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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Baltia asked Enamora to help take the prey back to the camp. The dark myst struggled to carry the rabbit with her. Wanting to spare her the work, the magi suggested an idea, "You know? We can make it all easier if I just teleport us and the food back to camp." After getting a response from the dark myst, she warped them and the stuff back to the lake.


((I'm assuming that Baltia will say "yes" in the next post. If she doesn't, I'll edit this post.))




After Ronan got on, Drake rose and took to the air in low flight. "Over to my friend, Whitney's house," said Minerva. She gave the dragon direction to Whitney's house.




Doubloon looked at the hatchlings and greeted them with a friendly smile. "Greetings, young ones! As you know, I am Doubloon the chief of this village. I'm sure you're all going to have a fine time here. Now tell me which one of you is Danielle and Kylie," he said.


The whiptail hatchling chirped, "I'm Danielle."


The balloon hatchling pointed to herself, "And I'm Kywie."


The chief nodded and said, "Good, now I know who is who. Now follow me, I'm going to show you around the village." He got off the slab and left his room as the sisters followed after him.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Akuma rolled out of the way of the cloak being tossed his way. It landed on the grass with a sopping 'thump' behind him. His lip curled. He had half a mind to electrocute the water in return. Akuma rose to his feet in case of any more 'attacks' from Nick. The mage splashed about, swimming against the currant to keep in place. Akuma looked down at Nick in silent consideration as the mage offered to teach him how to swim. His golden eyes drifted down the stream, seeing a calmer point a ways down. Perhaps he was right after all. "And how do I know this isn't just some sick joke you've concocted?" he asked accusingly. His claws tapped impatiently against his side.


Chi looked back down to Zeditha, seeing she had slowed her pace to enjoy the food. Chi paused to look at a piece of rabbit on her fork. She turned it, regarding it in detail thought fully. "So, what do you plan to do with your new bound freedom?" she asked. Chi had always been 'free' to a degree, her kind just wasn't really accepted into society. Even with dragons and humans getting along better. It made her wonder how then, a free dragon would live. She ate the piece of rabbit.

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Baltia made a face, but nodded. "Good idea."

After they were teleported back, she looked around. "I wonder who wants to share some deer? I'll just have..." she eyed the pile of meat, trying to decide which peice was the right size. "I'll just have the rabbit, I think. Are there any other pygmies here who'd like to share it?"

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Drake adjusted his course and flew to the lady Whitney's home. He landed outside it lightly. Ronan hopped off and aided Minerva in getting off, like a gentleman. He would then approach the house with her.

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"Hmm..." Enamora hummed as she looked around for others who looked to be carnivorous. Perhaps this group of crimson flares would be up for another helping of breakfast. She went over to them and asked, "Excuse me, Baltia wants to share the deer she caught with someone. Would you all like to eat with her?"


The crimson flares nodded their heads and said, "Yeah sure. I'm all up for food!"


"Great! Then with me; I'm eating, too," the magi said. Then they followed her over to the deer.




Drake flew over to Whitney's home and Ronan helped Minerva to get off the dragon. "Thanks!" she said gratefully. Then they went over to the door and the woman and knocked on the door.


They stood there for a few seconds until the door swung open to reveal a ginger-haired woman with freckles on her face. Smiling happily, the woman greeted, "Hey Minerva! I'm surprised to see you here." Then she looked over to Ronan and asked, "Who's this?"


Minerva introduced him, "This is Ronan; the guy who saved me two nights ago."

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Ronan put his fist over his heart(like hand over the heart for the pledge of allegiance), and bowed to her. "A pleasure to meet you. We have some important business to discuss with you if you're interested." He spoke with a calm manner and a sense of hopefulness in his tone. "I hope you don't mind my friend standing guard on your roof. He's a bronze dragon named Drake." He added. Drake had glided and landed gently on the roof.

