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Rose of the Dragon

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Njoine giggled when she watched Kiro set Crystal up with the harness. When Lydon looked between the packs he knew Njoine would make him carry and the Crystal, Njoine threw a pebble that knocked against his shoulder in reprimand. It was one of the rules she'd set on him since he was a child. He carried the packs to keep himself in shape even if the only walked. She feared that if he didn't get any exercise that he'd lose the speed that she'd had him build up. Being to slow meant being easily caught.Her giggle returned when Lydon huffed and nodded his acceptance of her wishes.


"That's good. I imagine the quicker we get there, the easier everyone will relax. I'll be able to send word to Mentor that I'll be unavailable to him for longer than I I originally told him." She tilted her head to the side as she thought of the other things she'd need to do once it was safe to do so. "Should probably get in touch with the gypsies too. They may have heard something useful. What do you think, Lady Crystal, Sir Kiro?"

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Artorius stood next to his bonded partner, ready when she was. His mismatched eyes watched as the older assassin walked into camp and went to his apprentice.


"Go get our things, then I want to tell you something" he ordered. It was time to stop keeping things from her. Setheiry nodded and grabbed their packs, following him a little ways from the others and out of earshot. "Yes?" she asked curiously. "I'm sorry about not telling you everything." he said first. "And I need to tell you about your parents." he continued. Setheiry listened intently, but didn't know if she wanted to know. "Your mother was a shifter, she could shift into a Mountain Lion, and your father was also a shifter." he started. "So...I'm a shifter?" the curios girl asked. Altair nodded before continuing. "Your mother did me a great favor. She saved my life, and entrusted me with yours." he said putting a hand on her shoulder. Setheiry smiled up at him, she knew he cared for her, but it was different when he openly said it. The younger Assassin embraced her teacher, who returned the gesture, before they headed back to the group. They were halfway to the camp, within view, when a thought occurred to Setheiry. "Altair? What kind of shifter was my father? You never did say." she asked absentmindedly. Altair didn't say anything for a moment, and she figured he was trying to remember. "He was an Eagle shifter." he replied, knowing he should tell her.


((Family ties! Sue me, I like this dramatic crap happy.gif .))

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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((To make it short: everyone is at the camp packing up to leave. Nothing really happened besides conversations between characters that didn't effect anyone but those speaking. Crystal is in Dragon form so Jess could shift and talk to her if you want to do that.))

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((MWAHAHA I love it!!))


Crystal and Kiro watched as the two assasins walked away from earshot. "Are you sure about them?" Kiro asked her. The white dragon nodded her head and placed her paw over her heart. "My heart trusts them." Kiro had a worried look on his face but nodded. He would still keep an eye on them until he knew for sure.

Crystal made a humming noise and touched her nose to Artorious' nose. She was ready to move and was waiting for the group to finish packing.

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Setheiry headed over to Lydon and felt almost as if she had ditched him. She gave a halfhearted smile and shook her head as if Altair had said something besides what he had said. She wasn't human. She didn't feel different, but still...


Altair nodded to Kiro. "We're ready when you are." the vampire stated.

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Kiro nodded to the vampire and looked at Crystal before shifting to his wolf form and began to lead the way. If they could keep moving until night fall then they might make it to the counsel within the week. So long as they moved like this everyday. Crystal followed Kiro, not knowing how long they would be walking until the next time they rested so she tried hard to reserve her energy.

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Njoine scooped a two packs that Lydon could not carry and double checked that he was set to go. On his back he had the three packs for clothes. The empty pack they used for Njoine's blood hung at his waist. In his right hand, he carried the pack for his own foods and in the other was the miscellaneous item items that Njoine and he sometimes needed. Satisfied that Lydon had things well in hand, Njoine picked up the tent pack and her cubs toy pack. When she glanced at the two leopard cubs, Njoine couldn't restrain her giggle.


