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Through Tooth and Claw...

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"I need a bath and a bed." Arella replied quietly. If you follow those dragons they should lead you to a bunch of dragon-tamers, or whatever...they're having some kind of problem so they'd probably like some help."

She hitched her messenger bag higher up on her shoulder and turned, walking back through the trees towards the cave seth had shown her earlier.

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For once, Seth was lost for words. Dragon Tamers? His parents were right- they did exist! He glanced back in the direction that Arella had pointed, then spun to face her again, torn.

This was what his parents wanted: it was the only thing he believed would get his old life back, yet... He knew that he didn't want to leave her to fend for herself, and realized a little guiltily that perhaps that wasn't the only reason he was reluctant to leave her.

"I.. uh... Arella?" he began, but then realized that she'd slipped into the forest while his back was turned. A curse slipped through his grasp and he turned back to look up into the tree full of dragons. Lun dropped lightly from his shoulder and stood before him, seemingly recovered from his earlier fright. "Seth..." he began, shaking his head slightly.

The teen suddenly knew what to do. "Sorry guys, but I'm needed elsewhere." the teen scooped up his hatchling and ran down the track after Arella.

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At the mouth of the cave, Arella brought a large candle out of her bag. Fortunately, the contents of her bag had managed to avoid the worst of the mud, and the matched and candle were nice and dry. She struck one, lit the wick, and begand venturing cautiously inside.

The inside of the cave was fairly damp, so there wasnt any cobwebs, which was a relief, however there could still be things like rats and bugs, so she kept an eye out. After a while of walking, she noticed up ahead, a blueish light. Blinking, she quickened her pace, and exstinguished the candle. She gasped.

She had come to the end of the cave, where the river was located. It ran from a large hole in the right wall, to a hole in the left wall, to and from other unknown caverns. All along the ceiling, embedded in the damp rock, were sapphires, Huge blue sapphires, that illuminated the cave in a mystical blue glow. A crack in the ceiling letting a small amount of light in was responsible for this phenomenon; the light reflected back and fourth thousands of times between the water and the jewels. She'd never seen anything like it.


"Pretty~" Haku said wonderously, looking about. Arella nodded in agreement, placing her bag on the ground and untying her hair.


"I wonder who dug this place out..." She questioned out loud, placing Haku on the floor next to the river so she could unbutton her dress. "Monks maybe? As some kind of holy site?"


"I doubt it. I'd say this is an abandoned dragon cave. Normally us dragons prefer gold, but some have preferences for other things like sapphires, or diamonds, or even just pretty shaped rocks."


Arella laughed, dropped her clothes in a pile on the floor, and slipped into the cool water. She ducked under for a minute to rinse out her hair, then re-emerged to check her reflection. It felt good to get all that mud and sweat off; compared to when she was a maid, she'd been unrecognizable; dirty and tired. Now she was starting to look like her old self.

She turned and picked up haku, and brought the hatchling into the water to scrub off the dirt from the hatchlings blue scales.

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The track thinned a little in several places, but Lun was good at tracing the scent trail, and soon enough, Seth was standing outside the cave.

The entire time he'd been walking the path, the blonde was thinking of excuses for following her back, and reasons to keep her around. Lun had suggested some interesting ideas, and outside the entrance of the hole, Seth took the time to thank the hatchling for his plans.

The wyvern shrugged, "No problem. I know you've got a thing for her."

Seth froze, a single red-brown eye twitching, "What?" he sputtered a little too quickly. Lun only grinned knowingly and hopped from his arms to venture a little ways into the cavern. He paused and turned to gaze back at him with his crystal-blue eyes. Seth sighed and followed, stretching out his arms to feel his way along the wall so he wouldn't fall over. The whole time, Lun had a giant grin on his face as he realized something- 'Seth didn't say no.'


Light began to permeate the darkness, and Seth could hear the sounds of lapping water. He must be near the end of the cave. Lun had stopped suddenly in front of him, and the teen then realized what the hatchling was staring at.

Seth gasped before he could stop himself, eyes wide.

"Oh God..." he whispered, yet found himself unable to turn away.

Edited by Tariss

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Seths voice shocked Arella, and she turned, eyes wide, hair and face shockingly different from when she was caked with mud. She screamed when her mind regestered what was going on, ducking below the water and hiding herself so only her head showed.

"What the hell seth?!" She trilled, her voice quivering, face red, "I thought you were going to find the dragon tamers?!"


Haku, who had been sitting on the side at that point, blinked in confusion.

"What's wrong, Arella?"


"HE'S what's wrong! He came in while i was taking a bath!"




Arella facepalmed. That's right. Dragon babies didn't understand the concept of nudity.

