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Guess what I just realized! There isn't enough genetic code to go around for each dragon species to flourish. There has to be more than one of the same species for there to be enough genetic diversity for the species to grow. So........

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You know, I have not noticed that....we are so going to have some inbreeding sooner or later. Unless of course the other eggs logically hatch, but then again in RP only one of each species so nope they never shall! So yeah...inbreeding there shall be~


And if the other of these eggs never hatch since there is already one of them does that mean there is something wrong with that egg? I am over thinking this, I know.


I think me and you are thinking way to much on this also, but it is also a very odd and funny thought.

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But if they start inbreeding, then the genetic pool will not be able to expand. If the genetic pool doesn't expand, then defects will start to happen. Defects and mutations will become more and more common, leading the extinction of the species due to such a small genetic pool....


Whelp, I think I just kinda gave everyone a death wish. :/

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Yes, pretty much and unless there is another clutch of hidden eggs out there outside the realm of RP the whole thing is doomed. But on note of RP wise, I think they are safe for a few generations. Until someone mentions why no other eggs are hatching and why in the world there is only one of the majority of the breeds.

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Of course and I sent in that forum for the Gray I was thinking about making and she has a mean personality. Most likely Lucifer and her will get along so I can see her joining his little marry band.


You know I been waiting for more hatchlings to wonder off to live by themselves in the 'wild' and not with the other and I was going to making a male Ember dragon when that happened to live out there with them, but seems like that is never going to happen. I really don't know if I want four characters either, but it is still so tempting to make him.

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I think Lucifer and his little band are going to leave the main group and be the antagonists of the story. Whoever doesn't like Favian's ideas and really just doesn't care about anything will go join Lucifer.

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Yeah I figured that would happen sooner or later with their little band and yay the gray was accepted. Medea is going to cause some trouble, which is going to be somewhat new since it has been awhile since I played a mean char.


I might still make the Ember dragon depending on how many hatchlings are with each group. To many or less on each will make me pick I guess. Well, that and if I want to RP four characters. I get a little into them so I sometimes do not know the meaning of a short post even if it bit me so I cannot imagination how long a post would be if all four was put into one. I would have to break it up to at least two if I took them up. xd.png

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I would recommend that you do short posts for some characters. My first RP posts were over 2,000 characters long. I've shortened that up a bit as you may see.

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It is a habit to do long posts I think from this game/RP game. It is a custom to makes 'para posts' or paragraph posts so it is like breaking a very bad habit. Though I am going to try since it is a little redundant with putting so much detail and so forth. Little posts when I am in a rush are going to be a must from now on and when I am not then I will put the longer ones I think. Just what I am used to. Besides, gives others something to play off if they are RPing with you most times..short ones not so much.

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Same thing happened with me. I really enjoy doing long posts. I mean, I REALLY enjoy long posts. It makes me aggravated when I do a short post, but I somehow manage. Darn you adjectives!

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I think I can manage at least since the other RPs I am in are either dead (the crystal), going really slow (order), or I am purely stuck because the one person I was RPing with has pretty much went poof in it and unless my char walks off then she is stuck (Instrema). So yes, plenty of time RP wise to make the posts anyways.


Yes, I love making long posts! I am a detail hog, just a huge lover of details I tell you. So I feel your pain on the short posts. It will be like pulling teeth when I try to do it.

Edited by Lilithachaos

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I was just wondering, has Lucifer hatched yet?


No, Lucifer will not hatch until the everyone goes asleep. He will hatch early in the morning of the second day.


Yes, I love making long posts! I am a detail hog, just a huge lover of details I tell you. So I feel your pain on the short posts. It will be like pulling teeth when I try to do it and I know it will be.


You got that right. Its painful to do short posts, but hey, look at the bright side! After doing so many short posts it feels so good to do a long one. You just sit there at the computer screen rolling around in detail and character development.

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Aw, but first is to break the whole habit of making the longer posts so I guess we will see. One pro of the shorter ones would be less getting ninja-ed however...hmm.

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No- you get Ninjaed a LOT in shorter posts, because you post more often, so it has it's risks as well- but it's WAAAAAAY harder to fix long posts.

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That's only if they're are a lot of people posting and you have the fancy stuff going on. I usually don't get ninjaed with small posts, but hey, it may be different with different people.


It also might be because I'm always on except for 1:00 to 4:00 because I'm doing drawing class.

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Aw, you got a point there Koala. Guess it is a pro and con thing overall. However, I think the only you will see me do it is if I am on the phone posting or short on time to give a post. The habit most likely will be way to hard to break from since I have been RPing for around 8 or 9 years (give or take some) and it has been all long posts. xd.png

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Game titled Furcadia is where I started. Wolf characters and then a few dragons or felines here and there...all animals. xd.png Humans I started on forums and about the only place I will RP them since I don't normally will unless I really like the topic idea they have.


Though that game at the start was great, but now has pretty much went down hill. They added way to much and just yes not going into that stuff. Suffice to say I do not get on there much since not many decent people to RP with anymore on there any longer.

Edited by Lilithachaos

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I love to make nice, long, pretty posts as well... Old habits die hard.


For the whole inbreeding thing, it seems way too far off for us to worry about. Besides, any too severely inbred eggs can just be turned to Vampires >:D

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I love to make nice, long, pretty posts as well... Old habits die hard.


For the whole inbreeding thing, it seems way too far off for us to worry about. Besides, any too severely inbred eggs can just be turned to Vampires >:D

Lol, now why did I not think of that! inbreeding now shall be solved by Vampires biting. If it does not kill the hatchling inside the egg anyways...

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I wanna vamp. Is this gonna go on and on where the new eggies have babies and die because of the plague?

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