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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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"I guess..." Henry nervously laughed. Dear god, I hope I won't be able to change clothes to make myself look like a woman! He thought. It was already embarrassing for him to show himself cross dressed as a woman. Adding hatchlings into the scene would just make it worse. His face turned red a bit. Henry face palmed himself. Of course I let her do the laundry... He sighed.

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"Oh boy, I can't wait to see what dey are. I bet dey're gonna to be fun!" said Danielle, eager to see the strange activities and how they're performed. Of course, none of the sisters had no idea what monkey business the future might have in store for them.


((Hey Nick, when's Arcaon going to make his appearance. It's not that I want to see him now, I'm just curious about when the right time will come.))

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"Our house should be very close now. Last time I checked, we lived somewhere in the forest!" He exclaimed. Henry walked along with the two hatchlings. "My house is actually a bit small, so don't expect something ginormous." He told them as they strolled through the forest to get to his house. "Say, how will Atlas know where we are? Won't she have some difficulty on trying to find us?" He asked.

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"Wow, humans live in fowests, too? I thought Mommy told us dey live in cities," said Danielle when told that they were close to Henry's house.


"No she won't! We can use telepafy to show her where da house is. She'll find us dis way," answered Kylie.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"Some people live in the forests, like me and my sister." Henry said. "Most people would rather live in the cities though. I admit though, living in a city is usually easier than living in a forest." He added on to his sentence. When Henry heard Kylie say that they could talk using telepathy, his eyes widened. "You guys can do that?" He exclaimed. He never knew dragons could talk to each other using telepathy." Lucky you..." He muttered.

Edited by Jass

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"How so?" asked Danielle about human life being easier in the city.


Kylie nodded and said, "Yeah! We do it picturing who we want to talk to in our minds and send our toughts to dem." She pointed to her noggin.

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"Well...I...don't exactly know why...its just...easier to thrive in a city for us humans somehow," He wasn't exactly sure how to explain. "Being in a forest isn't so bad for me and my sister though. I get to relax and sleep outside when I have free time." Henry said. He turned to face Kylie. "I wish I had those powers. It would be fun talking with other people in your mind." He sighed. He never really hanged out with his friends. He never knew why. Sighing, Henry looked straight ahead to see a small, brick house. His house. It had a chimney and two windows sticking out from one side. It was rather boring to him, actually.

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((I was going to bring him out when I got to Nick's story line when he tries to rebuild the old mage tower. This is what he will look like http://puu.sh/4N15x.jpg ))


Nick let out a 'hmmp' sound when Albel was mentioned. As he handed off the orbs, which Dion placed on the desk, he wandered why Albel hated him so much and voiced that question. "Why does Albel hate you so much?" he asked. While he waited for a response he took the last orb and placed it in a small pouch that was attached to his waist at the belt. He pulled the drawstring and closed the pouch before walking to the window to see outside. It was finally getting dark out, and he decided that he would be leaving after this.

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"Yeah, we could get to chat even when we were not around, if you have telepafy," said Kylie. She wished humans had telepathy so that the sisters could talk to Henry all they want when they resume journey to the west.


Then they got to small brick house in sight. "Is that your house, Henwy? It looks neat!" asked Danielle, taking an interest to the house.


((Look at those feathers. It's going to make Starwing, who's not in this RP yet, think that Arcaon's his cousin.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"I-is it?" Henry said. He never thought of his house interesting. It was rather boring, really. I'm sure the hatchlings will lose interest in it soon enough. He thought. Henry looked at Kylie and Danielle. "So...What do you think of Atlas?" He asked. He didn't have anything much left to ask, but he still wanted to talk with them. "Do you think that someday you two may just be like her?" Henry asked another question.

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Kathrine followed the direction that darkness pointed with her eyes. She tested the air with her nose and was able to pluck out Chi's scent from the myriad of smells in that direction. However another scent caught Kat's attention as well. Another dragon who had traveled in a different direction. Katherine was curious about this other dragon so she looked back to Darkness. "Thank you Darkness, it was a pleasure meeting you as well." She said to the big black dragon with a warm smile. "Umm...you also wouldn't happen to know which way the coast closest to Solomos is do you?" She asked darkness.

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Dion looked silently over his shoulder at the glowing orbs on his desk. His face slacked a bit from the question Nick posed. Dion heaved a heavy sigh, his eyes traveling around the room to show obvious discomfort. "It's... complicated..." he rubbed his arm, "Albel was difficult to manage. He refused to listen to anyone but me, and I didn't have much control if he really didn't want to do something. My superiors got sick of it. They figured he was too independant to be a soldier. So they wanted to terminate him. I didn't want to but... they said if I didn't they would, and put his brother down too as punishment to me. It seemed he was dead either way, so I chose to save Fayt and do it myself... that went very wrong as you saw" he said, waving his hand briefly over his chest where the scars were. I think he just thought I would bleed out after that but... I debatably got lucky..." Dion shook his head, "Shouldnt have messed with the lab in the first place.

