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"Well, she has been shivering a lot, and she doesn't seem to like noise all they much." Efflorere answered. He hoped that Halith could figure it out.

"She'll be all right, won't she?"

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Mifoki's ears twitched when she heard Airean get up. She slowly opened her eyes and stretched. She jumped off the branch and followed Airean towards Dream Dell, Halith, and Efflorere. Once she was over in the cave, there was a look of queasiness on her face.

"D... Dream?" She said with concern rich in her voice. She put her soft paw on her head and almost pulled it away when her temperature was boiling. She grabbed some moss and soaked it in the cold stream at such a speed and took off the current one that had heated up. She placed the moss on her head and put her forehead on the daydream's. She quickly picked up the blanket that Alla had made a few days before and placed it on her.

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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Seraza heard the dicussion between Tenebris and Sparkly heat up. Careful to not draw attention to herself, Seraza stayed silent and watched. If Sparkly decides to not tell Tenebris, she decided, I'll just have to tell him myself. Sparkly can't hide it forever, not from others, not from Tenebris, and most of all, not from herself. If she can't accept it, tough. No one ever said that life would be easy, right? Seraza rolled over onto her other side, since she was getting bored. The view was slightly different, but not by much.

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"Nothing's wrong! Can you guys just drop the subject already?!" Sparkly snapped exesparatedly. She really wish she didn't have feelings for the guy. She refused to look at Seraza. Didn't she understand how embarrassing it was for her? She could've at least talked about it in private! Sparkly was never going to trust Seraza again. Though, knowing herself, she'd probably soften up and trust Seraza with anther secret. Not that she needed to. Seraza seemed to be capable of sniffing out every secret. Sparkly really wanted to run out now but she couldn't because she'd promised to stay here and watch Tenebris with Seraza.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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"I apologize if I have angered you as it was not my intention to do so. I saw that whatever it is that you shall not tell me was troubling you, so I thought I would try and be kind and help you. I guess I though wrong." Tenebris said.

He was actually hurt by Sparkly's curt behavior, but he hid it very well. They were friends, so why was she acting like this towards him? Turning his back on Sparkly, and Sereza, he walked towards a nearby tree a little ways away from them, and laid down, resting his head on his claws and closing hi eyes. It didn't look like it, bu he was far from sleep. He was much too troubled by the recent events.

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Sparkly lay down, not looking at Tenebris. She couldn't do this. No. She couldn't pretend to be someone other than herself just because of...because of Seraza... Sparkly couldn't just leap towards her like she did to Velva, now could she? Seraza was a far more experienced fighter than her. "Think. What's stopping you from telling Tenebris?" It was...fear. Fear of him not having the same feelings as her, fear of the others laughing at her, poking fun at her behind her back. Should she just go on with the uncaring act? "No. Stop. I won't do it." She couldn't bear it. What if she had unintentionally hurt Tenebris' feelings? She probably had, since he had his back towards her.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Halith turned around to see Airean and Mifoki gathering. Suddenly, a large amount of pressure was brought upon her. "She may be fine on her own, but I don't want to regret not doing something. I can cure her easily, and get the whole thing out of the way. That being said, I will help her." She stood silent for a moment, and listened to Dream Dell's unconscious breathing. "The one problem is: should we wake her up, and tell her? Or should we let her rest and perform it without her consent?" She looked around at everyone, waiting for an answer.

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Seraza watched as Sparkly thought about her predicament. Seraza took a guess at what was going through Sparkly's mind, and said to her telepathically, you need to tell Tenebris. Nothing worse than what's happening right now can come from it. If he shares the feeling, lucky you, and you get to live happily ever after. If he doesn't, or says that he never will, well at least you know, and aren't lying to yourself. No one ever said anything about life being easy, and this is just another of those moments. It's a test, Sparkly, a test of your character and will. Please do it, if not for Tenebris, or even for me, do it for yourself. Seraza almost pleaded with her. It nagged at her when she saw how close they were to each other, yet could not explain their feelings.




