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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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((Lol well then, that calls for a ts for them. Assuming they finally went to bed after ._.))


Kai opened her eyes, squinting against the sunlight pouring into the windows. She smiled at the warmth it brought to her skin. She rolled over, facing Kyl. An awkward feeling washed over her as she set her head back into the pillow. At least she'd taken the time to get back into pjs. Quietly, Kai slipped out of bed and stretched. Her stomach growled in demand for food.


Reimi woke up early and hopped out of bed. She wandered downstairs to see Rika cooking. Arceus and Ava were already awake. Reimi went and started to play with Ava while waiting for breakfast. Arceus idly watched them from the couch. Albel made his way downstairs and into the kitchen to see what breakfast had in store.


After murmuring to himself, Akuma went back into the house. Arumat was just coming down the stairs. He caught the slightly startled look on the bounty hunter's face. There was a silent stare down before Arumat registered Akuma's appearance. He could recognize the hybrid's green eyes. He shook his head slightly and continued on to the kitchen.

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(Heh, he didn't really do much but ok ts it is))


Kyl rolled over to his left and grumbled as his dream led to a frustrating moment for him. He went silent not long after and practically ripped the sheets up and pulled them over his head, wrapping himself in a cocoon of blankets. Kyl was off in dream land and didn't even notice Kai leave the bed.


Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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Jason felt the swat from Rose then looks at the magic spring then sees the eels then looks back at Rose and walks up to her "Thanks for warning me about the eels I did not know about them." Jason says as he looks at the chain on her and sadness overcame him when he saw that chain and reminds him of the past when dragons are enslaved then he heard the painful screams of agony and distress which haunted him but decides to remove that thought "Names Jason Alexander." Jason says as he looks at Rose then continues to watch he as she gathers spices and herbs then decides to help "Do you need any help?" Jason says in a kind voice as he waits for her response

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((I wrote about them Oo))


Kai flinched as she heard the sheets suddenly fly up over Kyl's head. She raised an eyebrow, "Well then" she murmured. Kai walked off to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She pulled out eggs, peppers, cheese, and ham. "Omelets sound pretty good..." she said to herself as she grabbed a bowl and started to crack eggs and chop up ingredients.


Rose smiled as he introduced himself. She extended a claw and carved a rose into the stone floor. She pointed from it to herself. Her ears perked at his offer of help. She paused for a moment in thought before pointing to a plant and making a picking motion with her paw. She set the bowl on the floor so they could both reach it.


Arumat and Akuma ate breakfast silently like normal. After, Akuma left the house and sat by the river. He watched the snow sparkle in the sun, covering the ice on the river.

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Shadow crawled out of bed and moved towards the door. he opened it slowly and yawned. Instantly Shadow could smell breakfast and smiled. He was happy to be back in a house and even happier to be in a house were some one else is making the breakfast. Shadow headed downstairs, not worried about putting on his shirt, leaving him in socks and pants. He walked into the living room and looked around at the group of people.

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((Would anyone be willing to send me a re-cap of the roleplay as best they can? Even if it's just enough to understand what's most current.))


-Chasilin listened quietly to the banter that was exchanged between Lunarissa and Palmephius. It was the same as usual, fighting over something trivial, and in this case over which direction was best to take in the forked road. Chasilin was sitting patiently on the ground, her legs bent at the knees while she leaned forward, an arm stretched out picking at the grass, the other resting in her lap. She never minded when they got like this, but today she really just wanted to be able to think to herself. She knew if she asked Palmephius to tune her out of the link he created between the three of them, then they'd both want to know what was going on. So instead, she kept quiet, directing all her thoughts towards the patch of dead grass she ravished with her forefinger and thumb.


"We should take the left! It's the obvious choice and I'm ALWAYS RIGHT!" -Yelled Palmephius irritably, his head jerking harshly at the dirt road on the left.


