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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Henry made a peace sign. "Okay~" He easily said. Yukki just nodded. Although she didn't exactly like this secret that wiped technology away, she had a feeling that it wouldn't end well if she told the others. "So what's the secret you've been hiding?" She asked. Man, I'll miss ya, internet. At least I have the power of manga... She thought.

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Fayt turned back to the city, "Ah, maybe we should get back to helping the city?" he murmured. Rika huffed quietly, "Maybe those Aquarians will just do it for you. Why bother?" she laughed quietly. It seemed the dragons were there to help anyway, why not see what they would do? Fayt shook his head, "I wouldn't put all my hopes on it. I just like to be prepared..." he said, looking around again. His eyes settled on Nick in the distance. The boy seemed to be all but lost. Maybe he's looking for something? he thought. Of course, that seemed silly in a pile of rubble. "Nick!" Fayt called, waving his hands in the air. Rika followed the sight and snorted, "Oh great, the dragon hugger"

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((Ugh, my bad. (#>.<)

Tryp quietly slunk through the woods, each paw-step so silent that someone could hear a pin drop. Her earfrills picked the sound of rustling. With alarm, she whirled around, flexing her claws. She saw a humanoid figure parting the bushes and stepping into the clearing. 'Another human!? They followed me? They spied on me? An outrage!' She emitted a low growling sound from her throat. "What are you doing here, human?" She asked, her eyes twinkling dangerously as she flicked her tail. Her muscles were tensed, but she stood up from her crouching position, a disaproaving look on her face.

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Ninja froze when a dragoness appeared, apparently crouching. He wasn't expecting that she knew about him when she saw him. But then he remembered that dragons had a good sense of hearing, and he made a mental note to learn to sneak more quietly.


But the answer on the given question was ready in moments, and ninja raised his hands in peace sign. "I was testing out my skills in being hidden. As you can see, I failed the test." - he replied, and decided to not make any moves. If he was to back away, dragoness would think that he was with slavers and attack.


Rina, who launched in the air after some walking, saw the green line in the distance. Then she looked down and saw that the ground was covered in grass and there were rare trees. "... If I recall correctly from books, that line must be the forest." - she thought, and suddenly felt nervous. She had never been in the forests, let alone see one. The only places she have been to were desert (since she lived in one), the ocean and the human city. But she also knew: the more you learn about important things, the better life you would have. So she guided herself straight to the line, which was already forming into the row of trees and prepared to land.

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Tryp blinked and slackened in her defense. "Test? On me..?" She trailed off, her tail swishing side to side thoughtfully. 'Behh... he dosn't look harmful.' She thought, narrowing her eyes slightly. She stared at the peace sign that he had made and sniffed, sure enough, he didn't smell like the slavers, who smelled of earth and electricity. She sat down looking impassive. "How long have you been watching me?" She asked suddenly.

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"Since you entered the forest." - replied the ninja. He was glad that Neotropical didn't try to kill him the moment she saw him, so that was a plus. Then he noticed her lowering her defenses. Then a thought occured to him: what if any other person was around? And if that person was a slaver, then he would either try to kill them both - including him, since he seemed like he was making friends with Neotropical - or run away and tell others.


"Here I am, standing in front of the forest..." - thought Rina, looking at the endless rows of trees in front of her. Slowly, she walked in, looking around with barely held curiousity. Stopping for a moment to put her paw on the nearest tree, she looked up. Daylight was piercing through a canopy of leaves, creating a very beatuiful, and confusing at the same time effect. Rina was about to breathe in the fresh forest air... when the wind changed and she caught some faint voices. She immediately headed in that direction.


((If I made any mistakes...))

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Fayt turned back to the city, "Ah, maybe we should get back to helping the city?" he murmured. Rika huffed quietly, "Maybe those Aquarians will just do it for you. Why bother?" she laughed quietly. It seemed the dragons were there to help anyway, why not see what they would do? Fayt shook his head, "I wouldn't put all my hopes on it. I just like to be prepared..." he said, looking around again. His eyes settled on Nick in the distance. The boy seemed to be all but lost. Maybe he's looking for something? he thought. Of course, that seemed silly in a pile of rubble. "Nick!" Fayt called, waving his hands in the air. Rika followed the sight and snorted, "Oh great, the dragon hugger"

((Whatever Sai says, I did not scream like a little girl))


Nick looked around the rubble, hopelessly lost, and he would have been for much longer, but thankfully Fayt saw him, and called him over. Turning and making his way over to Fayt, he called out, "Fayt, there you are, I was just looking for you." He felt at his waist to make sure the pouch with the cure was still there, and it was. Once he reached Fayt he pulled the little pouch from his belt and produced the little glowing orb. "I found a cure for your hunter's state!" He had a big grin across his face as he said it. "You could live a normal life now!" The boy explained happily. So focused on Fayt, he didn't even notice Rika until after he explained everything to Fayt. "Oh, hello there Rika, how are the city repairs going?"

