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Exalted:End of an Era

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Having thanked Captain Dace for his hospitality and settled in to the barracks, Shaya turned to the unit.


"Lieutenant, Hanzo, Web and Tinker, please attend me. The rest of you, freshen up, have something to eat, get to know the locals, but stay in the Bronze Tiger compound. That's all."


Even as the unit, happy to finally get some R&R, was leaving the room, Shaya sat down at the table in the middle of the room and gestured for the others to sit as well.


"We need to talk about why we are here and how we will accomplish it: strong-arming the River Council into raising a new Seventh Legion, this one dedicated to the River Province as a whole instead of Lookshy. The Council has the men, the resources and the equipment and I have the will, but they'll require some persuading. With Lookshy gone, the Riverlands are trapped between the Blesses Isle and Greyfalls. We're easy prey. But will that be enough to convince the Council?"


She now looked specifically to Hanzo, Web and Tinker: "You three are better with words than me or Pheonix. I'll need a good speech for tomorrow and answers to any questions the Councillors will have."


"Also," and she now turned to Pheonix, "The new Seventh Legion will need a General. I've been thinking about who to appoint, since I will be off after the Soulbreaker Orbs. It can't be someone appointed by the Council, as they would try to use any leader for their own advantage. The Hundred Kingdoms would use the army to invade their neighbours, Nexus can't be trusted to protect anyone but Nexus and don't get me started on the fact that Thorns -" she almost spat the word as it it were a curse "- holds a Council seat. No, it has to be someone I can trust implicitly; someone who will see the big picture and rise above local concerns. I have considered Gunn, but he is a mortal and any great army will have Dragonblooded; they would never take orders from him. Besides, Gunn is a little too cautious and leading an army to victory requires taking risks. You, really, are the ideal candidate. You have more experience than anyone I know, barring myself, and I know you'll put the River Lands first. The only reason I haven't brought it up before -" here she hesitated "- is that I'm selfish; I am stronger with you, than I am without and I do not look forward to being parted. It might be that the Gods have presented us with an alternative in Captain Dace, if he is indeed a servant of the Sun and not a glorified sell-sword. Still, I want your input first: what do you want? Come with to find the Orbs, or stay and lead the new Army of the River Lands?"



((Long post is long xd.png. Is it doable to interject responses, or shall I cut it off before '""Also", and she now turned to Pheonix"? And obviously we (presumably) know what Pheonix' answer will be, but I thought it would be strange if Shaya didn't ask ic.


Also: Yes I think Pheonix and Risa need to duke it out as soon as Pheonix gets some time off. If slave-driver Shaya ever grants the upper tier of the unit some R&R. Poor Hanzo was so looking forward to shower and bed xd.png.)

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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[interjections are doable I think - it should be easy to tell where the go in the text block - and I think I just volunteered my fingers for a wpm test....]


Web and Pheonix joined Shaya at the table as requested. The discussion was one that was expected - as such Web had the basis of an idea.


"With your permission, I'll write up a draft speech. Though I may not be able to predict all the questions that could be asked."


Pheonix considered the situation as presented, including the potential of leading a whole army.


"Though it would be a great honor and responsibility to lead an army, someone like Captain Dace would probably be a better choice. He already has the respect of many in the area, where as I'd be most likely be viewed as an upstart outsider. The council would be more likely to accept Dace as the General than an officer of Lookshy." She didn't add that the council might see her leading the army as a Scarlet Empress Mark2.


"However the final decision is, as always, yours."


[i don't think its said what Aspect Empress is.... but Scarlet = red, red jade = Fire?]

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Shaya nodded at Web. "I was hoping you would volunteer. Tinker has experience with these things too, so you can work together on that." With his experience, the old man might even be able to predict the questions, objections and support from individual councellors. And, of course, he would also serve as an additional check if Web decided to betray them now; Shaya's trust in the Moonshadow was growing, but not complete.


