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Exalted:End of an Era

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Ambassador Lenco wasn't used to being disobeyed by his underlings and he calmly walked towards Shaya, facing her sternly, eyes livid with anger at this insubordination. His voice was dangerously calm.


"I said, *Captain*, you will call off the meeting. There will be no 'counter-offer'..." he almost spat out the word with disgust. "This isn't a market place where you can haggle with your superior officer! This is the Seventh Legion! And you WILL. Do. As. I. Say. Captain."


He said the last few words with clenched jaws. He wasn't letting this little girl intimidate him into accepting her disobedience.


"Now, as senior officer representing Lookshy, *I* will take on the mantle of Chumyo, until the remaining commanders get here."


A servant entered the room and halted at the threshold as she saw the two officers were still talking...

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Shaya hesitated for a moment. Even when she had exalted, she had gone to her superior officer to await his orders instead of fleeing, knowing full well that he might have her arrested and executed. The difference was, her commanding officer had been a just and competent man and Commander Lenco struck her as neither. If she let him assume the position of Chumyo, there would be no new Seventh Legion and his efforts to gain 'peace' with the Realm would no doubt result in Lookshy never rebuilding at all, or becoming yet another Satrap. None of those outcomes were acceptable to her. Taking a step forward, she closed what little distance remained between them until their noses almost touched.


"Let me be perfectly clear. You are not fit to be Chumyo and since we both know it, I'm sure it will be a long time before you 'get around' to summoning the Field Legion Commanders to elect a new leader and I have no intention of letting that happen. So my aides will assist you in gathering the Field Leaders here, in Nexus, within the week; at which time anyone, including you, can make their candidacy for Chumyo known and I will relinquish the position to whomever gets chosen. Your other option is to continue to obstruct me, in which case I will relieve you of duty under the grounds that you are unfit for the duty that you claim."


She made no threats; she didn't need to. She had the manpower to relieve him of duty and she did not believe that he could say the same. If he wanted to go head-to-head with her, she'd place him under arrest and keep him there until the Field Commanders arrived. For that, she reflected, was the only sensible thing he had said; there were Field Legions out there and they should be the ones to elect a new Chumyo.

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The woman was awefully close, her malodorous miasma wafted up to his nostrils and nearly made him gag. This captain had been in recent battles, that much was clear to Lenco. She wasn't going to be intimidated by his imperial tone, or his commanding presence, so much was clear as well. In short, she wasn't going to back down. His mind raced. How was he going to get rid of this captain, before she spoiled his plans? She had threathened with arrest, he could do the same, but he did not have the manpower and he didn't know how many people she brough with her into Nexus. It was too risky, with too much at stake. That meant he had to back down, but he was not going to lose face in front of this stinking wench.


Without flinching he nearly spat the words in Shaya's face: "Fine. We'll do it your way. I will summon the commanders of the remaining Field Forces, but be warned, I will have your hide in Court Marshall for your insolence and insubordination. Either way, when this is over, you will not be a Captain any longer. Dismissed."


He turned around and faced the servant. "Get me Yu Chin, I have need of his messengers." he barked. The servant blanched visibly at the commanders mood and hurriedly left his presence after saluting both him and Shaya...

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((Malodorous miasme laugh.gif))



Reigning in her anger, Shaya gave the ambassador a curt nod. She couldn't trust him, that much was obvious, but it would have to do for the moment.


"I will send my aides to assist you . We will speak more later."


Giving him a formal salute, she turned to leave the room and made haste to find a servant to saddle a horse for her - that carriage was too dang slow - before galloping back to the Bronze Tiger barracks. Her mind was already working on a plan to contain the damage Commander Lenco might do. She didn't fear a court-martial, but she did fear him sabotaging the new Seventh Legion; she needed to send someone to keep an eye on him, but who? Normally she would send Tinker, but her own people were dangerously close to exhaustion. Perhaps Captain Dace had someone he could spare?


Galloping through the night, she almost collided with another rider; a young woman with silver-blonde hair. The woman's horse caught Shaya's eye; it was an exceptionally fine animal; but she hardly had time to stop and chat about horses right now. She rode on, even as the Maiden of Journey's light shone on the brief, but fateful meeting.



((So that's the first time Shaya and Mia meet, but one is in too much in a hurry and the other too tired to really notice the other smile.gif.


