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The Agnimitra

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When Inazuma removed his foot from him he sat down. Why did everyone want him to forget all he knew? He didn't want to... They probably didn't understand how he was like, not that he expected them to do so.

"You are not giving me a choice. I said I would not kill anyone here. Don't expect me to suddenly turn into one of you guys like nothing happened. I can't."

For all he cared he could either hunt the army or the rebels. He didn't have any respect for neither, but if there was a chance he'd have a better life here he would take it, just so Dretch didn't get him again. Getting under torture again was not something he was looking forward for.

"Use me for what I can do. I'll work for you guys and as long as I do I will not kill any of you guys."

He looked at the sun then all around him where a couple of person remained, curious about what Inazuma would do to him. Some had left seeing that he was not going to die for what he did. There was probably a couple more people who would want to hit him like that kid. He'd have to be careful on how he was neutralizing them from now on. Maybe he would get his power back eventually.

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Jade was shaking a bit and tears ran down her face as she clenched nd unclenched her fist. She bit her lip as the wind continued to blow harder around her. People were getting off the streets as Thunder rumbled in the sky and lighting shot to the ground. Jade could feel her tail grow out and her wings also as she changed to her dragon form. She had never been then this angry or sad in a long time but it was the only thing she had left of her father. She roared loudly and hit at a building with her tail as she went past it. She could hear humans screams as she flew up into the air but only high enough to be over the buildings. She growled her eyes red from both her anger and tears. She roared again and a bolt of lightning came down and struck near a building almost hitting it. She shook her head in frustration and pumped her wings harder as she looked down at the city. Her head was hurting and she didn't seem to be controlling what she was doing. She was to angry to think.


Blake looked up at the sky as a bolt of lightning came down. He ran his hand through his hair,"It's not even raining." He narrowed his eyes as he saw a blue dragon fly into the air and recognized it instantly,"I think she is looking for her sword." He scratched at his neck and smiled a bit,"I should probably do something about this but...." There was something about this female that made him feel strange. It was as if he knew her but he couldn't figure out how or why. He looked at the sword again and took it from Bane,"Wait one minute..." He ran his finger over the blade a smile playing at his lips,"This was my father's sword."

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Yue immediately sensed the drastic change in the weather, not liking it one bit. It was then when he started hearing the screams of terror for m the humans they were near. That was never a good sign. Especially when the weather was like this and it was getting worse. Now, on top of the wind and thunder, there was also lightning. He knew this well enough. After all, he controlled lightning as well. This was not normal weather, that other Agnimitra was looking for her weapon, and she was very angry about it it seemed. He continued to look up into the sky at the terrible weather, wary and watching for any sign of the blue dragon in the air getting ready for an attack on their group. Purple lightning crackled around his hand for a moment before disappearing again as he glared up into the sky.

Edited by tai_kouen26

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Jade growled as she looked around,'Where is it?' She roared loudly and a blue light shone up into the air. She flew down to the ground near where the light came from. Blake looked at the shining gem and then at her,"This seems bad." Jade growled and pushed her face close to him. I want my sword. He narrowed his eyes at her,"This was my father's. Why do you have it?" She changed to her other form and snatched the sword from him. The blade cut Blake's hands as she took it. He shouted in pain and glared at her. Jade pointed the sword at him and a blast of wind came from it and hit his chest. He flew back and hit a building. She touched the stone and the light stopped shining,"This happens to have been my dad's. He gave it to me before he was killed by humans." The wind died down to how it was before and it stopped thundering. Blake groaned as he stood up,"Hit by the sword again." He leaned back against the wall of the building and glared at her. She sheathed the sword and glared back at him,"I should say I'm sorry but I don't feel like saying sorry to you." He sneered at her,"I would never want a apology from you."

Edited by Jadeclaw

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Shadow just finished hanging to decoration when she noticed Dark. She smiled slightly at the improved speed everyone seemed to be getting to. It would help no doubt. Climbing down the ladder, Shadow nearly fell when another Agnimitra rushed past. She ignored the other while making her way to the box of decorations. Raisel soon hurried back, carrying two more boxes while followed by another carrying the same amount. "Set 'em down. If there's more I'd say go get them too and bring 'em here." Shadow said, grabbing another decoration before setting the empty box out of their way.

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((I'm sorry Skarx, I'm having dirty thoughts about Inazuma and Sayuk because they've been spending too much time together >.<))


Inazuma sighed, patted Sayuk on his head, before stepping back and waited for the other to stand.

"You may not want to, but it never hurts to try. You're just closing your mind off to new possibilities, after all, there might be something you're good at besides fighting. Washing windows seems to be one thing," Inazuma chuckled the last bit.




