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Moments of EWWW!

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I got this idea when I noticed a chunk of onion at the bottom of my cup that I had just emptied. I don't think this has been done in another topic, I couldn't find one anyways.

So there it is! Post your nasty stories! Those moments that make you shudder and gagg! Why? Well, why not?

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Probably the time I was going to my car after shopping on a hot summer day. I was just at the door when I catch a whiff of something awful. Worried it was coming from my car, I took a look around. Sitting in the next parking space was a buggy with a bag in it. Curiosity got the better of me and I peeked inside. Essentially there were two containers full of rotten chicken livers.

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I was having a conversation with someone and they accidentally spat into my mouth while they were talking.

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....We accidentally left a turkey in our lower oven (we have the two on top of each other) for about... a year.

....It was black goo when we finally found it. Not even any bones.

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I left a cup of milk in the basement for three months. It was solid when we found it, and it smelt something awful I tell you. My brother dared me to eat it for 100 bucks. I wouldn't for a thousand.


Same thing with a peach. There's still a stain where it was left xd.png

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....We accidentally left a turkey in our lower oven (we have the two on top of each other) for about... a year.

....It was black goo when we finally found it. Not even any bones.


Do not understaaand. What about the smell?



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...We went out to feed our dogs one morning several years ago and found that they had savaged a rabbit. Never again....



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I'm pretty immune to eww stuff.

Aside from dog (specifically dog) poop smell. Dunno why. Makes me gag.


And the time this bird got inside and crashed into the fishtank. I thought the remora instantly grabbed it, because it disappeared. Later i found it headless wedged in the rocks. It was so rotten I went to grab it out, and once it came above water it just kind of 'popped'. Oh god the smell.

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I had just woken up, so i was a lil groggy and my sight was blurry. I saw this redish/brownish dot on my floor, thinking it was my dogs hairball, i was gonna throw it away. i grabbed it until i felt it was scaly and squishy, i freaked out and accidently squished it and threw it on the ground, after a bit of hypervanteling(sp) i got my glasses and looked at the thing i just squashed with my fingers. it was a freakin spider. i stared at it and got goose-bumps, i touched/killed a freakin spider with my own fingers. i am scarred for life. D:

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i had to clean what I was pretty sure was semen off the wall of the men's room at the mcdonalds i used to work at.



I wore four pairs of gloves and had a wad of paper towels the size of a football with lots of bleach between me and the white stuff dried to the wall.

Edited by WestWindReborn

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Do not understaaand. What about the smell?



It didn't smell, oddly enough. x_x It was odd.

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I found the rotted out corpse of a cat that had been recently run over, eyes hanging out of their sockets and everything when I was a kid. I was so traumatized I didn't go down that road for three weeks.

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i had to clean what I was pretty sure was semen off the wall of the men's room at the mcdonalds i used to work at. 



I wore four pairs of gloves and had a wad of paper towels the size of a football with lots of bleach between me and the white stuff dried to the wall.

I had a simaler experience....


Back in 09 I was at a Jo Bros concert. The girls room was so packed I had to use the mens room along with other girls. In the only stall was white, dried liqiud on the stall walls. Of course I didn't know what it was, but now I am mortified that I even was in there.... bad memories.... not the bathroom part, but the jo bros part...


EDIT: Ninja made me spell a word wrong. ninja.gif

Edited by DaniBoo

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It didn't smell, oddly enough. x_x It was odd.



'nother gross story, copypasta'd from my dA journal:


Also today, at school's end, some kids were fooling around and knocked a container out of a locker. It flew open, revealing its contents... of maggots and rotted food. I managed to snag a few clumps of maggots for my collection, but since they're just Drosophila I'll probably hand them out to other people. I threw the container away afterwards. I don't think the original owner would have wanted it back, anyhow.


Not so much gross for me as it was for everyone else. I was eating while I poked at the stuff XD

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About a month ago, our dryer broke, so we had to clear all the clothes out of the laundry room for whenever we got someone over to install the new dryer. Someone's clothes (I think my mom's) ended up spilled all over what is effectively a narrow hallway in the basement. So one time my mom and I were in the basement looking for something, and as usual, I was stepping on the clothes in the floor... suddenly I felt something wet and squishy. At first I thought it was just water dripping down because we've had that problem in the laundry room, but then I looked at my foot and suddenly got blasted by the smell, and then I understood. I'd been surprise attacked by cat diarrhea!


The cat's okay, though. smile.gif

Edited by PollyCockatrice

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I was in the cafeteria conversing with one of my friends when all of a sudden some dude at the other side of the table vomited. I know it's not the nastiest, But it was covered in an orange goo!


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My biggest ewwww moment came when my mom, against my advice, rented one of her houses to this nasty, filthy **bleep**. I got the worst vibe from this woman, even though she looked ok at first glance. My gut just told me something was wrong with this woman, and my gut instinct is hardly ever wrong. I tried to tell my mom she was making one big, fat mistake, one she'd come to regret, but what do I know, right? So, she rents to her anyway.


