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I have to say that it kind of seems like what you're saying is that our past experiences don't count because you weren't there to see them.  You talk about how there's speculation "before a thread has even been made", but a thread was made, and while it can be argued that things are somewhat different, those experiences aren't nullified.


Frankly, although I honestly do admire your optimism, the person who's most speculating here is you because you have no way to judge the difference between the forum, then and now.

I'm certainly not insinuating that your past experiences do not count. I'm referring to a theoretical new thread and people speculating that it will turn into drama. Knowing that people are thinking of the past, I referred to the uncensoring of the no offense phrase and the fixing of the GD rules to allow mature discussions once more. In both those cases people feared that past experiences would replay and create huge drama, and in both situations I feel they did nothing of the sort. Therefore, I was pointing to the fact that the past does not always repeat, that the forum HAS changed in some ways, and that the forum can benefit from this trust. I feel GD has benefited from the rules being less strict, as I feel the previous annoyances created from the censor of no offense have been eliminated. In other words, being a benefit. Just as well, it's was nice to see the staff trusting the users with both those two decisions, and the users taking the responsibility wisely.


Again, I am not referencing the old thread because I was not there (and by association, not diminishing your experiences). I only reference the feelings it created as a result, because I can compare them to the uneasy feelings that were the result of the no offense phrase and the GD rules. Being that all three involve feelings of unease created from past examples of bad threads, I used this example of unease about a vent thread in my comparison with the two things that were allowed. Of course I am speculating, but I am basing my optimism on previous, similar examples that were met with the same unease that eventually succeeded. In my opinion.


I'm trying to be very specific and thorough in my words here so there is no more room for wrong conclusions being made about what I said/ am saying.


Untrue. The meltdown of the vent thread, the difficulties leading up to it, and the aftermath involved almost all adults. And yeah, by the time it blew up, there was a clear itching for a fight.


I was speaking of a theoretical new vent thread. Not of the old one. I was not there for the old vent thread so I can not claim any information about it OTHER than the reactions it caused (ie. apprehension of a new one). Because people are talking about it.


Here is an explanation of what I am saying in case there is still confusing or misinterpretation.


1. The uncensoring of "no offense" and the desire to allow mature discussions in GD were both met with apprehension because of past events.

2. Allowing another vent thread is met with apprehension because of past events.

3. The two situations in #1 were allowed and did not create noticeable drama or forum explosions. Past events were not repeated like before (obviously there are individual exceptions).

4. I feel that #2, following the same patterns as #1 would have similar results. No drama explosions, trust in the userbase restored, more freedom for users to talk, release frsutration or whatever.


This is how I came to the deduction that giving it another shot might be worth it. I am not claiming it will be 100% pure and have no conflict or need for moderation, because I am not the embodiment of an entire forum. I am just posting my reasons for having optimism should another vent thread be created, stating why I have this optimism and pointing to past events that led me to suggest the idea in the first place. I have read the worries others have posted and-- in a previous post-- sympathized and related to these worries as best as someone who wasn't there could. I acknowledged the unease about allowing another vent thread, just as I acknowledged unease about uncensoring a phrase and allowing mature discussions in GD. I recognize and sympathize with this unease, but I do not agree with it.


Don't blame anyone for not wanting to read all of that. Once again, I am trying very hard to explain my reasonings in a direct, understandable manner so it will be impossible for further misinterpretations or misunderstandings. If something else needs to be clarified further, please let me know.

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Hey, can't we have a rant thread on dragons and dragons only? I once made a vent thread, and its purpose was to just talk about dragons that were a. not breeding properly (ex: my gold has been on my scroll for 1 year and still didn't give me any eggs! or my thunder and my albino has been breeding for the umpteenth time, but they only give me albino eggs!), b. summonfails and c. bitefails. Wouldn't that be more productive? It seems that the main problem here's that people go off an a tangent about other players, about hoarding and such, but I believe that if we make it so that we can only talk strictly about dragons and dragons only, then that wouldn't really hurt, would it? ohmy.gif

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Here is an explanation of what I am saying in case there is still confusing or misinterpretation.


1. The uncensoring of "no offense" and the desire to allow mature discussions in GD were both met with apprehension because of past events.

