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Got sorted into Slytherin. Not surprising; I'm ridiculously choleric.


I'm surprised that the books portray a lack of Slytherin/other Hogwarts Houses friendship. Slytherins can't be that evil...? And it's like Gryffindor is the only good house in the series, with all the "best" and "likable" people. Off the top of my head, I remember there only being Romilda and Cormac (did I spell that right?) showing all the negative traits a Gryffindor can possess, as opposed to the rest of the Houses, who all have multiple people that are generally disliked.

I think that was a side-effect of having the main characters all be in Gryffindor, with the exception of Draco and his side-kicks. I would assume that J. Rowling couldn't go into too much detail with random friendships between houses without taking away from the overall stories. That's just my opinion though.

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I agree with sheppard- there just wasn't that much room to develop more inter-house friendships without cluttering the story.


And I think Slytherin is more withdrawn than evil- a lot of people equate "cunning" and "ambitious" with "evil", so as a result Slytherins have been treated accordingly for a long time. It's hard to keep a friendly relationship with the other houses when your entire reputation consists of that and the fact that Voldemort was in their house as well.

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The fact does remain that there isn't a single half-way decent Slytherin in Harry's time. None of them show up to Dumbledore's Army, none of them stay at Hogwarts, none of them really do anything decent. Ever. Not even as a passing mention.


It doesn't take much away from the story to say something like "such-and-such was attending the Yule Ball with her friend from Slytherin."

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Perhaps JK did that on purpose? Portrayed everyone in Slytherin as evil so that the reader would never suspect they could be anything else. So that when we came to the climax of the story the realisation that there were good people in Slytherin (Snape and Regulus), and that they were good people themselves, would have more of an impact?


If JK had shown some decent Slytherins who were at Hogwarts at the same time as Harry, the readers would be able to see that Slytherins were in fact, not all jerks. That would have caused further speculation about other Slytherins and have people guessing about important plot points.


Besides, the story is mostly shown from Harry's POV. As far as he is concerned Slytherin = Evil. It's only when he learns that isn't true that the reader does too.

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It just really sort of goes against the "we need the Houses to stand together and be unified to win" theme.

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But it plays into the 'what goes around comes around' theme.


Sirius was rotten to Kreacher and got killed as a result of it. Harry spared Peter's life and was later saved because he did. Voldemort killed Lily and lost Snape's loyalty, leading to his own destruction. Voldemort going after baby Harry in the first place lead to his inital defeat and started off a chain of events that would later finish the job. Draco being a jerk in the first book got Harry a place on the Quidditch team.


The other three houses treating Slytherin like they did and Slytherin returning in kind meant they weren't around when they were needed.

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At first I was placed in Hufflepuff and I was like, 'er, no. I'm not one of those nice people who stick by their friends and work hard..'

So I tried again and got ravenclaw.

How long did it take you guys to get potions puzzle right?

Still working on my spellcasting, but I can just about brew a potion.

I also whizzed through my first quiz because it was late, so I went back and did it ore carefull ending up in RavenClaw.

I may be a bit of a SlytherClaw though...

Edited by OceanSong

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I knew what the potions answer was from the books, so I didn't really do it.

Same here. xd.png

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I'd have liked to work it out, but since I knew the answer already I couldn't, really.

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I partially remembered what the potion was from the book, and otherwise figured it out. The book said it was the smallest one that got you through the fire, so that did help me narrow it down to the smallest ones. However, I was put in Ravenclaw for a reason. I absolutely love riddles and puzzles!

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I worked it out, too. I've been doing that kind of puzzles for fun for years, so that may have helped.



Is anybody here MidnightFelicis29063, CharmSpell15867 or BloodMidnight11360? They sent me friend requests, but I don't know who they are.

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I'm ChestnutBlade8210 for ayone here that hasn't added me. Fair warning, I am one to challenge my friends to duels. I have a 143 average, so watch out! tongue.gif

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I guessed at the potions one and got it right the 3rd time.

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@ Moonbeam22- I added you to my friends. I'm CentaurWillow29527. biggrin.gif


Also, has anyone else been on Pottermore lately? They've announced that the house cup will be awarded on July 5th!

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It'd be nice if Hufflepuff had a chance of winning. We're so far behind ... sad.gif


EDIT: I added you, Moonbeam22, I'm CloakSilver1549.

Edited by Raikielia

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Ravenclaw keeps falling back 100,000 points.... we have the least amount of members too.

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Also, has anyone else been on Pottermore lately? They've announced that the house cup will be awarded on July 5th!

Awesome happy.gif


I wonder if the house who wins it gets anything, like collectable or something.

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My phone just went wacko then I saw it was from Pottermore... Maybe yours is on the way

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I know, but I would have liked to see it.


Pottermore doesn't love me T-T

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