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I get a lot of tail movement when I don't pet my cat lol


Zebras kill more zookeepers than any other animal.

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When cats "wag" their tails, It actually means that they are stressed, or angry.


((found that out the hard way))

Nope, not always. My two kitties are odd. My fixed male, Oliver, only wags and twitches his tail when he is in a playful mood. He will stand over a toy, stare at it, and twitch his tail, then breifly look at you, then back at the toy. The more he plays with you, the more his tail twitches as he gets excited and into the play. He'll also twitch it when you are petting him, he loves it, and will rub his head on you.


My female does almost the exact same thing. when she plays or is being petted, she will twitch her tail and wag it. Unlike Oliver, she doesn't like being held, but loves to walk back and forth as you pet her, twitching her tail the whole time. IF you stop, both animals will come and beg you to continue, bumping their heads and such.


I've never seen either of my cats do it in anger, just in play and affection.


I have seen my other cats do it in the past when they were irritated, but these two do not. They both are just weird that way, lol.

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My cat twitches her tail a lot. Its usually when she wants food she will twitch her tail and meow a lot.


She does it when she stretches too, she will arch her back and twitch her tail.

Edited by boscodelta

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My cats headbutt, purr and tail twitch all at the same time.


It's usally when they want love.

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Snow leopards aren't really leopards at all and their closest relative is actually the tiger. Also, they are not capable of roaring.

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cheetah's are the only african big cats that purr. But they also dont roar.


and Female Spotted Hyenas look very similar to male hyenas. Only they are larger and far more aggressive due to high levels of testosterone.

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A dolphin's pupil is in the shape of a shallow horseshoe when fully dialated. Their vision is surprisingly well-equipped for living underwater; it's thought that they can see in hues of blue in far greater detail than we can. Their eyes also secrete a thick, viscous goo that act as natural goggles to protect them from debris and such.


Delphinid echolocation is so sophisticated that they can detect the size, shape, texture, density, distance from, and internal structure of an object from hundreds of yards away. They can emit up to 2,000 clicks per second, and don't emit a new click until the first one returns (this gives you an idea of how fast sound really travels in water).


It's interesting to note that because sound travels through living tissue, echolocation allows dolphins to literally see through objects - even each other. This could allow them to detect each other's physical condition, whether they're pregnant or not, or perhaps even each other's emotional states. Since emotions such as fear and uneasiness are accompanied by certain physiological responses, other dolphins could presumably pick up on this.

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Domestic Dogs have a bite force of 328 pounds.

Assuming you're talking about rotties. wink.gif They've the highest bite force among domesticated dogs, 328 psi. The GSD comes in second with 238, if I remember correctly~



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It could also be a black jaguar. Either species can have a darker color variation, and both are called panthers, but they are technically still members of the species they were born as.

It's called melanism.

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Wolves can run for many miles chasing prey without tiring.

There are such animals called small cats as well as big cats. A cat is classified as a small cat if it can't roar. There are 30 small cats and 9 big cats.

Komodo Dragons have 80 bacteria in their saliva.

Rats are immune to large amounts of poison, and can survive 50 feet falls.

Bacteria is plural of bacterium.

Caniformia is not just a suborder of dogs. It also contains bears.

Hyenas are neither dog nor cat. They belong to the suborder Feliformia, but are not true cats.

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Yay horse facts! biggrin.gif


Horses originally had 5 toes and were about as tall as a fox.

The only places a horse cannot see are directly in front of it and directly behind it.

A horse will rarely leave a burning building unless it is blindfolded.

Horses can sleep standing up and not fall over (although can sleep lying down).

Horses cannot vomit or burp.

Horses have the largest eyes of any land mammal.

A horse will keep its back so tense that it will not fart until it relaxes.

On average, horses weigh around half a ton.


The more you know...

Edited by HollyTheColliegirl

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A single Komodo dragon can create its own population if its female because they can produce fertile eggs without the need for a male. Another thing is that komodos suffer no interbreeding problems like diseases and defects because its the way they were designed.

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Another thing is that komodos suffer no interbreeding problems like diseases and defects because its the way they were designed.

That's not true. Komodo dragon populations can very much suffer ill-effects from inbreeding. This is why Komodo dragons still reproduce sexually in the wild (and in captivity I assume)-- better genetic diversity and chance for their young to survive. No design there, just nature =p


Here's a fact: Of the thousands of species of scorpions, only ~25 are deadly to humans. Doesn't mean you should go around bothering them though.

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Birds, Aligators, and crocodiles are each others closest relatives


The group 'reptiles' are not a clade because they share a common ancestor with the birds which are a different group


A clade is a group of animals who developed from a common ancestor

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-Although a giraffe’s neck is 1.5 – 1.8 meters long, it contains the same number of vertebrae as a human neck!


-Male giraffes sometimes fight with their necks over female giraffes. This is called “necking”. The two giraffes stand side by side and one giraffe swings his head and neck, hitting his head against the other giraffe. Sometimes one giraffe is hit to the ground during a combat.

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