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Midsummer Shadows| OOC Thread

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YES!!! A POST!!! I was waiting for 12 pm so it would have been 12 hours since my last post, and then I was going to add a third post in a row just to bug you all.




Odio, just a side note, the reason Gordon and Concord wouldn't have talked is (to make life easier) because Con was unconscious. -points at first Con-post if you'd like to see- Juuuuust so you know.


Thankies Manga. ;]


Is there just the F***, demon-wise? (No that was not the F-word. XD Just a demon species name) I know we finished the M*** and the I****** (I think) but did we ever fine-tune the S******?


Wow, I haven't seen a jaina-post in a while, come to think of it. -runs off to see which character jaina was playing-

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Posted~ If anyone is curious about that last one, its the scene with the person I cannot name that Manga gave me permission to do ^^


Speaking of which, if you have any problems with that particular scene or if it intereferes with anything you have planned Manga, be sure to call me out on it. I'd be more then willing to change it or cut it out if need be~


Btw Manga, I'm not sure if this post is better then my other ones, but its as good as far as I can see (although all of my stink so rolleyes.gif), so I'll be satisfied with that ^^


EDIT: Oh yes, sorry for not replying to your PM sooner Manga, but I wanted to post before I did and I want to attach a creature sheet to my next one too, so I'll reply tomorrow *hugs and smiles*

Edited by Dashidragon

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Dashpooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooost!!!!!!! user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image


T___________T My dad's going to kill me if I don't get some more work on my paper done tonight. -poofs-


EDIT: I did work on my paper some... -shot-


Couldn't drag myself away from Concord's head. I was thinking about Dover Beach from Concord's point of view. Needless to say, I posted again. ;]]]


EDIT: I think I could name that person... think... -shot-

Edited by Elsendor

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We read Dover Beach too. It wasn't bad :v But I liked the modern poetry section more. The Hollow Men was really good.

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My character is Shira, and I haven't posted cause School and studying have been preventing me from having the time needed to put together a decent post.



That and I'm a little lost as to what's going on

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Pretty much we arrived at an Umbra mansion/base/estate and the demons showed up and are battling on the lawns and the hybrids are in their rooms and they can hear stuff going on but nobody's helping them out except this girl Rhiannon, who was at the park earlier.

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Nessie, you never sent me the paragraph form for M*** and you told me to get rid of the paragraph for the I****** so you could fix it. As for F***, I'll look over it...eventually. >___>


I liked that post, Dash. ^^ I feel sort of bad for Flin though. How long has it been since his sister died?


Actually, Odio, Hadyn's helping out too, but he's sort of...useless. Btw, did that asterisk in your IC post mean anything?


It's fine, jaina. Odio's right, but I would prefer it if you skimmed through the following posts:








Rhea's post should be here~



Because I'm too lazy to get the last links, please read the following four posts after Skarx's.




For the first two, just skim over Rhiannon's part, since that's all that pertains to Shira, at least directly at this point in time.

Also, I couldn't find Rhea's post for some reason, so just note that you should read that one after Kira's as well, though Sen doesn't actually say anything, so it probably wouldn't matter.

Yeah, that's a lot to read, but just skim over it. If I gave you a summary, you'd probably still be confused.

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ok, I've now read those, but a summary would still be appreciated.



couple questions though.

one; have the demons gotten into the house yet?

two; if yes, where?

three; I forgot who Shira was sharing a room with, where is that?

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jainaquestion1: Maaaaaaaaybe...

jainaquestion2: That's classified. ;]

jainaquestion3: Shira is with Sophia. It's on this page if you'd like to look at the others as well.


;] In other words, no one's encountered any demons inside the building, but there's a heck of a lotta demon-umbra fighting going on outside and they can probably all hear it. I think that's what Manga said.


Oh, and if you're confused about Hadyn's thingy... If you read the part about a demon's distant scream and then his cessation of whatever was afflicting him, it seems they can do some stuff without being present. That's all I know.