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Seth was fully aware that his face had turned bright red, and he tore his eyes away, spinning to face the wall.

"I'm so sorry!" he managed to squeak out through a throat which decided that now was a good time to constrict.

Lun burst out laughing and approached the water, sliding in without so much as a qualm about Arella. Meanwhile Seth was struggling to stop his blush, and failing. "I- I don't know why I followed you!" all of those excuses suddenly sounded stupid and inplausible within his mind, and all he could think about was the sight he'd just seen.

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"J-Just get me a towel or something you idiot!"


She sunk lower so the water covered her blush of embarrassment. Once, one of the mistress' suitors, while the mistress was out, attempted to seduce her, even though he'd been almost twenty years her senior. men were liars; it wouldn't surprise Arella if Seth had walked in on purpose. She could bathe in the company of other women, even dragons or animals were fine, but men? that was just horrific!

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Seth hurriedly pawed through his bag, trying to find the set of towels he owned. It took him almost three minutes to find it, buried as it was.

"Here." he muttered, covering his eyes as he turned to her and threw the object to Arella. He hoped she'd catch it. For a moment, Seth found himself jealous of Lun, who was merrily swimming around without a care in the world. He was mortified.

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((Aaaah! What's happened when I went?))

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Kitsune swung her legs off the tree branch and merrily hummed a lighthearted tune, happy to see the hatchling go off with the human. It looked so happy..

Kitsune? What's this? She turned to see Zarazo prodding at the boy's forgotten sandwiches on the tree.

"Oh! He left them here? Well, I suppose I could bring them back to him. After all, he might know where Arella and Haku went!" With that she grabbed the sandwiches and hopped off the branch onto the floor, rushing into the forest. Zarazo glided behind her and neatly landed on her head, humming.

Sammaches, sanmichees, oh sanbanechiamichess~

She burst into laughter at his unusual song and began singing along as they searched.

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((I have NO idea what's going on!))

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((Where were you and what was happening when you left?))

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((Everyone was beating up the stone dragon, and Time had asked Ruination for help.))

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((Okay, so I've read back. it's about page 17 or so. Ruination is the magma dragon, right? Well, the characters haven't moved much. Time offered herself to the stone dragon in exchange for the nebula hatchling to be spared. Time escaped almost as soon as they reached the cave, along with another dragon hatchling. A vampire, if I remember correctly. Arella (dgray-girl's character) went with the group for a while as they tried to find a cure for Nyx's state. It was storming, and Arella got fed up with the group and escaped down a trail. She slipped and long story short she met up with my character (I'm new to the RP). His name is Seth.

While they mingled, Seth's dragon got lost and there was a big hullabaloo- Seth was slapped blah-de-blah, and then the majority of the characters ended up in a tree. Seth's hatchling was being attacked by canopy dragons, and the heroic group stepped in to save him.

Seth found them again, but left because he had feelings for Arella, and chased her back to a cave where she just so happened to be taking a bath and he walked in on her xd.png Ummm. The hatchling time rescued is in a cave right now interacting with a thorn dragon, I think. Kitsune is trying to find Seth becuase he left his sandwiches in the tree lol. I think that's about it. Any questions?))

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((What's Seth? laugh.gif ))

Ruination was licking her wounds in the shadows, tongue removing her hot blood from her sides. She looked calm despite her pain, humming quietly under her breath as she cleaned herself. Xander sat nearby, holding special fireproof bandages ready for when she was clean. "I can't believe we even got involved in this mess." he grumbled, so glad he had persuaded her to leave. He couldn't stand to see her injured. "Honestly..."

Well, we had to help. she said firmly.

Edited by Ruins

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Arella snatched the towel and quickly wrapped it around herself and fastened the top corner with a knot above her chest. She stepped out of the water, picked up her dirty clothes, and shoved them into Seth's arms.

"For pennance, YOU can wash them." she she quietly, not looking into his eyes. "I'm going to look for firewood."

Without another word, she picked up Haku, placed the baby on her bare shoulder, and quickly left, heading towards the entrance.


"I don't get it..." The daydream looked up at her foster mother. "What's the problem?"


"....Human boys arent allowed to see human girls naked. It's a rule we have..."


"Oh... But it was an accident right? Why were you so mean to him?"


Arella hesitated. "...I'm not fond of humans..."


"Eh? But you are one!"


"Exactly. Who better to know what humans are truly like then one who is one?"


That silenced Haku, to Arellas releif. She exited the cave; it had finally stopped raining and the sky was clearing. She begain looking around for usuable bits of wood. She DID actually feel guilty for yelling at Seth; after all he'd only ever been nice to her... But she wasn't going to let her guard down because he followed her when she ran away. She had to think only about haku and herself. no one else mattered.

