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Pygmy Preparation

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((Yay! Thank you! Part 3/3! Was going to make it into four parts, but I just decided to but it all in one long post. After this I'll start interacting.))

Examining one of the potions, her heart had leaped. "Could it be?" She thought to herself. It was the same potion she was holding now, which normally would of worried her except for one thing. Squinting closely at the cap to see the brand name and confirm it, Pear had squealed with glee. It was the cap that she had been dreaming of. The one that could stop her from worrying about carrying dangerous potions and chemicals. She smiled, almost bouncing up and down with excitement, until she calmed herself down enough to safely handle that potion and whatever else she had grabbed. She then found she had grabbed some none to special things, for ordinary uses, and decided to sell them as soon as possible. The last one she came across was something that she still kept with her today. A healing potion, good for any non fatal wounds. But, when would she ever need medicine for that. Pear wouldn't dream of going the army, so it wouldn't be useful. But the medicine she had obtained was of great use to her it was perfect for healing wounds...like pie tin wounds. She poured a drop of it on her finger and licked it. Instantly, most of her wound closed. Trying another drop, everything healed perfectly. Pear gave her recently injured wing a test flap. It was as good as new. Her whole body seemed to have more energy, and she felt great. Putting everything securely in her bag, Pear had then flown off, to find a job with her new inventory...


Pear snapped out of her daydream, and came back to the present time. The sun was already setting. She cursed at herself for daydreaming for so long. She quickly gathered all her belongings, and made sure everything was secured tight with a cap. Pear then, just like that day flew off into the sunset, this time though, she wasn't looking for some small little street job that would get her barely enough money for food. The world was at war, and she was going to take advantage of it. She would go far away now, very far away, to the kingdom of Origulok. It was time to get a real Hire Wing job. A job from none other than King Jibberjabber.

Edited by AppleCakes

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(( King Jibberjabber is a beast apparently. Got a beautiful wife, beautiful daughter, got a chick named Pear coming to get a job from him as a merciless prank assassin...

Jeebus, I wish I was him. Then again, I'd be a tiny dragon who likes random insanity.

is that not what I am presently? Besides the species differential, I suppose I could be more like him than I believe.

Something to think about, then.))


Jibberjabber saw the look on his daughter's face and felt uncomfortable. He knew that look, for it was one his own wife had developed. The look of certain mischief.

Should he break her little heart and warn his people, rendering her new prank ineffective? Should he be more devoted to her and let her wreak havoc, but then make them mad at her?

She had chosen to immerse herself into a problem for now him to decide what to do. Make her hate him, or make the people hate her, and possibly him for not warning them.

So much to consider.. he should stop it before it became an issue.

"Little one," Jibberjabber frowned, standing from his throne. "I'm going to make this absolutely clear. Whatever damned prank you've decided to think up in that devious, but beautiful, little head of yours, will not occur. If I hear of you do anything that messes with the people within the next month, I will be sure to remove you from a position of getting supplies for such things. That means no pies, no chickens, no itching powder. Not one damned thing. Do you understand me, or do I have the enforce something to make it moreso clear?"

He frowned at himself inwardly. He wished he didn't have to be so strict, and he could let her be immature for a little longer, but she was a princess, and her childish games could no longer be tolerated. She had to grow up and act like a leader, find a husband, become a symbol of Origulok. It had to be done, and he had to help her down the path.

The path of a noble was a long, solitary, and painful one. Many believed that the life of a princess was exciting and ...well, to put it simple, full of romance. Once a young princess reached the age of womanhood, however, it was time for her to earn her rank as Queen, and that meant finding a man who would be a good king, making the people love her, and begin taking a part in politics.

He wished she wasn't this old. She looked so young, so innocent.

He would have to break her innocence, shatter her love for pranks, destroy her love for him in the process. She would learn to love her mother, learn from her how to be the proper lady, but willingly. She would never again call him daddy, but "your highness."

He had known this from the day she was born. Once she reached this age, he would be forced to begin the ritual that had taken place for years before himself, and would continue until the monarchy was broken. If she loved him through all of it, it would be a blasted miracle.

