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What not to say to a Newbie

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It causes your dragons to grow -- like fertilizer does for plants, you know?


Who is this TJ guy that everyone here seems to worship?

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He's secretly santa. Don't tell any little kids! Shhh!


Why can't you freeze eggs?

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There isn't a freezer big enough to fit them all. You'll just have to fry them for breakfast, instead.


Why are some dragons called "dorkfaces?"

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Because they're dorks without a face. Don't tell any of the normal dorks, they'll want to join too!


How do I change my scroll's background?

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You've been fed a line. "ND" actually stands for "No Dragons." So the easiest way to get "ND" is to stop playing and get out and see the world, experience real life.


If I breed red dragon with a with a white dragon, will I get a pink dragon?

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Of course not. You'll get a candycane dragon, but only if you breed them on December 25th.


Why can't I move more than one dragon at a time?

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Because each dragon has a number, and until its number is called, it can't go anywhere.


Why can't I name my leetle tree?

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Because you have to have at least a 5 in the creativity attribute to name those.



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Because if they were common they wouldn't be rare, now would they? TJ has a special rareness quotient that he applies to them to keep them from over-running the cave!


Why can't I get a goldfeesh egg from my magi x water pair?

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Because they only have magicarp babies! duh!


Why won't people give me amazing offers for my purple dino egg?

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Because they think the dino that hatches out will trample all their dragons.


Why are turpentine eggs only found in the desert on the hour?

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Because it's a very common disease! all of the dragons catch it(it's a disease now, deal with it xd.png)


Why do people like hatchies more?

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Because that's one of the lucky eggs that wasn't dropped and smashed.


Why do people keep zombie dragons?

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Because if they try to kill them or send them to the wilderness, the Zombie gets mad, comes after the Scroll owner and turns them into a Zombie, too.



Why can't I catch a Christmas dragon now?




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Because in order to have a Soul Eater dragon, that would be to assume that our dragons have souls. Since they are pixels, they can't have souls. They are simply blobs of color on a screen.


Why are there only three trophies? I have more than 500 dragons.

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Who cares? They're just little pictures on your computer. It's not like you can interact with them or feed them anyway. They'll just starve.


Why aren't there any actions for undoing the mating of a dragon?

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Because it takes dragons bajillions of years to grow old and we will never live to see that!


Why do I have to wait a whole week to use my pink dragon's influence again?

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