Malkan was wandering around the forest, thinking about what he knew about the other hatchlings, when he remembered about Dream Dell, oh, no! Malkan thought to himself, I need to go back and help! Even if Halith knows, she's tired, and may not be able to diagnose it correctly. Returning to the cave, Malkan saw Halith, Airean, and Mifoki. He rushed over, and said to Halith, I took a look at Dream Dell earlier, and it seems like she has a fever, coupled with a headache. She couldn't hold food in her stomach, and her forehead was extremely warm. I couldn't think of any medicinal herbs that would help, so I merely gave her a piece of moss soaked in water. I see that someone has already replaced it. I want to suggest that we do something about it now, but I have to advise caution. I know that you've done a lot of healing recently, Halith, so if you feel that you're too tired, I can deal with it for now using more physical cures. Malkan hoped that his concern for Halith's energy reserves would not be taken the wrong way.

Edited by Shibadruid

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"I don't know. Isn't sleep good for sickness?" Efflorere asked. Edited by Narath

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After finishing his drink, Cyros stood by the entrance of the cave pretty much as a greeter. He started to just say hello to anyone who passes him so people would get to know him, and so people could ask for him to do something if they needed help.

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After finally catching an animal, and not sure what to do with himself, Bloodwing decided to go show Cyros what had happened with the spores.

He arrived at the cave and Cyros was right out front, he walked up to him and said, "Would you like to see something cool? At least I think it is cool."

Throughout this he was scratching his leg.


(OOC: It is starting. >:)


EDIT: Stop doing that Dotz!)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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(OOC: Stop what?)


Cyros almost hooped that he got something to do.

"I would love to!"

He get's ready to go.

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(OOC: Start your post at the same time as me and kick me to a new page.)


"Wonderful, we should go to the river outside, I think that is the safest place." Bloodwing said in a way that made it sound like they were doing something they should not.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Cyros is naive enough that he doesn't know any danger or threat. He hops happily following Bloodwing wherever he goes.

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Upon reaching the water Bloodwing tells Cyros to stand back and tosses a few of the spores in the air, he waits a second, and then with a momentous sneeze a mediocre blossom of fire comes off his face, he turns to Cyros and says, "Well maybe not so cool, but you can see what I mean." Bloodwing's nose is a little blackened by the flame. Then, suddenly, the fire hits the water of the river and a beautiful showcase of light and steam occurs.


(OOC: Did Bloodwing just crack a joke?)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Cyros watched impressed.

"You can shoot out fire? That's so cool. You guys have such cool powers."

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Bloodwing itched his leg again before responding, "It only happens when I sneeze though, I need a better way to trigger it. Let me know if you find anyone else who can do it, they may be able to help." He said, then he wiped the charring off of his face and itched his leg again and asked, "By the way, have you seen Malkan around? I need his assistance with my pain reducer, I appear to have accidentally made an itching cream instead." Then he thought, "Oh dear, what if the pain reducer I gave them for Tenebris also causes a rash?" he decided not to think about what it would do to poor Tenebris.


(OOC: Gotta go, tomorrow all.

EDIT: NVM, i have a few.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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"Sleep is good for resting the body, but that alone won't help her sickness." Halith replied, when suddenly, Malkan rushed into them. She nodded at his words observantly. "No, it's fine. While it's true that I have been working a lot lately, I know I'll have the energy to pull this off, don't worry!" She smiled. "Again, though: should we wake her up first, or let her sleep while I heal her?"

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Cyros nods his head no,

"I wish I knew. I can inform you if I learn anything about other with powers. I know Halith has healing, she's amazing."

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"Halith is the white that helped with Tenebris?" Bloodwing asked.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Efflorere thought hard for a while.

"She would probably like to thank you for healing her, but I think that we should let her sleep. Being sick probably caused her to become tired, and I doubt it is wise to wake a sleeping dragon."

((OOC: Always kind of wanted to use that line.))

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"Are you developing love Cyros? I personally think it is a stupid condition that makes people act like idiots." Bloodwing said quite rudely, "If you are developing it we need to cure it before it becomes worse."


(OOC: Dotz, feel free to have Cyros mutter something about Bloodwing already acting like an idiot or something. I feel like I should put an "also" here... Bloodwing looks at everything scientifically.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Cyros gives a concerned look.

"Is it really bad? I'm not really sure what 'Love' is."


(OOC: I would, but Cyros is so naive that almost anything Bloodwing says makes sense to him and is believable.)

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Sparkly looked at Seraza. First, she embarrassed her and now she was pleading for her to tell Tenebris? How did that happen?


"Why do you even care?" Sparkly scowled at her.

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