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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Darcy smiled, standing in the doorway as he laid down. "Alright, if you have to use the bathroom, its that white bowl in there," she added, pointing. Asgardians didn't have toilets, did they? Who knew? "I will. Good night," she finally said, closing the door quietly and moving to her couch. She grabbed the phone to call Coulson first, their conversation brief. SHIELD would be on the lookout. Now, to follow Loki's example and sleep. Pulling off her glasses, she clambered into the nest of covers and was out.

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Loki rolled over when Darcy left and wrapped his arms around a pillow, pulling it close. He rested his head on it and closed his eyes, quickly falling asleep.


The pounding in his head was suddenly matched by the sound of someone banging at the door. Shivering, Loki tucked his head under the pillow in an attempt to block out the noise. "Darcy!" Jane yelled, knocking on the door. "Darcy, let me in! I need to talk to you!"

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Darcy groaned, flinging the blankets off her body and muttering curses to herself. Stumbling over to the door, she pulled it open with a not-so-amused look on her face. "Dude.. Do you know what time it is? Do you star nuts ever sleep?" She complained, rubbing her eye.

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Jane stared at Darcy, wide awake despite the fact it was very early in the morning. "That's not important," she said dismissively as she raised several pictures she was holding. "Look!" she said, pointing to a vaguely human shape amongst clouds and stars. "I need to talk to that guy you hit the other day. But they said he wasn't at the hospital. Where did he go?"

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She considered lying to Jane, she really did. But that meant she'd come back again when she couldn't find him. Sighing, Darcy rubbed her forehead. "Look, he's staying with me, but you can't talk to him right now. He's had an awful day and he's exhausted. He told me everything, you can ask me your questions if you want," she said slowly.

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Jane stared at Darcy for a few moments then looked down at the pictures. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked. "Do you have any idea what this could mean for my research? All of my life's work?" She shook her head then sighed. "Where did he come from? Did he travel through the bridge to get here? How?"

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"Because I knew you would flip out like this! Just get in here," Darcy grumped, pulling her inside and shutting the door. "He comes from a place called Asgard, but he just learned he's not actually an Asgardian, he's a Jotun from Jotunheim. The thing he used to get here is called the Bifrost, a bridge they use to travel between worlds," she tried to explain.

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Jane started to write things down in a small book before she paused and stared up at Darcy. "You're kidding, right?" she asked. "Are you saying he's an alien? I thought he was just some guy... he didn't even look like an alien!"

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"Yup, he's an alien. And possibly a god," Darcy answered, flopping down on the couch. And she was supposed to be the irritating one. "He has magic or something, it keeps him looking normal. When he drops the illusion he's all blue and freezing cold and red eyes. He's really nice though, I feel bad for him."

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"Oh, and I'm the crazy one," Jane replied as she stood up. "Let me see him," she insisted as she started moving towards the bedroom. "He's in here, right? I just want to ask him a few questions and see if you aren't completely insane."

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Darcy surprised herself by flying across the room and putting herself between Jane and the door, lightly panting. Did she.. Really just do that? Wow. "No, Jane, please. You didn't see him earlier- he was so upset, his dad the Allfart or whatever threw him out for no reason. He's hurting and he's tired, please down wake him up for this. Stay for breakfast if you have to, ask him then," she insisted, looking up slightly at her (she was cursed with shortness).

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Jane frowned slightly but retracted her hand. "Fine," she declared. "I will wait for him to wake up. What time is it anyway? I was so caught up in work I completely lost track of time." She shrugged slightly then walked away from the door, instead roaming around the rest of her apartment.

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Darcy checked her watch and groaned. "Three in the morning," she mumbled, slumping off to lay back down on the couch. "Do you ever sleep?" She complained, face down in the cushions.

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"Sometimes," Jane replied as she took out her notebook and began reviewing it. She suddenly looked up when there was a small thud from the door leading to the bedroom.

"Do you have company?" a weary voice asked. Loki, having been woken by the voices and the banging, was leaning against the door as he rubbed his eyes. If no one was there, he was going back to bed. If someone was there, he was going to try and put up his magic again and go into disguise.

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Darcy lifted her head as she heard Loki, flashing Jane a glare as she sat up. "It's just Jane, Lokes, you can come out," she called, smoothing down her hair and clothing. She wished they hadn't woken him, Jane could be insensitive sometimes.