Alice was following close behind Kiro and mimicking his steps. Her brother, however, was following behind Crystal trying to help her drag the things. When he worked out that he couldn't help the female dragon, Drake walked up to Njoine and demanded in his own fashion she give him a harness. Njoine laughed and set the little cub up with a pack and sent him off to Crystal to show her. The male cub preened in front of Crystal, pleased he could show that he was helping out. Rather then take the rear, Njoine left Lydon to watch the back with who ever chose to stay near him and Mel. She, on the other hand, set about staying close to Crystal and Kiro. "If you need a rest Lady Crystal, don't hesitate to tell us. Pushing yourself to work hard is a god thing, but pushing too hard can hurt more then not."



"So, you look a little unbalanced?" Lydon wasn't really sure what to talk about, so he let his brain filter break to ask a question.He mentally kicked his brain when he caught the question and sighed. He would wait for everyone to take their place while walking, before he took to the rear with Mel if she agreed. Really, Njoine's idea of forming family bonds left a lot for Lydon to desire. He cared for Mel same as Njoine, but she did need to stop always pairing them off. He rather thought he got on well with his prowl-sister, as Njoine had him address her. "Have you met la mia sorella cerca di preda? She's the really big kick butt wolf. Well, and vampire too. Oh, I think you'd like her. Also, if you need an ear, I've got two. Like I told Crystal, it's all I'm good for. That and distraction and running."

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Jess had very little to pack as she traveled light, she saw Crystal in her dragon form. Walking into a bigger space she shifted into her crystal blue gem dragon form, she hook her bad through her tail and it lodged itself behind one of the spikes on it. Walking over to Crystal she stood by her side, "to the next big adventure then" she said with a tooty grin raising an eyebrow at her and the next of the group.

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((Looky! My Assassin Robes!! I'm still thrilled!!))


Altair fell in step a little behind Nijoine, but off to the side of everyone else. his thoughts were racing and he didn't know whether to tell Setheiry or to let her find out. She hadn't taken kindly to everything else when she discovered it. Another thought occurred to him, was Setheiry part vampire too? She hadn't shown any signs, but he was born a vampire not bitten. This wasn't the thing he wanted to worry about at the moment...


Setheiry laughed at the little cub, she was quite fond of him she realized. "No I don't think I've had the pleasure." she answered. "You might be good for other things." she said trying to cheer him up.


((Here's Ezio's sheet:


Username: ShadowDragonmouse23

rp name: Ezio Auditore Da Firenze

Creature: Pure Air Elemental

History: Raised in Florence Italy his father and two brothers were killed when he was seventeen in. No matter how long ago that was, he still remembers. It's been over a few hundred years and since then. His mother and sister died in a fire a few years after his father and brothers were murdered. He was once going through Florence again on business, when he saved a young vampire from drowning. He and Altair have been friends from then on. He also try's to keep in touch with Nijoine through letters after helping save Lydon.

Side:Dracona Rosella, but not really known by them.

Description: One Two Three Four, my favorite.


That's really all I got for the History...))

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((Ezio is in))

Kiro looked back at little Alice and gave a wolfish grin. Crystal watched the cubs and licked Drakes face approvingly when he came back pulling his own pack. She then looked up at Jess and returned the dragon smile. "Yep, Yet another adventure. World's to full of them not to." She then shook her head. "I am fine Njoine. If it gets too bad I will let you know, but so far everything is fine."

Edited by RavynWolf

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((I figured since she liked Ezio, she'd keep in touch with him? Oh and how old are Njoine and Kiro?))


"Of course, m'Lady." Njoine gave a wry smile to Crystal before adjusting her stride to fall in line next to Altair and leaving Crystal to her cousin and guardian. She was tempted to call her gypsy friend, but the thought of using the cell phone tucked in the clothes pack didn't please her. She'd bought and paid for five phones. One she'd sent to Ezio as a gift, but she assumed he never got it or he'd had his own. One for Mentor and Kristine, one for the gypsy she spoke to regularly, and then one for herself and Lydon each. Setting the idea to make a call aside, but retrieving the phone anyway, Njoine eyed Altair. Sighing at herself for allowing her mistrust of the general to affect her judgment of the single. "I won't apologize for not trusting you. I will, however, apologize for being so blatantly rude about it. I do have a question for you in return for your earlier question."