The property my mom rented to her sits on 35 acres that my mom owns, surrounded by horses and woods. The stupid **bleep** bought live chickens and kept them in the house. Can you imagine the mess? She brought cats that were breeding out of control. Front to back looked like a junk yard, there was so much trash and crap everywhere. You could barely get to the house for all the mess. When she left, it was a mega disaster. I went over to do some sweeping and when I came out of that house, I was literally covered in thousands of fleas. I've never seen the like. When I got home, I had my older son bring me some clothes outside, I went into the shed, changed and trashed the other clothes. The exterminater went in, and then had to call another one to come spray him down before he'd get back in his truck, he was so covered in fleas. It took 4 trips to eradicate them all.


I had the dubious pleasure of cleaning said property. The worst part was the fridge. Yeah, I loved being elbow deep in maggots and eggs trying to clean the thing. It was writhing with them, and the stench ungodly. I puked my guts out before I was done. What's worse, is that my mom still refuses to listen to my advice when renting, and has had this kind of problem twice before. And guess who she calls on to do the clean ups? After this last time, I told her if she didn't listen to good advice, she'd be doing it herself, or paying a cleaning crew. Ugh. Never again. **twitch**

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I was working at a Target some time ago and one day I was up at the front cashiering with a girl I had become good friends with, when a guy who had just checked out with someone else comes up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and he says, "Excuse me ma'am, but there is some crap on the floor in the cosmetics aisle and you should probably get someone to take care of it." I think to myself, "Okay, someone had a kid who grabbed a bunch of the stuff and threw it on the ground as their mom was shopping."

So I find our team lead and was like, "Some guy just told me there's 'some crap on the floor in cosmetics' that should be taken care of," so she runs off quick to get it taken care of. A couple minutes later she comes back with this horror-stricken look on her face and says, "Yeah… there was literally 'crap' on the floor." Ew. That is just disgusting.

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I can't top some of these stories. especially MedievalMystic's (shudder), but I have a small tale from when I was riding with my husband as he drove a semi-truck.

I forget the road we were on, but it was East of the Mississippi. We were going along, making a turn when WHACK! a fair sized bird (just a bit smaller than a pigeon) smacked into the windshield right in front of my face. It's beak scratched the glass it struck so hard.

Ok, that was fine (after I calmed myself down). A few miles later though, when we started to slow down to stop for something, down slides this bird from where it had been pinned by the airflow (up under the cowling of the truck roof).

Yes there was blood (and other fluids), and the poor bird was pretty much a feathery pancake. *shiver*

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Remember kids, don't gleek into the air when you're walking. Some law of the universe or other states that it will come back down and hit someone walking behind you.



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I managed to snag a few clumps of maggots for my collection, but since they're just Drosophila I'll probably hand them out to other people.


That makes you awesome xd.png


My personal moment of eww... You know, when you're driving and you see roadkill, it's not that bad?


I was on a bike, and there was a rabbit. There was blood coming out of random places where blood should not be coming from. I'm pretty sure there were organs. I don't offhand recall, because I was trying not to throw up at the sight of a little rabbity pancake.


Usually, I try to move roadkill off the road--mostly birds sad.gif poor birdies--but that was just... ick.


Oh, and how about the time I dissected a fish for a day camp? 8D My group did fairly well, although we wound up with a lot of "This thing is squishy and not meat so it must be an organ, but we have no idea what it actually is." Oh, and we had to pull out the fish's eyes. That was kind of nasty, and yet cool... Other groups just turned their fish into a red meaty pulp. xd.png

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That makes you awesome xd.png


My personal moment of eww... You know, when you're driving and you see roadkill, it's not that bad?


I was on a bike, and there was a rabbit. There was blood coming out of random places where blood should not be coming from. I'm pretty sure there were organs. I don't offhand recall, because I was trying not to throw up at the sight of a little rabbity pancake.


Usually, I try to move roadkill off the road--mostly birds sad.gif poor birdies--but that was just... ick.


Oh, and how about the time I dissected a fish for a day camp? 8D My group did fairly well, although we wound up with a lot of "This thing is squishy and not meat so it must be an organ, but we have no idea what it actually is." Oh, and we had to pull out the fish's eyes. That was kind of nasty, and yet cool... Other groups just turned their fish into a red meaty pulp. xd.png

Haha Xp


Roadkill, huh? There's this section of road I have to bike on every day to get to school, there have been perhaps 6, 7 squirrel carcasses strewn over the road during the time I've been going to school. Very icky, have to swerve. They're all within a few blocks of each other, too @.@


Dissection... well, in bug bio we had to dissect a grasshopper. Not so bad.

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I remember having to dissect a starfish in middle school. It wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the smell and the fact that one of its arms was only attached by a little string.

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