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little lost dragon

The Great Divide

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Dharsii walked up from the den to the entrance alongside Serina, noticing the newly arrived red and the aforementioned moonstone dragons. She scanned the newcomers over from a distance as she waited for Vrans to join them. She then padded down the path towards the group and Vita before stopping to speak with the alpha and the new arrivals.


"Vita," she said in a pleasant voice, "Are these the new dragons that you sent Vrans to fetch me to inspect?" Her calm gaze passed over each of the other dragons, her visible left eye checking for any obvious signs of human bugs attached to them as she began circling them and waiting for permission of a closer inspection.




Twilight shook his head free of the snag of branches that his latest tree had left tangled in his horns as he had toppled it. He cocked his head at the same sound that Runara heard. The loud bang immediately registered in his mind. A gun. A flick of his tongue confirmed the small of human on the wind.


"You're absolutely right." he said,"It is a human." He spread his crimson wings and gave them a few test beats. "I'm going to check it out. Would you like to accompany me?" His blood pumped at the chance to tear down a group of invaders. He would not let them ambush the clan again. He rose into the air with a few powerful wingbeats and began to circle the clearing that he and Runara had created in clearing the trees as he awaited her reply.

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Dharsii walked up from the den to the entrance alongside Serina, noticing the newly arrived red and the aforementioned moonstone dragons. She scanned the newcomers over from a distance as she waited for Vrans to join them. She then padded down the path towards the group and Vita before stopping to speak with the alpha and the new arrivals.


"Vita," she said in a pleasant voice, "Are these the new dragons that you sent Vrans to fetch me to inspect?" Her calm gaze passed over each of the other dragons, her visible left eye checking for any obvious signs of human bugs attached to them as she began circling them and waiting for permission of a closer inspection.


Vita nodded "Yes they are, Seren here the red showed up after I sent Vrans." he explained and nodded


((Graah nothing more is coming to mind sorry))

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"Sure! I certainly know that the gun equals A LOT of trouble! Besides, I am interested about this human" - replied Runara and launched into the air. She sniffed the air, and there she noticed another smell. "There is another smell... Wait... Oh, by thunders, no!" - she suddenly fell in anger - "If there is a BEAR... a huge, annoying and DANGEROUS bear..." - then she remembered where she is, and turned her head to Twilight. "...Uh, sorry about that. Had a bad experience with the... ugh, bears."

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Dharsii continued circling the three newcomers and nodded at Vita's reply. "I apologize if this is a bit intrusive but I am required to examine the three of you to be sure that human bugs have not latched onto you to sneak into a camp." She stopped her circling in front of them. "I ask that you stand straightened out so the search is easier."




Twilight looked at Runara in confusion at her reaction to the scent of the bear. He smelled it as well but brushed it off as nothing. He was a regular patroller of the territory and had come across bears many times. When he heard her reply he felt more understanding of the situation.


"Are you alright?" he asked, hovering nearby, "There's no need to worry. A bear is no match for a pair of adult dragons." He gave a friendly smile. "Come on, lets check this out, we'll be fine." He swooped forward and began to leisurely fly towards the scent and source of the sound.

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"I'm fine." - Runara shook her head - "And it's not that I am afraid of them. They are just making me angry... when alive? Wait, why this scent is mixed with blood?" - and she went straight to the source of the smell. There she found a dead bear - which satisfied her, - however she have also noticed a human smell and a reason why the bear is dead. "Bullet in the head. Of course. And since there is human somewhere, I am keeping myself in the air. Maybe there are bugs down here." - she thought.

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Vulcan straitened out to make Dharsii's job easier.


