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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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After warily watching the dragon circle around him, cutting off one of his avenues of escape, Eric turned to the man, and replied "My Name is Eric. I have been wandering through the forests for quite some time now, and spotted the city. I was heading for it when I noticed you exit the city, following this dragon, and decided to follow you. Also, do you have any food? I haven't eaten a proper meal for at least a fortnight."

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((Chapter 44 is up: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...hp-44-576286984 ))


"What?" asked the magi as the request sounded crazy. "Don't be ridiculous, Axle. You know Spinx is over there with all his zombies and censorkip.gif. If he hurts you again, who's going to be there to warp you and everybody else out?" She hated having to see the dragon get wounded again. She cared too much to let him die at the hands of anyone, even a wicked human. If that happened, then Atlas would never be able to forgive herself for this.




Bam watched the dragoness eat the pear before she asked if there were any prey around. The dragon shook his head and said, "Nope, this is as far as I've been outside the village. Maybe my cousin, Aeolus, might know, since he went out to hunt with me this morning. I'll talk to him." He made a telepathic bond with the horde leader and started, 'Hey Aeolus.'


His cousin's voice replied in his mind, 'What is it, Bam?'


The navy blue asked, 'Did you find yourself some breakfast today? I'm trying to get this dragoness here some prey.' If his cousin didn't find any animals in the desert, then Bam would have to ask another horde member or a get a magi to warp them to the jungle.


Aeolus answered, 'I found some flamingos at a river, that I never got to eat until now.'


Bam asked, 'So you over there?'




A smile appeared on the navy blue's face. He would be wonderful having the company of a family member while they all ate lunch together. 'Sweet! We'll meet you there! Say uh, how do you get to the river?' he asked. It was better safe than sorry to ask. It wouldn't do any good for them to get lost in the heat while try to find the river.


The horde leader answered, 'Just continue go straight south from where we go out to train. It'll take a mile to get there.'


'Gotcha!' Bam understood. After the bond was cut, he looked to the dragoness and told her, "Come on, we're going to the river. He says he found some flamingos there."




The sisters let out shrieks as they were jolted by Arch's lightning. Danielle looked at the gold dragon through teary eyes and wailed, "Waaah, dun hurt me!" Kylie just let out a loud sob in response.




The guard led Eitri through the streets in weird patterns that made him wonder where on Veleia she was taking him. Everywhere they went, there were old scars on buildings like a battle had once taken place here. They eventually came to a trash heap. The night magi winkled his nose in disgust from the horrid rotting smell emitted from the trash bags. But then he caught whiff of blood mixed in with the stench. Were there bodies inside them, too? Eitri was disturbed that this new world he was taken to would throw away its deceased citizens like garbage instead of burying them or cremating them to ashes. After the woman took the muzzle off of him, she told him who she was before she switched her clothes and equipment with the ones she found inside the bags. With her new appearance, Verona truly looked like someone who was dedicated to Axle with the white color matching the dragon lord's scales. When Verona told him that they needed to rescue the villagers back at home, Eitri was shocked to hear that Dracul and Arch intend to do harm to the whole village. "What?!" he cried. Then she told him that the collar was to block the tracking spells. The night magi knew that this would mean the Vulture Horde won't be able to teleport over to him for the rescue. Verona jumped onto his back and told him where to go. "Alright then," he said. Then he started to run down the road and follow the directions on how to get to the destination. On the way, Eitri asked her, "So Verona, what do Dracul and Arch plan to do with my village? You said we need to rescue everyone back there, right?"




Sparqus was bitten on his neck and he out out a pained yowled as he flailed his limbs in reaction. He feel limp to the slab and blood poured out of his wound. The next dragon, Todora, was attacked by Dracul. The purple dorsal dragon struggled to get himself free of the murderer before he would get killed, too.




Aeolus had used Eitri's stone to teleport himself to the river where he killed a few flamingos and ate them. As he was finishing up his lunch, one of the nocturnal horde members at Doubloon's village, contacted him, 'Aeolus, this is Uvanis. I got some bad news to tell you.'


The disaster dragon immediately stopped chewing the last prey. He lifted his head up away from the body in a slow pace that reflected how serious he felt this news would be. He asked, 'What is it?'


Uvanis told him, 'The village we were in has just got attacked by really agile and skilled humans. They were being lead by Arch and possibly Dracul as well. They've taken away Eitri and Atlas's nieces, and killed Peado, Zylanon and Tine.'