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Baltia chirped happily. She liked sharing her food; it meant that none went to waste. As the other pygmies fell on the deer, she tore the rabbit in half and put it into her bag, then went to eat the other half a little bit away from the deer. (I don't think a pygmy would be able to eat an entire rabbit in one sitting, so she's saving it for later. xd.png)



Zeditha looked up, licking traces of the stew off her mouth as she considered how to answer the question. "I've always been free," she replied. "I was born after the Spell, although my parents were both pets and told me about the Spell. So... What will I do? I never think about it much. I just hunt rabbits and eat them, occasionally I run into something interesting, but once it's over I just roam the forest again. Is anyone truly free? We are all bound by the limitations of our society, and even if we are outsiders, we create our own rules to bind ourselves. We still have to eat, so we are kept to places where we can find food. We can't venture into a desert without expecting to die from dehydration. We can't fly too high without the air thinning... And not everyone can fly. So, what am I going to do with my new-found freedom? Well, if anyone ever had any freedom, mine certainly isn't new-found." She paused, looking a little sad, then went back to the delicious stew.

((So much philosophy... Too much?))

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Nick looked offended as Akuma suggested that this was some kind of sick joke he had been planing to play on the hybrid boy. "Yes this is all some horrible joke I've just been dying to carry out since I met you." he went on sarcastically. He let himself be carried down stream, beckoning to Akuma to come on over. A barrier of rocks broke up the current and Nick had to climb over them into the much shallower, calmer water. Here the water would come up to about mid chest on Akuma, and the current was almost not noticeable. "Come on, the waters shallow here, the only way you'll drown is if forget how to stand up, and that's assuming that I'd ever let you drown anyways." he tried to convince Akuma to come over into the water.

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Axle look at Juna before he spoke "Juna, can you and Mekarth train them in the basic layout of the city?" Axle asked her, but Juna grin at the idea before she spoke back.


"Sure, but I won't like it. I know we need the help, but I honestly don't like the idea." Juna said as she turn her head towards Aeolus.


Mekarth heard what Axle said but said nothing. Axle turn his head back to Aeolus "So that settle, Juna and Mekarth will train those who can be train in the city layout, so you are a bit more prepare when you are needed. I have to return back on my journey, and I would like it if Atlas came with me as well."



Azera keep an eye on the sky for a second before looking at the woman again "Thank you." He said as the girl went to the truck and started to look though the truck bed. "Honestly I don't know what to do with her in her contidtion." Azera said as the girl continued to look though the truck until she found some clothing that she liked. A full black shirt with Black short that came to her knees. They had scale pattern on them, look like dragon scales. She walked from the truck and hide somewhere for a minute to put on the clothing and than came back.

Edited by draco8967

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Juna said as she turn her head towards Aeolus.


((I think you forgot to write a dialogue for Juna.))


"Not at all; he can rest anywhere on my property as long as dad doesn't get home too soon," said Whitney. Then she lowered her voice a bit into a warning tone, "He don't like dragons, because of that rebellion a few days ago."


Then a feminine voice was heard from the house, "Whitney, who's at the door?"


The redhead turned her head around and answered, "It's Minerva and a friend of her's, mom."


The mother's voice sounded with delight at the kind of guests they were having. "Your friend's here? Well don't just stand there. Let them in," she told.


Whitney looked back to the couple and said, "Well, come on in guys." Then Minerva followed her friend inside the house and closed the door behind them. The redhead looked at them both and asked, "So, what brings you guys here?"




Enamora went to eat some of the deer as the crimson flares ate some of it as well. They listened to the conversation between Aeolus and the dragon lords as they ate.




Aeolus replied, "That is fine by me, Axle. Just make sure she doesn't get killed. Her nieces already lost their parents; they don't need to lose another caretaker." Then he looked at the magi and asked, "Atlas, will you be alright on your own? Do you need any of my horde member's help?"