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Nick nodded as Dion told him what had happened with Albel in the lab. It was obviously a bad experience for him judging by the look on his face as he talked. "The more I hear about these labs, the more I hate them." he said. Looking out the window again he let out a sigh. "As much as I would love to stay, I should get going back to the city, won't rebuild itself you know." And with that Nick showed himself out. He pushed his was through the edges of the thicket and made his way back to the city.


After his walk he came back to the outskirts of the city. It looked even closer to being rebuilt than before he left, but there was still some ways to go. He looked around for a while, but couldn't find Fayt for the life of him. Placing his hand on the back of his own neck and rubbing he stopped walking and turning in a full circle, wondering where the kind-hearted-hybrid could be.

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"Yeah," replied Danielle. Then when asked about Atlas, the whiptail replied, "I like her. She's a nice and stwong auntie who keeps me and Kylie safe." Even though, the sisters had only seen their aunt from last night until today, they already like her due to the stories about Atlas told by Flarina. "When I gwow up, I hope I get to be stwong like her. She's a champion in dwagon tournaments. That's why she beat Wamkot and the other hybwids easily," Danielle continued.


"And I like Aunt Atlas, too. I want to be like her when I gwow up," said Kylie.


((So since Warewolves had a dragon village in the previous RP, I decided to do my own village and find some pictures of what Aeolus's dragon village could look like from Deviant Art. Nick, since this is your RP, I'd like you to see if any of these look like what dragon villages would be in your world. The houses in the following links are all replaced by huts.













Hut choices

Wood hut: http://fav.me/d1zwvva

Stone hut: http://fav.me/d20qfec

Cave hut: http://fav.me/d6okapc


Do anything of these look like canon material? If not I'll just go with the second like and say that the dragons have built a hide-out in the tree caverns with traps to keep the humans out.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"I see. Good luck on becoming strong then." Henry said. He looked at his house, which was now meters away. "Oh, great, we're pretty much here at my house." Henry said. He faced towards at Kylie. "So I'm guessing your showing Atlas my house now that we're pretty much here?" He asked the hatchling. Henry was about to knock on the door after he had fully arrived at his house, but hesitated. Wait...Right...Yukki... He sighed. He didn't exactly want to barge in and get hit in the head by his sister. I'll just wait a little then... He thought.

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"Thanks Henwy, we will," Danielle promised. Then they finally reached the house and Henry asked if Atlas was being shown the house.


"I alweady showed Aunt Atlas da house. She's on her way wight now," replied Kylie. Then they went to the door and stopped them. The sisters looked up at the boy, and the balloon hatchling asked, "Henwy, why are we standing outside? Are we gonna to go into da house or not?"


"Hey guys, I'm back!" said a familiar voice. The sisters turned around to see a magi dragoness approaching the trio.


"Aunt Atlas, you're back!" the sisters said at the same time.


"Yep, and brought you all some food," said Atlas. She placed the squirrels and apples down by their feet. The whiptail went to munch on one squirrel at a time, while Kylie took one of the apples to eat.

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Henry sighed, and knocked the door. He looked at Atlas and her nieces. "Lucky, You got apples..." He muttered a bit. Henry heard the doorknob twist. He looked to see her sister, Yukkionna, staring out at him. "Hey Sis! Hows it goin-" He was cut off and slammed in the head with a frying pan. Henryh rubbed his head from pain. "What was that for?! I just came back!" Henry shouted in confusion. "You're late! Where the heck were you?!" Her sister shouted back. Her green eyes glared at him. It was obvious she was pissed off. "Baka! Baka Baka Baka!" She shouted at him. "What is the point of you hitting me?! Its seriously not going to help us at all!" Henry exclaimed. He was hit in the head by the frying pan again. "Well it helps me vent out anger! So it helps me a lot!" She exclaimed.

Edited by Jass

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The hatchlings stopped eating when they heard the sound of a frying pan slammed against Henry. They turned their head to see the crazy furious girl yelling at her brother and became uncomfortable. 'Whoa, she's scary,' thought Kylie, fearing that she might get hurt too if she angered the sister.


Atlas decided to take a stand against this abuse and yelled, "Hey leave the poor kid alone! Just because he did something with your skirt, doesn't mean he deserves this kind of crap!" She hated extreme punishment for something that didn't match up to the level.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Yukki stopped doing anything for a moment. She stared at the dragon before glaring at Henry. "Henry...you told her...about...that...?" She said, anger levels raising. "Erk...! ...Yes...?" Henry gulped. This was not going to end so well. "Frying Hit!" She yelled out, and slammed the frying pan onto Henry's head with full force. "Owwwww!" He moaned. Yukki lifted the frying pan and went inside for a moment. She came back outside with a first-aid kit. "Better fix your bleeding problems." She sighed. "What bleeding?" Henry asked. He was suddenly hit with a soiled pot. "That bleeding." She replied. Henry felt blood trickle down from his forehead. "Ohhh. That...bleeding...." He said in pain. It was painful, but it happens daily. He sighed as he watched her bandage his head.