Aeolus didn't take the news well at all. In fact, he was disappointed with how late the dark leaf pygmy had told him about the event. He spoke, 'What? Why didn't you contact me earlier? I would have brought the horde out to help you!' The pygmy had better come up with an excuse to explain his and Eitri's incompetence.


He did, 'I was about to, but then Arch had one of our guards hostage. He told us to stop fighting or else he would have him killed. He even said we were no match for his men, which is true because they killed some of us and dodged every attack we threw at them. None of them died or got hurt. And by the way, they were only few in number. Eitri told us to stop fighting, so that the rest of us and the guard wouldn't die.'


The horde leader went quiet, feeling the grim story hitting him like a ton of bricks. If even a whole village of dragons couldn't take out a small number of humans and two dragons, then what hope would be the horde be against Dracul's army at this point. He said in a calmer tone, 'So that's why. Even if the horde had came, I don't think we would have been able to save this village.' That was why the Vulture Horde needed training and knowledge from the dragons of Shadow Wind, so that they would be able to hold their own against Dracul and his soldiers more easily. 'Tell me, Uvanis. Has Atlas heard what happened to her nieces, yet?'


The pygmy answered, 'No sir. I haven't told her yet.'


'Well she needs to know, so that we can plan out a rescue. In the meantime, I will talk to Eitri and have him tell me when to send some spies over.'


'Spies?' Uvanis asked.


Aeolus answered, 'Yes, so that we can gain some intel on the enemy's strengths and weaknesses.' The need for spies was now more necessary than ever, now with knowing the enemy can dodge many attacks easily. The horde should hold a meeting soon and discuss everything they've learned from their sparring sessions and the attack on the village. That way, they can learn some good techniques and improve on them. This will be useful not only against Dracul, but also the horde's future enemies as well, including Rina, Raven and the Aquarians.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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She thought to herself. Two weeks without food? How long can humans go without food!? She seemed surprised, and tore off the head of the pig, not leaving much that was useful besides the brain and ears. She pulled off the ears, eating them. She tossed the somewhat unappealing head to him, which was mostly charred rather than cooked. "I may dislike humans, but I do not really enjoy the heads of prey. Make use of it. You are being given a great kindness" She snorted, and ate some more of her share of the pig.



(I realised my forum for Flamanti, which is on the wiki, was never properly posted on here. Here is a link to the page: http://dragons-vs-humans.wikia.com/wiki/Flamanti )


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Eric, after sniffing the pig, replied " Eh. I've had worse. At least it's semi-cooked."

He immediately dug into the pig, but after eating approximately a third of the head, he began to feeling noxious. "Excuse me for a moment" Eric weakly stated. He hurried behind a tree, and promptly vomited the contents of his stomach onto the roots of the tree. "Forgot that after not eating for a long time, I don't have the capacity to consume nearly as large an amount as I could usually eat when well-fed. I'll finish the head later."

Eric stepped out from behind the tree, and walked back to the head of the pig, stuffing it into his pack. "Well, I've introduced myself. You might as well. Just a suggestion. And thank you for the food. Even though I couldn't keep it in for long."

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Verona know he was going to ask that question, but she still remain silent for a few seconds before she replied. "To be honest, I don't know. That was the reason why I went undercover. As for why we need to save your village, You revealed that Dracul was able to change into a human, so he going to get rid of all the witness that are not sealed away or under his control. And I mean everyone." She said coldly as they came down the street.


"Turn right up here and head towards the sea, and double time it." She said as it seemed she was scanning the area around them as they headed towards. "If you have not figure this out yet, They have a full detail layout of the cave, so they know where everyone is at." She said as she spotted something move in the shadows. She pulled out one of the arrows from her quiver and notched it.



Dracul could feel that the purple dorsal dragon was trying to get away from him, but slammed his paw in the center of his back with his talons extended out, right where a couple of major orgains were at, and went to snap his back as well, before he turn his attection to the next one. But the way he walked, he was heading farther into the cave, as the dark aura was cast at the other dragon, threating to roast them alive.




Axle heard Atlas Reply. He was not happy with the point she brought up, but he could not allow her to come farther from this point to the mountain. "There are a few things in this world that needs to be done by myself." He said as he signed a bit. He came up closer to Atlas, and in his eyes were soft, but were filled with regrate. "Forgive me" He said as he swiped quickly and powerfully at Atlas head to make her slumber for a few hours maybe. If he must become an enemy to stop Atlas from endangering her life, so be it.




