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Question about a trade?

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Okies, was scrolling back a bit and am just going to summarize the curiousities I've got:


What would a 2g Gold from two CB golds be worth in trading?


My goal really, is to trade for and earn these and would like to know what I need to get to be able to trade for them:


- Cheese

- Paper

- CB Gold

- CB Silver

- CB Nebula


If I know roughly what those are worth, then I know what to start looking for smile.gif Thanks!

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Do CB Blue Opals go for anything? Just misclicked one xd.png

I don't believe there's a high demand for them o-o;



What would a 2g Gold from two CB golds be worth in trading?


My goal really, is to trade for and earn these and would like to know what I need to get to be able to trade for them:


- Cheese

- Paper

- CB Gold

- CB Silver

- CB Nebula


If I know roughly what those are worth, then I know what to start looking for smile.gif Thanks!


You should be able to get an unbreedable for a 2g PB Gold, imo. Gold > Silver > Paper > Cheese > Nebula


Not sure if I'm answering your actual question, because I am a tad bit confused what you're asking. lol

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Sorry! I'll clarify:


If I manage to have this one egg turn out male... I'll have a pair of CB Golds. I don't know what they're worth if I was to breed them to trade with people!


On my "want to get" list... are a Cheese and a Paper, and I'd like to get myself a pair of CB Silvers. And the Nebulas as I have a rotten time finding them. But I don't know what would be fair to offer someone for any of those, because I've never traded anything! smile.gif

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Sorry! I'll clarify:


If I manage to have this one egg turn out male... I'll have a pair of CB Golds. I don't know what they're worth if I was to breed them to trade with people!


On my "want to get" list... are a Cheese and a Paper, and I'd like to get myself a pair of CB Silvers. And the Nebulas as I have a rotten time finding them.  But I don't know what would be fair to offer someone for any of those, because I've never traded anything! smile.gif

2nd gen Purebred Golds are valuable. If you are looking for one Cheese and one Paper, I think you can definitely get an offer of both for one, if you are patient smile.gif However, I think it's impossible to trade one for a CB Silver or CB Gold (a CB Copper might work actually, but then you aren't looking for those).

In case of CB Nebulae I would ask for multiples if I were trading for them like that.

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Thank you! I knew that it certainly wouldn't be worth a CB Gold...


What are good to trade when you're looking for a CB Gold or a CB Silver?


Thank you both so much!

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Thank you! I knew that it certainly wouldn't be worth a CB Gold...


What are good to trade when you're looking for a CB Gold or a CB Silver?


Thank you both so much!

3G-4G Shimmer/Tinsel, Neglecteds, or a few CB Coppers, a dozen of UB/Trios/Blusangs. Though IMO CB metallics are easier to get through hunting.

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What would a 2G Red Copper from Copper x Gold be worth? Is it possible to get a Dino, Chicken or alt Black/Vine for one?

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What would a 2G Red Copper from Copper x Gold be worth? Is it possible to get a Dino, Chicken or alt Black/Vine for one?

2nd gen from metallics are usually worth enough. The only problem is that you need to find to right person, who is looking for exactly the lineage you are offering and who has what you are looking for.


I think either a dino, a chicken or a 2nd gen pb black / vine can be fair trades. But maybe you will need to wait a couple of days to get them.

I suggest to widen your audience adding your trade to Eggs around the world market, in addition to DC forum.

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What would a 2G Red Copper from Copper x Gold be worth? Is it possible to get a Dino, Chicken or alt Black/Vine for one?

2nd gen from metallics are usually worth enough. The only problem is that you need to find to right person, who is looking for exactly the lineage you are offering and who has what you are looking for.


I think either a dino, a chicken or a 2nd gen pb black / vine can be fair trades. But maybe you will need to wait a couple of days to get them.

I suggest to widen your audience adding your trade to Eggs around the world market, in addition to DC forum.

I'm not sure, but I have a different opinion. From my experience, 2nd gen Coppers and 2nd gen metalfails aren't worth much at all. Yes, some lineage collectors would be willing to offer a nice trade for a specific 2nd gen fail, but their worth is far from being that high.


I've had trouble getting a 2nd gen PB Alt Vine/Black for one 2nd gen *Metal* before, let alone a 2nd gen fail. Usually I abandon any fails I get (or sometimes gift them to someone if I know they need it and want to take it), simply because they aren't that good of a trade fodder.


Personally I'd say that a couple of hatchies, a CB BSA or dragons along the line would be something more logical to expect. Of course I may be wrong, just thought I'd toss that in smile.gif

Edited by ZzelaBusya

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What would a 2G Red Copper from Copper x Gold be worth? Is it possible to get a Dino, Chicken or alt Black/Vine for one?

People can get 2g Coppers easy from departures/take an egg leave an egg (I've seen a lot more on "take an egg, leave an egg" actually). Also it's worth even less if it's the wrong color.



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What are (correctly) gendered and colored nebulas worth?

I have those two up for trade and asked for offers, but I'd like to know what would be fair:

user posted image

Edited by Ha-Ki

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What are correctly gendered and colored nebulas worth?

I have those two up for trade and asked for offers, but I'd like to know what would be fair:

user posted image

*Highly* depends on the person, I don't think such dragons have a relatively defined worth, really.


If a user is working on a project with Nebulae and your hatchling is suitable, they would probably pay nicely for one like that, because those beasts are so stubborn and always colour wrong.