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((Yeah and Nick definitely wasn't hiding behind me or latched onto me the entire way through the haunted house... nope... ))


Fayt smiled as Nick came running over. So he'd been looking for him all along. "Looking for me?" he asked curiously with a laugh. His eyes drifted down to a little pouch that Nick suddenly produced. His face dusted at his declaration. Fayt blinked, "...Excuse me?" he asked quietly. Albel's brow furrowed instantly, sneering at the potential cure. Rika disregarded Nick's question and stepped forward, "Waaaaaaaait wait wait" she waved her hands. "Just how did you manage that? Their hunter mode, according to these guys, is weaved into their dna. How do you just know how their genetics work so well that you just know how to change the exact right thing?" she asked. Fayt lightly took the orb from Nick, rolling it in his fingers, "A fair question. How do you even know it works?" he asked.


Akuma landed next to the river and set his marshmallows down on the grass. He stuck his maw into the water and snapped his teeth around for fish. He wasn't very experienced with fishing, managing to just make the fish swim away from him as he splashed about.

Edited by Sai

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((Don't tell them all my secrets ='(




Nick nodded when they all made comments of disbelief. "Yup a cure!" He said holding the green orb up to the fading sunlight, letting everyone get a better look at it. When they asked him how he managed to do it he furrowed his brow and thought hard. Quickly returning to his smile he exclaimed "It was easy with a little magic and some help from some others. Remember the hybrid we saved earlier? It was him and another hybrid named Chi who helped with it. We even tested it on Akuma, the hybrid boy." His eyes ran over Fayt, Albel, and Rika as he wondered if they would buy it. They didn't after all know much, if anything about Chi and Akuma. Who were they to say that they had no idea how the genetic structure of hybrids worked.

Edited by picknick10

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Fayt looked at the orb in his hand curiously. It certainly did seem to have magical properties. And the green glow hinted at Chi's healing abilities. Albel tilted his head slightly, his face contorting in disbelief. "There's so many holes in that excuse, you could drive a bus through it" he growled. Albel stepped forward, "Chi has the ability, but not the brains behind out genetics, and that pipsqueak Akuma wouldn't care less" he jabbed at Nick's chest, "Even more, how did you get your hands on it? You couldn't possibly figure that out by yourself" he went on. Fayt had a temptation to try it, but wasn't quite sure how the reaction would be for his body. "Akuma tested it?... How is he?" he asked, curious if the boy had made it through unharmed. It didn't sound like a simple cure. He looked up at Nick, "I have to admit... I appreciate your effort for a cure, but... Albel's suspicion is plausible. If Chi knew how to do this... she probably would have cured us a long time ago..." he trailed off.


Akuma jumped into the river after a while of unsuccessful catches. Fed up, he let out short electrical wave that shocked a couple fish. They floated to the top of the water and Akuma snatched them up, climbing back out onto the river bank. Hungry from all the fighting, he tore into them immediately. At least being cured would make hunting things easier since he wouldn't be drained of energy from the blood.

Edited by Sai

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Nick narrowed his eyes when they began to pry deeper. "I said it was magic." he explained once more sounding thoroughly annoyed. He crossed his arms and refused to budge on the subject at hand. He wasn't going to betray Dion to Albel, even though he would like to tell Fayt, he couldn't risk Dion's safety. When asked about Akuma's reaction to the cure Nick looked thoughtful for a moment, as if thinking, before replying "He looked really tired, as if he hadn't slept for a while, which was also probably a factor in it. He hadn't gotten any good sleep for a while it seemed, but it worked all the same." When Fayt still wasn't convinced Nick looked sad and held out his hand. "If you don't want it then give it here I guess." That was a big waste of time Nick thought gloomily. He had made all that way, but it didn't even matter because of what he couldn't say.

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"You're welcome Kathrine." Darkness paused at the last question, shaking her head. "Unfortunately I don't know where the coast is, seeing I never left this area and for I never had the need to go there." Turning to leave the black dragoness looked back over at the little magi. "I hope you find it though, and if you need something don't hesitate to ask me." She said with a smile, and with that she left.