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Sock continued to train and sharpen her fighting skills. She shot whoopee cushions at training dummies. She grinned as cushion after cushion nailed the dummies in the face and chest. Her play-fighting as a child gave her an advantage, thus making her days as a soldier much easier. One day, Sock had an idea. She would disguise herself as an Abyssolian and scout the area. She then proceeded to find black and purple paint. She covered herself in the black and lined her wings in vibrant purple. She looked down into a puddle and noticed one little flaw: Her eyes were the brown of a Misfit, not the eerie yellow color of the Dark Mysts. Oh, well. It's dark enough there, right? Sock set out over the kingdom on silent wings to Abyssolia. "Please let no one see me like this..!" she mumbled as she cautiously navigated the sky. She sighed with relief as she spiraled downward to the gloomy ground on the other side of the border. She walked for a little while, taking in all that she could. She soon came into a town. It seemed unsettled, as if the shadow of war was darkest here. She snuck through the town in silence, not wanting to draw attention to herself. "If they see my eyes, they're not going to waste any time; my life will be over! Or will they take me prisoner and throw me into a dungeon for the rest of eternity?" she whimpered to herself. "Snap out of it you baby! Are you a hatchling or a soldier?" The thought exploded through her mind and echoed through her, shoving away all the fears of before. "I am a soldier," she thought strongly. "And I must fulfill my duty." She trekked on through the town until it finally faded into the distance. Looking ahead she saw the glittering onyx castle. "This is it," she breathed. "The Abyssolian castle."

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Aspen looked at the giant balloon she had grabbed that would create a very shrill sound that would spread throughout the castle if popped. She jumped on top of the stretchy sack of air and thrust her wings upward, sending the balloon down with her resting on top.

She came to a floating hover above King Jibberjabber and leaned forward to that they were eye to upsidedown eye. "The people in the castle aren't common folk." Aspen leaned back up and untied the knot that held the air inside the balloon. She let the air be released from the giant balloon until it was just the size of a normal hatchling's party balloon.

The pygmy princess flapped her wings so that she was in a flying hover above King Jibberjabber and the small balloon. She dug her claws into the elastic causing it to pop, but all it sounded like was as if a small stone had been droped on the floor.

Aspen flew back up to the rafters and alighted down onto one where she could clearly see her father. "Balloons aren't that bad, dad. And yes, I'm a poet, and I do know it, but royalty is saddening, and a little maddening. Life isn't fun without pranks, just some to make your anger crank. So why no fun? Gone, has the sun?" She asked, lying upsidedown on the rafter.

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Jibberjabber leaned back in his throne, his small, but majestic, drake body causing the wood floor to creak.

"My daughter... my fair Aspen.." he smiled, putting a finger to his chin. "Never a rhyme, I would speak again... If I caused such problems for your joy... Though you created a wicked ploy..." he stopped, returning to normal means of speech.

"Had you not paid attention to the wars outside? The war our country is waging against the other lands, so that they no longer treat us wrongly or with prejudice? We were the original pygmies. Our land was the beginning of this world. Then, they broke from us, they now fling their prankish weapons at our faces. No matter how silly it looks to you, as a girl, do you not understand the dishonor? One does not have to kill his enemy to ruin his life, Aspen." He moved from the chair, towards one of his stained glass windows that decorated his hall.

"When a man is slammed with a rubber chicken in the face, or a pie downs him before his enemy's laughing eyes, he is shamed. Before his brothers in battle, he has been thrown down, and that is a worse fate than death. This is why the battle has raged for so long. No one dares to leave the battlefield without downing the foes that down him. People standing, feeling humilated, covered in cream and itching powder. Can you understand such rot?" he looked down at the floor, hoping it hit her.

"If you would do such things to the nobles in this castle, what have you accomplished? Yes, you laugh, but then the nobles are furious at you for dishonoring them, furious at me for raising you in such a way, and then they begin food fights, which started this war. Then the commoners look at us like fools, and we begin fighting against them, and it's all caused by you. What sort of princess would you be?" he frowned, turning back to her. "I want you to be the greatest princess, and I want you to enjoy yourself, but you cannot use pranks that embarrass others. Pygmies are naturally filled with a sense of honor - it is all we have. We are small, almost defenseless.. If we cannot all stand tall together, then naturally those that feel short bring the other ones down, and we all become shorter, infinitely... If only they could understand that no one cares..."

He sighed. "If only that battle had not occurred at that dinner party. No one knows who was at fault, but pride was a big factor. One prank, and the food fight began, and now this war has begun. We could have laughed it off... but now they have dishonored me by making it impossible for me to withdraw. If I do, I look weak and frail, and if I don't, I look like a pompous king who wastes resources. All the kings and queens do, and they know it."

