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Quite suddenly, the door leading into the solitary room was yanked open. Before anyone could react, an unconscious blonde girl was thrown in, and the door shut behind her. She didn't move for a couple of moments, before stirring and groaning. "Whaaa..." She raised her head and blinked up blearily. Oh. There was a monster. A monster girl, she corrected herself. How strange... Closing her eyes and giving her head a shake, she huffed. She'd flopped back on her bed, too tired to change, then had fallen asleep. Now she was in some weird place. Seemed like a kidnapping. "Urgh," she groaned, pulling herself up to unsteady legs and rubbing at her eyes. "Okay. Someone tell me what they want from me," she mumbled.

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Cassandra saw the dragon girl start to back away and her eyes softened. She wasn't going to hurt them, she was in panic from fright. Her muscles visibly relaxed and her eyes closed in relief. "Oh thank god you weren't really going to hurt us." She turned around and gave Eli an apologetic smile for stepping in front of him before turning back to the dragon girl. "I'm afraid there isn't a way out of here. That new bracelet of yours will kill you if you do anything our captors don't like." She pointed to the metal band on her wrist, then showed her an identical one on hers, to let her know they were on the same side. She put forth a nervous leap of faith, extending a shaky hand in greeting. It was obvious her adrenaline fueled resolve was wearing off. "M...my name is Cassandra, and this is Eli. Wh..what's yours?"

Slowly, ever so slowly, Ethril stood up from her crouch. Her wings relaxed and opened up a little from her back. Her mind worked fast as she took in what information had been given her. "Ethril. My name's Ethril." Her eyes went from Cassandra's wrist to the other people in the room beyond the solitary room. On each of their wrists was a bracelet. She looked at Cassandra's hand for a moment before stepping forward and extending her own to briefly shake hands.


Ethril rubbed at the one on her wrist, disturbed to think that she had been kidnapped and now her life was on the line. She still didn't know why she was here and what she was supposed to be doing. Of course this wasn't the first time she'd been kidnapped. Once, after her wings had grown in, a deranged doctor had kidnapped her and attempted to cut off her wings and tail to 'give her a normal life' as he had put it. That's when she'd discovered her ability to create flashes of light.


Ethril's ear flicked slightly when she heard the others talking. She didn't catch everything they said, but she did get the jist of what was being talked about. At the mention of flight, she looked up to gauge just how low the ceiling was. She would definitely not be able to get much lift. She needed a running start in her human form to start flying. And then she needed a lot of room for her wing spread.


Ethril jumped and spun around, her stance returning to the crouch when suddenly the door was opened and someone was thrown in. Her eyes were wide and her nerves were jittery. This only confirmed the fact that she really had been kidnapped.


"That's what I would like to know!" Ethril stated after the blond girl spoke up. "Why are we all here?"

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Cassandra groaned as another was thrown into the room. Why are they leaving all the talking to the timid girl who has barely been here more than a few hours? She took a deep breath and started to try to speak. "That i..isn't a qu..estion for us, we're a..all p..p..prisoners." Her eyes were flicking back and forth between the new girl and Ethril, who had returned to a crouch. Her breath began to shudder and her legs gave out from under her as she started to shiver. Cassandra never felt this insecure before, being in a strange place having to speak to people you don't know. Andromeda wasn't even here either. She brought her knees to her face and hugged them as she buried her eyes in them. "S..somebody else tell them p..please."

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(( Lydia to the rescue! And I'll post as Samael later))


Lydia turned her head towards the sound of new voice hearing Eli and Cassandra talking to it. She then noticed Eli left the girl to talk with the others. When another new voice entered the picture Lydia started hearing the fear in the newcomer's and Cassandra's voice frowning. Getting up slowly she walked over to where Cassandra was standing clicking softly. "I'll explain we are captured and held prisoner here by a vampire named Zygard. The only reason why is to fight monsters or each other with our powers as a show for him." She states calmly lowering her head readying for the outburst that is bound to come.

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Ethril was stunned when finally she was given an explanation as to what the heck was going on. She sat back, scooting back until she was leaning against the wall. Her wings rested on the ground on either side of her while she rubbed her fingers over the chakra jewel in the middle of her forehead.