"Well, there is the entertainment value I provide. Other then that, I'm all legs and being thrown across a room. On that note, never wake Njoine up if she's sleeping in her human form. Makes for the throwage." Lydon had dug out and tossed the cell phone to Njoine while he spoke. He gave Setheiry a smile to let her know he was teasing her in part. He hadn't been joking about Njoine's reaction. It'd been during one of his more rebellious points that he'd woken her despite her warnings. "Can't figure out why she's such a touchy sleeper in that form though. Might have something to do with her padre, Fir'de Sakimi. She's never really told me that whole story. Ah, merda, I have to stop talking so much."



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((That works. I am uncertain of that, but perhaps five hundred years or so?))


"I understand you not trusting me. It would be unwise to do so." He answered, adding the last part after after a seconds thought. He waved off her apology, she hadn't been as rude as others had been. Besides that fact, it was almost fun having her act like she did. "And what would this question be?"


She gave a small laugh and smiled. "I'll remember not to do that." she commented. "Perhaps, but then what will we do?" she asked him seriously.


((Idea's for Ezio?))

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((You could have him drop in and start a play fight with Altair. Or have him call Njoine. As for their age. Kiro has to be older then the search and Njoine was born a decade after the search started.))


"I suppose I should be at least grateful you decided not to use me as a pincushion. While I still don't trust you, I do admit that m'Lady could use all the protection that we are able to gather. Especially, since I believe il mio censorkip.gif***o di un padre is following us." Njoine failed to keep her amusement hidden. She settled on being honest and frank with Altair. It would suite her needs better to not have open hostility with him till she found out if he knew her friend. Remembering her question for him, Njoine fiddled with her shirt. Caving into her feline curiosity, as she was genuinely curious as to why he would assume such, Njoine spoke up. "Why would you believe I would know your Ezio? Although if your Ezio is as big a flirt as mine, do not be surprised if I attempt to throw him in the closest river. Only thing that ever stopped me from hunting down the Ezio that I know, is that i owe him my cub's life."



"Hm. That's a good point. Although, Njoine might eat me if I play 'I spy' one more time. I don't know if I've annoyed Mel with it yet." Lydon stared at the packs he held in his hands. Finally sighing, Lydon shrugged. "Yeah, all I can come up with is talking. So, uh, what's you favorite color?"

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Merleawe had broken down her own tent and prepared herself to accompany the rest of the group. It was a simple matter for her to be prepared, and when the group moved out, she moved with them, keeping pace as she did so. She trailed a bit behind Nijoine though, curious as to what she was speaking about, but not wanting to but in on the conversation. She clenched and unclenched her fists though, she was frustrated still that she couldn't control herself when she changed, but she was glad she hadn't harmed her friends. It was just so alarming and worrisome to be unable to control oneself she thought as she walked.

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Kiro padded along ahead of everyone. He noticed that Njoine had actually started to speak to Altair. He wondered what they were talking about, but shrugged and moved on. He thought of the counsel and what would happen when they got to them. He then shook his head and tried not to think.


Crystal followed Kiro and kept looking back at Lydon with Setheiry. She shifted her wings a bit as something kept eating at her. But she shrugged it off when she couldn't figure out what it was.

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((T.T Was not supposed to be this long of a post.))


A small blond woman watched the odd group her two friends walked with from a distance. Hazel green eyes shone with a childish light as the woman suppressed a giggle at having been unnoticed by the group. Blinking, she tilted her head to the side as though listening to someone. After a moment, the blond wrinkled her nose in annoyance and wagged a finger at the stuffed penguin in her arms. The penguin had the name 'Zanipolo' etched into one of the wings, while the other read 'Alessa De Luca'.

The woman, Alessa, straightened her white skirt that was trimmed in black with a small huff directed at the toy. With a shake of her head she thought back to why she was here.



"Alessa, do you think you'd be able to track down Njoine?" Kristine asked Alessa, whom was playing with a deck of uno cards. Across from Alessa, Zanipolo leaned against the table precariously. Plucking a card from the set placed before Zanipolo, Alessa nodded.