Meanwhile Emeraldan was in the middle of an interesting dream. Peace between both dragons and humans. In it there were humans talking happily with dragons and dragons could fly safely above a town and human children and dragon hatchlings played and ran in fields, the picture of peace and joy. Emeraldan was gazing around a field full of children and hatchlings when a small hatchling ran up and called him father, he asked to go play with some of the human children. Emeraldan nodded and the hatchling ran off happily. Emeraldan looked more until he saw what appeared to be Josh, except he was an adult now and held hands with a young woman. Josh looked to Emeraldan and smiled, Emeraldan smiled back and saw that the field was also full of dear friends and dragons he knew. He saw Serina, Vrans, Dharsii, Vita, and many others, even Vulcan, whom appeared to be his friend in the dream as he waved and talked to Emeraldan as if they were old friends. Finally as he talked to Serina she was telling him to wake up. "Emeraldan, you need to wake up." "What are you talking about?" he responded. "This isn't real...but it can be, but first you need to wake up!" Emeraldan snapped awake and looked around nervously. It was only a dream...but it seemed so real... he thought to himself. What if peace is truly possible? Either way I've slept long enough Emeraldan stood up and walked outside where he saw whom he thought was Vulcan being inspected by Dharsii. Is that... Emeraldan's eye's widened, he thought it probably was Vulcan, but he didn't want to risk causing a scene if he was wrong so he stood patiently nearby until Dharii was done with her inspection, then he would question the red dragon. If that's Vulcan he better do some fast talking...

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Dharsii carefully examined each of the dragons before her, being sure to do a double-check of anything suspicious. They all checked out fine and the medic then backed away to allow them space. She walked past Vita and looked back over her shoulder.


"They all check out fine." she said. "I'd like to go out for a hunt. Serina,could you please keep an eye on the medic den for me while I'm gone? I'll be back as quickly as I possibly can." The white dragoness flared her wings slightly but remained on the ground as she awaited confirmation from the others.




Twilight followed behind Runara until they reached the dead bear. He noticed the bullet wound in the head and descended to the ground nearby, scorching the ground where he landed to roast any hidden bugs that might have been hiding there. He scented the area and caught the smell of a human and followed it to a nearby cave, where he towered over the unconscious Josh.


"Well, what have we here." he hissed.

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Runara landed on a safe ground nodded in thanks to Twilight for burning down the ground (and, possibly, bugs). Then she followed Twilight inside a cave. There she saw a scene that reminded her heavily of her past.

She saw an unconscuious boy.

A wave of memories flew through her mind. But Twilight's hostile hissing drew her back to reality. "Wait... don't kill him." - she suddenly said. - "He... might have an information of use."

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Shimmer spread her wings a bit, glad that she had no bugs or diseases. If she had then that little pygmy hatchling from earlier would have been hurt. Breezes brushed her scales delicately as though they were the gentle breath of the sky.

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Dharsii carefully examined each of the dragons before her, being sure to do a double-check of anything suspicious. They all checked out fine and the medic then backed away to allow them space. She walked past Vita and looked back over her shoulder.


"They all check out fine." she said. "I'd like to go out for a hunt. Serina,could you please keep an eye on the medic den for me while I'm gone? I'll be back as quickly as I possibly can." The white dragoness flared her wings slightly but remained on the ground as she awaited confirmation from the others.


Vita nodded and smiled at the new dragons "Welcome into the clan." he said with a small bow then looked at Vulcan more pointedly. Dharsii's inspection showed a few marks that he would want to investigate "I'd like to talk with you in my den." he said calmly then looked at the medic and nodded "Feel free to do so." he said with a smile then heading off to the his den expecting Vulcan to follow.


Vrans looked at the others "Now if that's all, I'll be resuming my patrol, today seems busy with all the new comers." she said with a nod "Hope you all enjoy your stay." she said with a smile at the new dragons before heading off towards the meeting spot that Taleran had mentioned. After a while she arrived there and spotted him and went over "You mentioned news, I also heard a gun shot, whats going on?" she asked with pent up frustration. she had to hide it with the others close by.

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Vulcan nodded and followed Vita, silently praying it wasn't anything bad. Serina looked to Dharii, "No problem".


A distance away Josh woke up, sensing a pair of dragons next to him. He got up slowly. "I don't want any trouble...that bear was about to kill me. I don't want this war between humans and dragons. if you want information I'll give you what I can, I have nothing to hide but I'm only ten." Josh kicked the rifle away from himself so they could see he was not a threat. He then sat down, he hoped they would be more inclined to talking than killing.