Turning to Pheonix, she said: "I didn't ask what you thought the best decision would be, I asked what you wanted. Sometimes, personal preferences and desires do factor in." Regardless of the final decision, if Pheonix would spend the rest of her life looking back to what could have been in Nexus, Shaya needed to know.



((As stated above: we probably know Pheonix's stance ooc already, but it would be strange for Shaya not to ask ic at this point since it's a bit of a lifechanger.


Re Scarlet: The Exalted writers have gone on record that the scarlet color might simply be a personal preference and not a clue to her Aspect. I personally thought that Mnemon looked SO much like mommy, that they might share the same Aspect. There's also a blurb in 1E Air Exalt book that might be about Shogunate-Era Scarlet, so that could be her Aspect too. But didn't she get stats in Return of the Scarlet Empress? I'd have to check though.))

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[Ah she's listed as an Earth Aspect - but there's a Fate Effect in play because of her disappearance: No-one remembers her name or any detail about her. So its entirely possible people will assume Fire due to the title...]


Pheonix considered what her own heart and mind was telling her. Personal preference - she'd stick with the unit.


"I'd prefer to stick with the unit." No doubt or hesitation showed in her voice.


Web took up some paper and ink and started on the speech that Shaya would need. Tinker provided a different perspective and preempted some of the questions that could be asked so that Web could provide the answers without interrupting the flow. It would take a while to write - but Web was determined to prove herself. And hopefully redeem herself in the process.

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Hanzo's heart sank a little. He could guess where this meeting was going. There was going to be no rest tonight. He scolded himself. You are a soldier of Lookshy. Quit complaining! He willed himself awake, and with a store of renewed energy he didn't know he had, settled in for a long night.

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Shaya found herself smiling widely at Pheonix. "I was hoping you'd say that, my friend. I will speak to Captain Dace and see what he is made of. Meanwhile, you talk to Risa and some of the other Bronze Tigers. Don't tell them what we're planning, of course, but get a feel for what they are like - that will tell us a lot about their Captain."


Turning to Hanzo, she hesitated for a moment. He was clearly exhausted and, unlike the rest of the unit, probably not used to the gruelling pace they'd been keeping. He looked determined to carry on though, and, in all honesty, she simply could not forego on his expertise right now.


"Hanzo, I want you to sketch out the designs for arms and armour for the new Seventh Legion, including Artefacts. I also want you to compile a list of River Council States who have the resources and expertise to development these and which we can trust; I'm sure they'll keep a portion of what they build for themselves, but I don't want to start an armaments race. By that same token, I want you to only design items that pack a punch, but are small scale such as Fire Lances and Ashigaru Skirmish Armor. I want our army to be able to withstand an invasion from the Dynasty without leaving the Riverlands in ashes."




((Ok so now Pheonix has to interact with Risa. Let's hope it goes well.))

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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Hanzo could not believe his ears at first. The Chumyo wanted him not merely to repair but to *design* artefacts? His mind started racing once it struck home this wasn't a dream. Immediately designs and schematics started forming in his mind. Schematics of the weapons he had helped maintain, but infinitely better. All the little things he had always found odd or inefficient with all the Lookshy armament, he was able to eliminate with this assignment. Small arms, nothing big. I can work with that.


He nodded absent-mindedly at the Chumyo, immersed deep in thoughts about Magical materials and Essence conduits. "Yes sir."


He would have to go through the city to find a forge big enough and well equipped enough to make a few of the things he had in mind. If he was to make it possible to let his designs be manufactured by mortal artificers or Dragonblooded, he had to make sure it was practical with extensive testing of the forging process.


He rejoiced. This was what he was exalted for. His eyes shone with a creative light, all exhaustion forgotten... So much to do and so little time...

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[lol I'm sure Risa will enjoy that as much as Pheonix will.... though I expect Risa may throw a spanner in Pheonix's plan. Also I will actually post Web's draft speech at some point.... my fingers + keyboard will love me for that no doubt....]