"No, you're not listening to me Palmephius."-Came the reserved mental voice of Lunarissa. Her long black tail rippled behind her and her soft ears often twitched, the only things that gave away her steadily increasing impatience. Lunarissa felt her claws sink into the earth and she basked in the sensation of puncturing something. Pulling them back out stealthily and without notice, she felt some of her tension being alleviated. Sometimes, being a cat as she was, simple pleasures where the best.-"I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that we should go right only because further along there is tree coverage, shade and various fruits. If we go left, it is no doubt quicker, but Palmephius, it's open space and hot sand. We will end up in the same place but for Chasilin's sake and my own, please let's go right. We're vulnerable to the elements of the earth, you're far more durable than we are."


-Chasilin looked up at the mention of her name and gave a sigh.- "I'm sorry Palmephius, you know I don't usually take sides, but I think that it might be best to go right. And besides, if we go right, I can get you your favourite food. Okay?"-Chasilin didn't have to say much more as she pushed herself off the ground and grabbed her Gungnir. It was evident, by the gleam in the pygmy's eyes, that she'd won him over at the mention of his favourite food. Finally, with this agreed unanimously, they set off down the right path on a friendlier mental note.


To anyone who might have witnessed the exchange, it would have appeared as though Chasilin were talking to herself.-

Edited by Chasilin

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Jason looks at the picture of a rose and looks back at Rose "Rose beautiful name you got there." Jason says as he watches her motions to try and understand her then looks at the plant she pointed "Ah ok." Jason says as he goes to his knees and starts to gather herbs and spices as he does this he accidently puts his hand on Rose's paw but quickly pulls it back slightly blushing but it was bearly noticable "Oh sorry." Jason says shyly as he continues to gather spices then puts them in the bowl then looks back Rose then continues gathering 'Come on she is a dragon and Im a human it can never work out.' Jason thought to himself as he keeps gathering hoping that she wont notice that he blushed

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"Fantastic Atlas, thanks a lot." He turned his attention tothe horde in waiting. "I'll be as quick about it as I can. The faction known as THEM is attacking a settlement. Those already on Rudvick are moving to intervene. Our objective is to drive back their main force and capture the generals, preferably alive." He was quite as he contacted the force on Rudvick for the co-ordinates. Then he spoke again while telepathically giving the magi dragons the co-ordinates. "I have just received the exact location. It is a village of dragons surrounded by forest. Magi dragons teleport as many dragons at once as you can. I want to do this in as few trips as possible. They needed a plan, flying in breaths a blazing wasn't going to work. He decided to relay the plan telepathically so he could talk with those in Rudvick as well. "Before we embark here's the battle plan. The whiptails, reds, ice's, spitfires, and whatever bird's, and stones we have will focus on driving the combat out of the city and towards the forest. The magmas will use their breath to melt a portion of the land in the forest to which we will drive THEM. Wait for THEM to actually arrive. The thunders will use their powers to try and drive THEM down to the lava pit that the magmas will create, the Skywings along with some whiptails will provide support to the thunders in this action by attacking the wings of any airborne enemy. White dragons will provide field medical support to anyone who is injured including any surrendering THEM forces. Guardians will protect the whites. Greens you are charged with breaking up the earth surrounding the "trap zone" that the thunders and magmas will create in order to prevent too much spread of lava. I don't want the town getting hit with the lava if it can be avoided. Magi dragons you must prevent any actions taken by opposing magic dragons. If they try and teleport stop them if can, if they try a fireball douse it with water cut them off from the rest of their force. I want you to bring those Magi dragons to their knees, I don't want THEM to escape this, so make sure the magis are too busy fending for themselves. Once driven into the trap stones will fall back to assist the settlement however they can. Everyone else will try to drive them to the ground by striking at their wings. If at any time you encounter a general remember to avoid killing them. If you are ever in trouble seek out a white dragon, there should be one near by at all times. That is all, Magis let's go."




Gal drifted over to his mate and landed on her back dispelling the escape disk. "Thanks. I think I will rest." He listened to Laura's description of the hot chips and came to a conclusion. "Uhh....does he mean french fries by any chance?" Galamonaro said to Laura shortly after she stated that Shat was laughing at her. "Well I can certainly see why although I am pretty sure the way he refers to them sounds far more silly than you asking what they are." He said defending Laura's honor playfully.