Atlas assured him, "Don't worry about me, Aeolus. I know how to get around Spinx's tricks and know when to warp away. He won't get us." She was pretty confident on how she would fight the necromancer in the future.


The horde leader told her, "Well if you're sure of yourself, then I have no further concerns. But Atlas, if you ever need help on this journey; don't hesitate to talk to me, alright?"


"Got it, thanks for you concern, Aeolus," the magi replied. Then she looked to the white dragon and asked, "Ready to go, Axle?"




"Hey, anytime," Kathia replied in response to Azera's "thank you." After the girl went inside the truck, the redhead suggested, "Well you probably just leave her in this camp. There's probably a doctor around who can help, but I don't know if we have one." Then the girl came out in black clothes with the shirt having the pattern of dragon scales. Kathia commented, "Hey, that looks nice on you! Skin a pelt off a dragon into a shirt and you'll be wearing the real thing."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Baltia finished eating her half of rabbit. Flying up into the air, she caught the last part of Aeolus' conversation - "Ready to go, Axle?" She was immediately curious, and flew closer. "Where are you going?" she asked. "Should I come? I'd like something to do..."

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Ronan walked in with Minerva. "We have a favor to ask. Minerva is helping me to establish a school, a martial arts school. We would like to ask your assistance." He looked to Minerva so she could explain the details. Drake rested on the roof comfortably.

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Jericho had been mindlessly walking around in the camp after the gate guard let him in. He would stop by a merchant stall or tavern and grab something small to eat on the go, or a drink to drink. Eventually he found himself in the training grounds. There were people sitting down eating lunch at the time he arrived. One person, a girl with fiery red hair, stood out to him more than anyone else. He has heard of her, though he didn't know her name. As the rumor goes, she personally took on a horde of dragons, though Jericho didn't believe it. Jericho was about to make his way up to her to introduce himself, when the man and little girl from early showed up. Jericho shrugged and continued to skim through the trainees, and possible teachers. It was at this point that something interesting happened, a dragon flew over. For Jericho it was a common sight, though all of the trainees/teachers panicked and grabbed their weapons. Jericho began to laugh. He knew that grabbing their weapons was completely pointless at that point. The dragon was moving to fast to accurately aim at it, and Jericho doubt it would be turning back. So instead of worrying about the dragon, he merely fell to the ground laughing. He slowly lost the laugh into a chuckle, which then became a grin.

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((For some reason it erased her dialog))


Axle look at Aeolus, "I will not let that happen, Aeolus. Not while I breath air and still have a beating heart." Axle meant every word. Than he look at the sky with the little Pygmy flying above "I would not wish to get you into harms way. It best if you stay here for now."


Axle turn his attention to Atlas "We may leave now, if you wish." Axle calmly said as his bother and sister walked away, sound if they were discussing something.



Azera look at the girl for a second and than turn his head to the woman. "By the way I never caught your name." Azera said. The girl kind of look at the woman for a second before handing Azera back his torn coat.

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Akuma slowly followed Nick down stream, keeping away from the edge of the river. He frowned again as the water started to slow out to a peaceful setting. That would mean there would be swimming lessons after all. Nick beckoned him to come into the water. Akuma edged closer to peer into the water. The sand certainly looked close enough for it to be shallow. He looked to Nick and then the water again in thought. The Hybrid straightened up again and slowly unzipped his hoodie, dropping it to the grass. He crouched down and eased into the shallow water, baring his fangs at the coolness. His hands finally let go of the grass and he stood still in the water, looking over to Nick. His face was that of aggravation and distrust.


Chi looked at Zeditha with something of surprise, "You were born after the spell? You're pretty collected for only being a week or two old" she murmurs. Chi chuckled to herself and finished her rabbit in silence. She put her plate in the sink and rinsed it off.

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((It's like 5 days after the Spell; did Zeditha grow up fast?))


"Okay, what can I help you with?" asked Whitney.