2. Allowing another vent thread is met with apprehension because of past events.

3. The two situations in #1 were allowed and did not create noticeable drama or forum explosions. Past events were not repeated like before (obviously there are individual exceptions).

4. I feel that #2, following the same patterns as #1 would have similar results. No drama explosions, trust in the userbase restored, more freedom for users to talk, release frsutration or whatever.


This is how I came to the deduction that giving it another shot might be worth it. I am not claiming it will be 100% pure and have no conflict or need for moderation, because I am not the embodiment of an entire forum. I am just posting my reasons for having optimism should another vent thread be created, stating why I have this optimism and pointing to past events that led me to suggest the idea in the first place. I have read the worries others have posted and-- in a previous post-- sympathized and related to these worries as best as someone who wasn't there could. I acknowledged the unease about allowing another vent thread, just as I acknowledged unease about uncensoring a phrase and allowing mature discussions in GD. I recognize and sympathize with this unease, but I do not agree with it.


Don't blame anyone for not wanting to read all of that. Once again, I am trying very hard to explain my reasonings in a direct, understandable manner so it will be impossible for further misinterpretations or misunderstandings. If something else needs to be clarified further, please let me know.

I may have missed something, but what was the huge drama that led up to the "no offense" censoring? It's been censored as long as I've been here and I don't remember there being any fight that caused it. Form what I understood it was censored as kind of a pet peeve thing because, while it does have a more generic use, it's often used to try to deflect responsibility for saying something offensive. The censoring did give people a moment of pause (because, seriously, it takes 3 seconds to type something else so it was hardly an onerous burden lol) to consider whether what they were saying could stand, non-offensively, without the disclaimer.


But I don't remember a huge drama causing it to be censored. And I don't really remember a lot of apprehension that there would be drama if it was uncensored. Folks just thought that some people would be sort of jerkish and start using it again as a deflection. That's not really anxiety, that's just reality that some people use it that way.


Again, if there was a huge blow up that caused the censoring or a lot of worry that preceded the uncensoring maybe someone could fill me in.


As for GD, I don't know a great deal of what happened there beyond some of the minor skirmishes and the later clarifying of the rules. However, this is exactly what I meant by cost/benefit. The GD section is a major portion of this forum. If a risk is taken there, it's done so because of what that entire sub-forum adds.


What we're discussing here is one thread. And not even the super fun thread that raindear and I spoke of, because there wouldn't be the chatting component of it. So it's one thread where you can post - My dragons didn't breed again! Which, I'll admit, is cathartic. However, is it necessary? Not really. Is it hugely beneficial? I wouldn't say so.


And I think that's an important distinction and probably a basic difference in our way of thinking that will leave us going ahead and agreeing to disagree. What I'm getting from your posts is that, for you, this is about trusting the user base. And I understand where you're coming from with that. Whereas, for me, this is about the question - if a vent thread ran absolutely, 100% smoothly, would it add something substantial enough to the user experience here that it would equal and/or exceed the problems that could arise from it?


And you can draw conclusions from current events, and I can point to our only actual experience with the situation, but I think it really just comes down to the fact that we're viewing the issue from such different angles.


But, for the record, I did mean it when I said that I admire your optimistic take on things. smile.gif

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Um (!!!! but - well, um... And no offence, and all that..) xd.png


I have on several occasions, some of them recently, reported the kind of passive aggressive posts, posted by people of all ages, that some say don't happen here. And flaming ones. And just "thoughtlessly nasty" ones.


The mods have one hell of a lot to do - if they say they haven't time, I'd rather see a vent thread disallowed than have them flat out moderating it. Many forums I am on are running out of mods; it takes so much of their lives that they quit !


But - why do we actually need a vent thread anyway ? They can often encourage people to try to think of something to post, rather than simply allow a vent. And a lot of posts get to being someone trying to show off that they CAN flame other people. It's not about not trusting the people here; it is about human nature. Bullying attracts bullies, and that includes people who have never done it before. "Have you seen what so and so is doing" aimed at someone you are playing with who is in on it quickly escalates "and look at this one, the creep" aimed at someone who was playing quietly in their corner and never knowingly bugged anyone...


