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Rose of the Dragon

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"Fair enough," Merleawe replied as she finished packing up an additional tent. "She seems to like Kiro a bit, could he do that soothing job? At least temporarily?" Mel asked. she was loading each item she finished packing into the sled that Alexia would drag across the ground. "I missed out on the excitement earlier since I was with Alessa for a while, so do you think you can tell me what was meant when she said the hatter described me as 'spicy'?" she asked a little bit later once most everything was packed away.

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"Hn? Oh, she meant that I, as Zani, said you were. Alessa refers to herself as the Hatter. And what I said was that you and Setheiry have very feisty personalities if you let yourselves. Alessa, simply miss heard what i said. Hence, why I was laughing at her." Alexia set about collecting Njoine's and Lydon's tent and the last of the two's supplies. She made short work of the pack holding Njoine's blood and the packs with Lydon's clothes. "Alessa rarely ever uses someones given name. So, don't be suprised if she uses the one she picked for you more then your real name."

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"Heh, well I suppose the personality can be like that. As for the nickname, I don't think I mind that really." Merleawe replied as she finished with another pack. In short order the two of them had finished cleaning up the camp and had prepared for travel. "So how did you join this group Alexia?" Mel asked patiently.

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Crystal blushed when Lydon planted a kiss on her cheek. She was all butterflies but leaned back into Lydon's arms as he hugged her. "I was scared too." She then patted Artorious to let him know they were ready.


Rawver knew that the were was talking about the decendant. He could come for her another time but he needed his dragon rider back as well.

Kiro leapt forward at the Rebel leader and lashed out with his claws outstretched. Rawver dodged to the side and slipped into his giant red dragon form. He hissed angrily and swung his tail at the wolf, slamming him against a nearby tree. He then looked to Alex and her captors and charged at them.

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Alex bowed her head and tilted it slightly to add to the respect, for she couldn't exactly bow. "Master." ,she said it kindly, but with a hint of apologies for failing.


Ezio had no intentions of letting the fox shifter go, but he had glanced at Kiro anyway, only to see he has set on Rawver. The air elemental held onto Alex as she tried to get away when Rawver shifted into a dragon. He glanced up as Kiro was thrown against a tree, and the Rebel dragon charged at them. Ezio used air currents to help him jump high above the dragon.


Vuelasor rolled over, trying to crush Njoine and the younger Assassin climbing on her.


Setheiry jumped and rolled to the side, before running to help Njoine with the white dragoness.


The eagle perched on her shoulder, flew off and went down to Kiro, before shifting. "I know you don't trust me, that's understandable, but would you have me accompany Crystal in this change of events?" Altair knew the wolf wouldn't like the idea, but with the Rebel leader showing up, the girl needed all the help possible.


Alexdria growled and shoved her foot behind her, hitting the unsuspecting Assassin where it hurts. The elemental collapsed and they landed back on earth. Alex then ran up to her master and lowered her head in apologies, waiting for a quick order to follow without hesitation.

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((I didn't figure she'd manage to hang on to Vuelasor.


*Dances around* I got my new phone. It's the Samsung Focus, Windows 7 phone.))


Njoine cursed as she felt the dragon's body go to one side and re-tightened her claws to try and hang on. She was confident she'd survive the roll. It was whether or not she could hang on or not that had her worried. When her back hit the ground, the air was forced from her lungs with a cry of pain as her head hit too. She managed to cling to be consciousness but not the dragon. On it's return to it's feet, Njoine lost her grip with one hand and the other was forced free with her own body weight. Not waiting to catch her breathe, after her second impact to the ground, Njoine staggered to her feet and attempted to rush back at the dragon. Definitely going to be feeling this tomorrow, but I don't think anything broke. Over-grown Lizard.




"I'd say don't ever leave me like that again, but I know that it's bound to happen and... And, well, I have no right to say anything like that. Not being you know, a relative or even your boyfriend, who I'm sure misses you. Can I ask that you promise to come back?" Lydon laid his forehead on Crystal's shoulder not bothering to watch the take off. He did however do as Alexia barked at him to. Though why the shifter felt the need to use a jumbled mix of French Spanish and Italian, confused the human. Shrugging, Lydon dutifully slid his own phone into Crystal's waistband. "Sorry. I ramble when I'm nervous and between you being taken and Njoine probably doing something stupid. That's two important women in my life that are gonna drive me to0 an early grave."