Minerva asked, "We're actually looking for your brother. Is he here right now?"


"David?" asked the redhead. She nodded and answered, "Oh yeah, he's here alright. I'll go get him." Then she went into the room at the beginning of the narrow hallway. Minerva could hear her saying, "David, my friends need your help. I think they want you to design their school."


"Alright, I'll go see them," said the brother. Then Whitney came back out of the room with a freckle-less ginger-haired man, who was a few years older than his sister. David smiled at Minerva and greeted, "Hey Minerva, what's up?"


"I'm doing good," the blonde replied. Then she introduced her companion, "This is Ronan, he's a new friend of mine who's staying with me."


David held a hand out for the assassin to shake as he greeted, "Hey there, nice to meet you!"




"Oh, we're going right now," Atlas said to him. Then she said to the disaster dragon, "Bye Aeolus." Without waiting for a response from him, she teleported herself and Axle out of Solomos.


Aeolus looked to his horde and told them, "Vulture Horde, we shall commence our training from Mekarth and Juna immediately."




Atlas appeared at the spring cave and went to edge of the cliff. Looking at the silhouette of a mountain at the very far distance, she asked, "Hey Axle, you think that's Trident Mountain over there?"




The teen told him, "The name's Kathia and it starts with a K. I know it's not an everday name, but that's what my parents named me."


Then a man came over to her and reminded her, "Kathia, your magic class is about to start."


Kathia replied, "Okay, I'll be right there. Just hang on a sec." As the man left, she Looked back at Azera and said, "Well I got to go. These people can't learn magic by themselves."

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((Finally! My LAZYNESS wears off! Yopple time!))




His ears perked up when the disaster dragon mentioned training. "Training, eh? Well, it is about time, sir." The Cassare/Magi/Thing walked over, craning his neck. "So, Aeolus sir, how shall this work?" The dragon asked, mentally preparing himself for training. He was pretty much the highest in Training when he still had a master. Why not now? Well, he did have size atvantage, but others could use that to their atvantage. Lets see about that. He almost smiled.


Ohimia ((just a little peek))


The Lumina dragoness wasn't happy still. The though of her master being cruel and abusive wasn't the big thing. The big part was what she would do next. What would she do next? She didn't find anything for a while now. Her second set of smaller wings fluttered. Her leg scales were covered in dirt. Yet she had no urge to peel them off. Where were the others when she needed them? "Aye vey..." She muttered to herself. Today wasn't the best of days. Anytime now, she could run into a hunter and get stabbed. She probably would not be so lucky like Yopple was. Yopple.....she missed the kind side of the big Cassare. He was so warm and huggable...what happened now? Well, that scroll she read so many years ago did say about him having multiple personalities. So now her ultimate crush was probably going to kill so many humans and maybe even a dragon. What would happen now?


((Hey DJvoxel, want my character to bump into yours?))

Edited by Esko_the_Wolf

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Ronan shook his hand. "Honor to meet you. Minerva tells me you work as a contractor, handling the construction. I'm looking to establish a school, a place to train and teach the combative skills that I have learned myself. Minerva has agreed to be my partner and she has recommended you as the one to go to about getting the facility built. Can you help us?" He hoped this would be a good business deal.

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(That would be helpful Esko since I can't find much for my char to do rn.)


Garin had been exploring around the cave for a while now and had found that all of the tunnels led to dead ends, meaning if the entrance got blocked, he'd be trapped. So, Garin decided to leave and look for a cave with a more strategic and safe position. He eventually found another cave along the mountain side and saw Axle and Atlas standing at the edge. He floated in mid-air and watched from a safe distance to see if they were hostile.


(Red, your turn. tongue.gif )

Edited by DJVoxel

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((What, really? From the sounds of things, it seems to be a couple of weeks after the Spell at least. I figured that's about enough time for a hatchling to become a young adult, hence Zeditha's age and backstory. But if it's only five days... She was in the forest with Mia for at least one or two before she met Chi, and it's gotta be about lunchtime since then.