How much time has passed since Shaya left and how much sleep did Web get? Would she be fit enough to 'assist' Lenco, aka make sure he doesn't double-cross Shaya? Though it might be a better option to send Risa to keep tabs on Lenco - if Dace will allow it - and send Web to deal with the other ambassadors? Takhesis, do you have a preference for either?))

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((Shaya arrives two hours after she left the Bronze Tiger compound. It is nearly dawn? Or is it too early for that?))

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((I found pictures for my characters! Would it be possible to update the OP with them?))


[Pictures added. As for sleep for Web - I'd say she got about 3hrs - assuming she went to sleep at the same time Shaya met Pheonix. So assuming Lenco isn't an exalt - yes Web would be able to outsmart him (though she'd probably be able to outsmart a non-diplomatically trained Exalt as well). No preference either way - so Shaya's call whether she trusts Web enough to be with an 'opponant' of hers.]


Pheonix had gone back to the Officer's Mess to finish the paperwork with Risa. The draft made - it was then up to Dace to authorize the change, it was still his compound and company after all.


Then finding the unit to get them to rest to be ready for tomorrow... that took longer than she thought. The Lancers and Hare were reluctant to leave the first decent game they'd had since before Calibration. Though they didn't argue with Pheonix - especially as her version of pulling rank would be ... impressive to say the least.


Pheonix then peeked in on the others - Tinker was sitting by the desk reading over Web's speech and making a list. Web was curled up in the corner, sleeping off the Labyrinth journey.




Web was indeed sleeping off the effects of the Labyrinth - though her dreams were often disrupted by the screech of the Darkness. Made a slight change to her usual nightmares....

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(Exactly - though with all the papers he left spread out.... who can tell? + Tinker would probably say where he'd gone.)

Edited by Takhesis

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Shaya slowed her horse to a trot as she neared the Bronze Tiger compound; it wouldn't do to come in at a full gallop and have their new allies think something was wrong so soon in their joined journey. The horse that she had weedled out of the ambassador's messenger was a bay of average Riverland stock; a far cry from the Marukani steeds the Seventh usually used and it was a testament to the ambassador's character that it had been the finest riding horse in the stables - alll the other animals had been carriage horses.


Handing the reigns to the Tigers' stable handler and giving instructions to treat the animal well, she set off to find Pheonix. Her first stop, the Officer's Mess, turned up empty, but her second, their own quarters, did indeed produce her Second. It also produced Web, sleeping in an almost fetal position on the corner bed and Tinker, sitting at the table and writing something. Hanzo was nowhere to be seen, though an impossibly tall stack of papers on the desk, scribbled full with designs and an unfamiliar handwriting, testified to his work. Perhaps he was taking a break? Given the time, she could not fault him for getting some fresh air and clearing his mind a bit.


She took a moment to look at the Moonshadow. Seeing Web asleep reminded her of when they had first met, before she had revealed herself as an Abyssal. The Moonshadow was deathly pale, painfully skinny and, Shaya reflected, quite possibly younger than she had assumed; though, with a life like that, conventional means of tracking age would hardly apply. Shaya sighed wearily; she needed to have a conversation with the Abyssal soon, as there were things that she needed to say - but not yet. Next her gaze rested on Tinker. Kind, gentle and strong as tempered steel, the man was a force to be reckoned with. He was also very old and still awake after a week of hell; she sighed again, this time with an undertone of annoyance.


Lastly, she addressed Pheonix. "Lieutenant, walk with me please."


Making a slow round across the compound, Shaya told Pheonix exactly how her meeting with the ambassador had been. She kept her report factual and made no disparaging comment about him, but the disdain and impatience she felt shone through in her voice. When the tale was done, she stopped and gazed up at the heavens again. The Sun was still dipped below the horizon, but she could feel Him nonetheless; a constant presence in her mind. She enjoyed the coolness of night air and she sense of freedom and openess it provided, even here in Nexus, after a week of strange and foreboding constellations overhead in the Underworld.


"We need to send someone to keep an eye on Commander Lenco, to make sure he calls on all the Field Commanders and not just those he's cozy with. If he gets chosen as new Chumyo I won't fight it, but I won't let him steal the title by rigging the vote. Normally I'd send Tinker, but -" she paused for a moment and worry showed on her features "- I know he's always going on about needing very little sleep and I also know that's true for the most part, but what we just went through would tax any young man in his prime and Tinker is not -" she stopped and did not finish the sentence. "So I'd prefer an alternative to Tinker. Web, perhaps, accompanied by either you or Gunn to make sure she doesn't throw in with the ambassador. Your opinion?"