Back at the camp Emeraldan woke up and glanced outside and saw a lot of activity heading in josh's direction. "Serina, I'm going on a walk, I'll be back soon." She nodded as Emeraldan left. He went strait to josh's cave where he found two dragons in josh's cave and heard voices. "Oh no..." Emeraldan's heart froze. He walked closer, "Whats going on here?"

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((Ya forgot to respond to Vrans))


Vita got to his den then turned around and waited for Vulcan to enter as well. Afterwards he looked the red over. "Seren I think you said your name was, I'm wondering about your past." he said "Your scars say battle ridden yet it just so happens I've heard of a red, few reds that attacked one of the dragons we are currently sheltering. Seren, perhaps is your name really Vulcan?" he asked not showing any sign of hostility but his voice was firm. "I saw how the one who was attacked looked at you. While sometimes dragons the same breed can at times be hard to tell apart you don't forget who try's to kill you." he said "I don't want any trouble here, we already have our paws full dealing with humans as is." he said with a slow shake of the head before focusing on Vulcan again

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Talaren looked around and whispered to Vrans, "Before that black dragon stole the box from josh apparently Josh managed to hide one of the vials. Josh is certain it's a cure but he believes there is a chance of negative side effects, but then we had an idea, but we'd need to tell Dharsii about this, figured that if anyone could determine what the effects could be it would be her, unless someone wants to risk their life. Hopefully Dharsii could even counteract the side effects, if there were any. Either way we should investigate that gun shot, I didn't think much of it but others are going and I think it's in the direction of josh's cave..."

(sorry, had trouble wording it.)

Vulcan felt a moment of shock and panic before he realized vita made no motion to alert others or attack. He eased his shoulders slightly and fixed his eyes on the ground shamefully. "Yes...I'm the one responsible for attacking Emeraldan. When the alpha found out I had to choose between imprisonment or exile, I chose exile. I came here because I don't have a home anymore and I wished to stay here. Then I saw Emeraldan and his brother, whom was not happy to see me. The reason I attacked Emeraldan is foolish and poorly conceived. I won't cause any trouble than what already happened but if you wish for me to leave I will do so without question." Vulcan silently hoped he could stay at the clan, he wished to make amends, he was far from perfect but not evil.

Edited by Orion97

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Vrans sighed "Alright, lets go investigate." she said sounding a little annoyed. Why had Josh not shown this vial before? Maybe they could have gotten progress on a pernament cure for the poisons and one they could make. They needed the vials to see how it works so they could make there own supply. Cause otherwise.... once they ran out they would be at block one.


((suggest you re think emeraldan's part there, I thought

Back at the camp Emeraldan woke up and glanced outside and saw a lot of activity heading in josh's direction. "Serina, I'm going on a walk, I'll be back soon." She nodded as Emeraldan left. He went strait to josh's cave where he found two dragons in josh's cave and heard voices. "Oh no..." Emeraldan's heart froze. He walked closer, "Whats going on here?"

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(sorry long day)

Talaren began walking quickly towards josh's cave. He hoped no others found Josh, if so...chances at peace just got a lot more complicated.

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((apologies for the long delay))



When the others had ll dismissed themselves and she had gotten approval from Vita, Dharsii lifted into the air and rose quickly on the air currents. Once she reached a suitable height, she set off across the valley she continued to rise higher and higher until she was well above the forest, she made it to the opposite side of the valley and hugged the valley wall as she flew until she found her usual exit spot. With a rush of wind, she rose up over the lip of the cliff and out of the clan's territory. She cast a glance over her back before she landed on the ground and began to creep through the forest, looking for what she needed. She hadn't lied to the clan... She was hunting. But not for food. There was something she needed that could only be found outside of the great divide.




Twilight glared down at the human child as Runara tried to talk him down. She succeeded in keeping the sunset dragon from attacking the boy but his anger still radiated from his body. When the human woke and began to talk, he almost lunged at him out of spite for his kind but managed to hold back. He glared down at the human and was about to speak when Emeraldan arrived. He turned his gaze to the other dragon and spoke to him instead.


