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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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"About an hour," Darcy answered, glancing at the two brothers. Loki just looked pitiful now. "I would enjoy a meal," Thor admitted, staying close to his brother. This was different, this wasnt an enemy he could knock away with his hammer. It was an invisible enemy.

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"Alright," Jane said with a nod. An hour and Thor wanted food. "What about you, Loki?" she asked.

"I'm not hungry," Loki replied as he continued to cling to Thor. Jane nodded then looked at Darcy. "I'm going to go see what I can make. Do you want any more coffee?"

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"Yes please, more magic elixir," Darcy groaned, handing her cup over. Thor wrinkled his nose in confusion. "Magic elix- I was not aware the mortals gained knowledge of alchemy," he said, looking to Loki. Darcy was too stunned to so anything but stare.

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Jane took the cup and quickly went to the kitchen to make coffee and food for the group. Loki glanced up at Thor then shrugged as best he could.

"I did not know either," he replied, closing his eyes. He was going to try and sleep again. But just to make sure Thor did not leave, he gripped the red cape as tightly as he could with both hands. He did not want to wake up to find his brother gone.

"Here," Jane said, quickly returning with Darcy's cup, now filled with hot brown liquid. "Do you want some?" she asked, looking at Thor.

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"It's not alchemy dude. That was sarcasm," Darcy finally managed, still giving him an incredulous look. She then accepted the coffee and proceeded to drown her troubles. Thor peered at the cup, then looked to Jane. "I suppose it could not hurt to try it," he said with a nod. He sat beside Loki, still sort of cradling him.

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Jane observed Thor carefully then nodded and returned to the coffee maker. A few seconds later she returned with another cup, which she placed on the table near the sofa. "It's hot,"she warned then returned to the kitchen to make some food for them.


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Thor inspected the steaming mug, then picked I up and took a tentative sip. It was quite good, actually, so he drank heartily. "I greatly approve," he told Darcy, who arched an eyebrow at this information.

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Ten or so minutes later, Jane returned with three plates with scrambled eggs and toast. She set two of them down on the table while keeping the third for herself. "There," she said with a small nod to the plates. "It was the best I could do. So... enjoy."

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"This drink.. I like it," Thor said as she came back, looking at Loki then to Jane. "I apologize for my rudeness, but I do not wish to wake my brother by smashing the cup, so I must simply ask for another," he said mournfully, accepting the plate. He began to scarf down food, his expression growing pleased. It tasted wonderful!

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"Rudeness?" Jane asked in confusion as she took the cup. "Oh, no! Smashing cups here is not good. Just ask for it instead. People would not be pleased if you did that." She quickly returned to the kitchen then walked back in a few seconds later with full cup for Thor. She held it out to him as she turned her attention to the sleeping form of Loki. He was still holding onto Thor's cape like it was a security blanket and was quietly resting on the couch. It looked like he had been really concerned Thor would leave when he fell asleep. "It would be best to avoid waking Loki," she agreed.

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"Many thanks," Thor said as she returned, gulping the hot liquid down and then setting his empty plate aside. He gave Loki a glance, checking on him, and sighed. "My brother.. I fear for his sanity as well as his physical being. Our father was cruel to hide such a thing, only to shove it in his face after. I do not wish to see my brother stranded here forever, but the Allfather's mind will not be changed." He gazed at his feet, looking like a kicked puppy.

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So that was why Loki had not wanted to reveal his true form to Thor. Jane stared at Thor before she set her plate down and walked over to him. "Can't you convince him to let Loki come back? I mean, it seems a bit harsh for him to be banished for all eternity. Especially if he's struggling emotionally with who he really is." She placed a hand on Thor's shoulder and smiled. "But I promise we will look after him while he is here. And you can just visit, right?"

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Thor gave her a weak smile. "Jane Foster, you are kind, but there is more to this story than you know to this tale. The day of my coronation, my brother allowed Frost Giants into the castle. However, at the time he did not know of his true heritage. Odin believes that he knew and was attempting to betray Asgard, and for that he is banished and marked as a traitor. The Allfather will not change his mind," he sighed.

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"Coronation?" Jane asked, confused. "Wait, you're a prince? Can't you just wait until you are king and then bring him back? It's either that or you find an army and force Odin to let Loki back in. Or he just chills on Midgard for all eternity." She frowned as she stared down at the sleeping figure. "Why did he let them in in the first place?"