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There was a long pause before Loki opened the door. He skin was pale again and every trace of him being an alien was gone. He just looked like a very disheveled, very tired man. He looked at Darcy then his eyes flickered to Jane. He paused then moved away from the doorway. "Hello," he said softly, rubbing his eyes. "Have we met before?"

"Yes. I was in the truck that Darcy hit you with," Jane replied.

"Ah," Loki said with a small nod as he moved over to Darcy. "I don't mean to be rude but isn't it a bit early for guests? It's still dark outside."

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"Uh, I think that was legally your fault," Darcy countered with a scowl, crossing her arms and looking away. Sometimes she couldn't stand Jane. At Loki's comment, she threw her hands up. "That's what I said! But Jane is a vampire so she doesn't sleep, and apparently that means none of her friends do either," she huffed, stalking off to make coffee.

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Loki cracked a weary smile and started to follow Darcy. Jane, however, had other plans and quickly grabbed his hand. "Wait, I have questions for you!" she declared as she pulled out her notepad. Loki stared down at her then reluctantly sat down near her. Jane smiled and immediately began sprouting off abouta bridge, stars and what had happened that night he had been hit by a truck. Loki, not nearly awake enough for any of this, simply stared at her silently with a confused expression on his face.

"Sorry... what?" he asked after she finished speaking. His head still hurt way too much. Rubbing it, he grimaced and shook his head. "I had a really long day. I can't seem to think straight." He rubbed the sides of his heads and closed his eyes as Jane lowered her notepad.

"Hey Darcy?" she called, shifting a bit closer to Loki. "Is your friend alright? He doesn't look very good."

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"I told you he wasn't! Maybe you shouldn't have dragged him out of bed!" Darcy snapped, hurrying back and setting down the three coffee mugs she had been carrying and crouching before him. "Loki? You okay? You need to lay down again?" She asked.

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"No, I am fine ," Loki replied with a shake of his head. Jane reached over and grabbed his hand again before examining his arm.

"You feel really warm," she said as she pressed a hand against his arm.

"Really?" Loki asked. "I don't feel warm. I actually feel sort of cold right now." He rubbed his eyes, not noticing the fact that he was slightly shivering.

"There's totally something wrong with you," Jane said, a frown appearing on her face.

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Frowning, Darcy looked at Jane nervously. "Should we take him to the hospital?" She asked, reaching out to feel his forehead. He did feel a bit warm, which was strange. "Maybe we need to get you somewhere cold? Because you're a Frost Giant and all?" She hypothesized.

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"But I already feel cold," Loki replied as he pinched the bridge of his nose. His head was pounding so much. "Why take me somewhere colder if I'm already shivering?" He shifted slightly and stared up at the hand feeling his forehead. "Besides, I don't want to go to the hospital. I don't trust them." He stared at Darcy for a moment before he suddenly collapsed forward. He would have fallen on top of her had Jane not quickly grabbed him by the back of his shirt.

"He's light, " she mumbled then shook her head. "Call someone! He's totally sick but who can care for him? Do you know anyone?"

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Darcy's eyes were wide as he toppled towards her, a small squeak escaping her. "N-no, I don't think we can exactly talk to his dad, apparently the guy hates his guts.." She dug her fingers into her hair, racking her brains for something, anything, that could help. "Thor!" She suddenly gasped, jumping up. "He has a brother- I'm gonna go see if I can contact him. Get him to the hospital or call a doctor, here," she said, tossing her phone at Jane before racing out the door.

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Jane fumbled the phone that had been thrown at her. Thor? Loki? What were with these names? She quickly laid Loki down on the couch and dialed her own doctor. While trying to convince him to come over despite the time, she quickly went to the freezer and grabbed several ice packs. She quickly returned to the unconscious man and placed the ice packs all over his body. That would help until the doctor came, right? Now she could only wait until Darcy showed back up or the Doctor arrived. She had no idea what else to do.

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Darcy came back thirty minutes later, cheeks flushed from yelling at the sky. No one had answered, and okay, she felt a little crazy doing it, but hopefully this guy's brother had heard her. Otherwise.. Well she didn't want to think about it. "How is he?" She asked, coming in and crouching beside him.


Thor had heard. It had given him quite the start, but once he started listening, he grew worried. Odin would probably abandon Loki, but that was still his brother. He couldn't just let him die. Sneaking out of the castle, he raced towards the Bifrost, praying Heimdall would let him pass.

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