Hell, there is an ADULT member here who has a signature that offends me hugely; I have never said anything, as I assume the person NAMED in that sig is OK with it - or has the dignity not to rise to the bait. Others could be hurt. I too admire optimistic takes on this - but sure, there are bad apples here who would take advantage. IF this were a vent thread, and IF I did that kind of thing., I could name some, and start something. And given that I have argued with one by PM, and got nowhere, some really don't know how offensive they are, either. That's another thing with an international forum - in some parts of the world it is "normal" to say some things which are a grave insult elsewhere.


You want to vent, you really want to ? GOT to get that out of your system ? If you HAVE to do it TO someone, PM a friend here. If not - type it out, with added curses and the rest and name everyone you like. Then - that natty little thing top left ? PUT IT IN THE RECYCLE BIN. And move on.


Simples. I've been doing this with letters to my mother for almost 50 years now. smile.gif


<textwall> <don't care biggrin.gif>


<typefail: DO care>

Edited by fuzzbucket

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You can be on the forums a lot, and you can read a large number of threads and still miss when someone is rude, disruptive, or passive aggressive. The mods know how busy they are kept deleting such posts and reprimanding those who indulge in them. If the mods and TJ feel that things haven't changed enough to warrant another try at a thread that it has been noted is not really necessary, I have to respect their view of the matter, because they really know what is going on in the forums. I know that I do not see all that they see, because they are on the job keeping things cleaned up for the rest of us.

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Glad you know the true intentions of so many people when they use the word "um".


Lol, guess I don't live in true "reality" because I have a different view than you concerning language. I am confused that you feel I've reduced whatever observation you've done "to a mere feeling". Well, clue me in then. If it's not a feeling, what is it? Am I supposed to automatically heighten your experiences beyond "mere feelings" to a different word more suitable? Do your claims of it being more than "a mere feeling" automatically dismiss my opinions because I don't live in "the reality of it"?


I'm not going to dance around with posts that are little more than one opinion v.s another. You think the word "Um" implies some string of curse words in a form of a direct insult. I think that's overly pessimistic. I do not know your "reality" that has been created from "years-of-observation", and because of this, your opinions are "mere feelings" just as I feel mine are.



You seem to think that I am speaking of absolute certainty that "no offense" has never once been used offensively since it was uncensored. Uhhh, no. I haven't seen it misused, this is my personal experience that has as much weight in value as your experiences with it being misused. Just as you declare I must have not read the forums because I have not seen it misused, I declare you are overly pessimistic because you have.




Here's my exact post describing that I have never seen the phrase misused. Don't see any assertion that it has never once been misused since uncensoring, other than your post saying I did.


Do you live in my house, in my head, and have you had my experiences? Then that is exactly right: You do not know the reality of PA land. You know yours pretty well. And I've decided I don't care to correct your misapprehensions. It would take too much time and wouldn't even work. So why bother? This is pessimistic.


With the caveat that seems to need to be said: Silence is not assent.


As for your self-quote...my response is still, you haven't read enough of the forums. That's exactly what I said the first time, except I did say it a bit more aggressively then.


What we're discussing here is one thread. And not even the super fun thread that raindear and I spoke of, because there wouldn't be the chatting component of it. So it's one thread where you can post - My dragons didn't breed again! Which, I'll admit, is cathartic. However, is it necessary? Not really. Is it hugely beneficial? I wouldn't say so.


That's what my friend and I do in an instant messenger. Grouch to each other about our dragons not breeding, etc., etc. That's a good place to do it--in private, with a friend or two. Not everything needs to be on a forum.

Edited by Princess Artemis

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Hard truths delivered with respect and honesty are easier to swallow than hard truths delivered with passive-aggression. Even hard truths delivered straight up bluntly are easier to swallow than passive-aggressive hard truths. Wrapping up a hard truth in layers of sugar-coated aggression doesn't help.

Too true. But you need to take into account that there are a lot of people here who don't speak English as a native language, it's a little hard to express yourself eloquently in a language you only ever used actively in school, and only in the respective language lessons, no? There are so many shades of meaning you don't learn there, but which are glaringly obvious to a native speaker. So, if you use "no offense" as a way to say that you really don't mean any offense, but feel that something has to be said *and* you don't know the "proper" way to express yourself so as to not come across as having an attitude, it's a good use of "no offense". Sure, you could have done better (if only you had known how), but if it's the best you can do, it has to be enough.