"There's a human whelp in the divide. We may be facing an invasion!" he hissed. "I know it's not like their kind to leave their young alone in dangerous territory. He says that he wants peace but I don't believe the whelp." THe sunset dragon turned his furious gaze back to the child.

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Emeraldan sighed, they were gonna find out the secret soon so it was better they hear it on his terms. "His name is Josh...there is no invasion and I want peace to, neither of us sold out our people. Hes even helping to provide a cure from the bugs plaguing the land. There was an incident in the woods, his father went home and he asked to stay. This cave was found for him, he hasn't harmed any dragon and has even destroyed any bugs he found. Yes, there are bad humans, but he is not one. I can't let you hurt him. If he dies so does any chance of peace." Emeraldan paused, then Josh interjected. "I know how it might sound but I want peace and so does he. The humans that attacked your home, they didn't have a choice, often it was follow their orders or face life imprisonment or death. Before you get mad please think about this, with peace we could all live free. Human leaders order attacks because they fear dragons and feel they are protecting others, you want to kill me to protect others. If we all understood each other peace would be possible." Emeraldan and Josh stood waiting for the sunset dragon's response, the fate of josh, emeraldan, and chances for peace were at risk. Meanwhile Talaren and Vrans were just coming within sight of the scene.

(hope that last part doesn't count as power playing, if you want vrans to do or say something on the way to the cave I'll edit.)

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"Wait wait wait. Wait." - Runara shook her head and spoke, but her tone didn't sound like anger or contempt - "So, let me get this straight: You have been hiding from us, that this boy has been here? And you are telling us, that he might help us out with a cure?"

She couldn't help herself, but look back at the Josh. This boy somehow reminded her of her now dead human friend. Upon remembering his and his family's death, a wave of grief ran on her, but she have managed to hide it. "If you are saying that there are s few, who's not bad... there I agree. I... had a friend once."

Edited by TheTron852

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Emeraldan nodded, thankfully at least one of them would give this a chance. "Not just a cure...peace. Hatchlings wouldn't be in danger, all dragons could travel freely, humans would no longer feel the need to attack us. They attack us because they feel they are protecting their own. Look at Josh, on his own could he take down a dragon barehanded, even with a weapon? No one human really could so it makes sense for some to be scared. He wants to help bring understanding and peace between humans and dragons, rather than ignorance and war." Emeraldan finished his explanation

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Twilight arched his neck in an S-shape to look between the other two dragons. Had he seriously just hard them both correctly. They both claimed that some of the humans wanted peace with the dragons and that Runara had even been friends with one in the past. He stifled a hiss of disbelief. Not once in his life had he ever heard of such a thing happening.


"How can such a thing happen?" he asked in a stern voice. "How can our kinds live side by side? We compete for food and space, and if food runs low it's not unheard of for us to look on each other with hungry eyes. And you say that a lone human couldn't kill a dragon? Perhaps not head on, but if they sneak into our dens in our sleep we are no harder to assassinate than any other being."


He puffed up his chest and flared his blood red wings as he looked over the other dragons and the human. He didn't trust the humans at all. This could all be a ploy to lull the dragons off their guard and slay them all in one go.


"It's not just me you'll have to convince either...." he said as he stormed out of the cave. "Many other dragons have had their families lost to the humans..." He continued the rest of the way out of the cave.




Dharsii continued to slink through the brush outside of the divide, taking the same route she had before as she searched for replacements for her veil that covered her right eye and it's scar.

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Vulcan felt a moment of shock and panic before he realized vita made no motion to alert others or attack. He eased his shoulders slightly and fixed his eyes on the ground shamefully. "Yes...I'm the one responsible for attacking Emeraldan. When the alpha found out I had to choose between imprisonment or exile, I chose exile. I came here because I don't have a home anymore and I wished to stay here. Then I saw Emeraldan and his brother, whom was not happy to see me. The reason I attacked Emeraldan is foolish and poorly conceived. I won't cause any trouble than what already happened but if you wish for me to leave I will do so without question." Vulcan silently hoped he could stay at the clan, he wished to make amends, he was far from perfect but not evil.