Against the dark backdrop overhead, the Maidens passed. Shaya's eyes picked out Mars easily enough; large and red, it seemed to be an ever-present companion in the skies. The Solar took a moment to seek out Serenity, but as usual the blue planet eluded her - she was sure there was a lesson in there somewhere.

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Pheonix joined Shaya on her walk and talk. Pheonix - while not always the most socially ept - was able to read the hidden connotations in Shaya's fact report.


Pheonix considered the situation, Tinker would normally be the go-to person for this, but as Shaya had indicated - he was getting rather advanced in age.


"Agreed that someone needs to keep an eye on this Lenco." Pheonix had the same opinion about the more politically minded Lookshyans as Shaya, they were a slippery lot. As for who to send...


"If Web is sent, I'd suggest an Exalt be sent with her - if only due to the fact an Exalt would have more of a chance if she did turn." Pheonix said, "Although, I suspect she'd be better at intimidating him into line than some others would."


A second thought occurred to her - "Assuming you don't want her nature known, I'd suggest having her wear something other than black." Pheonix had seemed to accept that Web was the best alternative to Tinker - even if she didn't like it.


[Can Abyssals actually wear anything that isn't black?!?]

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Shaya cracked a wry smile at Pheonix's last comment. "I'd let her borrow some of my clothes, but they're in a bit of a state"; none of them had spare clothes with them and having gone without a bath for a week, they were caked with dust and sweat. "Though I suppose one of the female Tigers might lend her something."


"Alright, you and Web go then. She keeps an eye on Lenco; you keep an eye on her. He'll prey on your distrust to try and force a falling-out between you and Web. Don't let him - I need closed ranks on this one."



((I think black isn't an absolute prerequisite, though non-happy might be, to avoid resonance. Still, plain linnen or grey silk could be a good enough compromise. I think it als depends a little on the empowering Neverborn, but I think Moonshadows diplomats and Day spies might get more leeway anyway, since their job would benefit from fitting in.))

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[Makes sense that - so dull/plain colors for Web while she's there.]


Pheonix nodded, though still distrustful of Web - they needed to keep focus.


"I won't - I think politicians are worse than Web. At least she wasn't lying about the short-cut." Pheonix then asked, "What position will Web be introduced as? And mine for that matter." Phoenix knew titles more than rank held weight with certain quarters. Plus tactics said that letting a hint of distrust in Web show was a bad plan, so Pheonix couldn't be introduced as her minder.

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"I've already told Lenco that I'd send people to assist me and he didn't fight me on that; he probably expects he'll be able to intimidate or sideline you when you get there, but he's obviously never met you. I'm sure you can handle him. As for our official assignments: you will go as Military Advisor. Lenco might know how how many people go in a Talon in theory, but he has no idea about travel times, requirements for making camp, that sort of thing. So you'll help him with that. Web will go as our Thaumaturge slash Diplomat. She has no uniform, but then again neither does Mouse or any other Thaumaturge I've ever come across. She will help him keep track of which Commander is where, how long it will take them to get here and make sure he hasn't 'overlooked' any of them. I'm pretty sure Lenco will try something; perhaps he'll 'forget' to invite some Commanders, or he'll ask the ones who would vote against him to come with their Company, thus slowing them down. Make sure all of them get invited, in a timely manner, and that the Commanders and their personal guard ride ahead for speed, while the Company follows. He'll try to push Web aside in favour of his personal aides, but between the two of you I'm sure you'll find a way to stay in the loop."


She thought for a while and then added: "He has a Lookshyan messenger in his employ who I think isn't all bad. Perhaps you or Web can get him on our side. I don't expect him to betray his Commander to us, but perhaps he'd be willing to give us a hint if Lenco is planning to make a move against us or has already done so. Lenco must know that the true purpose of the 'aides' is to keep tabs on him, but he had to wait for the 'Infallible Messenger' Casters to arrive so there's a good chance we're in time to block him from acting."


"All right, let's wake Web. I'll have Tinker run me through their speech and then I'm ordering him to bed, too. Once Gunn has gotten a few hours of closed eyes I can send him to take over from you and you can get some rest too."


Shaya knew they had a long day ahead of them and that they were already nearing their limit. She could only hope that Exalted prowess - and possibly khaf - would be enough to keep Pheonix and herself on their feet.