Arch Grin when he heard the hatchlings and went to reach for the chain again, but what met his hand was the blue glove of lucain armor. "That is enough Arch. Leave the hatchlings alone now. The mission is completed, so can we just go home now?" Lucain asked as Arch pulled his hand away from lucain's grip.


"Don't forget on what is being held, so learn your place and leave me alone to have my fun." Arch snapped back, but he teleported the hatchlings Lucain and himself back to the city. Where they end up was in a courtyard infront of a large government building and in the center of the courtyard was ten poles, and on all but two, where humans, all with the same kind of clothing. All of them had a white golden trim type of clothing, and they all are dead. All of them have starved to death.


Arch went and grabbed the chain that attached to the hatchlings and attached it to a close by pole, one that was emptied and locked it in place, before he teleport back, leaving lucain and the hatchlings. Lucain stood up and started to leave the hatchlings in the open of the courtyard.

Edited by draco8967

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Rick watched as the dragon gave the pig head to the stranger and observed him eat. He pushed his blade back into the sheath. He looked back to the wyvern. "I can tell you're not to trusting of humans. I don't blame you at all. Too many of our kind are the true monsters in this world. If my honor allowed it, I'd kill the most monsterous of our kind as a warning to the rest.......but I am content with aiding dragon's when and where I can."

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Flamanti seemed disgusted, but amused. "Your... welcome... My name is Flamanti. I am a Falconiform wyvern. Not much else is needed to be said. And I think it is good you have got honor, Rick. Not all creatures do these days."

She sat down, satisfied that she would not be in danger if she let her guard down slightly. After all, of the two with her, one is, most likely, a sympathizer, whilst the other is weak and sick. She had finished her pig, leaving the ribcage and other major bones. She paused for a moment, sniffing the air. Her eyes widened slightly, and she muttered, "Oh, shoot!" She curled her tail in, turning around. The brush behind her was on fire, and she turned to face it, trying not to light anything else. She tried patting it with her wing, but that made it worse. "Shoot shoot shoot shooot. Arg. Anyone have water? I prefer to not cause a forest fire right next to a city." The fire was starting to get a little bigger than a campfire.

Edited by Corinnycat

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"I have a canteen of water" Eric quickly replied. "And we need to keep anything flammable away from it." Going up to the fire, he rapidly began to clear the area around the fire. After moving all the plants surrounding the fire, he poured the contents of his canteen onto the fire, slightly reducing its size. " We need to try to smother this thing. Does anyone have a means of digging up a lot of dirt? A shovel maybe? We could pour that on." Eric immediately began to rummage through his pack, pulling out random items.

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She nodded, grateful for the help. She began to scrape the ground with her clawed feet, loosening large amounts of soil. She then told him to back up, and proceeded to turn around and kick dirt all over the fire, smothering it.

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"Good job Flamanti" Eric said as he backed up. "Thankfully, that didn't turn into a full-fledged inferno. Just be careful with that tail in the future, alright?" He began to collect his weapons from the ground. After sheathing his sword, he unstrung his bow. Soon, Eric began depositing all the items he had pulled out into his pack, and sat down. "I'll let you finish your business with each other. I'll just be over here attempting to get some food down into my stomach."

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A cold chill touched his spines as Eitri imagined the carnage the evil dragon unleashed on his village. Everyone, young and old, getting slaughtered by Dracul and his soldiers. Horrified, the night magi murmured, "No..." Then he turned right and ran faster as he could towards the sea. "What? How would they know what our cave looks like without anyone of them being there?" he asked. Then Verona shot something into the shadows. Eitri took a glance to see who was there.




((Wait a minute, I thought Dracul was with the slaves in Shadow Wind. I didn't know he was still back at the cave. In that case, then Sparqus and Todora shouldn't be dead as they were the ones captured and not left behind.))


After the purple dorsal died, the villagers saw Dracul approaching them with the intent to kill. A pink dragoness shouted, "They lied to us! They said they wouldn't kill us if we let them take some of us away!"


A longhorn dragon growled, "He broke the truce, we need to fight back!"


As some of the villagers went to attack Dracul, Uvanis knew they were only rushing to their doom. The dark leafy pygmy shouted, "No wait, you all saw what happened! He'll tear you apart!" But the dragons didn't listen as they tried to claw and bite the red dragon lord. Uvanis assumed that Dracul intended to kill everyone or possibly the whole village. So he contact the only one who would be able to save them, 'Aeolus, help! Dracul broke the deal! He's killing us one by one. We need some magis to teleport us out of here!'