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The Firestars twitched defensively and shut their eyes when Henry got hit by the frying pan. After the girl went back inside the house, Danielle asked the boy, "Awe yew okay, Henwy?" The dragons felt bad that their human friend got hurt like that. Then the girl came outside with a first-aid kid and hit him with a pot to show him where the bleeding was.


When Kylie saw the blood, she got scared and clasped the sides of her face with her hands and cried, "Oh my gosh, Henwy got hurt!"


Atlas was about to grab the girl and scold her for hurting her brother and scaring her nieces, but didn't do anything when she saw the sister putting bandage around his head. She'll have word with her after this was done. 'And those censorkip.gif***s in the city said that I was psycho. I wonder what they'll think of this girl,' she thought.

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Henry faced the htachlings. He made a peace sign. "I'm alright...it...happens...every so often..." He forced a smile. Being Henry is suffering... He thought and sighed. "So...sis...how come you're angry at me this time...?" He quietly asked. "You're late. And, I'm frustrated with the fact that the TV and all the other electronics aren't working..." She replied as she bandaged Henry's forehead, and tried to hide the bandage, covering it with his blonde hair. "What do you mean? Is there a sudden blackout?" He asked, curious. Yukki nodded. "Yep. And now I can't watch Puella Magi Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica..." She puffed up her cheeks. "Or hear their awesome music!" She sighed. "Strange..." He said. "Hey Atlas, do you know why there was a sudden blackout?" He asked.

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After Henry's sister answered why she was angry at her brother, Atlas knew the cause of her problem and thought, 'The Spell...' Then when the question of the blackout came up, the magi shook her head and lied, "That's a good question. I don't know what happened." With the humans having taken up magic and using new weapons to get around the Spell, Atlas figured that the cause of the blackout should remain a secret, no matter what. Even if Henry was a friendly human, there was no guarantee that he might leak out this information to the other humans, who would try to create their own magic spell to remove the Spell, so that they can go back to using technology to oppressing dragons once more.


Danielle, on the other hand, was willing to answer the question without knowing what her consequences might be. "I know wat it was. It was da Spell," she answered.


Atlas whipped her head around to her brown niece and scolded, "Danielle!" Great, now there was probably going to be a chance that their shortly-lived freedom would go back to the age of darkness.


"Wat? Wat did I say?" the whiptail answered, not understanding what she did wrong.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"The...Spell...?" Henry repeated. He looked at Danielle. "What do you know about the Spell?" He asked, curious. Her sister stared at the whiptail in curiosity also. "Who casted the spell?" Yukki asked. Her tone suddenly sounded friendly and curious. He looked at Atlas for a moment before focusing back on the hatchling.

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Ninja froze when the dragoness looked at him, trying not to make any movements. However, she turned away after a short while, instead sniffing the air. Since she disregarded him, the human figured that there were other people. When Neotropical went through the bushes, obscuring herself from his sight, he waited a couple of minutes, before jumping to the ground near the bushes and immediately looking around in case of danger. If dragoness was still here, it meant that she would immediately strike, since he was spying on her. Besides, there could be other dragons. Slowly and quietly, he walked around and, watching his steps, walked in the direction where Neotropical went. He avoided a random branch on the ground on his way, and a thought occured to him: "If I was to accidentally reveal myself via sound, that would be NOT the branches."


((...Seriously, characters accidentally revealing themselves with stepping on branches is a cliche, IMO.))

((Hey Dragonlet, have you noticed this post yet? I'm just asking, because some people tend not to reply when the person they're playing with has a post that is a few pages behind and can't bother with searching.))


Atlas formed a telepathic bond with her niece and told her, 'Don't say anything.'


Danielle looked back at her aunt and replied, 'Why not, Aunt Atlas?'


'Because they might accidentally tell this to bad humans, who would then destroy the Spell and make us slaves again,' the magi answered.


'Eek! I dun want to be a slave!' said the young whiptail.


'Then don't tell any human about the spell, got it?' Atlas told her.


'Okay, Aunt Atlas,' Danielle promised. Then the hatchling looked back at Henry and his sister and answered, "Sowwy, I can't tell yew. Aunt Atlas says that it's a secwet."


At this point, the magi facepalmed and thought to herself, 'Don't be mad, Atlas. She's just a kid who doesn't know any better.' Then she looked at the human siblings and said, "Alright, it looks like the cat is out of the bag. But before I tell you what the spell is, can you promise to keep this a secret from anybody, no matter what?"

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