((Dang it, we had such a solid plan to visit the ambassadors of Nexus and Great Forks and then the ambassador of our own city monkey wrenches us!))

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[Yep - life for Exalts is rarely straightforward and never goes to plan]


Pheonix nearly grinned at Lenco's naivety in expecting to be able to intimidate/sideline an active Terrestrial officer - who had seen her city destroyed - in favor of kissing up to the murderess responsible.

Not to mention an Abyssal who would be able to cite so many by-laws and sub-paragraphs of River Province Law, he'd be lost in unraveling all that red tape. And if that failed, Web could just terrify him into submission from revealing her own secret - the Black Exaltation.


Pheonix doubted Lenco had even seen the damage basic combat could do, let alone have the guts to stand up to an Abyssal's anima.


"Right. That should be a new thing for him - a Military Advisor with actual field experience." Pheonix hadn't yet met the Commander - but from Shaya's report, she'd already formed her opinion of him - and it wasn't a flattering one.




[skipping back to room and waking Web up]


Web wasn't difficult to wake, her nightmares tended to make her a light sleeper. As such, she uncurled herself from her position and sat up, clearing the last vestiges of sleep from her eyes.


She could read the mood of the officers, and immediately thought of trouble.


"What is it? It's not my speech is it?" The second uncertain question was due to the whispers trying to undermine her - after all, it would be to their benefit if her confidence failed.

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((I'm going a minute or so back in time.))


As they neared their baracks, Shaya noticed a new guard outside their door. This one looked less like a jailer and more like a - well, like the new kid stuck with errand duty. Which was good, because she had an errand that needed running. Conferring with him briefly, the young man - a boy, really - ran off to find a new dress for Web.


Entering the room, Shaya approached the desk where Tinker was still working and picked up several of the papers in unfamiliar handwriting. One stack was clearly Hanzo's work, full of diagrams and intricate designs that she could barely decipher. The other was Web's speech. She took a moment to scan it and liked what she saw so far. Still, she was no expert on diplomacy, so she turned to her resident expert: "Is the speech good? Can I trust her?"


Looking up from his papers - a list of the Hundred Kingdoms? - Tinker smiled at her. "Yes and yes, though you'd never just take my word for the latter." His tone was familiar and not at all appropriate for a soldier addressing his commanding officer, but Shhaya offered no reproach; Tinker had guided her through her fears and self-doubt after she exalted and he deserved the leeway.


She cautiously walked to the bed where Web was sleeping. The first Calibration after Pheonix was attacked, Shaya had tried to wake the Fire Exalt from a nightmare and the result had been rather... impressive. So she'd rather not be standing right next to Web as she woke her; a week spent together had alerted her to the fact that the Moonshadow suffered from nightmares too. Luckily for her, the Abyssal woke as she neared the bed.


"What is it? It's not my speech is it?"


Shaya stopped for a moment and studied the woman on the bed. Now she was sure of it: Web was younger than she looked at first sight.


"No, the speech is good. Very good even, as far as my inept opinion on such matters goes. I woke you because I need you again." Shaya did not apologize for waking Web, even if she would have liked for her - and indeed, for all of her unit - to get more sleep; it was all hands on deck, whether any of them liked it or not.


She outlined the situation with Lenco again and then got to the situation at hand.


"I want you and the Lieutenant to keep an eye on Lenco for me. Lieutenant Pheonix will go under the guise of Military Advisor and you will be a mortal Thaumaturge-Diplomat. Your job, officially, will be to help Lenco invite the Field Commanders. Unofficially, I want you to make sure he invites all of them with enough haste to have them here, in Nexus, before the week is over. He'll try to sideline you, but you and the Lieutenant can handle that, I'm sure. Also, he has a messenger in his retinue that we might try to befriend, since we won't be able to babysit Lenco forever. Are you up for it? Also -" she paused for a moment since it seemed almost silly to ask "- for purposes of going undercover we're going to get you a new dress. Something plain, like the robe that Mouse wears. Does that work for you?"



((Time to post the speech, if it's ready? Since Shaya just scanned it and will be going over it in detail with Tinker soon.


Also: how old is Web? Cause Shaya could be guessing her age way wrong xd.png. Sidenote: apart from Hanzo, none of the PCs have an approximate age listed, so if either of you wants to know about my PCs - Mia is relatively young, say 19 or so. Shaya exalted when she was in her prime (24-26) and she's been a Solar for a few years now, so I'd put her at 28.))