((I'll edit this part and the next one, if my assumption is wrong.))




Before the leader could form a telepathic bond with the night magi, he heard Uvanis's cry for help. Aeolus gritted his teeth in stress. Of all the rotten luck to try and get things done, the dastard had to go and break the truce this soon. Aeolus considered whether to rescue the village or not. He saw the pros and the cons of both decisions. If he sent Yopple and the magi mates to rescue them, then Dracul would just teleport himself and his soldiers over to the horde and possibly decimate everyone there. The horde may have more combat experience and training than the villagers did and might fare well than they would, but the training was recent and won't be enough to stop them. But if he abandoned the village, then a survivor who knows his home had been abandoned by the ones who could have save them would speak ill of the horde to others and tarnish the Vulture Horde's image, thus ruining any chances of future recruitment. Not only that, he would also lose Uvanis and some others, who would share with the horde more on the enemies' fighting capabilities. Well, there was Eitri and the the capture who would be alive to tell the story. But the more witnesses, the better as their differing point-of-views would off a variety of insight. Aeolus's train of thoughts were interrupted by the pygmy's desperate yell, 'Aeolus?!'


The horde leader decided to be honest with him, 'Uvanis, you do know that Dracul and Arch can teleport, right? If we warp the whole village over to us, then they will follow us and destroy us all there. I can't afford to lose any of my horde's lives just yet.'


'But Aeolus, you've gotten the horde to spare with each other, so that they would know how to fight other dragons. We, nocturnal members, didn't get the same amount of training as you day dragons did and that's why we lost.'


'And a day and a half of training is still not enough. If Dracul decides to come here, we may not have enough time to discuss how strategy.'


'You guys destroyed a few human settlements without deaths and even took down that group of dragon slayers.'


The leader reasoned, 'Only, because we had the element of surprise at our side.' With Dracul's teleportation ability, the horde will have no idea where the enemy will appear at. Then Aeolus was reminded of the magis' ability to teleport. This power was an element of surprise. They would go in without the enemy knowing and then kill them. That plan sounds like a good idea. The leader told the pygmy the good news, 'You know what, Uvanis? I think we might be able to save the village.'


Uvanis sounded a bit relieved, 'Really? That's great, Aeolus! I knew I could count on you.'


Of course for the assault to succeed, Aeolus would need the dark leaf's help, too. He told him, 'I will send Yopple and the magis to kill Dracul, but I need you to watch how he fights, so that I can give them the go to get in at the right time.'


'Okay, I'll keep an eye on him. But please hurry,' begged Uvanis.


Aeolus formed a telepathic bond with Yopple and the magis to tell them, 'Yopple, Kekul, Enamora, we have an emergency. Dracul has just attacked the village, where our nocturnal soldiers are. I need you three to teleport to me immediately so that we can plan our attack.'


((You don't have to wait for Yopple, Draco. I'll write him into the story in the future.))




Axle approached the magi and told her to forgive. Before she could react, she was struck by him and knocked down onto the ground. The dragoness's vision was blacked out and she became unable to process any thoughts in response to the attack on her.


((Atlas will be unconscious for a while.))




The Firestar sisters were now let alone to cry by themselves until their eyes and mouths became exhausted from being able to produce anymore tears and sobs respectively.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Ya it just Dracul in the cave no one else. Everyone else minus arch is back in the city. I will have to fix my post as well, because I have not be getting enough sleep I have been slacking on my writing.))


Dracul saw the other dragons come at him, and heard what one of them yelled at the others. Dracul let the first dragon bit him, but not in a vital area. After that however, he bite the dragon back in the neck and tossed them towards the next closed dragon. However the long horn did claw him in the side, but they were soon met with a very dark aura that soon would engulfed them.


Next was the pink dragoness. All he did was lunge his paw into her neck and whisper harshly at her. "I made no agreement to that truce. Plus you have all seen my human form, and must be silenced."


One by one, each dragon fell before him, and it did not seem like he was well train, becuasd each dragon was landing some sort of hit, just not ones that matter, but from the other point of view, he was slaughtering dragons quite fast as well, maybe in one or two hits. Soon he started to come for.Uvanis.