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Seth blinked in surprise at the bundle of muddy clothing shoved roughly into his arms, and then glanced at the river before him. "Wash clothing?" he repeated in disbelief.

Slowly, Seth knelt and began to clean the mud from the garment, and Lun approached. "You're in trouble~" he teased, and deftly avoided a splash of water that Seth sent his way.

"You know, I could just have easily found the Tamers instead of doing this. Why did you say no?" the teen asked of his hatchling in uncharacteristic seriousness.

Lun floated silently, then regarded his foster-parent with a slightly tilted head, "It felt right. I sometimes dream about your past when you sleep. You gave it all up for me," he paused, watching a piece of bark float by, "it only seemed natural to give you something back. I just want to make you happy, because I'm not happy if you're unhappy."

Seth considered this for a while, then grinned, "That was hyper-deep for you, Lun! What have you been eating, you strange green reptile?"

The wyvern hatchling snorted in laughter and dived under the water with a splash, before apprearing on the other side of the channel, "I've been eating your sandwiches!"

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(BTW Time is leading them to Pure Pond, If Nynx drinks the water he will be turned back to his normal self, Vanlet joined the group because she wants to be a normal black dragon, Plus she looks up to Kreen like a big sister)


Time was happy for both the boy and the dragon to have found each other she then sensed Arella, whom she had not heard from in a while, flee into the forest with the boy following her. "Who was that boy and why is he following Arella?" Time, being worried for the girl followed the boy and his hatchling to a cave. She crept silently into the cave not making a sound when she heard Arella scream, Time quickened her pace, still not making a sound, and she came to the back of the cave and heard an angry Arella scolding the boy for looking at her naked. Time hid behind a rock so they wouldn't see her that’s all? He just saw her naked, what’s the problem with that? While the boy was washing the cloths Arella had told him to wash, she decided to make her move and introduce herself. She stepped out from behind the rock, but since she wasn't in battle to get her adrenalin rushing, her true nature came out. Time was getting shy and she found it hard to speak Um h-h-h-hello I am her throat went dry and she couldn't speak she just ran behind the rock again and hid. STUPID STUPID STUPID! WHY MUST I BE SO SHY! WHY CAN'T I JUST TALK TO HIM! Time was screaming at herself in her mind (when I write in Italic it means that is what my character is thinking) She then stopped and sunk deeper into the shadows hoping that the boy wouldn't see her but it was impossible to hide in the dark because the blue markings (that are all over her body) began to glow (this happens every time she enters darkness).



Vanlet was feeling dizzy because a few seconds earlier she was poisoned by the Thorn Dragon. Vanlet stood up, finding it hard to keep her balance, limped over to were the Thorn dragon lay. Let me ask you a question said Vanlet to the dragon Do you hate the Fang Clan? Because my new friends and I are on a mission to stop them! I came here by an accident but if you are looking for a fight I can give you a good one. I was the best fighter back in my clan (not fang clan) and I am willing to have a fight Vanlet narrowed her eyes and stood ready for attacking the enemy and dodging attacks. I have to get back to the others but I need that Antidote! Ugg can't focus losing feeling..........unnngh Vanlet started to loose conciseness she fell to the floor everything.......going.......black.................. Vanlet fainted motionless in front of and at the disposal of the Thorn Dragon.




(Don't worry Vanlet is not dead she only fainted because of the poison)


Edited by TimeFlame

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Kitsune ran along the forest, the pounding rain not bothering her for an instant. Zarazo's bright blue toungue popped out to meet his lips as he stared at the wrapped sandwitches, eyeing them hungrily. Maybe... We could have one? he flicked his tail and stared at Kitsune expectantly, who turned to gape at him in horror.

"What?! I'd never condone stealing! I'd rather starve! I'd-" a sudden growl emminating from her stomach silenced the pair as Zarazo lowered his head and stuck his tail in between his legs. After a few more minutes he sheepishly looked back up at the food.

Maybe... We could test them for poison...? He mumbled. Kitsune frowned and scooped him up into her arms, darting into a nearby cave to escape the rain. She wasn't going to answer that question, even if she was hungry. Sudden beams of light and the sound of rushing water drew her to a beautiful vein of sapphires dangling above an underground river, the sillouette of something huddled above the water's edge. She crept closer and gasped.

"Sammach-boy!" she ran to him, Zarazo clumsily running along energetically. The wyvern tripped over his own sparkling tail and fell into the river, where they both laughed as he swam around. Kitsune held the sandwitches out the the boy energetically. "Here! You left these in the- GREEN HATCHIE!" She stooped by Lun, staring him down for any cuts. "Are you alright little guy? Those canopy dragons left you alone after you left?" Zarazo dragged himself out of the water still giggling slightly before laying down, panting. He hadn't known he could swim.