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[Exalts with nightmares - never good idea waking them..... As for ages: Pheonix would be a similar age to Shaya - late-mid 20s and Web Exalted at 18 - so yep she'd appear younger than her experience would indicate.]


Web listened to the situation as Shaya explained, relieved that it wasn't trouble for her - at least not yet.


"That I can do. And it would be good to not wear depressing black for a while." Web replied, and then thought, "If I'm introduced with my full name - he may make the connection I'm not just a mortal aide. After all, it's not exactly a normal name. Would it be a good idea to use an alias while inside?"


In a way it was true, the full name that she'd been given: Web of Inevitable Descent wasn't a name that would be in general useage. And its connotations would be almost yelling her Abyssal Exaltation out.


Tinker remained where he was, holding Web's speech - knowing that Shaya would want a detailed look at it. His eyes flicked over the words written in Web's handwriting:


Esteemed representatives of the River Council, I stand before you today to discuss the future of the River Provinces.


The Realm, led by the Scarlet Empress, has destroyed the city of Lookshy – which as you know was the one bastion preventing complete subjugation to Her Will.


Fortunately, the spirit of fortitude that belonged to Lookshy and her legions still lives on. As the highest ranking survivor of this massacre and Chumyo of Lookshy,


I urge the council to create a united army in the memory of those slain. This united front will – like Lookshy before it – be dedicated to keeping the River Provinces independent from the Empress’s grip.


I’d like to nominate Captain Dace of the Bronze Tigers for the position of General of the United River Province Forces in the event of its creation. He has proved time and again his dedication to keeping those under his company’s protection safe from all kinds of threats and I believe that he’ll keep giving that same dedication in the role of General. I don’t expect my nomination to be enough, so I’d like to let his record speak for itself.


I ask each and every one of you to consider the services that Lookshy has done willingly and without thought of compensation. I want you to think on those services and think of how bad it would have been without Lookshy’s championing the cause of independence.


Now the Memory of Lookshy needs your aid, in terms of military might and resources. Can you say truly and honestly that you do not owe this? Do not shame the memories of those that served willingly and died protecting the Provinces with internal squabbles and empty words.


[so what do you think?]

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((Ooooh good speech! Shaya will probably take out the part about Dace, since she might not be Chumyo for much longer, so the decision on who gets to be General isn't hers anymore. Though it would have beenan interesting test to see how the River Province feels about Solars leading once more. By that same token she can no longer claim to be the highest ranking survivor, though she is still claiming the title of Chumyo. Apart from that, the only thing she would change is the name of the army: 'United River Province Forces' is a bit long. How about simply 'Army of the Confederacy' or 'Confederate Legion'?

All in all: very well-written and compelling!))


Shaya took a moment to consider Web's suggestion. Nicknames and callsigns weren't uncommon in the army - neither Mouse, nor Hare, nor Tinker had been born with that name - but it might be best to err on the side of caution.


"Well", she said, "how about your birthname?"


((Painful subject for Web, but Shaya has no way of knowing that Abyssal names are sacrificed to the Void; she probably thinks it's an honorific like 'Bull of the North'.))

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[Fair changes, when Web wrote it Shaya was the highest ranking known survivor. And Shaya did imply she was going to ask Dace about the Generalship. Confederate Legion sounds the most similar to Seventh Legion.]


Web knew that might come up when she mentioned an alias, so she was braced for the question and the inevitable pain it would bring up.


"Abyssals tend to sacrifice their original names to the Void upon entering service." She explained, then considered it. "Though since I've turned my back on that service - perhaps I can reclaim it again."


"I was known as Marissa." The whispers stopped - almost as if stunned at her audacity . One thing was sure, the payback on that would be painful - once they got over the shock of it.


[Now they know her pre-Exaltation name...]

Edited by Takhesis

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((Yep, the speech was perfect until Lenco butted in xd.png.))


Shaya's eyes narrowed when Web mentioned sacrificing her name, though her anger was directed at the Neverborn for demanding such a price and not at the Moonshadow herself.


"That's a good name. Is it safe for you to use?" The slight emphasis on the word indicated that while Shaya did not fully grasp the full impact of Abyssal names, she was aware that it might be difficult to 'take back' a sacrifice given to the Void.