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Henry made a peace sign. "Okay~" He easily said. Yukki just nodded. Although she didn't exactly like this secret that wiped technology away, she had a feeling that it wouldn't end well if she told the others. "So what's the secret you've been hiding?" She asked. Man, I'll miss ya, internet. At least I have the power of manga... She thought.

((Sorry I wasn't here yesterday. I was busy all day.))


The humans may have promised to keep this a secret, but just for safety precaution, Atlas decided to twist the truth a bit and answered, "The Spell was cast by one powerful dragon, whose magi was the strongest in the world. He had just invented the Spell last night and used it to free his kind from slavery around the world by permanently disabling human technology. It was suppose to only work on those used to keep dragons down, but it looks like the Spell had done its job too well and went for the harmless tech as well. And that's why your home appliances aren't working anymore."


((Okay, so since I haven't gotten an answer, I'll just use this as Aeolus's village: http://fav.me/d4lpqzo and some of the huts are twigs, sticks, & branches; some are straw; some are stone; some homes are underground; and a few are caves.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"T-that means...." Yukki sat in a corner with her frying pan. "N-no TV...no computers..." She quietly muttered. I feel very sad... She thought. Yukki eventually snapped out of her depression because the computers and the TV no longer work. "...!" Something jolted her memory. Yukki rushed inside the house to reach the fridge. She opened the freezer door. There was a big container of ice cream and a box of popsicles. Henry has a very big sweet tooth doesn't he? Anyway, We'll have to finish the ice cream and the popsicles before they melt... She thought and sighed. Better give it to Henry... She came back outside. She dumped the container with ice cream onto Henry's lap and opened the box to receive a popsicle. "Can you eat the container of ice cream? The fridge isn't working anymore. We need to finish this quick." She asked as she took off the wrapper and bit into it.

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Fayt recoiled at Nick's sudden tone change. That was... oddly placed. He retracted his hand as Nick offered to take it back, shaking his head. "I did not mean I don't want the cure. But you must understand the strangeness of this? It's not something that can so simply just be magic" his voice rose slightly in tone to show concern. His mind clicked back to earlier when he thought of Dion and Nick asking about it. He wanted to downright ask if Dion was out there, but with Albel there... "You're a bad liar" Albel said simply, staring at Nick with his arms folded across his chest. Rika rubbed the side of her head, thinking of possibilities. Couldn't be the lab, Albel had thoroughly destroyed the data there. "Well?" she said impatiently, looking at Fayt. "Try it" she added. Fayt blinked, just remembering the cure and looked down at his hand. "Right..." he breathed. Fayt popped the orb into his mouth and swallowed it down. There was a pause before he silently doubled over, clutching his side. His teeth were gritted to hold in sounds of discomfort as the cure worked. Another moment passed and he stood upright again. He looked at him hands and then to the others, "...Well?" "Hmph" Rika took out a small knife and gave herself a small nick on the back of her hand. She waved it in front of Fayt's nose. Fayt's nose scrunched slightly at the smell, but he otherwise remained normal. Rika cocked her eyebrows. "No censorkip.gif. It works" she chuckled in disbelief. Albel picked up the scent next, his eyes slitting down. He snarled and moved suddenly at Nick, his claws raised. "Down boy" Rika said, pushing Albel's chest back. She reached into her pouch and put a bandaid over the little cut. A minute later Albel again returned to normal. Fayt looked back to Nick, "Thank you"

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((Okay, I'll go with the golden age picture.))


"It's going to be tough living without the things you'll miss, kid. I know I've been through that a lot," said Atlas, feeling sympathetic. Along with Flarina and a few others she lost in her life, the magi had her parents killed by hunters when she was a hatchling and then sold into slavery, losing her freedom and her childhood in the process. The girl went back inside the house and came outside with a container of ice cream and a box of popsicles.


The sisters looked at the strange foods the siblings were eating and Kylie asked, "What are dose? Are dey meat or fwuit?"


Atlas asked the girl, "After you're finished eating, can you put some bandages on my wings and chest? I don't want to bleed anymore than I am now."

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Henry stared at the ice cream container. She didn't get me a spoon...She really hates me, doesn't she? He thought. He went inside to grab a plastic spoon to scoop up a piece for him to eat. "Its Strawberry flavored..." He said. He looked at the hatchlings. "Its called ice cream. Its very sweet like fruit, so yes." He replied to his questions. Henry used the back end of the spoon to scoop up a piece of strawberry flavored and gave Kylie a sample. "Wanna try? Its pretty tasty, if ya ask me." He asked. He looked at Yukki for a moment, who was literally biting the Popsicle, chewing on them. "Yukki...won't you get brain freeze since you're literally chewing on them?" He asked. "I do this all the time. Mom was able to bite into a popsicle and chew on them and she never got brain freeze." Yukki responded.