Vita looked at the red eye's focused on him. "By all means I should exile you from here then as well Vulcan. You came here lieing to us. When you already where driven from one clan and now you want shelter here, where where also sheltering the one you attacked." he said voice firm however not harsh. More like that calm kind of voice everyone dreads when its used. "How am I suppost to trust you when you lie to us Vulcan? I need to know what is going on around here and I need to be able to trust others." he said in that calm voice. He regarded Vulcan eye's narrowed a bit before he stood up and padded around the red before sitting down in front of him again "However I'm not one to condemn a dragon over one act. You have not harmed anyone here as of yet. You may stay, you may join the clan. However but do not take it lightly." he said with a nod and looking into Vulcans eye's "Am I clear?"


  Twilight arched his neck in an S-shape to look between the other two dragons. Had he seriously just hard them both correctly. They both claimed that some of the humans wanted peace with the dragons and that Runara had even been friends with one in the past. He stifled a hiss of disbelief. Not once in his life had he ever heard of such a thing happening.


"How can such a thing happen?" he asked in a stern voice. "How can our kinds live side by side? We compete for food and space, and if food runs low it's not unheard of for us to look on each other with hungry eyes. And you say that a lone human couldn't kill a dragon? Perhaps not head on, but if they sneak into our dens in our sleep we are no harder to assassinate than any other being."


He puffed up his chest and flared his blood red wings as he looked over the other dragons and the human. He didn't trust the humans at all. This could all be a ploy to lull the dragons off their guard and slay them all in one go.


"It's not just me you'll have to convince either...." he said as he stormed out of the cave. "Many other dragons have had their families lost to the humans..." He continued the rest of the way out of the cave.


Vrans waited outside the cave that some how had massively grown in size since she was last here. Last she saw it it was hardly large enough for Josh already now it was large enough to fit a dragon. When had this happened?

She put a wing in front of Twilight "I agree with you, personally I'd rather this human dead or at least removed from our land just as much as you do. However I've been informed of a development with this one." she said looking like she was on strict duty "Human, your lucky to be alive right now, what is it that I was informed of?" she asked Josh talking like she hardly had any communication with him. Which well really she has not, so besides not saying the Josh's name she was on track. "Talaren has informed me you have a cure for the poison your kind has plagued us with." she said "I better be correctly informed otherwise your limbs will be removed for abusing our trust we have given you." she stated eye's hard.

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(I guess the size was miss interpreted when Twilight walked in, let's just go with it, it was kind of fuzzy in the first place)

Emeraldan was surprised at how many dragons there now were. Twilight, Runara, Vrans, Talaren and himself. Great, looks like the cat's out of the bag. He thought.

Josh watched as the sunset dragon walked. "I'm sorry for what my kind has done..." When he Vrans arrived he was surprised why she acted rather odd but caught on to why she was quickly. "Yes, I managed to keep a hold of a vial of cure but...it could have side effects, you will be immune to the bugs if you take it but I have no idea what side effects there could be. Even if there were no side effects it would probably need to be diluted a somewhat if given to a hatchling, otherwise they could get sick." Josh stood sure that Vrans wouldn't hurt him but whether or not the answer would please her was another matter entirely. "If it could be replicated and any side effects removed...the bugs would not be able to threaten you anymore."


Vulcan was back at the clan with Vita while Josh told Vrans the information. Vulcan stood as if he was on trial. "Yes, I hear you clear. I will prove I can be trusted, and I am sorry for lying, I was scared and had nowhere to go, thank you for this."

(Did I forget to reply to somebody?)

Edited by Orion97

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Runara shook her head in disbelief. "Wow. Just wow... why this boy just reminds me of my friend?" - she thought and said: "And I wonder what side effects are there... Turn me green permanently, or knock me senseless? Anything could happen, actually!... And even if it works, those humans would think up something else. And won't stop the attacks." - finished, she looked at the Josh. He really reminded her of her deceased friend somehow.

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Josh looked to Runara, what she said made sense but not the while truth. "They probably will try eventually, when they figure out it's not working it will likely take at least a few years, and with a, cure on hand it would be easier to make an updated version of it. It won't stop attacks but peace will."

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