of Saint Victor and Richard Hol, she was at Skinner. "Skinner, correct? Sorry about the mix-up earlier. You're composer is Felix Draeseke. What era is he from?"

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(((Not going to google it)))



Skinner introduced himself as Skinner like he always did. He hated being called Luke. His parents thought it was cute to name their son after a book in the bible. Skinner didn't keep that around once his parents started educating him in their ways of "magic". Skinner sounded more professional anyway.


Skinner was beginning to fret as the students before him in line rambled off seemingly correct information. He was beginning to worry that his mom gave him the wrong class. When she finally got to him, he got the name of his composer. Some man that sounded like a character in a fantasy romance. Skinner had no idea, "Uh...acid rock?" he said, obviously unsure.

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He walked out of the room to the front door grabbed his sweater and staff slinging on his back kinda hungry from putting up the ward " hey guys sorry but I'm already late for class and I don't want to fail so if you don't mind I'll be off." He opened the door and started to walk out " also don't mess with those runes or you'll mess up the protection field and other things will be able to get in besides us."he closed the door and gather his surroundings in and gauge how long it would take to get back to campus"campus " Oh man its going to be a long walk he really would have like some kinda wigs right now.

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((Why am I finding Leon's reactions so funny??? LOL))


"See you later, Aaron." Tanner said, waving lazily in his direction. He had already hacked into the college and deleted himself from the database. He choked on the water he was drinking when Leon declared his feelings for Roxy. He definitely wasn't expecting THAT. He started coughing, taking deep breaths when he finally stopped. "Thanks, Leon. I needed that." Tanner muttered sarcastically.


Roxy sat up in surprise, still in fox form. She stared at Leon for a few moments before laying down again with her head resting on his lap. She looked at Tanner in amusement with half closed eyes.

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Leon with a what face, when Roxy put her head in his lap. Leon started to think does she like me, does she not like me, and then big one WHAT IF I WAS FRIEND ZONED. Leon asked himself in the back of his mind. He looked at Tanner with face trying not to disrupt Roxy.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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It took him about an hour to reach there and was tired why did he even bother. He walked into the building his class was in and into the room not caring if he was thirty minutes late " hey what up everyone."he said taking his seat and putting his head down.

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