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Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

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Get a machete, a hockey mask, and go sit on a bench in the park. Wave your machete at people and ask them creepy questions.



How do potato?

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It means it is not a computer

Why Bad Rap #143 is the extremely angry Velociraptor?

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Because they are low

Why Haxx #148 is the extremely angry Velociraptor?

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I have no idea what a Haxx 148 even is. Please insert another quarter and try again.


Why do robots like orange juice?

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Because it looks like high quality oil (it's not but they don't know better; not in their programming)


Where does the sun go round in June?

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Oh, how did that happen? Here, I can help open your mouth *pulls out a drill*


Why is he up all night to get lucky?

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He's actually a leprechaun with genuine 4-leaf clover coat and upside down horseshoe necklace. Nothing could possibly go wrong!


Why do people love Friday?

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Because of Rebecca Black no not really //stabselfforevenmentioningit


What does chunky milk taste like?

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It tastes like a broken game


Why Spittor #26 is the extremely angry Velociraptor?

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Duh cause when he was a baby he decided, 'hey imma go yell at some peeps and be really ticked off all the time' as most teenage Velociraptors do from time to time.


Behind me is a black figure that moves exactly as I do, he doesn't appear when light is absent so what is this strange creature copying me.

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A neon orange tree stump that is practicing its shapeshifting powers and is only able to show itself in light.


Why are there these droplets falling from the sky?

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They are bored


Why Red Eyes Black Dragon #5050 is the extremely angry dragon?

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Because no one has really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like.


Are cheese dragons really made of cheese?

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Because we're not plants.


How much wood can a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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Silly, foxes cannot speak.


If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, then is ignorance indeed bliss?

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Yep, because when you sleep you are ignorant, and sleep is a bliss, so ignorance is a bliss too.


Why are dfeferihufg and ihefrhfie not words?

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Actually, I believe i've seen the use of these words elsewhere! For example, if I were to use it in a sentence, " Dfeferihufg, Mrs Brown! How are ihefrhfie, today?", and she'd reply, "HEUHEUHHUEH.."


Why do we play bring up dragons on Dragcave? Can we eat them?

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