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Pear saw the castle of Origulok coming up ahead, and she sighed a breath of relief. Her wings ached from hours of flight, and her shoulders hurt from the weight of the bag with the added potion and book she had picked up along the way. The castle was magnificent, with hot air balloons galore. Hopefully also filled with some extra equipment for her to use. Swooping in closer, she hovered in place, realizing the king was talking to a young girl. The girl was presumably his daughter, the princess. She flew to a nearby tree and rested on a branch, waiting for the king to be done talking.

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Sock slowly crept up to the castle, aware of anything that could see her. Not sensing anyone, she spread her wings and took to the sky. Circling the castle at a low level, she observed the shining building. Inside, guards walked about doing their business. On a higher floor, Sock saw a very fancy room lined with jewels and satin furniture. In there, she saw two young Dark Myst's. "Are they the prince and princess?" she wondered as she continued to observe the castle. Finally, after seeing everything she wanted to, Sock flew back to Old Rudolph. After crossing back over the border, she quickly located a pond and jumped in, wanting to get the paint off as soon as she could. Finally, the last of it flaked off. She jumped out of the water, shook herself dry, and wondered what to do next.

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Aspen let go of the rafter and flapped her wings gently so that she floated down beside her father. "I understand. Dishonour is a terrible, terrible fate..." She sighed and looked out the window at their kingdom, a beautiful golden kingdom, and a HireWing waiting in a tree. Aspen cocked her head and looked at the dragon, curious. "I'll get back to studying, you have somedragon outside waiting to see you." The little princess said curtly, before running back to the castle library.

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(( what does your avatar thing mean? THe tick tick thing? I've been trying to figure out. T_T ))


Jibberjabber stroked his chin pensively.

"Who sits out there?" he asked, "Why have you not entered?"

He moved to the window Aspen had pointed out and looked out. Upon seeing the drake, he sighed. Another hirewing drake. He hoped she was more skilled than his previous ones.

"Please, do come in." he finally said, opening the window for her to enter. "I'll listen to whatever you have to say, for as long as it interests me."

He returned to his throne slowly, to take a seat and allow her to get wherever she needed to be to speak to him.

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Pear flew in the window. "Greetings, your majesty. I...can tell that you already know why I'm here, so lets just get down to business, shall we? My name is Pear, and I haven't come before simply because I only do jobs like this during wars. So right now I have.." Pear opened her bag and gently took out some of the important things. "The mandatory rubber chicken for self defense, of course. Acid for toilets, flammable confetti, and my personal favorite a trap that I invented involving, some springs, a trampoline, wires, a pie, and two trap doors. Don't ask how it works, as it takes a while to explain. So, choose your pick."


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Sock explored the border, drawing a map with her claws and some ink that showed the easiest and hardest places to defend. Her feet started to hurt after the third time around. She wanted the innocent citizens of Old Rudolph to stay safe, as that was the only reason she became a soldier. She cared very much for them, and didn't want to see any unnecessary blood spilled. She went back to the castle to rest her tired feet. Every day for her was quite long and tiring, but it built stamina. After resting a while, Sock redrew her map so it was prettier and more accurate. The last one had been a bit sloppy because she had done all three on the same piece of parchment. She settled down on the floor and got to work.

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King Jibberjabber frowned, laying a hand on the young Pygmy's shoulder.

"You don't need to do any of that, young one." he smiled, looking at the items she had set before him. "I will told you as I have told all the other hire wings - I'm not interested. It's not because I don't have the money or the want to see my enemies fall, it's because I want it all to end without adding more people to the dishonored list. Trust me, I'll give you something from my treasury, and let you stay here, but please, do not go out there and battle for me. Please don't even battle. Just stay safe."

He turned away from her, stepping back to his throne. He took a seat, and leaned back, still smirking.

"It is unnecessary." he ended.

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Username: Auroralei

Character Name: Vyi Josline


Gender: Female

Type of Pygmy: Crimson flare

Back story: Being a simple princess, she doesn't ask for much. She despies the war and hopes it will stop. When her brother left she cried for a week. He was her way out of marrige in hopes that he would marry instead and become king.

Personality: ...She is a very serious princess. She loved to talk to the other princesses but now she just talks to solders. She misses her brother and scan the streets for him.

Literacy level: ...I try to be very lit...I usually make a paragraph or two.

Job:(royal, regular, noble, soldier) Royal (Princess) She is currently learning to find a good husband. She just wants a nice pygmy to marry.