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[lol - typical politician action butting in where they're not wanted]


Web thought back to the last time her real name was used after her Exaltation - as that seemed the best indication of whether it was safe or not. It was a mixed bag really, the adults that cast her out used her name in scorn and caused only hurt to the host which the Exaltation welcomed. The children on the other hand, used her name in kind thanks and caused pain throughout the core of the Exaltation.


Though that was before she'd met the Shadow of Cities face-to-face, so whether it was just because it was before the 'official sacrifice' or not that the results were mixed was anyone's guess.


"Truthfully, I'm not sure...." Web replied, "It seems as long as it's used in scorn it has no negative effect - whereas if it's used in good humor the name causes pain."

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Shaya's eyes narrowed even further and she muttered something under her breath; it sounded suspiciously like "f*cking Neverborn".


"One of these days, you'll have to tell me exactly what those things are and why they are doing this, cause I think they need a talking-to." Judging by the tone of the Solar's voice, a 'talking-to' would probably involve a fair bit of violence.


"For now, let's not risk it. How about Melissa? It's close enough to your own name that you'd respond naturally to it."



((I think Shaya will want to discuss the finer points of being dead with the Neverborn someday, such as: can dead Primordials die again and reform into something even smaller.))

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((I *love* the speech happy.gif and I would love to see us try have a stern talking to to the Neverborn..))

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[That could be funny..... though it would mean another trip into the Labyrinth, which I'm sure the mortals would object to... but rather doable with high Essence Exalts.]


Web nodded, trying not to be disconcerted by the implications of Shaya's tone:


"Perhaps that is a topic for when travelling. Melissa will do well as an alias." That sorted, all that would be needed was her change of clothes before going to work with Pheonix to keep an eye on Lenco.


Web would be relying on Pheonix to keep her nature secret as well as for information on the Outpost Field Commanders - so she could keep track of who had been sent what by Lenco and ensure no-one was missed out.


Pheonix wasn't used to uncover work - but even she could tell that letting on that Web - that is, Marissa - no Melissa - wasn't an ordinary mortal would be a bad plan So while keeping secrets wasn't her forte, she knew the consequences of not staying silent on this one.


The name issue could get confusing.... but she agreed with Shaya - whatever the Neverborn were, they couldn't be allowed to steal names for much longer.

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((I have a feeling the mortal unit will be staying behind with the new Seventh anyway, assuming we get that off the ground. Besides, by the time we're done with our current quests (1. Beat Shadow of Cities, get Soulbreaker Orbs - 2. Beat Scarlet Empress, get Realm Defense Grid), we'll have an army of Essence users to accompany us into the Labyrinth xd.png.))


"Then we're all clear. Meanwhile I -" Shaya was interrupted by a knock on the door. Answering it, she saw the young mercenary she had spoken to earlier holding a folded bundle of cloth in his hands. "Thank you, soldier," she said as she took the package and closed the door again.


The package, not surprisingly, was the dress she had asked for. Made from plain linen and died a dark green, it was clearly too large for Web, despite Shaya's specific request for the smallest dress they could find. A belt might solve that though and if not... most Thaumaturges she had seen wore dressed that were a bit too large for them, presumably - Shaya figured - so they could stuff them full of shells, sand, crystals, string and whatever else was needed for their work.


She handed the dress to the Abyssal and continued her previous sentence: "- meanwhile, if there is nothing else we need to go over, I will inform Dace that I won't be Chumyo much longer and that, while I'll recommend him to whoever takes over, I am no longer in a position to offer him the General-seat. Tinker, I will go over the speech with you at dawn; until then, I am ordering you to sleep."

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[Yep - so first quest reasonably simple task - the second not so simple due to the number of troops the Empress has.]


Receiving the dress from Shaya, Web considered if there was anything else. She didn't think so, so she stood up.


"I think everything has been covered, time to get ready." Web slipped into the washroom section to change. She came back out wearing the dark green dress - using her black belt to try to shape it.


Her black robes were folded and placed on the corner bed, Web then placed her Soulsteel Dagger and sheath on top of the pile.


"I believe that dagger would be more trouble than its worth if I carried it."


The belt sort of worked - she still looked like a child wearing her older sisters clothes. Though her paleness wasn't so pronounced - the dark green still being lighter than the usual dismal black. Web still looked pale - just not as sickly as she did before.




Tinker nodded at Shaya, tidied up the papers on the table and retired to his bed - though not before seeing Web in the new dress.


"That color suits you better than the black did." He commented, while rising from his seat. "If there was time I'd offer to adjust the sizing ...."



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