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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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((er no... isn't yugioh a card game? I think it was a show, but didn't they cancel it, like years ago?))


Slytha sighed sadly. I thought we were starting to get along, before recently.. He was acting upset and I found him covered in blood. Of course I was mad and I yelled at him, but, I think he just snapped or something. I've never really seen him act like that. Well, only once, but that was diffrent. He wasn't in control of himself then.

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((Nooooo I said ABRIDGED! It's a fan made show that makes fun of it. It's super funny. My sides hurt from laughing :3


here's one:



Albel has a lot on his plate. And I mean a lot of stress factors. When you add them all up, they eventually break you. he sighed heavily. Fayt looked over at Albel. "Feeling ok, Brother?" he asked. Albel just flickered his eyes at Fayt.

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((Mocl... LOL))


Keisha nodded, turning a little bit red. "Ohs." she said softly, looking down. She realized that she was able to float by herself now, so she let go of the edge. She let Nick hold her hand still, though. "Okays... Another question." she said. "How come we didn't freezes cause we was in the water for so long?"

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"Cus the water has a heater" Nick said closing his eyes as he floated, still holding keisha's hand "What does yew wana does?" He asked her yawning again.

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Keisha sighed, shrugging slightly. "I doesn't know." she said truthfully, narrowing her eyes. She wanted to learn how to float on her back like Nick was doing, but she didn't feel like asking. "I chose to goes swimming. Now tis your turn." she said, smiling slyly.

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Slytha glanced over at Albel. Both of us are stressed out. I don't know what to do anymore. She glanced out the window. I miss my old life, but I dought I could leave. If I did, I'm sure it wouldn't be a very good idea. She sighed sadly. Albel doesn't seem very kind kind half the time either, which doesn't help..

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((hehe :3))


He has his reasons. Most of it has to do with the environment. For example, if he's being nice, don't point it out. Hell would it kill you to return affection? I don't know how you plan to get a mate in your lifetime if you act the way you do. At this rate, I think ALBEL has a better chance at it Fayt snickered again. Albel's eyes seemed to be returning to normal. The pupils were returning to their normal shape and the bright shade of red return to it's normal darker red.

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Keisha giggled a little bit, being pulled by Nick since he was still holding her hand. It seemed kinda nice. She raised an eyebrow when he mentioned a trampoline. "A... Wha?" she asked him. "I never heard of those things before. Wha is a trampolines?" she asked him.

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((that was kinda funny, "I can't beleive I'm gonna die in a card game!" xd.png)


Slytha rolled her eyes. I don't want, nor need a mate. I'm perfectly fine by myself. She paused. I've returned affection once or twice...Hmpf. How many people could live long enough, for that to happen, before Albel killed them? She snorted.


((His eyes look brown in the picture to me.. ah, brb, g2g eat))

Edited by snowdragon10

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((Almost tongue.gif twas' "I can't believe I'm gonna die in a show about f***ing card games!"


hehe, that was episode 41, you should watch the series on youtube tongue.gif


yeah, in the pic they are but I decided to make them dark red with a hint of brownish))


If you don't want one then why do you follow Albel so diligently? Fayt got up and walked to the kitchen doorway for a head-start. he knew his mouth was probably going to get him into trouble. Someone's got a boyfrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend. I could spread the rumor to the other dragons. He grinned like an idiot. Albel glanced at Fayt as he got up.

Edited by Sai

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Slytha growled softly. You are too much of a coward to try. She snorted. You wouldn't last a second with other dragons. Hybrids aren't thought very highly of. They would kill you on sight, if I or Albel didn't kill you first.

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True buuuuuuuuuut...I can run fast. I may not be as fast as Albel but I can still move like a Whiptail. Fayt winked and stuck out his tongue. Hmm oh Seeeth, Sophiiiiiiia, Tamtaaaaaam he teased as if he were calling out their names.

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"Tis fun!" he said "It makes yew jump higher when you jumps, tis fn!"

Keisha shrugged. "Kays." she said softly. "Where is the trampoline thingy? Does you have one?" she asked. "Will I fall?" she giggled softly, trying to picture her falling.



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((How does Fayt know their names? And Nick, can I write a fanfic of this RP incase I feel like it?))

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Slytha growed loudly and glared at him. Do you have a death wish? Hopefully you aren't that stupid. How long do you think you would live if Albel found out? Besides, I'm pretty sure Tamtam already knows. I could care less what Seth and Sophia think because I barely see then more than once a week. As long as you don't tell Icefire, Atlas or Aeolus, but Aeolus and Atlas are far away and Icefire's dissapeared.


(he visited them with Slytha once )

Edited by snowdragon10

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Oh that's a good idea, I'll go find them... he said, turning and walking towards the door. Fayt wasn't really a jerk but his brother's mischievous nature sometimes rubs off on him. He glanced back at Slytha to see if she would react. He giggled.

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"Yew wont fall dun worries" he said letting go of her hand and crawling out of the pool and standing up, waiting for keisha to follow

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Keisha swam to the edge of the pool, unaware that she was swimming. She pulled herself over the edge of the pool, ringing her long brown hair out. "Okays." she said. "Does you want me in my human form or dragon forms?" she asked, dripping wet.

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Slytha rolled her eyes and set her head down on the couch. Whatever. I know you won't, and if you do, your body will never be found. She glanced at Albel and then back at the ground. And this time, I wouldn't stop Albel from killing you.


((can't.. stop.. watching.. killer.. bunny... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqGn7lhrDBI ))

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((Yeah I put that on my favorites....GO ALBEL! GO! xd.png Albel is actually the Easter Bunny >:3))


Fayt was a bit bored and so he was disappointed she didn't chase him. He send some frost across the room at her. He was trying to instigate her into it. Of course it was just play, but he grew up with human children after the lab so he liked horseplay. Albel knew they were speaking telepathically from Fayt's actions.


((I cry from laughter whenever I watch it))

Edited by Sai

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Slytha growled and got up. She dusted some of the ice off of her and looked arund for he sword. ****. I gave it to Fayt. She balled up her hands into fists. Fine. I'll beat you up with my bare hands. She growled and started walking towards him.

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