"I did have a good time. That game is hard to keep up with. My claws kept getting snagged it was frustrating. But in the end we won and got some pizza....err what is pizza anyways?" He asked having never once had the food before. It was clear he was excited about it though, the Mac and cheese had been such a smash hit with him he couldn't wait to try other human foods. "I hope it's as good as that mac and cheese stuff. Humans really can cook and I can say that with confidence since I also cook my food before eating it." He said head held high in the air like he had just won a prize.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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(I'll leave the force I was controling in your horde to you and control the THEM okay?)

(Also, in my country, They're called hot chips. Because they are hot, and are kind of like chips. And they're not made into a single form, they are sometimes flat, sometimes thick, sometimes curly, and sometimes thin(In which case they are called french fries.) So yeah, Australia is multicultural, we don't have one type of chip, we have multiple. And calling the different types all 'french fries' doesn't work.)(Well atleast fom what I can undertstand, Australia is a bit confusing at times tongue.gif)

(What's your roleplay about?)


Redfire watched as the group he was leading finally finished up 'recruiting'. They were getting small hatchlings for an experament with a new compound Shat's daughter had discovered. Shat had been stupid enough to teach her everything he knew, so she knew how to make the serum for the eggs, and had finally found a way to possibly infect dragons, not eggs. "Alright, If you have everything head towards the Magi and start teleporting it out!" The dragons obeyed.

Edited by warewolves

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"Chasilin....?" -Somehow the heat seemed to penetrate the armor of foliage that towered above them, the whole forest appeared to melt at the feet of the blazing sun and the further they walked, the worse it got.- "Chasilin are you okay?"-Oh, you can't help wondering though, if traveling in a dry merciless desert would be better as opposed to a humid and suffocating rainforest.-


"I mean, what the hell is up with that?!"-Chasilin stopped walking and blinked stupidly at the sound of her own voice. For a while now she had been lost in thought regardless of the shared minds feature. Chasilin felt that her mouth was too moist and her hair was damp and clung to her face. It was hot. Ok, so it was really hot.


For some reason, Chasilin felt she was being stared at with incredulity, and she was very much correct. Lunarissa, though panting slightly, was giving her a concerned, incredulous look, Palmephius was just showing the incredulous part, Chasilin thought that fit his image perfectly. Chasilin burst out laughing. Why? Heck if she knew.-


"Chasilin..."-Said Lunarissa, her voice slow as if talking to a mentally challenged child. She probably was one right then.- "Are you alright?"


"It's the heat. I'm okay, it's the heat. Don't worry."-Chasilin really didn't mean to worry them. However she did exactly that as wave of fatigue swept over her and seemed to punch right through her entire body. Then, as if she was slapped, her body recoiled and soon after collapsed. In the middle of the rainforest located at the southernmost tip of the crescent shaped Gweynar Island, Chasilin finds herself terribly dehydrated and surrounded by a very frightened Palmephius and a very worried Lunarissa.-


"She'll be all right, right? Won't she Lunarissa? She will be...right?" -Panicked, Palmephius only had Lunarissa to turn to and the burden was heavy on her small feline shoulders. She had to answer calmly for his sake and her own.-


"She'll be just fine. Go find water. She's a human, but she's strong."-Palmephius nodded and flew off to find water, he left Lunarissa to watch over Chasilin.-

Edited by Chasilin

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((*Points to Red* she's kind of the designated re-cap giver ninja.gif))


Kai mixed the ingredients and poured them into a pan. A loud sizzle echoed through the quiet house. She waited a few minutes before grabbing a spatula and neatly flipping the omelet over like a pancake. After that side cooked, she folded the omelet in half and set the cheese on top. The cheese melted quickly from the heat of the food. She cut the omelet in half, putting it on 2 plates. Kai finished it with a piece of toast on each plate. She set the plates lightly on the table and peaked into the other room to see if Kyl was up.


The kids kept playing as Shadow entered the room. Arceus poked his furry face over the back of the couch with his ears forward to watch Shadow with amusement. He seemed to just come morphing out of the shadows half dressed anyway. As Albel entered the kitchen, Rika was pulling the last of the waffles from the waffle cooker. They sat in a large pile on a plate. He watched as she took the bacon from the stove and set them on a plate covered with a napkin. Rika dished out food on to everyone's plate. Albel flicked his tail; he could tell he was about to wag it like a dog as he caught himself. With good reason since Rika was putting strawberries on the waffles along with whipped cream and syrup.