To give you a bad example of what limited vocabulary can do to your posting, imagine you don't know much English, but wanted to suggest that more dragons get released, and at a quicker rate than they currently do. What would you say/write? Probably something like, "This sprite is lined badly," using only (rather) basic vocabulary (you can easily learn here on the site). Basic vocabulary tends to be very straight forward and come across as rude and/or childish, even with the best of intentions. Adding a "no offense" to "this sprite is lined badly", and maybe a smiley to convey some extra meaning sure wouldn't be sugar-coating it, would it? Neither would it necessarily mean that you have no respect, but enough attitude for a small army.

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In a case like that I'd rather say "English is not my first language, but I think that..." As many do.


Because otherwise we don't know that the sarcasm was NOT deliberate.


I saw a "don't hit me but" yesterday, attached to a rather nasty post... sad.gif (thread is gone now as it was a (RIGHTLY) unpermitted topic, but still...)


But what language is used here is different from "do we need a vent thread." Vent threads actively encourage such nastiness. They are set up for negative posts and in my experience, on many forums, always escalate.

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Too true. But you need to take into account that there are a lot of people here who don't speak English as a native language, it's a little hard to express yourself eloquently in a language you only ever used actively in school, and only in the respective language lessons, no? There are so many shades of meaning you don't learn there, but which are glaringly obvious to a native speaker. So, if you use "no offense" as a way to say that you really don't mean any offense, but feel that something has to be said *and* you don't know the "proper" way to express yourself so as to not come across as having an attitude, it's a good use of "no offense". Sure, you could have done better (if only you had known how), but if it's the best you can do, it has to be enough.


To give you a bad example of what limited vocabulary can do to your posting, imagine you don't know much English, but wanted to suggest that more dragons get released, and at a quicker rate than they currently do. What would you say/write? Probably something like, "This sprite is lined badly," using only (rather) basic vocabulary (you can easily learn here on the site). Basic vocabulary tends to be very straight forward and come across as rude and/or childish, even with the best of intentions. Adding a "no offense" to "this sprite is lined badly", and maybe a smiley to convey some extra meaning sure wouldn't be sugar-coating it, would it? Neither would it necessarily mean that you have no respect, but enough attitude for a small army.

You've got a good point, and honestly, I think most fluent English speakers can tell the difference between "no offense" used as a kludge because the speaker really doesn't know a better way to say it (or has no idea that the phrase frequently carries a payload in English) and the more common passive-aggressive use.


There's room in what I said about it for a whole lot of real, legitimate uses.


I would hope that such a speaker would learn sooner rather than later that in English, prefacing a statement with "no offense" so often means the opposite of what is typed or said that it's better to find a different way to say it.


Personally, I find more basic language less rude, but I fully admit that this is because I have a literal mind and it has taken me a long time to learn that most people have to lie (wrap things up in meaningless fluff) in order for others to understand they aren't lying (trying to communicate). 'Normal' people are weird : )

Edited by Princess Artemis

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Reminder: Attack the topic/discussion not each other.


(This topic is starting to read like the old vent topic.)

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i realized the wishlist thread was closed because of people bumping their lists.


the thing is, my post with my list has disappeared. i always used the edit button, never bumped. i can't seem to find it anywhere and i have no idea why it would be deleted. unless a mass of posts from that thread have been deleted...i don't know. it's kind of annoying that now i don't have a place to put a new list/or edit the one i had.

I would PM ruby or _Z_ to double check since I'm a few days out of the loop, but I believe the thread was locked for a bit and then cleaned. Then some people were wondering what happened to their wishlists, so the cleaned posts were brought back so people could retrieve them. I believe a new thread was allowed after the cleaned thread was closed so they could set up better rules on bumping, as we did have members complaining about how often people were bumping and so mods were considering so many bumps as spam.


If your post isn't in this thread, try this thread.


