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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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Slytha almost fell backwards when Albel suddenly got up. She rolled her eyes and sat up. Ummm.... Okay? She looked towards the kitchen. If your getting something to eat then get me something, I'm a bit hungry. I guess its just from being sick and injured.... She shrugged and laid down across the sofa.

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Albel snickered quietly and got deer meat from the fridge. They were stock from all the hunting that was happening in the house. He brought some out and gave a portion to Slytha. Didn't think you'd get it. he thought, smiling at her.


((g2g nightnight))

Edited by Sai

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Slytha raised an eyebrow and sat up, making room for Albel if he wanted to sit down. Ok? She shrugged. Are you saying I did get it, or I didn't? She took a bite out of the deer meat and then glanced back at him.

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Malice leaped and landed heavily in front of Norna laughing maniacally.


He ended is psycotic rant in a low growl comming face to face with the little human, his breath hot and smelling of death.


((Yes death actually has its own smell and I tell you now. It...is...bad. So gross.))




Ayos watched Max leave the tower-blimp-thing but did not follow he simply returned to his charge. The young hatchling dragon sleeping peacefully on the ground. Uncaring for max's location and feeling that it was safe to let his gaurd down he opened the book once more and began reading about a potion that shunk dragons.


((...Mega - but as I understand it only gods/ascendents/immortals etc. can use their, for lack of a better word, 'assigned' weapons. Example: Thor uses his hammer, Hades uses his helmet, Death uses his scyth, Cotillion uses his knives...ok that last one was from a fictional book but I think my point got across. Because you are not Thor I would argue that you can not use his weapon...or rather its abilities in best case scenario. But because the fight really already happened or is currently underway, not sure which, I will not argue the point farthure and say do what you were going to do and then don't do it again...lest we bring a mod down apon our hides.))

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"Then well..." Tyler said turning to malice, "I guess it has to be done!" he said charging at his and swinging for a kill. Suddenly a the blade hit something hard midair infront of Malice's face. "Tyler don't kill it!" Lilly shouted suddenly, chanaling an energy shield around Malice. "Lilly this isn't the time for this!" he shouted back, taking a few leaps back to make distance between his and Malice. Hunter joined in "Lilly they won't show us any mercy, we cannot do the same. "But... fine..." Lilly said loweing her shield around Malice.

Edited by picknick10

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Tyler hesitated and charged at Atlas, he showed no fear of the fireballs, at that instant a light shown around him and as the fire-ball hit his it dissipated into nothingness. The same was for the rest of the group. He sliced at the huge dragonness's legs regretfully. Lilly stood back, channeling energy to the four other people, keeping up the defences. Hunter cringed and fired a volley of arrows at the dragonness as he jumped back keeping his distance. Jeff stood next to hunter throwing balls of blue frozen energy at the dragons. Noriko kept his distance too, throwing more stars. "What do you mean hunters?" Lilly asked suddenly as she realized what Atlas said. "We aren't hunters..." she said defensivly as she continued to chanal energy, which was quite easy considering she wasn't doing any fighting.




"We hads some pumpkin pies tooes, member?" he asked remembering her birthday perfectly. "I remember..... anyways we still has some." he said

((Wait, don't you mean Tyler and not Nick?))


Atlas snarled when the blonde boy sliced at her legs. Then the hunter shot arrows at her, but Atlas jumped and hovered to avoid getting shot. Atlas countered the blue energy balls with her own fireballs that she casted. The ninja threw more shurikens which hit Atlas's back. "Malice, you can deal with that kid. I'll go and take down the others," the magi dragoness said, by 'kid' she meant the blonde boy. Atlas swooped down at the mage first and tried to pin him down before attempting to burn him with her fire magic.

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((I'd probably be more worried about MS123's magical powers if I knew what the hell he'd actually posted more'n once in a blue moon. But meh, whatever. Magical small sharps things rain down from the sky... onto the superstructure of the giant friggin' Cloudbase knockoff. I understand that he thinks the Prayer has guns. It doesn't, nor does it have explosives of any kind. It does, however, have watered-steel scales covering the main and auxiliary lift balloons. So one could be forgiven for assuming that the little berk's last hurrah would patter uselessly off the deck whilst the arrows and ballista bolts stuck in various portions of his pain-wracked, barely mobile body slowly drained his body of blood until the fall killed him. Crunchily.


((Now, does anyone have an issue with that analysis? If so, speak up, because there can be plenty more where that came from.))


Shaw wiped his brow with a sodden-looking handkerchief. The rain of sharp stuff had thankfully been deflected and repair crews were busy fixing a replacement lightning rod onto the sides. He looked across at Sicily and smiled warmly, the smile of a victor. This time.


"Wheel about and ascend to eighteen thousand feet, online pressurizers, and ahead full towards home. I have a daughter to attend to."


The Prayer's screws spun and hissing noises signalled the pressure shields locking into place, then the skyship peeled off towards the freedom of the open sky.

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((Lol, Malice is almost as crazy as Albel ;p))


Albel simply smiled. He stood there blankly and ate his jerky. Chi came downstairs quietly so as to not wake up Zizi. She saw Albel's face and ventured over to him, curious. "Albel" she said, her voice childish, "What's so funny?" she asked, tugging on his scarf.

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"Nuh uh." he said cuddling up against her. "Tis okay you dun have to lie, I loser..." he said

((Nick, for your other post, I think you mean Tyler. I read it and went, "WTF?!" xd.png))


Keisha rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Stop saying thats!" she said, looking around for the pie. She sighed softly and blinked, looking back at Nick. "You isn't a losers. A losers wouldn't be an awesomesause friend and persons." she smiled. "You is. So you is awesomes! Where ish the pie?" she asked, looking around again.