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"My first act as king cannot be to undo the previous king's last," Thor answered sadly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know not what my brother was doing, but I have a feeling it had something to do with me. He is known for his mischief, but not the treachery my father claims he was doing."

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"You mean he was vanished before he even got to say why he did what he did?" Jane asked. Well, that seemed horribly unfair. "You should ask him. After he gets better, of course. Speaking of which, when do you think SHIELD will show up? I don't want him to get worse in the time it takes them to get over here."

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Thor shrugged again, unsure of who she was even talking about. "I am not familiar with this so called SHIELD, so I have no answer," he replied, and ironically, that was when there was knocking on the door. His hammer was in his hand in an instant, features hardening. "Woah there big guy, let's just keep calm," Darcy said because a flying hammer in her apartment was not good. Edging over to the door, she opened it, and sure enough Coulson was standing there. "You called?"

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Jane quickly moved over to the door. A man in a suit and sunglasses. Well, that was extremely stereotypical. Like, was he going to pull out some insane gadget and adopt an English accent? "Loki is sick," she said, motioning to the sleeping form on the couch. "We don't know what's wrong with him so we thought you could help."

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Coulson stepped into the room and removed his sunglasses. "This is the brother?" He asked, inclining his head towards Thor. He seemed totally unperturbed by the fact that there were two 'gods' in the room. "Please sir, if you could drop the weapon, we'd be happy to look Loki over," he offered. Thor looked conflicted, but then slowly set the hammer down. A few medical personnel came in behind Coulson, moving towards the couch. The thunder god refused to budge.

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Even if Thor had moved, Loki would not have permitted him to leave. His hands gripped the god's red cloak in a death grip. In fact, it seemed as if all of his energy was devoted to keeping Thor nearby. In the time it had taken for SHIELD to arrive, he had grown to look even worse. He was taking large, rapid breaths of air and his face was even more red. One of the examiners walked around Thor and examined Loki's face.

Almost as soon as his face was touched, Loki's eyes shot open. He quickly sat up backed away from the man trying to examine him, coughing loudly as he did so. He stared at the new people in the room, his breathing quickly growing more rapid.

"Can you calm him down? We can't examine him like this and it could be dangerous if he starts hyperventilating."

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Thor wrapped his arms around his brother, trying to calm him. "Loki, you must remain calm. These people wish to help, they are going to make you better. I will not allow them to harm you," he said gently, worry present on his face. "I will stay the whole time, but you must calm down."

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Loki struggled briefly until he realized the person holding him was his brother. He looked up at his brother then closed his eyes. He forced himself to relax and his breathing slowed down slightly. Seeing this change, the man approached again and brushed Loki's hair away from his face. He reached a hand up and pressed it against Loki's forehead before examining his arms.

"It is hard to tell but he seems to be suffering from heat stroke. His core temperature is higher than it should be so we need to get it down. How cold is he normally? We'll probably have to move him to a different location where we can put him in a very cold enviornment if it is too far below average human temperature."

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"I.. am not sure," Thor said uneasily, trying not to panic. Heat stroke? Was this deadly? "It's cold enough to give frost bite," Darcy chimed in, watching them nervously. She took a step forward, looking at Loki with unhidden panic. This was her fault! She shouldn't have taken him outside!

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The man looked worried at this fact but quickly his his fear to look back up at Thor. "How cold is his home world?" He asked, turning Loki's hand over. He was no where close to being cold enough to give frost bite. In fact, he actually felt warm. That was a very bad sign. They were going to have to hurry. "We should probably move him now and talk specific temperatures later. Even keeping him in an ice bath while we try to get a colder room could help. But here, while fine for us, is too hot for him. Do you mind if we take him to SHIELD headquarters?"

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Thor wrinkled his brow. "It is.. very cold. I could not tell you how cold, for I do not know. Where is this SHIELD place? I am coming as well," he declared, hugging his brother closer in defense. "Me too," Darcy said, her expression boding no room for argument. Coulson glanced at Jane, and raised an eyebrow. "Miss Foster, we'd like you to come in as well. We want to know how he got here, and you're the closest to figuring it out."

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