Arasi continued to help set up decorations at the same pace as everyone else. After a few more moments she saw that Ddraig had appeared at Dark's side. It wasn't an unusual sight though since Ddraig was Dark's right hand man. Ddraig was also one who had been with Dark for the longest and was second in power only to Dark.


((i'm going to get a time skip to the party after Dash posts again.))

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((Okay, well, if we're going to time skip I figure we are not RPing out the conversation then?))


When a few of the Agnimitra saw him, they gave him an acknowledging glance. He nodded at a few of them but didn't pay them much mind. He was too focused on what he had to say and do. When Ddairg came closer, Dark's smile evaporated like dew in the late morning. His face turned into the inscrutable mask he donned before every battle or conflict. When Ddairg was finally standing by his side, Dark didn't even bother to say hello.


With a swift flick of his hand, he communicated his order that Ddairg follow. Turning his back, Dark trotted back down the hallways, farther and farther from the preparations behind him. The deeper he walked into his base, the more his face began to change from the happy amusement of earlier to the savage warrior that came up whenever he dealt with the affairs of his army.


Stopping abruptly in front of a door, he pushed it open with his hand. With a loud squeal, the door swung open to reveal a plain room with a table and a few chairs. Usually this was a place where off-duty officers came to burn time, and as usual, there was a few Agnimitra lounging around with bored expressions. One appeared to be falling asleep in the corner while a pair played a game of cards at the table, seemingly too bored to even pay attention to the game.


When they turned their eyes to see who had entered the room, they all stared with open mouths for a moment when they saw The Black Dragon. He gave them a scowl so fierce, they jumped to their feet and started uttering apologies. Their panicked voices overlapped in a bedlam that made Dark want to cover his ears and order every single one of them whipped. "Out!" he ordered in a thundering voice.


The Agnimitra were all too happy to obey. The stammered a few more lame apologies, which only deepened Dark's scowl. At this, they saluted and rushed out the door without another word. When they were finally gone, Dark sauntered over to the table. The playing cards were still lying haphazardly on the table. With an angry growl, Dark pushed them all off the table with an angry swipe of his arm. They flew into the air and landed all across the room, making the place look like it had just been torn apart by a tornado.


Pulling out one of the chairs, he stood by the end of the table and looked at the door, waiting for Ddairg to enter. 'When you get here, close the door behind you and sit down. I don't want anyone to bother us during this discussion,' he mentally told Ddairg with an icy, hard tone.

Edited by Dashidragon

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((no, we still can, I just wasn't sure if Dark talking to Ddraig was going to be that one, but it will be so the time skip can wait a few more posts.

lol I would have posted sooner but I got distracted by your Pokemon. XD))


Ddraig watched as Dark's amused face turned cold. It only worsened as they moved away from where everyone was setting up. Soon Dark reached a rec-room where some Agnimitra were resting, not doing much. As soon as they noticed Dark, they were on their feet and soon rushing out the door because of Dark's scowl. No doubt the other was thinking some violent and angry thoughts.


After Dark entered the room, he told Ddraig to close the door behind since he didn't want anyone interrupting their discussion. Ddraig hardened at the icy tone, but entered nonetheless, closing the door behind him. He looked to where Dark was standing by a chair before moving to sit down in one of the other chairs. One thing Ddraig hoped for was Dark venting to him, because at least that way he could just listen and not have to give much of a response. Though he tried to ready himself for whatever Dark might have to say. The most he could was apologize for asking that question.

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((Nooooo! Keep Sayuk out of your dirty thought! D: He's innocent and you just cause me some! DX *cries in a corner*))


Sayuk just completely ignored Inazuma and stood. He was tired of the other guy daydreaming. He had other talents, but he was not about to tell them he could make a perfect spy and such because of his... other power. He had lots of other uses, but assassinations were his favorite. He loved doing that even if he knew it was twisted. He was getting tired for nothing and his new master had said what he needed most likely so Sayuk just made his way to the entrance. He was not staying outside more then this he hated the heat!



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((Yay Kira! You posted >.<!))

Sen almost crashed headlong into a tree when Midnight relayed that she knew an Agnimitra ahead of them. As it was, he had to swerve sideways, the thorny branches skidding along his side. Midnight continued relaying messages about they would revert back to their human forms when they got close enough, and he corrected his course to match her directions. I'm doing the best I can, Midnight, but it's harder to speed up in this marsh. Even being a Swamp-type, I have no control whether or not I crash into an obstacle. Why would any humans build their city near a marsh? Sen voiced to Midnight, suppressing further complaints about 'speeding up'. It worried him about the humans though, and about these Agnimitra Midnight probably planned on meeting. Sighing, Sen picked up speed, sticking to the solid ground rather than swimming through the bog again. There was a lot of quicksand in this area, which would only hinder his swimming, but he could run faster now and keep up with Midnight overhead.