Verona's arrow shot.straight into the.shadow, but she could make out the faint sound of metal hitting metal. "Damn." She said as they pasted the building she shot.the arrow in. "Well to answer your question how they know the cave, it was from that blue armored human, who is also a.dragon Lord, but one that is forced to fight for them. You might have not seen him or heard him because of his own power that he have. Now, we are about to have an unwanted visitor here very shortly, so I would suggest not asking anymore questions." She said as she readied another arrow and aimed it down the street. What came barreling out the window from the right side of them was a fully blacked armor dragon. He was on a collision course with Eitri and Verona..




Akil followed silently behind Bam, but every now and than there was a mutter from her in another language, and it does not sound good at all.




Axle saw Atlas fall to the ground and soon saw her eyes close. Just to make sure he was not going to kill her by accident, he gently placed his paw where he struck and and healed the wound of any toys of injuries he may have caused. Violet seemed to be disturbed by Axle stricking at Atlas and seemed to be a bit defensive now. Axle shook his head again and looked at Violet.


"Can you watch over her until she wakes back up, and tell her I'm sorry as well." He said before he took off back towards the mountain at full speed.


Violet though was in shook still, but she walked slowly towards Atlas and sat next to the sleeping mage.



((And one more promble Aeolus will have.))


Juna seemed to have doused off when she was watching over her brother Mekarth. When she came too, Mekarth seemed to have recovered from the pain he just endured and was waiting for Juna to wake. Neither of them had a word to say to each other, but Juna figure she might as well contact Arolus to see how he was doing at the moment and tell him that she found he brother.


"Hey, Aeolus, found my brother now, and now we both are ready to train your hoard for a bif. And how is everything on your end of the stick with Akil?" She teased him a bit as well.

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((So I'm almost close to getting chapter 45 done, but I'm confused with one word I'm trying to correct. I'll show it to you.


In the center of the courtyard were ten poles and on all but two were humans, who all wore the same kind of clothing. All of them had a white golden trim type of clothing and they were all dead. All of them have starved to death. Arch went and grabbed the chain that was attached to the hatchlings and attached it to a colse (what's that word) by pole, one that was emptied and locked it in place.


I don't know what you meant by colse as that doesn't appear to be a real word according to Google Chrome's spell-checker. Maybe it was a misspelling. Can you tell me what you were trying to say, Draco?))



The longhorn was thrown at a morningstar dragon, who fell down onto his underbelly underneath the longhorn's weight. Then the villagers were burned by the dark aura that spread to them. Their agonized roars filled the cave as they frightfully tried to put out the aura. They rolled, thrashed around and banged their bodies against the walls. The pink dragoness that had been pinned down let out a weak gasp in dread before succumbing to the dark aura and dying. Uvanis watched in horror as each dragon died by the banished lord's claws. Once they were all done for, Dracul started to come for him next. The dark leaf pygmy let out a frightful shriek before he dashed off away from him. He went further down the cave where the other villagers were resting and getting their wounds treated by a few healers. Without stopping, Uvanis alerted them, "Everyone, run! Dracul wants to kill us all."


The surprised dragons roused their heads up, having felt tricked by the humans they fought. A summer dragoness asked in confusion, "But I thought they would leave us alone if we surrendered. Isn't that what they promised?"


A terrae dragon growled, "Who cares? You can't trust humans to honest and these ones have proven it. I'm going to teach them a lesson." He ran on his way to the entrance with the fury and intent to kill the backstabbing humans. But he quickly found a unfamiliar scarred red dragon instead. Ignorant as to where he came from, the terrae asked, "Huh? Who are you?"




Eitri dropped his mouth open to let out a soft gasp in surprise when he saw that armored dragon. He knew he had to get away from him quickly. The night magi ran as hard as his leg would be able to go, desperate to get away from his pursuer.




Bam heard her strange language. It clearly wasn't human as he and every slave has understood the language they learned from their masters. Turning his head to her, he asked, "Hey, what kind of language is that? I've never heard it before."




Kekul and Enamora teleported to their leader's location. The magma magi asked, "We're here. What's the plan, Aeolus?"


Aeolus gave them a brief on the mission, "What you're going to do is place a tracking spell on Dracul and teleport over to him." Suddenly, Juna's words spoke into his mind about her ready to train the horde. She even teased him about Akil. She apparently knew that the messenger was going to dislike him after that talk she told her earlier. Aeolus figured that the silver must have told her about the horde's bloody history. The leader figured that the silver would get amused with the truth, but he was not to give her the pleasure of his failure. He answered, 'We're off to a rough start, but it's not too much of a problem I care about, mind you. Anyway, I'll go let the others know about this shortly.'