Alexia nodded pleased to see the camp was loaded for everyone, including the Assassins. She gave an amused snort at Mel's question. As the hitch was loaded, Alexia arranged her body so that when she shifted the hitch would not need anything but to be tied in the front to prevent it from falling. Her shift from human to equine was smooth. "If you mean just Njoine and Lydon, that's a bit of a story. If you mean the Dracona, Njoine has both my respect and Alessa's loyalty. She called asking Kristine for help Alessa's help. So, we came. We aren't like you and Lydon, Alessa and I. Njoine looks to us as her sisters, but knows that the life debt between us makes us her servant. That's why Alessa introduced herself as she did. We could leave at anytime we wish, but honor holds us. To save ones life makes you responsible for it. Alessa simply has a strange way of going about it."

Edited by Mijikoi

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Kiro shook his head and looked to the assasin. He did not trust this one completly but Crystal did. "Yes, Go quickly!" He then stood and ran after the dragon again.


Rawver skidded to a stop. Alex had gotten loose and all he needed was her dragon to be set loose. "Tell her to tuck and get ready. I'm going to roll her." He then lunged at the dragoness. His larger size making it easy to hit her with his nose and proceed to tumble the dragon along the ground, loosing her captors. He then was taken by surprise as a pain shot through his wing. He looked back to see the were tearing at it. He snarled and Kiro leapt out of the way before Rawver's jaws closed on air.


Crystal smiled, "Well, I don't have family or a boyfriend, and yes I promise." Crystal then kissed his cheek and smiled.

Edited by RavynWolf

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Alex did as she was told and Vuelasor responded almost before Alex had told her. The dragon then shot a few blasts of fire at the little pests before jumping into the air. When Kiro attacked Rawver, Alex decided that the werewolf was starting to get on her nerves. The girl shifted into a fire fox in a burst of sparks and jumped on his back, and heated up causing a nice burn. Vuelasor flew low to the ground and Alex grabbed onto her tail, escaping the Dracona quickly. She shifted into a human and settled between her dragons shoulder blades.



Altair didn't take time to nod or make sure, he just bolted towards the camp. He tried to push Setheiry out of his mind, but she was groaning and in pain after crawling into the treeline. He passed right by her and slipped a note into one of her pouches, she'd find it. About then he shifted to catch up with the black dragon just taking off.



Ezio was trying to stay away from the red dragons feet. Being under a dragon who didn't know you were there, was worse than being in front of a dragon who did know. The elemental managed to slip out as Rawver turned to snap at Kiro. He then dashed to the tree line at the sight of Setheiry. "Are you alright?" She looked up at him, knowing he was trying to help, but finding a comeback anyway. "Was that rhetorical?" He rolled his eyes. "Yes. Can you still fight?" She let go of her side and took in a deep breath, that ended in coughing. "Nope, but I'll have to."


Ezio ran over to Njoine. "What do we do? Seth can't fight, but Crystal got away with Lydon and Altair. I doubt we can take down Rawver, but if we can distract him long enough..." He left the suggestion hanging. Waiting for her to answer.



Artorius was aware of something landing on him, but as the eagle let him know who it was, he relaxed and alerted Lydon and Crystal of their extra protection. He stayed an eagle, contendetly perched on one of the black dragons spikes just before his tail started.

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"I'm really getting tired Rebels. Especially, ones that can kick my asino." Njoine hauled herself back to her feet after her failed leap for the female dragon. She sent a baleful look at Ezio for his question, but otherwise went about seeing how she could help Kiro. Her leopard form would be useless. She also had the sneaking suspicion that she had a concussion. Njoine blinked away the black spots, before shoving Ezio back toward Setheiry. "Yeah, I'll be fine, amico. I mean the dragon that was on top of me was light as a feather and hitting the ground felt like landing on a rose petal bed. Call Alessa and have her get your girl and she'll be fine. Then go follow the other one. Make sure she can't get to m'Lady. Since I can't follow them in the air, I'll help Kiro. I'm sure that's the plan as far as the over-grown lizard duo and their pet fox go."


Njoine studiously watched Rawver and Kiro, she'd be sorry for being short with her friend later. Now she was in pain and the enemy had been far to close to Crystal for comfort. Njoine waited until she spotted an opening and went for the dragon's neck, maintaining her humaniod form. Being as the dragon was very much larger then her small frame, Njoine dug her nails in to hold on and attempted to sink her teeth in as well. If nothing else she'd distract the dragon-shifter long enough for Kiro to do damage. She'd be darned if the best effort she gave to help Kiro and Crystal was a failed attempt to restrain a dragon. Honestly, I'm a far better tracker then I am a fighter and one of these days I'm going to admit that out loud. Dear Dia, I'm going to hurt tomorrow.



"Well, um,yes. I'm sure you'll meet your Mr. Right sooner or later." Lydon bit his cheek to hide his goofy smile, but couldn't stop the flush from coloring his cheeks. He coughed into a fist and cleared his throat before giving Altair a greeting. After a moment Lydon leaned forward to whisper into Crystal's ear. "Make sure you keep that phone on you. Alexia can track it and if you drop it somewhere when you're on foot, Njoine can track you from there. It's her specialty, you know. Um, that's if you get caught again. Which you won't, but it's best to be prepared."