Rose smiled as he complimented her name. She flickered her eyes as he bumped her but kept working. The blue glow of the magic water hid and color changes anyway. After a minute she turned and picked up the bowl, walking back up the path and into the little storage room. A stone pot of soup was cooking. She crushed the herbs and dumped them in, mixing them with a wooden spoon. She loved how easy human tools made living. Even if humans weren't always peaceable, they had very useful things in their possession.


Meracle laughed as Ayos's confusion. "Pizza is one of the most widely known junk food items. It's pretty much seasoned bread with tomato sauce, cheese, and other selective ingredients on top. Better than macaroni I think" she said with a shrug. She reached over and gave him a light pat on the head.


After sitting a while, Akuma stood and brushed the snow from himself. He spotted Arumat heading into town on the horse and followed. They were probably going to be hunting today. As he thought, Arumat went into the bounty office. While he waited, Akuma wandered to a shop window and peered in. The shelves were lined with gifting items for the season. He looked at them with curiosity. They had no purpose, and yet, they were so entertaining to look at and somehow brought a bit of happiness.

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((I'll PM the recap to you, Chasalin.))


The group searched for any useful supplies in the city ruins. One man went into a broken down convenient store and picked up a few bandages. But then a zombie lurking inside staggered towards the man as it let out a bone-chilling groan. Another zombie was following right behind it. The man dropped the bandage supplies in terror and ran out the door as he shouted, "Zombies!" Everybody heard the shout as some more zombies came staggering out from the other buildings. Aeolus looked at all the zombie humans and dragons as he muttered, "Empiricon remnants!" Then he ordered the relief aid group, "Everybody attack!"


((Sorry, I had to make it short today, but I'm getting bored. I'll see to you soon, Enkie, Knight, and Sai.))

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Jason watched Rose leave and sighs then turns himself around facing the magic pool and sat down to the ground and looks at the water seeing the tropical fish swimming "Wow its amazing that fish actually swim in this water and be unaffected." Jason says as he stands up and walks to the main chamber then looks at the storage room then smells the soup cooking and his stomach grumbled "Man the tropical fish looked good enough to catch and cook but soup smells good in which is makeing me hungry." Jason says to himself as he walks to sits hot spring and sits down trying to stay out of the way 'Wonder why Rose does not talk but its ok if she does not talk facial expressions do the talking and also gestures.' Jason thought to himself as the delicious smell keeps his stomach growling but stays out of the way of Sophia's way 'I understand Sophia has a grudge against my kind but I respect her position and well I feel the same way about dragon enslavement it is wrong but it is all over now.' Jason thought to himself as he feels the warmth of the hot springs's steam

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Rose smiled at the smell of the soup. She'd learned well from Miko. She sighed quietly, missing her mom. She stepped back into the main cave and looked at her grandmother. "Breakfast" she said softly. Rose most always spoke to her family. Sophia got up and went to grab a bowl. Rose grabbed one and held it up to Jason as an offering. Sophia filled her bowl and snorted at Jason as she went to sit down again. She was doing fairly well considering Seth normally had to be between her and any humans. She'd nearly bitten Nick's hand off last time.


Akuma stared blankly into the window as people came and left the shop. He flinched roughly when Arumat called his name. "Akuma, let's go" he said simply. The bounty hunter opened his bingo book and flipped through the pages. He picked a band of bandits, showing the pictures to Akuma. Arumat mounted his horse and went out towards the forest. The location was already known, it was just a matter of getting the job done alive for the bounty office.