EDIT: HOoooly twizzlers, I never sent you the M***? I've had it written for ages and ages... -headdeskheaddeskheaddesk- I'll send it now.


EDIT: Jeeeeez I should start on the S****** paragraph form too. Well... at least that gives me something to do while I wait for someone to post/work on my research paper. XD


EDIT: ahahahaha, I figured out why the post times were all coming up wrong. I forgot to let the darn computer know it was daylight savings! -uberheaddesk-


EDIT: Creepy Brannachvar on the roof again. I swear they're stalking me.


EDIT: WOOOOOOOOOOW look at how much we've stretched that IC page!


EDIT: MURDER!! How the heck did I miss your post?!! I love Dover Beach to death... I just can't write on it. ._____. This week we're doing Yeats and then T.S. Eliot--I've read The Hollow Men and I LOVE it but I can't make head or tail of it. I can't wait to discuss it in class. But YEATS is my absolute favorite. Iiiii'm an Irish-Gaelic freak. So naturally I go for Yeats.


Aaaaaaaaaaah I'm Korean by ethnicity, American by citizenship, and Irish at heart. What the heck? lofreakingl


It's Sunday night, tomorrow's another frigging Monday, and I haven't finished my homework. I need a looooooooooooong holiday. -flops down dead in the corner- And I can't figure out how to paragraph-ize the S******. Manga, if I take forever please don't kill me! I'll finish it.... eventually... I'm hopped up on aspirin from my bike crash Friday. Go me!

Edited by Elsendor

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Woah Nessie, calm yourself woman. X3


The Hollow Men was good~ It's basically an expression of an age of doubt and despair in which the people longed for belief (period of time after the optimism of the Victorian Age). It's a dramatic monologue with a setting reminiscent of that of Hell, with various allusions to Dante's Inferno. The Hollow Men themselves live in limbo, never fully alive or dead; thus their tone of voice is quiet and subdued. They're beside the river of Acheron, waiting eternally for a ferryman who will never come. They have neither soul nor spirit, living between two worlds. The two epigraphs at the beginning of the poem compares the Hollow Men to Mistah Kurtz and Guy Fawkes, who have met death head on, if a little misguided, instead of passively waiting like the Hollow Men.


... Oh heck I did not mean to write all that. >> But I love literature and discussion so... oops? :x


The Second Coming is also quite good. I think it was by Yeats? Anyways... *steers self away from the subject of poetry*

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-draws herself up loftily- I am no woman.


Heck, I'm not even 18 yet!


Auuuuuuuuugh tell me moooooooooooore. I love poetry discussions like a three-year-old loves candy--I devour it until I'm sick. XD


I'm not that hyper... I just edit every time I think of something else to say so I avoid double-posting. XD


EDIT: And yes, The Second Coming is Yeats. I LOVE YEATS!!

Edited by Elsendor

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I'm not either. :B But I call yer woman when I feelz liek eeet, kay? |D *shot*


I don't remember everything from our discussion, tbh. I'm a lousy note-taker. I should pay more attention to notes. *has a lit exam coming up about Victorian and 20-21 Century Ages*


But ye, The Hollow Men was just mainly written to express how TS Eliot and the people then felt devoid of hope and how they searched for an experience of faith.


I personally didn't really get the "There, the eyes are / Sunlight on a broken column / There, is a tree swinging / And voices are / In the wind's singing" part. Supposedly, "there" is the "death's dream kingdom", or heaven, but would there be a broken column in heaven? Do the two "there"s represent the same place or different places? ... I confuse myself.


X3 I guess that's true.


Oh and Eliot > Yeats. :V


Edit: Going back to the Victorian Age though, I do love "My Last Duchess" and "Lady Shalott". (x Especially "Lady Shalott". You mustmustmust listen to the sung version.


Edit: And noooow I gotta go to sleep. Parents are yelling at meee. DDD: Night!

Edited by lilyice

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Manga: Asterisk? Hadyn? huh?


edit: OH I got the Hadyn reference but I'm gonna go see what the h your talking about with the thing.