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((Red, Jass, are your characters inside a house? *stupid question detected* And Jess, how the house looks like?


Dragonlet, a reminder about turns: I've already played as a ninja there.))

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((It was stated that Yukki came outside of the house with the ice cream and all that. Atlas couldn't fit inside that tiny house anyway. It also said that his house was a small brick house with 2 windows on the front.))

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"Sure, Henwy! I wan some," said Kylie. She opened her mouth and ate the strawberry ice cream on the spoon. Like Henry said, the ice cream was very sweet and tasted like fruit. "Mmm! Yummy! I wan some more," the balloon hatchling said.


Danielle on the other head declined, "I can't eat ice cweam, cause I'm a whiptail and I only eat meat."


Atlas licked her wounds some more to keep them disinfected.

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Henry gave Kylie another scoop using the back end. "It's too bad that ice cream probably won't even exist anymore now that all the electrical appliances are gone." He sighed. He liked, no, loved the taste of ice cream. It was just...well...sweet and tasty. He looked at Atlas. "Have you ever tasted ice cream before?" He asked.

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"Aww, dat's too bad," said Kylie, disappointed that she was never going to eat another ice cream again in her life time.


Atlas replied, "No, but I can't eat it either, because just like Danielle, I'm a carnivore."


Danielle looked to what Henry's sister was eating and asked, "And what about what she's having? Are they meat or fruit?"




The dragons bend the trees together and used magic to mold them together. They put up traps that would catch and harm human intruders and they dug tunnels under the tree cave to make caves for the dragon residents. Aeolus helped out with the traps by zapping crystals with his lightning breath to infuse them with his power. These crystals would zap down the humans when they get detected by the alarm crystals.

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"I'm sorry to hear that, Atlas." He said as he ate some more strawberry flavored ice cream. Henry was eating it it quicker now, as the ice cream had started to melt. He turned to face Kylie. "I guess I'll go and buy some groceries then." He said. Yukko stared at his brother, confused. "Dude, how are they going to accept money in this situation? It's probably going to be completely empty and-oh..." Yukko quickly figured out what he was up to. "You're not actually going to buy food, are you?" She said to him. Henry whistled a bit. "Maaybe." He said.

Edited by Jass

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Fayt recoiled at Nick's sudden tone change. That was... oddly placed. He retracted his hand as Nick offered to take it back, shaking his head. "I did not mean I don't want the cure. But you must understand the strangeness of this? It's not something that can so simply just be magic" his voice rose slightly in tone to show concern. His mind clicked back to earlier when he thought of Dion and Nick asking about it. He wanted to downright ask if Dion was out there, but with Albel there... "You're a bad liar" Albel said simply, staring at Nick with his arms folded across his chest. Rika rubbed the side of her head, thinking of possibilities. Couldn't be the lab, Albel had thoroughly destroyed the data there. "Well?" she said impatiently, looking at Fayt. "Try it" she added. Fayt blinked, just remembering the cure and looked down at his hand. "Right..." he breathed. Fayt popped the orb into his mouth and swallowed it down. There was a pause before he silently doubled over, clutching his side. His teeth were gritted to hold in sounds of discomfort as the cure worked. Another moment passed and he stood upright again. He looked at him hands and then to the others, "...Well?" "Hmph" Rika took out a small knife and gave herself a small nick on the back of her hand. She waved it in front of Fayt's nose. Fayt's nose scrunched slightly at the smell, but he otherwise remained normal. Rika cocked her eyebrows. "No censorkip.gif. It works" she chuckled in disbelief. Albel picked up the scent next, his eyes slitting down. He snarled and moved suddenly at Nick, his claws raised. "Down boy" Rika said, pushing Albel's chest back. She reached into her pouch and put a bandaid over the little cut. A minute later Albel again returned to normal. Fayt looked back to Nick, "Thank you"

"Oh but magic can do a whole host of things." Nick told Fayt, a satisfied grin forming across his face when the hybrid swallowed the green orb. When the cure began to take effect and and Fayt doubled over in pain, his smile instantly faded. He hoped that it wouldn't take as much out of Fayt as it did to Akuma. Luckily though Fayt seemed fine, and much to Nick's delight the cure had worked. The blood affected Albel though, and when he lunged at Nick, the boy took a leap back to get out of the way. It didn't even matter though because Rika called him back and halted the attack. When Fayt thanked Nick, he nodded his head and gave him a warm smile. "Anything for a friend" was all he said, shrugging off the thanks.

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