As the class pronounced the words they were practicing, a sweetling hatchling raised his hand and asked, "Excuse me! How do you say that word?"


Minerva saw and heard him. Happy to help out the young dragon, she made her way over to his desk. With a sweet smile on her face, she asked, "Which word, do you want me to help you say?"


The hatchling pointed to the word, 'beet', and said, "This one! I said it as b-e-t, but my mom says that it might not be the right way to say it." Minerva looked at the word before she explained to him how to say it. After he was taught the correct way to say it, the sweetling nodded gratefully and said, "Thanks!"


The woman replied, "You're welcome."


((expand this part later.))

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((Ya, Firefox does not have a spell check on it, it was close by, but it came out colse, just a simple mistake, and there a few grammer mistakes as well I notice and will fix them later.))


Dracul did I not say a word, just simple slashed at the dragon throat and continued further into the cave. It seemed as if the red dragon was enjoying himself greatly. When he came into view of the area the other dragons were resting at and were getting healed. He smiled devilishly as he now proceeds closer to the dragons.




Arch came back to the cave in his halfling form and saw a massacre in the cave. He looked over each body, until he came to the pink dragoness. It seemed she was still alive, but just barely though. He simple poked her in the head to see if she was still responsive to the world around her or was to far gone, because he could use a warm body tonight. "Hello anyone still alive in there? If so moan." He said almost sounding caring, but just to see if she would responded back, or if he should just skin her now for her beautiful scales. They would feach for a high price on the market of shadow wind for clothing and other accessories.




Akil heard what Bam asked as to the she was speaking in. "It shadow wind native tongue. Not hard to understand, just a bit tricky to speak. So how long till we get to the river?" She asked, sounding a little bit impatient with the speed they were going.




Azera bursted out of a bush in the forest ground with violet in the area watching over Atlas as she sleeper. He made violet jump a bit, but he had no interest with Atlas or the vampire at all, and still chased after Axle.




Verona watch closely as the black armor dragon came closer and closer slowly gaining in them. She stood up on Eitri back and pulled the arrow she had ready and aimmed at the ground. The arrow itself turn a very dark blue as she shot soon making a large patch of thick ice, which seemed to be spreading faster than either dragon was running, soon passing Eitri, but not in his path if running. The blacked armored dragon slipped on the ice and fell hard on the ground cracking the ice. Do to he was full in metal that dragon had no grip on the ice at all and keep on sliding on the ice and losing his balance every time.Verona just simple laugh a bit as she sat back down at the poor dragon attempt to chase the pair.


When they reach were about to reach the sea Verona simple said. "Just keeping running straightforward, do not stop at all. Not even at the edge of the sea."


((Note part one. Forgot about the pair, also there is an invisable bridge as well that Eitri can run on.))


((I will fix all my previous post, just to check for simple grammar errors and misspellings as well.))

Edited by draco8967

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Some of the dragons had already began to run in fear of their lives. Those who stayed behind, waited to see if the terrae dragon would come back to them alive or as expected, dead. Not that they wanted him to die, but having experienced the humans' fighting capabilities, they knew that engaging a fight with him would seal a fool's death. A stench of dragon blood reached soon their noses. It was a sign that the terrae had been slain by Dracul. One of the dragons noted, "Come on, let's get away." The rest started to flee for safety, but the wounded lagged behind. Their injuries slowed them down enough to make them limp or stagger. One healer dragoness tried to see if she could heal them all in time to save them from a death sentence by sword. She went towards a longhorn and focused her magic onto him.


Just then, a red dragon appeared with an evil grin. The blood on him smelled like the terrae's and the villagers' instincts immediately warned them that this dragon was his killer. A lumina dragon with a bleeding scar groaned in sarcasm, "Oh great, another blood traitor. Just what this word needs." An anagallis dragon, who was the farthest behind the others, blew fire onto the ground between himself and the enemy dragon to create a wall of fire to block his way.




Uvanis heard the rushing of feet behind. Good! The villagers were doing the smart thing of getting away from the killer demon. The dark left thought about contacting Doubloon to warn him, but the chief seemed to have already heard as he told his people, 'Everyone, the humans aren't done with us yet! The one left behind is intent on slaying everyone. I need you all to try to find a way out of here alive and escaped this village immediately. Do not engage that man, he will kill you with ease.'