Sorry for all-OOC post, but if it really has been only five days, then that's not really long enough for her to grow up properly, even if she hatched a few minutes after the Spell, so I'd have to change that...))

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((I was reading up chapter 16 to see if the Zeditha being a couple of weeks old thing is true and it had this:


The dragonet rolled her eyes and quickly set fire to a bush. Then she leaped into the air and hovered. The horde watched her to see what she would do next. But when half a minute came, nothing happened. Sighing, the dragonet brought her tail in front of her before she settled back onto the ground. "I've been trying to use magic for years," she explained to Aeolus. "Never got the hang of it, though. I just tried to summon a lightning ball, supposedly one of the easiest forms of magic. Ah well, I have my fire." She curled herself around the flaming bush and separated it further from the forest.


This is the exact same thing (but with Zeditha's name, instead of "the dragonet") found in this RP. I think you might have forgotten how old Zeditha originally was.))


Yopple, who was very eager right now, asked the horde leader how they were going to train. Aeolus answered, "I don't know. We'll just have to hear it from Axle's siblings. They're the ones teaching us what to do." He waited to hear from Mekarth and Juna.




David responded, "Sure thing, man! So hey, what kind of combat are you teaching?"


Minerva simply answered, "Martial Arts."


The siblings smiled with interest as the brother replied, "Wow, cool!"


Whitney said, "That sounds like fun! I'll having to think about going there some day."


Minerva smiled at Ronan and said optimistically, "Looks like your business is going to be great."

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Ronan smiled at Minerva before looking back to the others. "Minerva and I are going to be getting a few things done, but I would like to know how much will it cost us to pay you for this job?" He wanted to know. Money wasn't something they had a grand supply of right now.

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Axle saw Atlas teleported them from the hoard back to the cave. He went to the Edge of the cliff and look at what Atlas look at. "Maybe." Axle said as he look at the mountain. "But there is one way to find out. But we are not going by air." Axle said as look at Atlas. "Mind if we just walk there?" Axle asked Atlas as he look at the mountain. It would take a few days on foot to walk there. "It would provide much need time to for Juna and Mekarth to train Aeolus and the others. Maybe" He was talking about if they past Juna test.



Juna stop and turn her head to Aeolus when he said they were about to start training. "No we are not, and for a few reasons. One, we don't have a big enough area to make a small section of Shadow Wind. Two, you are not yet worthy of my training. And Three, someone a little to egear to train. Till all three are met, no one is training under our wing except for that small Pygmy that is flying around." Juna said as she turn back and continued to talk with her brother.



Azera look at Kathia and nod his head. "Well best of luck with that." He said as he put his torn coat on. There was a slight shift in the wind, almost un-noticable, almost like someone was messing with the wind around here.

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((Yeah... I might need to completely redo her backstory. Give me some time, and I'll write up a believable history for both Zeditha and Baltia. So many things I just made up on the fly, and it's about time I sorted that properly.

But first, I need to know, in detail, three things:

- how long it has been since the Spell

- how fast dragons hatch and mature (since it differs between roleplays)

- what exactly is the layout of the world, including Chi's treehouse and the village that Mia came from, plus the Cassare village and wherever the Horde is now.

Once I have these pieces, I can fill in a detailed backstory which I can stick to, and then no more backstory-on-the-fly or plotholes.))


Baltia fluttered around Aeolus. "Where are you going?" she repeated. "Can I come too?" She out on a hopeful face, deciding that was better than cute.

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((It has been as Red said, about 5 days. That's counting how many times everyone has woken up and gone to sleep. Dragons can hatch at variable rates. It can take them a year or more to actually grow, but they retain coherence from a very early age. Here they're able to speak shortly after hatching. Maturity as with anything, comes over time


If you look at the map on the Wiki, you can see the world layout.))

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