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((sorry, I can't help it DX

and yes I did post~))


Inazuma grabbed Sayuk by the back of his shirt before he got too far.

"Where are you going? It's such a nice day so we should stay outside and enjoy it," Inazuma said with a grin. He wasn't going to let Sayuk get away that easily.




And what happened to all of that speed you were bragging about before? Midnight teased him. And humans are strange creatures so who knows why they do anything.

She felt there was an urgency to reach where these Agnimitra were though. Something was wrong and she was mostly going on a gut feeling. Not before too long they were near the city that Midnight was headed for. She swiftly dived towards land, pulling up before she hit the ground and slowed down, landing amongst the trees of the marsh. Swiftly she changed back into her human form, looking behind her for Sen who wasn't too far away.

Hurry up and change, she told him before turning to head towards the city.

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Sayuk was about to leave Inazuma's side when the Agnimitra grabbed him by his shirt. He didn't bother to look at the man, just trying to free himself without using much strength. To no avail... if he used any technique he'd get in trouble again most likely.

"I'm going inside where its colder. It's not a nice day. It's hot and humid. You want to stay outside give me back my powers so I can keep myself cold. Now let me go unless you had another 'fun idea' in mind..."

He just wanted to go in that freezer they had... Slowly, but surely his ice dragon needs were starting to tug at his mind, sending nice image of ice, snow, blizzards and such. He also didn't want everyone to look at him, he hated attention...

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Bane raised an eyebrow at the sudden change in weather, then when Jade showed up he stepped back sharply and drew his own weapon. It was surprising how effective a simple wooden staff could be against a sword, though when it came to this sword he wasn't quite sure. He moved towards Blake, backing him up should the irritable blue female strike again. That sword seemed to be important to her, and having heard the reason he could understand why.


It occurred to him that Blake, too, had said it was his father's sword... that was interesting. Very interesting. He glanced at Yue, to see if he'd noticed too.


(sorry or the delay guys, i just started a new job and was ridiculously busy the past cuple of days)

Edited by KaidaShade

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Yue also took a few steps toward Blake just in case the other Agnimitra decided that she wanted to attack him out of anger for him having her sword. He watched silently as the conversation between the female and Blake went on, ready to attack if needed. He found it unusual though. Blake had said earlier that the sword was hiss father's weapon. And now this girl was saying the same thing. Well it at least told him why she had come back for it. But something still didn't sit right with him. His brows furrowed in thought as he thought about the connection between the sword and the other two. He blinked as he put two and two together, glancing over at Bane who seemed to be thinking the same, judging by the look the other gave. This was very interesting indeed.

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Blake put up his hand and hit Jade with a blast of wind. She fell back but landed on the ground. Blake growled and glared at her,"I want that sword." She glared at him and the wind started to pick up again. Blake glared at her and the wind around him picked up also. He changed to his dragon form and flew up into the air. Jade did the same and flew up after him. She growled at him as he flew at her and tried to bite her. She hit him with her tail and roared. Leave me alone. He growled and bit her wing. He stopped flapping his wings and sttarted to fall to the ground. She hit the ground and just stayed there. He landed by her and glared at her as he changed to his human form,'Give me it." She changed to her human form and shook her head,"Nope."

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Bane growled and shifted forms as soon as they touched ground, putting himself between them and sparking flames from his claws. Enough He declared, daring either of them to try and get through him to each other. What's this about, anyway? You two are related? He didn't particularly worry about violence, but he didn't like it when it got in the way of more important things, and the sooner they sorted this out the sooner he could go and sleep somewhere.

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Jade crossed her arms and glared at Blake,"No we're not. Far as I know my father only had one other child. But he's dead, I think." She sighed and the wind stopped blowing,"Anyway, I'd rather die then be related." Blake smirked and put his hands in his pockets,"Well you aren't the only one." Jade scoffed and turned away from him. Blake frowned,"Listen lady. All I want is that sword. My dad died he was gonna pass it to his child so it's rightfully mine." She growled,"Listen. My father gave this to me before both him and my mother was killed by humans. It belongs to me." Blake kicked angrily at a stone and looked at Bane,"Where do you come up with asking whether we're related. Me and that thing are fighting and you ask that." Jade glared at him but didn't say anything.