The pink dragoness heard Arch's voice and felt his touch. Normally, she would have woke up and tried to fight him. But alas, she was too weak to respond as she laid there dying. Her consciousness grew weaker every second that passed until she finally reached her death.




The autumn dragoness rose to stand up as Pinky, Smasp and Pendra readily stood around her, getting ready to leave the cave. The dragoness's scythe wound was still hurting since the attack. For the sake of herself and the hatchlings, she needed to bear with it on the run. Looking down at the hatchlings, she told them, "Come on, children. Let's go!" The four left their room and went down the tunnel that led to the entrance. They joined the other villagers in this tunnel, who were also coming out of their rooms.


The group went together until they saw the gold dragon in the distance around the curve. The dragon in the lead and as well as the few others in the front stopped as they telepathically told the others, 'Everyone, get back! It's that dragon who helped the humans attack our village.' The group stopped and retreated from the end of the tunnel that took them to the room where the trap crystals used to be. They hid there from the gold's sight.


Pendra tilted his head in confusion as he asked, "A dragon who helps humans? Why would he-"


The autumn dragoness glanced at him and shushed him. Then she used telepathy to tell him, 'Be quiet, he might be trying to kill us, too.'


((There two tunnels in the cave that lead to the trap crystal room. One: where Dracul and the wounded dragons are at. Two: where the mother and hatchlings are at.))




Bam felt like answered, "Well Aeolus said that it would take like a mile to get there from the village. So right now, we only got like half way to go."




((I'm going to replace Kekul and Enamora with the spring dragons, Jarilo and Evony. I forgot that Yopple as a cassare would block all magic abilities of everyone around him, including his magi allies.))


Putting his attention back onto the three in front of him, Aeolus resumed from where he left off. "So anyway, before I tell you what to do next, I'm going to ask Uvanis what he learned from Dracul." He formed a telepathic bond with the dark leaf and asked, 'Uvanis, I got the team. Tell me what Dracul can do now.'

The pygmy reported, 'Okay, let's see... He can transform himself into a human and take advantage of his small size to get around those bigger than him. I mean he was pretty agile; that was how he managed to dodge all our attacks.' The horde leader was reminded of his spar from today and found the comparison between Dracu's human form and Firefry to be almost similar. The crimson flare's size and fast speed had made him difficult to land a claw or bite at him. Aeolus had been forced to use his breath attack and wind powers instead for an easier time against the pygmy. Uvanis continued, 'Dracul can also use dark magic. He burned everyone with black flames and made them come out from cracks below the ground. I think that's all I know of him.'


Aeolus replied, 'Thank you, Uvanis. Help will be there shortly.' With the telepathy over, the leader went back to planing a strategy with the team, "So as soon as Yopple teleports the team over to the Dracul, you spring dragons must breathe out your tranquilizing pollen breath to put him to sleep immediately. Do not wait too much or you might miss your chance. Once Dracul is knocked out, capture him and bring him back to the horde. We will interrogate some information out of him and then hold a trial for him."




Eitri knew what he was doing; he didn't intend to stop. He was going to fly over the ocean and get away from this dreaded place. His wings spread out as he got himself ready for flight. When his feet made it over the edge, the dragon expected his feet to feel the cold water of the sea like anyone else who touched it. But apparently, that was not the case. Instead, he feeling something hard and dry as if he was walking on a wooden floor inside a human home. Eitri brought his wings back in and glanced down to see what he was running on, but all he saw was the running water. 'That's odd, I should have on the water, but it looks like I'm running over it like some invisible bridge,' he thought.

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Dracul saw the wall of flame, but he simple walked thought it using his dark aura to protect him from the flames. When he came though the flames, it seemed like he was a demon from he'll, as he approach the left behind healers and the longhorn. Any dragon that was in his way or try to attack him, he would simple make quick work of them until he caught the healer dragoness. The longhorn dragon he could care left for, and just would simple snap his neck.




Arch at first did not noticed the dragons that were trying to hide from him, however the hatchlings spoke up and followed by a shush. He than notice the second tunnal as well, and started to out two and two, determine that this cave was a full circle, but none the less, they had no way of getting out. With the pink dragoness dead, he would have to find a nice dragoness who he could grab quickly, well before Dracul killed them all, like he did with the pink dragoness. Than he got an idea and contacted Dracul before he slaughtered everyone. "Dracul, if you find any like good looking dragoness, can you knock them out for me so I cha have a nice warm body tonight for my sleep, or a few bodies?" Arch telepathicly asked Dracul, and the respond he got back was a nasty groan from Dracul, but than got 'Only a few.' and Arch jump like a little kid at Christmas. Than he told Dracul the direction he heard the other dragons were at and both of them decided to trap the dragons in a small area with no way of escaping.