"As long as Cheshire has the phones she had me help her pick out, Zani can find her or anyone she sent them too."

And if I can't then, the gypsy friend of Njoine's can tell us were to look. A voice whispered to Alessa from within the confines of the girl's mind. Alessa looked to Zani as the voice spoke to her. I get the feeling we'll need to make quick work of finding her.

"Zani agrees that we should have no trouble. If the worst comes in to play, Zani and I know there are other ways to catch a mouse." Alessa gave a giggle of childish delight as she collected her cards and her stuffed companion. She turned a confused pout down to the stuffed animal in her arms. "We'll leave as soon as I'm fully dressed. Zani says that Alessa should not run about in her knickers."


After that it had simply been a matter of listening carefully to Zani as the penguin walked her through how to track Njoine's encrypted signal. When they'd lost her signal, Alessa had grown both terrified and angry at the possible loss of her friends' lives and lost consciousness. When she'd awakened, she found her self in a city and once more on Njoine's trail via a cellphone triangulater. On her way to meet up with the group Alessa had stumbled over Kouki and giggled as she picked up the snake and set about being in the path of the group.


"Should I call Donna Kristine or let Cheshire, do so?" Tilting her head again, Alessa broke out into giggles once more and sat on a tree branch over hanging the group's path. She was pleased with the place picked, as it was both a sturdy and low hanging branch. "Now all we must do is wait for the Rabbit to lead them here. After all poor Alice has to meet the Hatter. Or is she Dorothy this time. Either is likely, Zani. Both wish to go home. And Cheshire's friend has her own very large Toto."

Edited by Mijikoi

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"Yes he can be a tad flirtatious..." the vampire said, gritting his teeth at the memory of trying to keep him away from Setheiry. He hadn't noticed his hand grip his sword hilt so hard his knuckles turned white. He relaxed his hand and dropped it to his side before continuing. "You are Italian, and perhaps actually lived there. You are also not human and most non-human creatures tend to stumble upon one another. It was a wild guess, but it wouldn't have hurt to ask."


"Really Lydon? The very-first ice-breaking question?" she said smiling jokingly. "Hm. I do very much like sapphire blue, but my favorite has to be dark crimson. Blood red." she said certainly. "What's yours?"


A white shadow flew through the forest with great speed. Seeming to not even touch the ground, but that would be because he wasn't touching it. He couldn't smell as well as a wolf, but he felt the scents hanging on the air. He ran straight into a tree and went up it. The air elemental watched as the small group passed his hiding place about fifty feet away. Grinning to himself, his smile the only visible thing from the shadow of his hood, he caused a short breeze to blow his scent towards his amici.


Altair tilted his head to scent the air without having to take in a lot of air. A familiar scent caught his attention and he decided to 'play' like he always did with the younger assassin. He heard the sword pull out of it's sheath as a rush of white headed towards him. Altair blocked easily and grinned at his opponent. "You're going to loose again." he said. "Not this time."

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Kiro caught a whiff of something on the air and growled. He then looked back and noticed that Altair had a grin on his face. Had the vampire tricked them and led them into a trap? He growled viciously until the white blur caught his attention. Apparently it was a friend of Altair and they were not in danger. He snorted and looked forward to where he noticed a girl on a branch. Well, he didn't think it was an attack, but he wasn't for sure either. "And who are you?" He asked cautiously.


Crystal noticed the two new scents and hissed out at them threateningly as she pulled Drake under her with her giant forepaw and her tail wrapped around Lydon protectively.

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Setheiry looked around to make sure nothing else was there, as she moved her hand behind her back to her short blade. She recognized Ezio, but didn't join the two because of the young girl in the path.