Other: Yargle blargle

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((Very nice, accepted.


Also, Thael. It means: Tick, Tick, Tick goes the man in the woods. It's a Slenderman thing.))

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Sock really didn't want war. She flew over the land, looking down at all the innocent who had been dragged into this. It made her sad, almost depressed really. Her tears fell like raindrops as an overwhelming wave of despair crashed over her. Her wings locked for a few seconds, but Sock recovered in time to prevent herself from becoming a green asteroid rocketing down. She finally alighted on top of the castle and looked out, wondering what the future would hold.


((I literally have no idea what to write about. Help, please? Or something happening?))

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Vyi Josline shuddered as she flew in the streets. "Pyrrhus?! Dear brother Pyrrhus!?" Her wings stopped flittering as she landed. I wonder where he is....What if he is dead! Vyi shuddered again. She padded over to a cart and bought a apple.

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(( Hey Cyda...



King Jibberjabber looked out his window a moment, ignoring Pear before speaking.

"Then again, perhaps you could be of some use... after all, I wouldn't want someone with your skills being unused.."

He got up slowly, pointing out the window.

"Do you see that battlefield over there?" Jibberjabber frowned. A large group of pygmies was clearly fighting just north of where he was pointing, quite close to the kingdom.

"Take this letter to the general there, Jebur." Jibberjabber said, holding it out to her. "It's very important."

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((There is a group of pygmies in a cafe in Abyssalai that are heading for Cedar's house in a little but. Mayhaps you could join them, Umbre?

And yes Thael, but we have to play by the rules. There has to be some antidote around here. wink.gif ))

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((Okaaaay I missed alot.png ! Heey new ppl! Hmm, if I'm not wrong, Seth was watching his father (the King) talk to others in the street and Selene was... nothing. Something happened on that conversation?))

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Sock stretched her legs and decided to go exploring in Abyssalia sinc she really had nothing better to do with her free time. She exited the barrack nd lept up into the air, rocketing straight through a spiral-cloud on her way up. Oops, I killed that cloud, she thought, giggling. It reformed back into an orange swirl as she flew away into Abyssalai. She soared over the dark landscape, not stopping until she found what she was looking for: a cafe her mother had taken her to as a child. "I used to go here all the time with my parents," Sock said to herself alighting in some dark grass. She walked inside to order a coffee, then sat down at a table facing the window. It was a beautiful but dark day. She noticed some other Pygmies outside, but didn't really want to draw attention to herself.

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Cedar watched as the pygmy lady who was cooling the pie on her windowsill take it back into her home. He snickered to hisself, not wanting to wait for her to eat the brain-bleached pie, but he shouldn't be around for the effect, that's what got most unemployed hirewings in trouble. He slunk back into the cafe and sat down at a random table, chugging down the coffee he bought before he sat down. He leaned back in his chair, but leaned to far and fell backwards. He immediatly shot back up and righted the chair, sitting back down it and drinking more of his coffee.

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Sock looked back as a Pygmy almost fell out of his chair and giggled a bit to herself. She laughed even harder as he sat back down and acted as if nothing had just happened. You can pretend, but it's only funnier that way, she thought, turning back around and taking a sip of her coffee. Sock looked outside and watched the other dragons. Maybe this whole war thing will just blow over and everything will return to normal, she thought, sighing. If only.

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Cedar turned to the laughing pygmy and growled quietly, cursing to himself that someone saw his blunder. Maybe, since she had a sense of humor, she could be friendly. He got up out of his seat and tossed the coffee cup in the trash. Snagging a doughnut off the counter with his tail on the way, not that it was noticed by the half-asleep cashier. The orange pygmy sat down at Sock's table and set the dougnut in front of her. "Need something sweet to bite?"

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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Sock shut up as Cedar walked over to her table with a doughnut. "Thank you," she said, taking a bite of it. "By the way, I didn't see what just happened." She winked at Cedar in that mischeivous way only a Misfit could do. "Soo... what's your name?" Sock asked, trying to make conversation. "I'm Sock," she continued, showing her white foot that gave her the name.

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She winked at him. Oh yes you did see, but I'll go along with it. Sock, eh? "My name is Cedar, don't know why, guessing that my parents were quite fond of trees when they named me." He replied. He ran his claws across the table and found the salt shaker, shook some into his mouth, and set it back down. He loved salt. Kept it in a large bowl at his house. "So, you a hirewing here? I've never seen a misfit in Abyssalai."

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