Edit: Oh! It's a snowflake! laugh.gif I was gonna add some more about Greg and have a little volcano or something but then I decided there wasn't really much more that he would do, except be angry and fume and follow along helplessly.

Edited by Odio

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Haha, cute Odio. ;] I love the snowflake.


I went through a phase of Gaiaonline roleplaying, so I've got a habit of making pretty headers for my posts--hence the CONCORD AVON EDAN ADUVIRI and the quote business at the top. XDDDD




And I hated My Last Duchess. Actually, I hated Browning entirely. Porphyria's Lover made me bash my head against the wall because it was soooooo bad and so annoying.


But The Lady of Shalott............-swoons- I have that on my wall. It's' one of the gorgeousest poems ever! Makes me swoony, it does. (obviously) I've loved it since I first read it in sixth grade.


Holy twizzlers, it's been like... six years since sixth grade. I suddenly feel older.


BritLit in 10 minutes. YEATS!!!!!!!

Edited by Elsendor

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I loved Lady of Shalott. Out of all the victorian poems, that was my favorite one.

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The Lady of Shalott was ethereal and lovely.... I also fell in love with Ulysses. It made me cry because it reminded me of my own life so much.




It was so awesome... got to sit for an hour and a half and discuss the most beautiful poetry in the world. Leda and the Swan was a little disturbing... but then there was The Lake Isle of Innisfree and Sailing to Byzantium--and Wednesday we're doing The Second Coming. I wish we had time to go and read other, less BritLit important ones... like The Stolen Child and The Hosting of the Sidhe. -swoons-


Yeats = <3

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I dislike Browning in general, and hate his tone of voice. But My Last Duchess is just so... humorous. In a crazy, demented way. >> I don't even know why I like it. Porphyria's Lover, on the other hand, is just... twisted. All his poems are. Well most.


McKennitt does an absolutely beautiful, breath-taking cover of Lady of Shalott.

<-- Listen to eeeet. There are some missing verses, but it's still lovely. Tennyson = <3


Sailing to Byzantium is also lots of luff. Ah, poetry. *sighs happily*

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I enjoy it so much... it's a crime to give people tight deadlines to write on it. It drains out so much of the wonder and the glory of it, forcing you to take things in a lot faster than you'd naturally like. T______________T

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You know it. D:


When you get the chance, you should read "How to Write a Rotten Poem With Almost No Effort" by Richard Howey. <3 It's a short piece of essay (1000 words?) and I don't know if it can be found on the internet... but it's still a humorous read. ^^

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Mhm, definitely. ^^


It's a lot more calming, compared to what I normally listen to (alternative, soft rock, a bit of hard rock, pop) but I still love it.

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Haha, I feel really unsophiscated in teh midst of all this poertic discussion XD But even though I really have no idea what you guys are talking about, it sounds pretty interesting.


Jaina, you'll find out the answer to your first two questions pretty soon. For now, take Nessie's word for it. As for the third one, it's actually Sophia and Sadine that she shares a room with. The actual list is on the previous page that Nessie linked. The one she has was my original one.


Also, I don't understand why you need a summary if you've already read it. That'd be like going up to a zookeeper and saying, "Hey, I just measured this elephant, but can you still give me an estimate of how large it is?" Also, I already stated in that huge wall of text that I posted along with my other huge wall of text in the IC thread that only Murder would be allowed to have a summary, for obvious reasons.

That goes for you too, Sess. Sorry, but I don't have any spare time to type up a summary at this point in time. You can ask me questions to clear things up, but I simply shouldn't waste my time typing up a summary.


Also, Odio and Nessie, don't forget that Varianne and Clay are still in the dungeon with them. That'd be the reason why I haven't removed their apps yet. Until they die/disappear, I'm going to have to leave their apps up there.


I think the RP gets to move on after Sess posts :D Depending on how Evelyn reacts of course.

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OOOH can I have Evelyn pee herself + pee on everything in sight?


/is fixated with urine at the moment



In all seriousness, I go trudge off to read now.... D;

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