Altair kicked Ezio in the stomach, sending him to the ground on his face. Ezio jumped up and blocked another sword stroke as he counter attacked. Altair jumped away and tried a cut from above, quickly changing to attack from the side. Ezio blocked it and tried to spin the vampires sword out of his grip. But the two ended up just locking hilts. Altair tried to kick Ezio again, but the younger one saw this and jumped to the side. He came around and attempted to run him through, Altair just managed to regain his balance and side-step. Ezio, blocked Altair's attack and attacked again. With Altair's sword above his head to block the blow, Ezio punched him in the stomach. Altair backed into a tree to keep himself from falling over. "Dead." Ezio said smiling. Had he actually wanted to kill Altair, he wouldn't have kept his Hidden Blade sheathed. Altair snorted and flicked his hand ever so slightly. Ezio winced and looked down to where the knife just grazed his side."Dan**** vampiro." Ezio muttered. He knew he deserved it though. Altair smirked as he heard the 'compliment'.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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"That'd be mine too. It's the first memory I can recall. Njoine's ey-" Lydon trailed off into a screech at the sudden movement Crystal made and arrival of Ezio. Relaxing when he caught sight of the fact that it was Ezio, Lydon leaned against Crystal and checked on Drake. Lydon found the cub lazing where Crystal had placed him and grooming one of her paws. Lydon felt a flush rise to his cheeks at some of Njoine's more intricate ways of labeling Ezio.


Is it even possible for someone to bend that far? I didn't even think a contortionist could. After a moment he caught sight of Kiro talking to someone but couldn't quite make out who. At the sound of giggling, a look of absolute horror crossed Lydon's face. "Oh, GOD! Not you! Please, be anyone but you!"



"Alessa is the Mad Hatter. Unless you want to speak to Zani. Then Alessa is Alessa. I do not need to be told of you though. You are Toto. Once to the queen and now to little Alice. Or is she Dorothy? Did we decide, Zani? Ah, yes. All we know is that a gypsy said you found her but not who she was." The blond giggled into a gloved. Her giggle became full laughter as she caught the sound of Lydon's voice. She proceeded a small lecture to Lydon, before looking back at Kiro. "Tut-tut, Cheshire's grin. You should not speak of Zani in such a way. He is very fond of you and you have hurt his feelings. Now, hush, little Grin.The Hatter must converse with the Toto. Or is he the White Rabbit?"


Oh, call him the Rabbit. Njoine would not be pleased if you called a diminutive and domesticated animal. Although, I'm not sure she'll be happy with you calling him a rabbit either. The voice in Alessa's head was colored with annoyance, which was completely ignored by Alessa. Said voice had caused Alessa to look at the penguin toy in her lap and nod to it. Sliding off the side of the branch, the equine-shifter stumbled as she hit the ground. She managed to right herself in time not to hit the ground face first.


"To answer your question, Timely Rabbit. I am Alessa De Luca, the Mad Hatter of the De Luca clan. Servant to the Cheshire Cat, Njoine Mabdalee Sakimi, Vampire shifter of the Sakimi and De Luca clans. She has more names and titles. She is after all old." Alessa smiled broadly at Kiro. Once she stood in front of him, Alessa reached out and tweaked one of his ears before dancing several steps closer to Njoine. She, then, lifted her penguin up for Kiro to see and used her own hand to make it waggle an arm in a wave. "This is my dear Zanipolo the Mad March hare. I call him Zani, though. Much easier to say. So, tell the Hatter what your name is this time, White rabbit, so we maybe finish the quest to see the Wizard and to slay the Big Bad Wolf."



The Italian language slid off Njoine tongue with an ease her English lacked as she swore at the male newcomer. The fact that she failed to translate herself, gave away her annoyance with the male. Njoine was content to remain on the sidelines and regale everyone with the slue of swearing. Conveniently, she failed to revert to English as she told Ezio exactly what she thought of him at the moment. She had carried on calling Ezio and Altair several choice names, until they seemed to stop fighting. With a mock growl of her own, Njoine walked closer to Ezio before making a leap for his back for a bit of her own fun. "Now that you two have your 'Hello's out of the way. Ciao, Ezio amico mio. E 'stato un po' che Ii sentito da voi. With the pleasantries out of the way. I only have one thing left to say to you. Ezio, brutto porco! Perché diavolo non si può ritirare un telefono? O almeno sanguinosa mi chiamano per dirmi che si trovano nelle vicinanze? And you had better have a good reason, Ezio."