Pheonix nodded and smiled back at Shaya, though the smile wavered slightly at the mention of Risa. Well at least its not just her I have to talk to......


"Yes sir. I'll start with the lower ranks - they'll often have a different view of an commanding officer than the higher ranks." Though in all honesty, she was just trying to put off the meeting with Risa as long as possible, and Shaya would probably know her well enough to realize it.




Web was still furiously writing away on the speech - stopping to consult Tinker every now and then on phrasing and other small details.

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[lol I'm sure Risa will enjoy that as much as Pheonix will.... though I expect Risa may throw a spanner in Pheonix's plan. Also I will actually post Web's draft speech at some point.... my fingers + keyboard will love me for that no doubt....]

((A spanner in Pheonix's plan; do you mean starting with the common soldiers and working her way up to Risa?

I look forward to Web's speech. "Delegates of the River Province, I stand before you today because the Scarlet Dynasty ...." destroyed Lookshy? declared war? threatens us all? It should make for an interesting council session at least laugh.gif.))



Shaya looked at Pheonix for a while, considered what her Lieutenant had said and then nodded. "Yes, the lower ranks would be a good place to start."

She saw no need to force Pheonix to talk to Risa before she was ready; it made little difference whether the Dragonblood talked to the Bronze Tigers' officers first and then the soldiers, or vice versa. Plus, the conversation between the two Terrestrials might go better if Pheonix could get there at her own pace.


"Very well, we all know what to do. I'll see if I can find Captain Dace and possibly have a cup of Khaf with him. If they do indeed serve Khaf here, I'll ask them to send some over to you." The last was directed at Web, Tinker and Hanzo.


She stood up, amber eyes alert and focused despite her mounting fatigue. None of them had had a proper bath since... She couldn't even remember. Her hair was packed so solidly in her topknot that it might stay up even if she undid it, she had blood stains on her clothes and while she didn't stink exactly, she did not emit a rosy scent either. None of that mattered though; she would clean up before the Council Meeting, but until then, she had work to do.



((Khaf = a strong-tasting, hot, black liquid which stimulates the central nervous system, wards off drowsiness and restores alertness (temporarily). It comes from plants grown in the South and is the beverage of choice in Gem and Chiaroscuro. Relatively cheap in the South, the Guild transports it to the Western and Eastern Coasts and Blessed Isle in fair quantities. The Blessed Isle's infrastructure ensures that Khaf can be had throughout the Dynasty, but the West and East are not as fortunate and Khaf becomes harder to find, the more inland you get (with the exception of Nexus where everything is for sale at a price). Khaf is almost impossible to get in the North. The beverage is popular with Dynasts for its quality and taste, and with Lookshy's military for its reinvigorating properties.

<-- home-made addition to the setting. Aka coffee/caffeine in our world laugh.gif.))

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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[Yep - that plan. I'm sure Risa won't like Pheonix around the base ranks. And why not have a coffee equivalent? The Sidereals - in particular Kejak - are very fond of tea. Also at what point do you want the speech shown? I.e How long do I have to make it sound like a skilled diplomat wrote it?]


Pheonix rose from the table about the same time Shaya did. Perhaps she'd be able to tag in to one of the Bronze Tiger training drills - it would give some idea of the skill of the mercenaries. And would provide a potential opening for the information gathering she was going to do.


Joining in would at least make her more approachable than a complete stranger.


Web nodded in thanks at the offer of Khaf, it would be much appreciated.

Edited by Takhesis

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((Shaya will want to see the speech a few hours before the Council session, so you'd have until we reach that timepoint ic. I think it's very cool that you're actually writing it btw smile.gif. You could have just said 'Web is really good at this, sooo'.


Since the group has split up, do we want to do a montage? I.e. we outline our actions with a few posts? We can also RP the conversations - I could play Risa again.))