Edited by Jadeclaw

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The black dragon did the dragon equivalent of raising an eyebrow. "You both said that it belonged to your father, so I am inferring that they are in fact the same person. It seems to make sense." He said, then shrugged as it occurred to him that most fathers wouldn't cause so much bloody trouble for their offspring. Siblings shouldn't be made to fight, so he thought.

Edited by KaidaShade

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"Let's see then. My dad had red scales..."Jade said. Blake sighed,"Mine did to. He said he was going to those big snowy mountains when he left." Jade growled and stumped her foot on the ground,"I guess you are my brother then." She looked up at Bane,"If you'll excuse me then. I rented a room for the night and I intend to use it." Blake looked at her,"You found a place to sleep already?"

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Yue watched, somewhat stunned by the turn of events. Especially when Bane transformed. So he was right to assume that Bane thought the same thing he did. He stood back silently, watching as the three conversed. So the two were related it seemed. Well that was...certainly interesting. He stood back, watching as Bane dealt with the situation on his own. It didn't seem like the two newly discovered siblings were going to do anything to each other now. So he chose not to interfere, thinking that Bane should be able to handle this himself without his help. Though, he really wanted this to end. His patience was starting to wear thin when it came to the situation at hand. He had never seen sibling fight so much. He sighed. He supposed thing were different back when he was younger.

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Shadow sighed lightly, receiving an odd look from another nearby Agnimitra who was helping set up another light string with her. "Am I not allowed to sigh?" She asked rather coldly for one in an oddly happy mood. The look soon was gone and the other returned to their work. "Obviously not if I'll be the 'normal' me." Shadow commented, twisting the word normal into a strangled word of annoyance. Normal wasn't fun even if normal for one such as her meant the usually mad but happy to cause pain type. It wasn't fun every single day of her life unless something changed that up. Extra sleep seemed to be what was needed to turn a shadow dragon into an oddly happy dragon that shouldn't be as happy as she was. "Don't worry... it'll only go down hill from here." Shadow said to the other in her usual tone when considerably in a better mood. The soft cold whisper seemed to set the Agnimitra on edge though which brought back the pleased sensation Shadow was familiar with. Perhaps it was good to switch things up now and then.

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Bane returned to his human form before someone spotted him, eyeing Jade curiously. If she had somewhere to stay, perhaps following her hadn't been the worst idea he'd ever had. He was, for want of a better word, absolutely knackered even if he didn't show it. All the shapeshifting and stress probably wasn't helping; he considered himself far too old for all this fuss. "Perhaps you would be willing to show us where? After all, we are strangers to this city and have no idea where we'd find accomodation." He said, with a surprisingly friendly smile. Granted, with his scars it was difficult for him to look friendly, but it was the effort that counted. Of course he didn't trust her, but despite her allegiances she seemed disinclined towards the Army's usual brutality.

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Jade looked at him and raised a eyebrow as she thought about it. Blake glared at her,"She isn't gonna-" "Yeah, I'll show you guys." She even smiled a bit as she turned away from them and started to walk down the street,"I could even show you guys a better place then that. I have a freind who lives around here." Blake looked at Bane before following her,"What's your name?" She smiled as she looked back at him,"That would be Jade."

Edited by Jadeclaw

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((I need Dash and Darkybear to post >.>

and keep those posts lengths a bit longer. Don't get lazy now.))


"You are coming with me to find more chores for you. I heard there was a leak in the roof that needs to be fixed," Inazuma replied, pulling Sayuk off in the direction of the large tool shed that was on the grounds. Over there would be the Agnimitra who would know more about the leak and then he could give Sayuk something to do.




"Lighten up, Shadow," Arasi said to her when she noticed the others' mood. At the edge of her vision, she watched as Dark led Ddraig away somewhere. The Black Dragon's facial expression began to change from a smile to a glare as he moved. She wondered what was wrong now.

Edited by Kira1

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Maybe Bane was right to follow the female. He wasn't too sure at first if she could be trusted at all, but she hadn't attacked them as yet. Well, it was a start, but it didn't change the fact that she was still apart of the Army, even if she seemed to not like being in any part of it. Well, apparently they were going to get a place to stay for the night as a result for following her. hat was good at least. Though, he couldn't really blame Blake being as wary as he was. In fact, he was somewhat just as suspicious as he was. Well, it couldn't hurt to see if they could stay in the hotel. After all, they were unfamiliar with this place and he could definitely guess that Blake, Bane, and himself were exhausted from the previous events. He followed after the girl as Blake did as well, not saying anything at the moment...

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