Hell, there is an ADULT member here who has a signature that offends me hugely; I have never said anything, as I assume the person NAMED in that sig is OK with it - or has the dignity not to rise to the bait.


Is that one your reported to a mod? Some mods do have sigs turned off for various reasons. I keep mine on because they don't bother me and they are a part of what I need to mod, but a lot of the time, I'll skip right over something I shouldn't be skipping over. >.>

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Can we have a master list of all topics that have been suggested and links to them? I don't think it'd be too un-managable, once the mods caught up...

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If people can't search the section, I don't see how a giant topic is going to make things any easier. All the searching will be on one page, perhaps, but they'll still have to figure out how to find what they're looking for.


Perhaps it would help if more people were aware of the advanced search options and did try searching. Not everyone searches before making a topic because it can be time consuming and I don't see a giant thread fixing that, either.


This has been suggested a few times, but when we had the do not suggest list (which was not official, anyway) that still didn't stop people from posting duplicates or things that had been turned down.


This would just be more work than it was worth.

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A tagging system would be amazing! That'd be perfect! After all, the giant list would basically be a substitute for it.


Sock: I'd hope the list would have a brief summary telling people what it was, and dividing it by sections...that way the duplicates would at least be reduced... But that doesn't matter if we get a tagging system.

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Well, I like the layout of the mainboard, but the first few days here I could'nt find the Welcome Topic for the longest time manually. (I know where it is now.) minor little blarg there, blah blah just something I wanted to note.


Is it possible to code a spell checking format into a clickable button into the Compose Reply screen, like next to CODE adn LIST ?

Like on Fanfiction.net? A quick little spell checker that can highlight any goofy spelling or grammar thats a little off? I know it's easy to find a free trial one on the search engine, but it would be convienient (example, now...) to just have one there.


Just throwing it in though.

I also would think it would be nice to have the levels of the members to have titles in stead of egg counts, but it's neat that way.


I find it pretty cool that the board caters to everything that one would assume a lot of members would want, with Music Entertainment, General Discussion, and everything all organized neatly into three sections; at first, as a guest, I thought there would be more to the board after logging in, then I was presented with a nice little board that was'n as big as I expected.



Um, well, the community seems very active, I have'nt exactly been to every forum on the board but it sure seems quite bustling with activity.

Erm, well I can't think of other points of view from me, or any other ideas to suggest.


How about for user profiles, there's a wishlist section (for those ridiculously long wishlists) and a Personal Information sheet, for what this User Likes, Dislikes, Talents, hobbies and other traditional profile stuff.

When ever I click on a members name in the list, hoping to learn more about the user, I end up reading all the breeds they wish to own. dry.gif (something and such about this and that, yada yada yada...)


I'm not complaining! Its good to know what they want, just in case I can help, but it would still be nicer to have one section to edit in your wishes, and edit in a profile Actually about you.


on other forum bases, there's a bbc code option where I can put down a

to seperate the post with a line that devides it, and makes it look nice and neat; this one does'nt seem to do that, and I half to do this>



That's a little annoying. xd.png

I was also able to put down

to put the text in the middle of the post.

I can't do that, and little things like that I often take for granted, since they make my posts look all nice and neat.



NOW I think i'm done.

I'm not complaining, just letting you guys know what I know. ^^D

:HUGS: Luv u.

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If you need a spellchecker, just use Firefox as your browser. tongue.gif Some versions actually do that for you.


Also, there is a thread (somewhere in site discussion, I think) where you can post your wishlist now, so you don't have to put it in your profile any more. However, I wouldn't want to put any personal information in my profile because, at least on the web, I want to stay anonymous. Because I want to be in total control as to what I share with whom, and not everybody needs to know everything about me. (And, no, I don't have a wishlist in my profile - but a "what I'd be willing to breed on request" list!)


And what do we need member titles for? The levels and egg count are more than enough for me.

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How would it be different from http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showforum=2 ?


One thing I think would help, if I were to upgrade the forum, is the ability to tag topics. So for example, you could filter the suggestions forum by cave suggestions, or AP suggestions, or breeding suggestions.