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((I was thinking of getting Mel into the fight, think you'd mind? I'd probably have her make a successful transformation...))

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((sure, just be aware she'll be I giant monster at that point if its a fight))


Merleawe had left the camp in search of the fight she felt brewing to find Njoine and several others embroiled in a brawl. I can't do anything like this... please just left me change to help my friends... she thought desperately as she watched the tide of the fight progress. She wanted to help, and more then just a bit of her wanted to fight for the sake of fighting as well. Immediately after that thought was realized, she fell to her knees as what felt like a strong chill swept across her body. In an instant fur began to grow across her body and her face began to change, all moving towards the massive wolf from from before. Her body swelled from her clothes, and four small seams of black appeared on her back that quickly began to sprout.

Edited by jaina

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((Yeah... but they're slightly battle worn so that might...okay not really. Vuelasor can fall out of the air 'cause her wings hurt from Njoine, and then Alex can fall elsewhere.))

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((I think Merleawe might almost be a match for the dragon if she had full control, for starters she's damn big when she's transformed, people could ride her. Regardless, she's shifting, start how you want, I edited my earlier))

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Kiro yelped when the fox had landed on his back. He fell from the red dragon and tumbled along the ground. He watched as the fox caught the silver dragon and took off. Kiro then looked back to the more imidiate threat. The red dragon watched his rider leave and grinned. He had atleast gotten her out of thier grasp. He would need to intensify her training when he got back.


He then looked at the were and the rest of the group. He decided he would have a bit more fun with them before taking off himself. He charged forward at the were with his maw open and claws outstretched. Kiro leapt out of the way and the dragon went on the the next creature, Njoine.

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((Sorry, had to get off.))


Vuelasor tried to stay in the air, but with the ache around her wing joints, it was quite difficult. "Just a little more, we can make it." Her rider assured. "A 'little more' is the rest of the way to the Hideout!" She snapped. Alex rolled her eyes and shifted in her seat. "Could you fly without me on your back?" Vuelasor sent a mental nod/shrug, but wasn't sure. Alex had already hopped off and was slowing her decent to the ground, while Vuelasor skimmed the tree tops. Without Alex, it was a little easier, and so she headed back to the Rebel Hideout.


The fire elemental hit the ground running, and didn't bother to stop. She was still in the groups territory, and she could smell the camp ahead, as well as someone closer. She growled and unsheathed her sword, letting some fire trickle down the blade. The fire cast shadows around, and might scare off the wolf, unless it was a shifter, then again it still might scare them off. She shifted her claws, tail, eyes, and ears, ready to fight. Her fangs glistened in a snarl as she looked around.



Ezio had nodded to the female and went after the pair. He saw Alex drop, but then he caught the scent of Mel and continued after the white dragon. Vuelasor had landed off in a clearing, well it was now, and he headed right for it.



Setheiry heard Njoine and Ezio and didn't want to leave them, but she had to. The girl turned her back on the two protectors and limped back to camp. The feline shifter it to the tiny clearing, and leaned against one of the trees. "Alexia..." ,she groaned. Her eyes blank from pain looked towards her, trying to stay open.

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Merleawe had fully transformed; and for once, she was a aware of what was going on and her movements. She spotted an unfamiliar person falling down through the trees towards the ground and set direction right for her. She let out an instinctual howl of challenge as she barreled at her opponent before leaping into an attack, her front paws out with claws ready to stab and crush the enemy. The dark sprouts on her back had fully formed into large black wings that allowed her to move even faster towards her target.

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Alex looked up to see this huge thing jump at her, and without time to think, she jumped and rolled to the side. What is that thing? ,she thought to herself. With her sword glinting with fire she cut at it's haunches before jumping back.



Vuelasor sat up and folded her wings delicately against her back. She whimpered and looked back to where she knew her rider was. She then looked up as a scent came to her. Her teeth were bared and she growled a challenge, even though she was sure she couldn't last much longer. She scoffed when she saw it was the elemental b@st@rd, alone. "You are the cocky type aren't you?"


Ezio landed from his extremely high jump and grinned up at the dragon. "You injured my help." ,he explained. Then he jumped at her with his sword drawn. Vuelasor rose on her hind legs and reached out with her claws and teeth, as he came right towards them.


((I has evil idea! No one interrupt Ez and V's fight till it's basically over, and even then don't jump in and fight.))

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Merleawe had almost landed on her target when the woman slashed at her with a burning sword. The blade cut a very shallow wound across her stomach directly below her belly button. The wound wasn't deep, the sword had met great resistance from the toughness of her flesh. Still, Mel roared in pain as she lunged forward, one hand grabbing at the woman's sword while her other reached for her chest. Merleawe could feel how her instincts were telling her what to do, and she was following them, but for once she was really in control.