But for example I, on the other hand, simply freeze Nebulae like that whenever I stumble upon them, and I wouldn't be ready to offer much for them xd.png

An "average" player would probably not be very interested in them anyway, so you'd need to aim for collectors in order to get a nice offer.


Your request sounds like the best solution, it's better to wait and see what people come up with. If I were trading one like that, I'd probably accept a nice Metallic, a short-ish gen Prize or a Paper if someone wanted to offer one. But something tells me that most people will not be desperate for a Nebula of that kind, so getting an epic trade may be challenging.

Edited by ZzelaBusya

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Similar to DangerDragon's question, I have a PB 2nd gen curled black alt. What's the "best" I can get for it?

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What is 3Gen sitting black alt worth? Alt's lineage

Whilst I'm not sure on exact value, a PB even gen Alt would be worth a fair bit more than one with a lineage like that. I'd only want one like that for freezing (although others might disagree with me). You could maybe swap it for a similar Alt Vine, some hatchies, maybe something better if you're lucky.


Similar to DangerDragon's question, I have a PB 2nd gen curled black alt. What's the "best" I can get for it?

2nd gens PB Alts are worth a bit more than others like the one above. Their value seems to vary quite a bit, but you could maybe get a nice 4th gen Tin/Shim, or maybe CB Trios, or a fair few CB or BSA hatchies.

Edited by TheGrox

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I'm curious, what might be a reasonable trade for Holly Dragons? Course, out of season breeding at the moment but are these dragons still difficult to get? (I still have 2010 expectations, apologies. I still scramble MUST HAVE click for CB Blacks and Stripes. xd.png)


Oh and I suppose I should ask about generations. Like, what can you get for a 7th Gen versus a 3rd Gen? And I think that's about it yep. Thanks very much for taking the time to read and/or potentially answer this query. v___v

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I'm curious, what might be a reasonable trade for Holly Dragons? Course, out of season breeding at the moment but are these dragons still difficult to get? (I still have 2010 expectations, apologies. I still scramble MUST HAVE click for CB Blacks and Stripes. xd.png)


Oh and I suppose I should ask about generations. Like, what can you get for a 7th Gen versus a 3rd Gen? And I think that's about it yep. Thanks very much for taking the time to read and/or potentially answer this query. v___v

They are difficult to get if you don't have a fast internet connection, because they get picked up so quickly. But they are becoming more common, if you're a fast clicker and stalk the AP, you should have no problems catching one.


I didn't manage to catch one myself last christmas, but I got a trade offer of a rather messy one for a newer holiday with a gorgeous lineage I caught in the AP - I think it was a 3rd gen ribbon dancer or winter magi x gold checker (this is the Holly I got for it). Newer christmas hatchies for freezing were excellent trade fodder last christmas, because with the lifted limits everyone wanted to freeze hatchies at once. Won't be that much of a rush next christmas, but multiple holiday hatchies could still be good trade fodder.


My guess is that they will become more common next christmas, so long-lineaged ones and somewhat messy ones will decrease in value, it'll be easy to trade for them. 3rd gens are still rare and will stay so, I guess those can still go for a cb gold.

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Also some of us have a small stock now to gift for this christmas as long as you do not mind even gens/messy wink.gif

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What is the value of a second gen Alt Vine these days? Parents are Green Neb and Vine.

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I'm curious, what might be a reasonable trade for Holly Dragons? Course, out of season breeding at the moment but are these dragons still difficult to get? (I still have 2010 expectations, apologies. I still scramble MUST HAVE click for CB Blacks and Stripes. xd.png)


Oh and I suppose I should ask about generations. Like, what can you get for a 7th Gen versus a 3rd Gen? And I think that's about it yep. Thanks very much for taking the time to read and/or potentially answer this query. v___v

I traded my 3rd and 4th gen for a cb metal each.


I agree with Ha-Ki, they were really difficult to catch in AP.

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So, I have a 2g thuwed, that I dont like the breed of. I also dont have much time to look for many alternative offers, so, at what point/value should I stop haggling?

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So, I have a 2g thuwed, that I dont like the breed of. I also dont have much time to look for many alternative offers, so, at what point/value should I stop haggling?

I think what you can do is give people a lot of options to choose from: you can push for a 2G thuwed swap (priority) and then give other options like 2-3 CB Metals, multiple CB coppers, low-gen shimmers, etc.


I don't think it's impossible to find a trade for a 2G thuwed, just let people know that you're considering multiple options for it.

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Maybe if you defined 'very good offers'?

I read that to mean alternate 2g thuwed, or 2g/3g prize or 2g spriter alts, or multiple CB gold/silver only.

If that's what you want and you aren't getting those kinds of offers it won't hurt to be more specific. If you still don't get those offers, then either decide to ask for less and be specific about what you will take, or just decide to keep it.

You're the only one that can decide when holding out for something better gets to be too much trouble. Some people I trade with hold out for days, others for just a few hours, how badly do you want something else?

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oh, i already have a 2 cb metal offer, and one offer of stating "What would you want for it?" (42) That's exactly my problem. I have no clue what I want. It came far to early to even think about anything I'd want to do - the release seemed to have locked most people, so I got my egg only 3 weeks after entering the lists. And it was gladly not a waterwalker, that I'd have had to vamp. But Swallowtails aint one of my favorites either, so I figured: better trade it.


I think I'll just look to get as many metals or 3g shimmers out of that deal as possible. I still need 5 more CB golds and its a long way to 32 3g even gen shimmers, so...


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