Almost immediately after she stepped outside, Shaya was greeted by a footsoldier offering to accompany her to where she wanted to go. She wondered if it was Risa or Dace who had positioned an 'escort' outside their door, but she didn't question it. Truth was, she would be happy to find the Captain quickly without walking aimlessly around the compound.


"Yes," she said with a pleasant smile, "I am looking for Captain Dace. If you could take me to him?" She had also noticed that this escort seemed to be the only one present, meaning there would be no one to 'chaperonne' Pheonix if Shaya took this one for a walk.

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[You should have seen the message that one Solar Eclipse sent to all Sidereals.... that was funny... and I could use the speech writing practice - it could be fun for the lolz. MS Word will not like me soon.... Montage sounds good - at least til cinematic/RP-turning points could occur]

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[You should have seen the message that one Solar Eclipse sent to all Sidereals.... that was funny...]

((I'd love to see that! Is there a link to it somewhere?


I can write Shaya's scene, unless one of you two wants to control Dace during it? Otherwise I'll assume that he is suitable and willing for the job, since it's basically a tier up from his canon motivation?))

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Hanzo was lost in thought. He had the presence of mind to stand up and salute when the Chumyo rose to her feet, but he barely heard the remark about the Khaf and waved it away with one hand. There was so much to do. First he needed paper and pen and ink to put his thoughts down on. And a lot of room to put the papers in, spreading them around for a better overview... preferably a wall or maybe two walls. He wandered around the guest quarters looking for the utensils he sought and found a small stack of rice paper and a small vial of ink and a pen. Enough for missives from the guest house to a recipient in the city, not nearly enough for the plans Hanzo had. Oh well, I'll just have to write smaller then. He gathered as much paper and ink as he could find - and as much as Web would allow him to take - and he sat down and went to work.


He was oblivious to anyone in the room, except when they would step on one of his pieces of paper. He would yell "Look out, don't step on the prototype of..." And a rather complex name would follow of some component or other. He did not even glance up, apparently aware of all his creations without looking.


Every once in a while he would take a few papers and stack them together to hold them to the light and an image of armour or a weapon would appear out of the component drawings of the individual papers like a three dimensional puzzle. He would fidget with the papers until the image was right, but strangely enough, he never had to make adjustments to his drawings.


Most difficult of all was to make sure that Dragonblooded and mortal artificers were still able to manufacture the designs. It was the ground rule of all his designs this night and it took more time than he would like. It also appealed to his creativity, as he had to think about alternatives, available materials and new ways to make them work the way he envisioned them. In short: he was loving it.


Within an hour, the floor and walls of the room for the officers was strewn with papers with writing and schematics scribbled and drawn on every piece, filling them to the very edges with lines of black ink. His eyes were squinting in the light of the lamp and his nose was wrinkled in concentration. He barely noticed the Khaf put beside him and he went on throughout the night until the rays of Dawn kissed the walls of the room.


EDIT: sorry, I was writing my response while you two were discussing things. Hence the lack of response from my side. I think a real speech would be awesome! Some speeding up will be fine, so, I'll speed mine up with this edit to the next morning... is that ok?

Edited by Biologist

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[i'll PM you the message since it was in the infamous tabletop Exalted - the 15 player one.... and yes Dace would be willing to fulfill that role - so have fun with the Solar pair. Unless you want to RP the conversation. Now to see how Risa reacts to Pheonix joining one of the training groups. I'm thinking Pheonix/Risa interactions would need RPing simply due to the fact they don't like each other.]


Pheonix walked out after forming a plan of approach - joining in a training group would - in her opinion - be the best method of getting the junior officers to open up. If they viewed her as one of them rather than an outsider, then they may be more willing to open up. With that in mind, Pheonix headed towards one of the smaller training arenas.


It looked like they were just starting a warm up - so she slipped in to one the back rows and started her own warm up. Hopefully her addition would be accepted easily.