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Alex's sword flew from her grasp, some of the fire on it alighting the ground. She was also thrown across the field with three long cuts across her back. She had turned at the last second to save her vital parts. She pushed herself up from the ground, but rolled onto her back, black coloring her vision from the pain. She could slightly feel the fire around her, and she used it to her advantage, creating a circle around them and keeping the beast from fleeing. "Get out of this before it closes in on you..." she growled snidley. The fire was two feet thick, and almost five feet high. She may not have had enough rider training, but she had years of fire training. She stayed on the ground, unable to move at the moment.



Vuelasor caught him in one of her claws and pushed him to the ground. Ezio slowed the fall and struggled between her claws. She tried to breath fire, but Ezio took her oxygen away and she stopped trying. She snorted and snapped down at his head, only to meet his sword as he got one hand free. She whined and shook her head, the metallic taste coming to her tongue after a moment. She backed up and let him free, deciding he was too good of an opponent to waste by crushing him to death. "You're an interesting little sprite." ,she commented.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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"STOP THROWING ME AROUND!!" Italian and French expletives flowed from Njoine's mouth as she stood from were she'd been tossed again. She was really getting annoyed with how easy it was for her to be tossed around. A combination of the growing headache ringing between her ears and the twinging in her back, made the feline shifter growl. She looked up in time to see Kiro dodging Rawver. Njoine jerked back when the dragon went for her before executing a jump. One both feet were well off the ground, she twisted in the air to claw at Rawver's face.



Alexia shifted back to her human form and rushed to Setheiry's side. The equine shifter immediately began to check for the worse injuries before going to collect Njoine's medical kit. Alexia wasn't as good at first aid as her counterpart, but she knew her way around a bandage, a thing Njoine had insisted all her friends knew. "Sit down, girl, before you fall over. After I bandage you up, we'll be leaving. Since I'm assuming your having trouble walking you'll have to lay on the pack while I lead it."

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Merleawe was mildly aware of flames leaping around to surround her and her opponent. Disregarding them though, she reached down and slowly closedone of her massive hands around the woman's chest, clamping her arms to her side. "A live prisoner is worn much more than a dead one," she said quietly to the woman after lifting her up to her face. She took a moment t spread her four wings as wide as possible before quickly pumping them as she pushed hard from the ground to take flight. In an instant the two of them were rising above the flames before Mel moved them out from within the ring of flames. She touched down a few moments after clearing the flames and headed towards a stray stream of foreign cursing she heard that was likely Njoine. She didn't want to admit it right now, but part of the reason she had taken her opponent was because she didn't want to be a murder. At least anyone more of one then she was already.

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Alex wriggled and hissed, trying to get out, but every move rubbed her scratches against Mel's rough fur. She really didn't want to have to do this, but if Rawver saw she'd been captured, she'd never hear the end. The girl looked the creature right in the eyes, her fangs bared. She let her inner flame build, but held it down, then as she couldn't hold it any longer she let it out in an explosion. It was small, and controlled, but it was white hot and meant to burn more than anything. The flames around her shaped themselves like feathers and she appeared to look like a phoenix.



Ezio circled around, the dragon matching his stride. She started growling and faked jumping at him a few times. After she faked one more time Ezio made a gust of air blow her back against the trees, and with her wings outstretched that wasn't as hard as it would've been. She landed on her side and tried to snap at him as he jumped with his sword pointed at her. She moved her wing to protect herself and roared in pain as the silver metal cut through the thin membrane. Ezio was then thrown into the trees as she flicked her wing.


He dropped his sword and landed in a mass of limbs in the tree branches and a few spiky vines. Groaning, he pulled himself onto another branch without the vines. He looked over himself at the moment and saw tons of minor cuts turning red around the edges of the torn white fabric. A bigger scratch around his arm was worse and so he took part of his sash and tied it up. The white dragon snarled as she spotted him, and lunged.


No more playing, she was going to kill him this time. Ezio could see this, and felt a small pang of fear and sadness, he wasn't doing to well.



Setheiry nodded and did as she was asked, wondering what was happening, and wishing she could have helped.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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The instant the woman seemed to burst into flame, heat roaring over her hand, Merleawe's first reaction was to clench both hands in pain. A realization of what was in her hand was all that kept her from crushing the woman. Mel held on though, roaring in frustration as the flames engulfed her forearm, taking on the appearance of a bird. In reply, she applied a bit more force to her grip, squeezing her captives chest as she made a near worthless attempt to douse the flames by swinging her hand around. "You stop burning, I'll stop squeezing." she cursed at the woman who was likely close to passing out from the pressure.

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