Edited by Mijikoi

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Kiro's head tilted to the side as he took in the girl and what she said. His ear flicked back when Lydon spoke. "I am Kiro Cavello, A werewolf of the DraconaRosella Army." He kept an eye on her and called back to Lydon. "She is a friend of yours and Njoine's?" He waited for confirmation from the human.


Crystal relaxed a bit when she found that there was not a threat, but when Lydon tensed at the sound of the girl's voice she did too. Was she someone to worry about? She acted very friendly though. She was odd, and Mad did suit her well. She seemed older, but acted younger than Crystal. If she was friendly then maybe she would bring a bit of entertainment and joy to the group.


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"Yeah, unfortunately. Kristine and Njoine found her a few years ago. 'Course that was after she escaped from the institute." Lydon muttered as he eyed Alessa, who was skipping over to Crystal. Lydon used one hand to rub at his temples in an effort to stave off an oncoming headache. "In case you hadn't noticed, she's not all that right in the head. I think though you'll prefer Alexia's company to Alessa's. With Alexia, she actually acts like the 28 year-old woman she is. Oh, and to forewarn you, the way Alessa talks is very unique to her."


"Oh, Little grin. You tell such odd tales, but fear not the Hatter and the Hare love you anyway." After smiling fondly at Lydon, Alessa traded a short conversation on the group dynamics and who was who in Italian before placing a kiss to his cheek. She giggled when Lydon rolled his eyes at the familial greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Timely Rabbit Kiro. Is there anything I or Zani may help you with? Be warned though, Zani is only good for computers and encrypted codes, be they written or technology, unless I sleep and then he protects me. Alessa is good with herbs and medicines. I'll need 10 shillings and 6 pence as payment."


Oh, yes give away all our secrets and demand a new hat. Sometimes, 'Essa, I worry for you.

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Crystal watched the girl move closer and when she placed a kiss on Lydon's cheek her tail wrapped around him a little more protectively. This girl was indeed a friend, but Lydon still had mentioned her escaping an institute so Crystal made a mental note to keep an eye on her.


Kiro watched the girl. "Our mission is to protect Crystal and to get her to the counsel so that she may become our queen. I will not pay you or your march Hare a dime for your help. I will not recruit mercenaries who could easily be bartered to kill her highness. We only acquire friends." He said. He looked to Lydon and Crystal. He noticed Crystal's tail and wondered if the thought running through his mind was accurate.

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Alessa gave Kiro a queer look at his phrase and looked to Lydon. Her confusion was plain and increased when she saw Lydon leaning against Crystal and trying to hide his laughter. "Little Grin? Why did Toto accuse the Hatter of being a briccone and what does a dime have to do with anything?"


Zani's sigh was emphasized by Lydon's gasping attempt to stop laughing. Alessa chewed on her lip in worry. Her usual grin missing and her grip on her toy tightening, Alessa half hid behind Lydon. It took Lydon another moment to finally stop laughing and to speak out in Alessa's defense.


"Oh, lord. He thought you meant money, Alessa. I told him you have a unique way of speaking, but I don't think I explained. it well enough." Lydon wiped at one of his eyes and chuckled. He placed a gentle hand on Crystal's tail where it was around him and straitened from leaning against her. "That wasn't an actual demand to be paid. She was asking you if you would be her friend. It's a Alice in Wonderland reference. She meant she'd like you to take your hat off to her. Um, I did mention she's not right in the head. "


Lydon glanced behind him as a hat was placed on his head. What he saw were brown eyes leveling a cool glare at him. Lydon froze and winced at the first sign of Alessa's alter ego. "Alessa would be very difficult to buy, even if you could figure out what to buy her with. As for you Lydon, I dare you to mention that again to her. I'll be pleased to remind you of home. I apologize, Ser Kiro, if Alessa upset you, but she is no more a mercenary then you. As for payment, we have already received that, Alessa and I."

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