"Zygard...seriously?" Ethril knew who he was. History might not be her best subject, but she at least remembered a few things. She remembered her guardian Sistra mentioning him a few times in passing, with a very sad expression.


Ethril brought her tail up and started playing with the rings attached to it. It was a nervous habit of hers. When she got stressed, her hands couldn't keep still. "Kidnapped, life on the line, and we have to fight." Ethril looked at the new bracelet on her wrist with disgust. There had to be a way to get home.


After a few minutes, Ethril closed her eyes with a groan. This situation wasn't the worst that it could be, but it was pretty horrible. "Is there any food around?" She asked hoarsely. She hadn't eaten since lunch at school and she had no idea how long ago that was.

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"Yeah.." replied Jack, "Just head towards the door and a tray will slide right out..." he walked over towards the door in an attempt to show her how it is done, however no tray was given to him; much to his slight embarrassment.


Standing there and having no reaction from the food man on the other side, he began to tap at the sliding door; perhaps they just hadn;t noticed him.


Still there was no response. "well.. maybe... maybe they are out of food..?" he said, placing one hand behind his head as he smiled, trying to hide the slight embarrassment.

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It didn't look like Jack was going to be served at the hatch. Maybe because he didn't eat? Eli would help him out, but he had already recieved his meal, even if he had given it to Kanya.


"Um. We only get served once per person at meal times" he explained to the two new girls. "And we only get a short time span to get food. You may have missed it."

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(( Sorry, Rarek. ))


"Sure. Do tell me if you have an idea, then. My best bet is to aim for the head, but I dunno." Vex spoke with a soft nod before turning to the beast he had stopped from attakcing Andromeda. It had slowly managed to crack the ice that had once held it's huge maul, and was now attempting to free it. As he thought, the ice soon burst and the heavy hammer fell on the container loudly. Quickly, the Eliminator rushed at both him and Andromeda, attempting to take them off of their feet with a low swipe. A pillar of ice appeared just beside Andromeda, though, and took the impact from the maul instead of her. Then, from the ice came a couple of spikes that stabbed into the thing's feet, effectively stopping it for a few precious seconds.

"Let's get some distance." Vex said, using two air dashes to send himself on a higher container behind him as he waited for Andromeda.

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Maria's dark eyes sweeper the monster girl. She could talk, too. This was... Surprising. Her head snapped toward the girl who spoke, taking in the words that she spoke. What? "They can't force me to stay here," she muttered, glancing down at the bracelet on the wrist. A number 1 was on there. She looked toward the girl who had spoken And held up her arm. "What is this bracelet for? What does the number mean?" she asked coolly, light eyebrows raised. This was ridiculous.


Alia was panting as she came to a stop. She could hear that he was a little way behind her, the monster. Oh, she was going to die. As he came rushing up behind her, she suddenly cartwheeled off to the side. He crashed straight into the container in front of him, and his horns got stuck inside. Well, maybe that'd keep him there? He was already yanking them out, however, and she was not prepared for this. With a scream, she held her arms over her head and cowered in front of what was to be her death.

Then, something happened.

A sudden high-pitched sound, a bright flash of blue light, the monster stumbling away with a roar. She looked over her arms at him. His flesh was burnt away where the pulses had hit him. What? Somehow... She knew it had come from her. She looked down at her hands incredulously before holding them up again. "Come on, come on." She could feel her palms heating up, blue light filling them before two small shots jetted out and hit the monster right in the face. He stumbled and fell over with a scream of pain as his skin was burn to the flesh with her shots. Well, that was quite shocking. It didn't seem like electricity; more like some sort of power surge or... Whatever it was, she didn't care. It worked. She turned tail and began to run again, shooting every now and then over her shoulder. They weren't very strong, but seemed to be slowly working.


((I wasn't planning originally for them to be like repulsor blasts, but WTH. :3))

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Lydia sighs lifting her head up and face the direction of the girl asking about the bracelet. "The bracelet nullifies your powers and we haven't been able to remove them. As for the number it is the cell that you are to be staying while you are here." She explains with a sad smile on her face. "Oh I almost forgot my name is Lydia." She quickly adds holding out her hand.