Web and Tinker worked on the speech, almost as eager as Hanzo was about his schematics. Though nothing could match a Twilight's delight in designs, Magitech and a problem to solve.


Web had more riding on it - if she did a good job in the speech perhaps Shaya would be more willing to trust her. On the other hand, a bad job would ruin that chance, as well as potentially giving Shaya an excuse to expose her real identity.

Edited by Takhesis

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Pheonix got a few sideway glances as she joined the group, but no one objected. They were here by invite of the Captain and soldiers like them, so while the mercenaries took note, none of them thought it was too odd that she had joined them. And, for now, Risa was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps Pheonix would get a few moments to talk to the soldiers, after all.



((I figure that Risa is currently with Dace, asking him what the frak he was thinking wink.gif. She'll leave soon after Shaya arrives and might spot Pheonix when she is making her rounds, but that should still give the Fire Exalt a half hour or so. I'll post Shaya's scene later - am running a little low on time for a long scene description.))

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[i guess so - well at least now the mercanaries will see Lookshy training in action... though that might be a bad thing/ maybe not since now they know the 'diplomatic delagation' isn't a unit picked on style rather than ability.]


Pheonix was aware of the glances - but they were more of curiosity rather than open hostility - during the warm up part of training. Which was a good start. As the training session continued, she found herself matched up with a few of the newer recruits.


At least they would be able to give an honest opinion of Dace. Though she had to remember she was facing mortals not other Exalts, so she did pull her attacks not to cause lasting damage. That would be bad. Bruises were acceptable - anything more than that wasn't.


During the short periods of not being a combatant, she did ask about Dace and Risa. Her main assignment was information on Dace, but she thought it would be an idea to get an idea of the other Exalt as well. Especially since she was going to have to talk with Risa at some point...

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The new recruits that Pheonix talked to, seemed to have joined for various reasons: the Bronze Tigers were alternately the noblest, richest, toughest or more experienced mercenary unit in Nexus. What all of them had in common, was a great deal of admiration for Dace, bordering on worshipping him, and a great deal of respect for Risa. If the stories from the recruits were anything to go by, Dace must be some sort of god and one of the recruits mentioned that Risa is a 'twice lost egg'. Living in Lookshy, close to the Blessed Isle, Pheonix is familiar with the term 'lost egg': a dragonblooded born outside the 'nest' of the Dynasty, which must be adopted and reclaimed by one of the Dynastic houses. She's not sure what a 'twice' lost egg is and just as she is about to inquire, she spots Risa exiting the Captain's baracks; the Wood Exalt looks visibly cross and is headed this way, though Pheonix doesn't think she has been spotted yet.

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[ Looks like Pheonix might get to stretch her fighting muscles.... since Risa appears to be in bad mood... Also I have got a draft of speech in a Word Doc... all that I'll need to do is copy/paste it into a post. I'd assume Pheonix as a Lookshyan DB would be a Lost Egg as well... just not one that was claimed by the Realm]


From the stories, Pheonix could tell that Dace had a lot of respect and the god status - well that just confirmed him as being a Solar. Though familiar with the term Lost Egg, Pheonix was mentally confused by the 'twice' bit. How can someone be twice lost? Unless it refers to her working with Dace.....


Then Risa appeared in her peripheral vision - looking rather annoyed and heading in her general direction. That spells Trouble. Even though she didn't think she had been spotted, any attempt to move away or stay put would probably result in being seen. So all she could do was continue with the training session as if nothing had changed. Though Pheonix had enough sense not to ask any more questions about Risa - especially since Risa was already in a foul mood.

Edited by Takhesis

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Risa snorted as she approached the group where Pheonix was training.


"Sparring with recruits? Is this how Lookshy officers train?"