Despite the fact that there's a tagging system in the new update to the software, I actually find it a LOT more difficult to find stuff I'm looking for and to navigate the forum in general. I'm very active on a forum that's been updated for over a year now and the majority of members still can't stand it because it just makes everything a lot more complicated and a lot of the features that people enjoyed from the past have been replaced with things that aren't as convenient.


So... basically... while I'm aware that one member's opinion isn't going to make an awful lot of difference to your decision TJ, I'd beg you to spend some time on a forum with the updated software (if you haven't already) to see determine whether it'd actually be a good fit for DC, because personally, I don't think it would at all. sad.gif

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Despite the fact that there's a tagging system in the new update to the software, I actually find it a LOT more difficult to find stuff I'm looking for and to navigate the forum in general. I'm very active on a forum that's been updated for over a year now and the majority of members still can't stand it because it just makes everything a lot more complicated and a lot of the features that people enjoyed from the past have been replaced with things that aren't as convenient.


So... basically... while I'm aware that one member's opinion isn't going to make an awful lot of difference to your decision TJ, I'd beg you to spend some time on a forum with the updated software (if you haven't already) to see determine whether it'd actually be a good fit for DC, because personally, I don't think it would at all. sad.gif

Certainly the new invision upgrade is - not good at all.... TOTAL change to PMs, and loads of stuff you cannot do, like archive messages, to name but one. UGH.


This place works. Don't fix what ain't broke !

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So... basically... while I'm aware that one member's opinion isn't going to make an awful lot of difference to your decision TJ, I'd beg you to spend some time on a forum with the updated software (if you haven't already) to see determine whether it'd actually be a good fit for DC, because personally, I don't think it would at all. sad.gif

I already have, and created a list of things I would change to make it a better fit for DC. Overall I don't think it'd be too much work, but the new features the upgraded version provides are really nice.

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I would really love to be able to do a Top Active Topics of the day search, and be able to opt out certain Topics. The Games and General Discussion are fun or very active, but I want to talk about DC or Dragon related stuff. Other people may just want to see what are the hot popping civil irl topics or others just need some game time.


IDK if its already been suggested but that would be my favorite. Otherwise my only other request would be for a few more color and themes for the forums.


I generally love the forums and hope I continue to participate more and more and offer ideas and thoughts and I like that we have a place to all share and make a better game.

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Nimbus- laugh.gif

Point taken ^^ Alright, trash my earlier ideas, but I still would'nt mind it if a little more wiggle room for extra BBC code effects could be allowed.


on other forum bases, there's a bbc code option where I can put down a
to seperate the post with a line that devides it, and makes it look nice and neat; this one does'nt seem to do that, and I half to do this>



That's a little annoying.

I was also able to put down

to put the text in the middle of the post.

I can't do that, and little things like that I often take for granted, since they make my posts look all nice and neat.



I would love to have those options, with out them I'm comfronted with the daunting task of making a big huge post look like it has enough text on it. xd.png

But I don't mind it, it's not major, the board is nice as is for a newbie like me.



Unless it would be possible to organinze the Request (a dragon) Topic into Lindwurm, Wyrvern, Pygmy and Classic subforums, where Requests of those specific base dragons should go. rolleyes.gif

Although that seems a little excessive...

I like the idea, I just doubt it would be considered! xd.png(I never seem to have good ideas for forums.)

Well, I don't really have any other ideas to improve the forum, since it seems perfectly fine in my perspective. smile.gif

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You know, the idea to divide dragon suggestions into subforums is not half bad... Right now, there are close to 400 topics/threads in there, so a little more organizing might help find what you're looking for.


However, I think that tags might be more helpful here so things can be tagged in different ways - once regarding the kind of dragon (like which breeding group they belong to, which kind of body type it is) and once regarding what is needed next for the concept (adult sketches, lines, redlines, adult sprites, hatchling sketches, hatchling sprites, eggs, descriptions...)

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I already have, and created a list of things I would change to make it a better fit for DC. Overall I don't think it'd be too much work, but the new features the upgraded version provides are really nice.

Oops sorry, I didn't realise you already had. But it's great to hear that you seem to be doing a lot of research first and if you think that it could be modified to fit DC, then I'm behind you. happy.gif But I still love this old software to bits and would be sad to see it go. tongue.gif

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