Samael brought his whip down upon the Minotaur like creature as it swing its hammer toward his side. The whip wrapped around the beasts horn. Using it like an anchor Samael quickly strengthen the wind to push him over the hammer and flip over the beast. The beast to roar in pain as its head got pulled back so suddenly it then growled and swong its head forward flinging the demon at the container he was standing upon earlier. Samael's body his the container but instantly turned into dust upon impact and float away with the wind. The Minotaur bellowed with rage as it charged the container and slam the hammer down trying to smash the dust particals as they left the beast behind to hunt for the demon later.

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Maria's expression grew fierce. "Oh, we'll see about that," she hissed, glaring down st the bracelet. She glanced up and took the hand, giving it a shake. "I'm Maria," she said sharply, before returning back to the bracelet. She tried to slip a finger underneath it, but the damn thing was too tight... "Has anyone been able to get these damn things off yet? I could bust us out of here if I could get this off," she grumbled. Eventually. Water sharpened to a blade of a few atoms to make it amazingly sharp, thrown at the wall again and again, could eventually make a mark, a space, some way for them to escape. Then she could run, run, run until she was away...

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Andromeda gave a brief nod as Vex suggested to put distance between them. Was a sound idea, although up on these crates she wasn't so sure. What happens if they take hammers to them and they become trapped? She shivered slightly. No time to think now.


Her eyes turned solid white again as she watched the brutes. The one Vex stabbed in the feet was immobile for the moment. Hers however, was beginning to thunder close again. God damn you, she thinks as she begins to gather energy in front of her. A thunderclap later, a large cylinder of solid lightning lay floating in front of Andromeda, before she launched it as hard as she could into its chest. With a roar, the beast flew backwards right into the same crate it had landed on before. That'll buy us some time. Letting the cylinder evaporate, she used the same energy to form her familiar falcon, carrying her in its huge talons to drop her next to Vex before disappearing as well.


"We're stronger together," she states quietly. "And I do have an idea. I'm going to need your ice for this." The two brutes were still either struggling with the ice or picking itself up, so she continued. "I can construct anything I like out of energy, and it will become solid to the touch." Andromeda demonstrates this with a small ball she instantly conjures, tossing it back and forth in her hands. "Only I can safely handle these though, as they're extremely hot." The energy crackled and burned in her hands, as though itching to burst from her palm.


"Which brings me to your ice. I can trap these monsters momentarily inside an enclosed space with walls of energy. I'll need you to make a solid block of ice over it and drop it on their heads. With luck, they'll become disoriented. When the ice hits my energy walls, it'll melt and submerge their bodies in water, at which point you'll have to refreeze as much as you can. Once it's solid enough, I'll lower the walls so you can finish the process." Andromeda began to smile. "That traps their bodies, and allows me to focus all my power on smaller constructs that capture their heads in bubbles of energy. Then I gradually make them smaller until..." A wide grin spread on her face as she made a pop sound. "I'm going to need your help and strength for this to work. Can you help me do this?"


Cassandra began to whimper as the tones of voice from the newcomers began to get more and more fierce. Her confidence had just about entirely evaporated, and she was trying her hardest not to cry. Pull yourself together Cassandra, don't make yourself seem weak and vulnerable. Slowly, she sat up with tears brimming in her eyes, fright overcoming her as she gave Lydia's hand a gentle squeeze in thanks, staying sitting next to where the blind girl had placed herself. If there was anyone other than Andromeda she felt she could maybe trust, it was Lydia.

Edited by Rarek

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Lydia smiled as she shook Maria's hand. "It's nice to meet you Maria." She frowns when Maria asked about the bracelet shacking her head. "No one has been able to so far and I bet that even if someone did Zygard would be alerted immediately and swiftly deal with that person. I wouldn't expect him to be this old and not have a plan for those that try to escape." She states sadly turning her head to Cassandra when she squeezed her hand and gave her own gentle squeeze back.




Samael traveled in his sand form being carried by the wind lazily drifting around not even manipulating the air around him. Hmmm guess I should hurry up and eliminate that minotaur the next time I see it. He thinks as there was a sudden change in the wind causing his current form to spiral around a body of some creature that is shaped like a falcon. What in the world was that?!? The demon thinks quickly changing the wind to follow the bird until it evaporated causing the demon to be even more confused until he felt four breaths in the area. Well seems someone needs help. The demon concludes shifting back to normal next to something that was staying still sort of.