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Time heard Kitsune Sammach-boy? who is that? she then heard a splash KITSUNE! ARE YOU OKAY?! Time, who was still to shy to move, she realiesed that she just gave away that she was here. She curled up as small as possable and went farther back behind the rock. OUCH MY TAIL! Time's tail was cut by a rock and out of the cut came blue temporal dragon blood.

Edited by TimeFlame

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Skyshriek got through the cave tunnel and came back to where the vampire eggs and hatchlings were. After seeing that no Fangclan member had returned, Skyshriek gave out a sigh of relief. Then she set the red-striped egg and the petrified sunrise down in the nest and waited for her clan to come back. While she was waiting, she thought to herself, 'Where the heck is everybody? They should've been back by now! Does it really take this long to go out and fight another clan?'

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((about time I post as Fang again, hmm?))

Fang soared above the treetops of the forest, clutching two eggs in his claws as he headed towards the cave deep in thought. He'd left the cave for quite some time with that deputy... Err, what was it's name...? Skycry, Skyshriek? Something like that... He wondered how it was. Hopefully things weren't so awful; otherwise, that deputy was going to pay in blood. As he landed in front of the cave he thought to himself in silence, letting the rain pour onto him. His enormous black body caused the ground to shake slightly as he trudged into the cave, shaking the rain off his wings. He was one of the only non-vampire dragons in the Clan, leaving him without the mindless bloodlust that most vampires had and left him able to think clearly. However, that left him able to die. He groaned as he realized he'd soon need a mate to produce an heir. Vampires couldn't mate... He frowned slightly as he mached into the Vampire hatchery to check in on the latest batch of slaves, his personal vampire slave running up to greet him and bowing low to the ground.

"My Lord," he murmured, raising his head slightly. "Any eggs you wish to convert are ready at your command."

Fang grunted and stalked towards the pile of fresh eggs, still thinking of the topic of a mate. What irritated him most about it was the fact that whomever ended up as his mate would have to rule by his side... What a pain. He spotted Skyshriek suddenly and adressed her.

"Deputy. Report. What progress have you made during my absence?"

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(Erm... Too much pages...)

Kreen stretched out on the cave floor, calmed by the underground river.

I wonder what that Stone is doing now... it would have been coming stomping after us... Maybe it found some other poor dragons to harass.

She sighed. The Stone would always haunt her mind, although not more than Myse's thoughts and feelings. But she felt tied to her as tight as brambles.

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Skyshriek saw that Fang had returned and thought, 'Finally, I almost died from boredom. Guess I got to tell him everything.' She cleared her throat and told her story, "Well Fang if you want to know what kind of day I had, I was busy patrolling when a young female human came into the cave and stolen that pygmy hatchling that converted into a vampire. I thought the pygmy would resist the human, since vampires would only obey those they have been bitten by, but unfortunately it chose the girl over his new clan. So I labeled it a traitor and went after the fleeing children in an attempt to kill them both when their human-loving friends came and got in my way. I tried to fight them and I've successfully wounded two of them. Then I was about to do the same thing to the third and last of them, a temporal hatchling named Time, but she offered to go with me back to the cave to join the clan in return for me letting the humans go. I accepted and we both came back here together. But as we were waiting for your return, Vanlet came and whispered something into Time's ear. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but then they said that they were going to the restroom area. I let them go and told them not to take long, but they never came back. So when I went there, I found out that they had planned an escape and that Time tricked me. From now on, I was never going to believe a word she said. Now that I had two less traitor hatchlings in the clan, I had to go out and find replacements for them." Then she showed Fang the egg and the sunrise and said, "And these two were who I found before coming back here."

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Fang glared at her for several silent seconds, seething in anger. "...you mean to tell me that you were defeated... And tricked... By children?" He was ready to kill her when she suddenly showed him the replacements that she had managed to capture and he put down the eggs he was holding next to Skyshriek's. "...I'll spare your life this time, Deputy, since you managed to get replacements for your foolishness. Not to mention how few non-vampire recruits we have..." he glanced at his slave for a moment and then to the eggs, becoming towards them. The vampire eyed them greedily and pounced onto the red stripped one, getting ready to sink it's fangs into it. "Wait." the vampire stopped suddenly, looking at his master in confusion. "Spare the Sunrise hatchling. I wish to assign my Deputy a... Mission, of sorts." he picked up the Sunrize and unfroze the horrified hatchling, walking into a corner of the hatchery and becoming for Skyshriek to follow. The vampire licked his lips and dug his teeth into the red egg, moaning with satisfaction to his seemingly endless thirst.

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