Verona keep on watching behind them until they were a good amount on the bridge. She spoke up, but in a completely but not in draconic or human tounge, and what came from up ahead was a city that suddenly appear from thin air, almost like gates were opening. On the other side was two armored frames, but in green and white armor. They seemed to be defensive, but they ran by Eitri and Verona just good ng about half way towards the la.d and slowly working their way back, until they made it back to the city, which soon became hidden from sight again. On the inside, people halfling and dragons seems to be working together to keep the small city alive, but it seemed some of them looked a bit hungrier than others. Verona got off Eitri back, and she called for someone name and an entire squadron seemed to come. This squadron was a mix of dragons and humans, but there were more dragons than human in this squadron, being 3 to 5 ratio. There was a total of a forty units here when Verona called. "So here is your rescue squadron to use at your disposal, dragon. Just let Telmos know the location you want to go to.. Now I have to orginize a food run for us to restock our rations. As you can see we are running low on supplies." She said before one of the armor drakes came over and she got on and it ran down the city streets, and head to the now ruin castle in the middle of the city. Behind the squadron was a statue of a dragon with the same crescent as what was on all of the armor in eye sight, a dragon circling around a rose in a tight hexagon. The sign of life and protection of that life.




Akil was a bit disappointed with having to walk all the way to the location Aeolus gave them, but food was food and she could not argue with her guild either as well.




Juna thought back to Aeolus. "You got beat I take it than. Well she was train by my brother, so what could you expect, but her attitude came from her real parents, who ever they are. So have fun with that. Now have you talk to Atlas or Axle recently on their progress to the mountain, because Dracul have something plan for them, I just know it." She asked Aeolus kind heartedly as possible, but with a but of amusement tone mixed in it.

Edited by draco8967

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(Sorry, I was waiting if torch would say something, so he could react, since it was you and me back and fourth for a bit. Should I just go ahead and post? Also, I am on every day, so I will see if you message me.)

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Rick wanted to help put out the fire accidentally started by Flamanti but by the time he would try, they had already finished. He sat down before he said, "You should be more mindful of your surroundings Flamanti." He smirked with a chuckle. "Must be careful and analytical of where you are so you don't cause unintended damage. This is one reason why humans are so ignorant and willful to blame dragons. They fear the potential danger of your kind. Some of us though, do not fear because we understand your species is capable of amazing and wonderful things. All that must be learned is a way to channel that capability."


Ronan sat down on the rooftop. He opened up one of his pouches and grabbed some food from it that he had kept. His belly grumbled for food.

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As Eric sat under a tree, tearing off pieces or the scorched pig's head, he heard a strange hissing sound coming from his backpack. Startled, he exclaimed "Dang it, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot!" After opening a compartment in the bottom of his pack, a reddish-orange cat limped out, due to an injured paw. Immediately, it began to hiss at Flamanti, arching it's back. "The Dragon is a friend Blaze. Calm down. And I finally managed to find some food." Holding up the head, Eric removed a piece of it, setting it in front of Blaze. Sniffing at it, the cat cautiously tasted the pig, then began to devour it with enthusiasm. "Now let's see that paw of yours." Eric said. Holding his hand on the paw, he extended his other hand to a bush, which soon started to shrivel. Before it could die, Eric moved his hand to a tree, drawing energy from it. Shortly, he removed his hand, inspecting Blaze's paw, where the cuts had sealed up. "As good as new" Eric exclaimed. Looking around the clearing, he proceeded to introduce his cat, saying "This is my companion, Blaze."Turning back to his food, he continued to eat, occasionally separating a portion for Blaze.

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Rick watched as the man brought out a cat and then killed a bush using magic to heal the cat. "Where did you learn magic? Only a dragon or a sorcerer could've taught you that." He wasn't a practicioner of the arts of magic but he understood the basic information about it.


Drake aided the young dragon who had called to him telepathically. He smiled at the dragonet when it got the word right.

((sry for being late on that red))

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Hearing Rick's question, Eric replied "It's one of the few things my parents taught me. I don't know where they learned it, and I didn't consider them sorcerers. They were pretty normal people, with normal lives"

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