While Samael regrouped with a few of the others his Minotaur snorted and walked around sniffing the air trying to catch his scent other then the faint trail in the air that was quickly disappearing. Growling it gripped it's hammer tighter and kept on walking through the maze hoping to find it's prey again.


Samael reformed and turned to see himself standing next to another minotaur with ice on it's feet. "Oh joy..... another one." He states collecting some air between his hands and thruster them forward. Forcing the air to hit the minotaur in the side breaking the ice launching it off the container they were both currently standing on and to a lower container with a crash. Samael then turned and saw Vex and Andromeda standing upon a higher container. "So having fun yet?" He shouts up to them smirking.


(( never really went over how Samael can see in his sand form so I'm just going to have him be able to see with the wind currents hitting object and how they change if something is breathing in air. ))

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Eli watched as Maria glared at her braclet then shook it a little. She then tried to see if she could slip a finger underneath. While she son gave up Eli felt it best to warn her against future attempts.


"Please be careful" he told her. "The bracelets may react to any attempt to remove them and automatically penalize the wearer."


"By turning them to stone" added Siren helpfully.

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Maria looked up at Lydia. She was probably right. But then her words were confirmed by two others; she turned to look at them. It seemed there were quite a few people trapped here. "So - what? We're kept here as prisoners until Zygard makes us fight?" There was fury quite clear in her face. Muttering a few inappropiate words, she let her arm fall to her side. Inside, she was scared. Very, very scared. But she couldn't allow it to show; she had pretend to be strong.

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"Or until we die" said Siren cheerfully.


Eli glanced over at Siren. She seemed to be taking a macabre kind of enjoyment out of all of this. Eli was wondering if that was how she really felt, or if she was trying to mask how afraid she was. Perhaps she was trying to treat it like a joke in order to cope.

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Maria glanced at the woman who sounded so cheerful. Strange. "You sound happy to die. Got a death wish, huh?" she asked gruffly, crossing her arms. "Maybe it'd be better to die than stay here as a prisoner, though..."

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"You can't think like that" said Eli softly.


Other than being held captive and forced to fight, they were being treated fairly well. At least by Zygard's standards anyway. Eli knew that many of the vampires prisoners were often broken to the point were they begged for death, if they were still able to.

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Maria shifted her stance, tucking a piece of light hair behind her ear. "Has anyone escaped yet? Has anyone ever escaped from Zygard?" she asked the room. She didn't know his history particularly well, although she'd heard tales of his cruelness and terrible deeds.

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"Once or twice" said Eli. "But they were incredibly lucky. Zygard rarely takes captives he can not hold, but I think there was some mistakes made by his guards."


He thought for a moment.


"Of course, I doubt it was the same guards that made the mistakes. He does not forgive easily."

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Maria huffed. "So we're stuck," she grumbled, glancing about herself. There didn't seem to be any guards about. Maybe this place was like a huge prison cell that none of them could get out of. She uncrossed her arms and stuck her hands in the pockets of her shorts, not sure what to do. She felt a little awkward, around all these rather strange strangers. "So. What's there to do here?"

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"Um. Not a lot" admitted Eli. "We've only been here a short while ourselves. Unless we're fighting all we have done is eat, sleep and talk."


"Maybe we should ask August for a pack of cards next time he drops by" suggested Siren.

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"Well, that's boring." Seemed like the rest of her short life was to be a drag. Fantastic. She assumed August was one of the guards. "I hardly think they'll give us entertainment," she remarked dryly. Yeah. The pessimistic side of her was definitely coming out.

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"Well being in here is better then being out there..." he pointed towards the arena doors, his innate curiosity causing him to wonder about what exactly was happening outside and if anyone else had perished.


He walked over towards Maria and leaned over so that he was looking down at her. "trust me... Its a far scarier place out there..." his eyes shifted ever so slighty as he caught Kanya in his periperal vision. "a far far scarier place..."

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Maria's eyes narrowed as the scarecrow man came over to her. He was taller than her and seemed to be trying to intimidate her. She glanced to the side, where he was talking about. His stance had made her lean back slightly, but she quickly straightened and gave him a well-deserved push in the chest to get him away from her. "Look, cut the crap. If you're trying to intimidate me, it's not gonna work, Strawman," she cut back at him, not looking very impressed at all.


((Someone's gotta rival Jack a bit. o3o))

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