Walking to a nearby weapons' rack, the Wood Exalt picked out a long wooden staff and hefted it. Her weapon of choice was a Jade spear and this was not too different; as a matter of fact, it was quite similar. Spinning the weapons in her hands to test the weight and balance, she walked to the centre of the training ground.


"Why don't you see how you fare against a real opponent?" she challenged the Fire Blood.


((Right - here we go laugh.gif))

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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[Heehee - wondered when the inevitable would start up - now to see how long Pheonix can hold her temper... doubt it'll be long.]


Pheonix turned to face Risa - everyone sparing had stopped at the Wood Exalt's approach.


"No - it is how Lookshyan recruits train, by facing an officer." she replied to Risa's comment as Risa walked to the weapons rack. Knowing where it was going, Pheonix did wonder whether this would count as causing trouble, but dismissed the thought as Risa challenged her.


"Alright then - preferred fighting style against preferred fighting style?" She queried as she walked forward into the training arena to join Risa. "And which rules will we go by - first to hit the floor a certain number of times loses?"


Assuming it was going to be preferred fighting styles - then the disarming rule set would be difficult to apply - since Pheonix was a martial artist. Then again since Risa issued the challenge, then she could specify rules.

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"Preferred against preferred. You lose if you're 'dead'." By that Risa meant that the first to land and pull a blow that would have been fatal if it hadn't been pulled, would win. It was a common sparring style in the Riverlands, as fights there were often brutal and to-the-point, though slightly less popular in Lookshy where trainers believed that merely focusing on a killing blow was too narrow for a proper training. Nevertheless, it was easy to see who won using this method; a thrust to the ribs, neck or head would all count as 'killing blows'.


"I'll hold until you have picked a weapon", said the Wood Exalt as she made a big show of settling into a waiting stance.

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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[Risa may think Pheonix is being awkward - and yes she is - but its also based in truth so not completely deliberate. Some martial art strikes can be very painful - if not lethal when Essence is used... and why do I think it'll be funny for both Dace and Shaya to see the two of their seconds sparring?]


"Simple rules then." Pheonix replied, glancing over the weapons rack, with no intention of picking one. She knew her fighting style - and yes her preferred style would put her at a disadvantage with the rules in play, but that just made it more fun.


"Since my preferred fighting style is unarmed martial arts - this will be a very interesting spar indeed..." Pheonix took her position opposite Risa and settled into a ready stance. Of course, Risa could insist she pick a weapon - but then it wouldn't be preferred against preferred. Though there was a training set of Khatars that could be adapted for the sparring, at a push.

Edited by Takhesis

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For a moment, Risa looked at Pheonix as if she were daft, but then simply smiled.


"You sure about that?" She twirled the staff, showing off its length; being almost 6 feet long, it would give the Wood Exalt a considerable advantage of reach.


By now a small crowd had gathered around the sparring area: it wasn't often that the mercenaries got a chance to see two Dragonblooded in combat, barring an actual war of course.



((I think that Pheonix is the better fighter of the two in theory, but Risa does have an advantage with the reach of her weapon, so this should be interesting.))

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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[ Well Risa did say preferred against preferred.... and knowing Pheonix she's not going to back down on something as simple as that to a Wood Aspect. Unless the Wood Aspect gives in first. And it will at least be a show for the gathering mercs - whoever wins it.]


"Preferred against preferred right?If I did take a weapon I wouldn't be following the basics of the spar." Pheonix replied, though she did acknowledge the reach Risa's weapon gave her. "Since your preferred style is with long handled weapons - you do, of course, have an advantage of reach. So unless you're willing to bend the rules you laid out - then no weapons for me."


Pheonix didn't add that any weapon for her would give Risa another advantage - that of using a favored combat style against her less skilled styles. Though as an Exalt she was probably still more proficient than most of the mortals with the weapons.


She didn't relax her ready stance - she'd fallen for that trick as cadet and she wasn't about to make that mistake again. Landing on her backside once was humiliation enough.

Edited by Takhesis

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