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(I changed it to tyler, sorry for the confusion.)


"NO!" Jeff said. He couldn't realy take much phisicaly. He usualy stood back and caused massive amounts of hurt to others. Never before was he attacked directly, but then again never before has he fought a dragon. Jeff drew his fist back and got ready to strike, sharp shards of ice forming around his arm and hands. He drove it towards atlas's head like a dagger trying to stab her.







Nick huggled keisha "Mkay" he said tail swishing. "Tis in da frighe"

Edited by picknick10

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I'm going to take that as a yes. You can be such a perv sometimes. Slytha rolled her eyes and glanced over at Chi, biting back a comment. She didn't want everyone t flip out like they did when she had made Chi cry before.


Slytha turned so she could no longer see Chi anymore. Out of sight, out of mind. Or so she hoped.

Edited by snowdragon10

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I'm a male and I'm not a gentlemen, what do you expect? he asked in a nonchalant way, shrugging. Albel reached out his hand and lightly stroked Slytha's cheek in sort of a teasing way. He retracted his hand and looked down at Chi. "Nothing really." Albel said, looking at her big eyes. Chi continued to stare up at Albel, still wanting to know.

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The Prayer was toddling along above a fluffy cloud when the dowsing tower - a device for measuring magical (and therefore generally draconic) activity - began to go what was generally termed 'snooker loopy'. A report was promptly filed and had there been any working electricity all the lights would've gone red.


"Sir, we're picking up a magical skirmish on the ground. Should we assist?"


"Sure, why not. Charge down and pedal all turrets to the forward gantry, initial bombardment when I give the order."


"Yessir." Turnstone snapped off an only slightly derogatory salute and bellowed down some speaking horns. From their position on the bridge, she and Shaw could watch the cavalcade of activity below. The ship's turrets were movable, after a fashion; they trundled on the mesh of the desh thanks to a complex gearage arrangement. The gears could, of course, retract so as not to impede firing lines, and were rigorously tested. The sight of the sixty-four Rippers and Blastmasters - similar to the Ripper only firing in the manner of a shotgun - sent a little shiver up Shaw's spine. I'm scared, he thought. Scared of the power I can unleash. This ship is just the first... there will be others, bigger and faster. I may not see them. I may not build them. But they will come.


And I am so very, very frightened by it.

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Slytha rolled her eyes, but didn't react other than that. She ate the last of the bacon before looking back at Albel. She noticed the look on Chi's face and smirked. A bit annoying, isn't she? She probally needs to realized that no one gets everyting they want by acting cute.

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel put his hand on Chi's head and ruffled her hair through the cat hat she had on. No really. I've known her since the day she was born. She's not really that bad. he murmured. She reminded him of Fayt. Even though Albel wouldn't admit it, he cared about Fayt


((brb for 15mins))

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Nick huggled keisha "Mkay" he said tail swishing. "Tis in da frighe"

((*Points to epic avvie* xd.png))


Keisha nodded and walked over to the fridge, Nick still clinging to her side. She opened it and looked inside. "Wows. Tis impossibles to miss." she said, staring at the giant pie that sat right in front of her. She tried to pull it out of the fridge, but it was too heavy. "Can you use magic to get this outs? I isn't strongs." she sighed.

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Not bad for a human, but that isn't saying much. Slytha leaned back in the chair and yawned softly. One thing I've been wondering though, why did you come back to the town? A while ago you weren't here, well, I never saw you in the forest or over at Rika's parent's place. Not to be overly mean, but if you did leave and then return, Rika didn't act like she missed you.

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...I had my reasons.... he murmured. As for Rika not being happy... he started, looking over at Slytha. Icefire had to stop me from killing her. he had an odd look on his face.

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Slytha rolled her eyes. Am *I* suppose to care whether you tried to kill Rika or not? I don't know if you've realized or not, but I don't like Rika or Icefire, for obvious reasons. As for you trying to kill her, you try to kill everyone, so I don't see why that would be a big deal. She shrugged. Its not like I haven't tried to kill her aswell.


((g2g eat.. oh, and cool-ish avitar krissi, I'm not eally into pokemon though...))

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((Cute, Lucario. I don't watch Pokemon anymore, they totally ****ed it up....))


It's not the same. Because she's different than any other human. he said, slitting his eyes slightly. He enjoyed the old memories when Rika was young. She was so....unique. Albel noticed weight against his leg and pressure pulling down on his scarf. He looked down and noticed Chi dozing off on him. He picked her up, propping an arm under her and letting her head rest on his shoulder. He could remember holding Chi once when she was a baby. She was so small...

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Hmmm... Diffrent from any other human...? Now where have

I heard that before? Oh now I remember, thats what every human will say when confronted by a dragon. Slytha rolled her eyes. She's a hunter, she hates dragons, she's not diffrent from other humans. Slytha looked to the side, not wanting to get into an arguement with Albel. It doesn't matter if she was always like that or not, that's how she is *now*.

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Nick used magic to lift the pie out and set it on the table. He climbed up and sat up on her head. "Dear yew go." he said smiling

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Albel lowered his brow, infuriated. He was very protective of Rika and knew what she was and wasn't on the inside. Albel knew Rika put on a facade for the most part. His claws twitched as he looked at Slytha bitterly. It crossed his mind to punch her or at least backhand her. To keep fro doing so, Albel left the room and went upstairs. He put up a mental blockade so she couldn't talk to him telepathically. Rika watched as Albel suddenly left the room, curious as to his sudden attitude.

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