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The magi dragons started to teleport the Firestorm horde members to the designated location. Once there, Scorch, Blaze, the reds, ices, birds, stones, whiptails, and spitfires started attacking the THEM forces as they were trying to drive THEM out into the woods. Scorch and Blaze were breathing out fire at the enemy dragons in front of them.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Jason looks at Rose and grabs the bowl "Thank you." Jason says as in a kind tone as he stands up and walks to the storage room and filled his bowl and walks back to the main chamber and sits infront of the hot spring and takes a sip of the soup then sets it gently on the ground and looks at Sophia "The soup is delicious Sophia." Jason says in a kind manner then looks at the hot spring breathing in the warm air and exhaleing then looks at Rose when he heard her voice 'So she can talk but only to her family how odd but its fine with me.' Jason thought as he picks up the bowl again and takes another sip of the soup and looks at Rose 'How odd still that she does not have wings and does not speak to strangers perhaps it just her style.' Jason thought as he takes another sip of his soup

Edited by knightstemplar151

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((My mom forces me to go to church. My whole family's christian, but I'm the only atheist in the group.))


Sophia took Starwing and Jason into the spring cave. Starwing followed Jason and Rose into the magic spring cave with the tropical fish and eels in the water. Then when breakfast time came, Starwing started to eat his food from the bowl. "Mmm! Yummy!" Starwing said.

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((Lol reminds me of that creepy song "One of these things is not like the other one, one does not belong~"


Oo Uhh... ok. But her close friends were killed by Albel. Btw can you post your form for Jason in OOC? I don't think I ever saw it :I))


Rika started to put plates on the table in the dining room. Albel followed, "About time we got more normal company. As far as I'm concerned anyways. Pitiful dragons everywhere" he snorted. Of course he was referring to Icefire. He'd threatened to kill her on many occasions. Rika's eye slightly twitched. She was ready to punch someone if they so much as mentioned dragons. It was enough she had to stop killing dragon from the law, but she was just fine with not seeing any more dragons. Particularly Icefire. "Breakfast is ready" she announced. The kids came running in, sitting at the table. Ava and Reimi exchanged glances when they saw the waffles. Arceus rolled his eyes at Shadow before trotting into the dining room. Rika sat down, taking note of the odd company. Herself, a GoN, a hybrid that looked like a wolf, 2 other hybrids, and her only human company, Shadow.


Rose sipped at her own soup. Sophia growled in response to Jason and gulped down the soup. There was a brief silence and then fluttering. Miko landed on the cave edge, "Morning. Dropped by for breakfast since all is well in Gridania" she folded her white feathered wings. Rose smiled and scooped her a bowl. "I don't know how you work there, it's crawling with humans" Sophia muttered. Miko chuckled, "You have your fetishes mom, I got mine" Miko took the bowl, "And who is this?" she looked to Jason. "Jason" Rose said lightly.

Edited by Sai

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((I know I will get around to get that set and find a pic that best matches him and I did not know that she lost all of her close friends if you want me too I can get rid of that bit))


Jason looks Miko "Jason Alexander is the name." Jason says as he takes another sip of his soup "Now if I may ask what is your name?" Jason says in a kind tone as he approaches Miko and takes another sip then places the empty bowl on the ground and looks at Rose then looks back at Miko "Well when I first arrived in your home it was amazing when you had that Magic spring." Jason says as he looks at Miko 'By my guess the daughter of Sophia I can see some resemblance.' Jason thought to himself as he looks at her wings then and the question still dawns on him 'Why do dragons have feathers?' Jason thought as he gets out of the thought and looks at Miko "By the way your mothers cooking is excellent." Jason says as he smiles

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((Not all... 1 but she wasn't intended to have many friends. It could work I guess *shrug*))


"Well then Mr. Jason, I'm Miko" she found his question amusing. "Dragons come in many forms and breeds. I'm part white dragon. White dragons have feathers" she explained. Miko sipped at her soup and raised a brow at his comment. "I think you've gotten that a little confused there. I'm Rose's mother, and Sophia is my mother" she explained. Sophia finished her bowl and set it aside. She did a cat stretch before settling back into the warm stone floor. Sophia was far from a winter dragon and enjoyed the warmth.

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Redfire growled, but noticed they had teleported the majority of what they needed. "All those with free hands engage the enemy. Those laden with supplies pair up with another dragon to guard you package untill the Magi comes to relieve you. All water dragons to the foreground!! Attack the leaders!!!" He roared and all grounded dragons took flight, leaving their cowering victims in dust and blood. Redifre atacked a whiptail, biting down in between the neck and quickly disabeling it, something old him not to kill it so he threw it away. He noticed two dragons breathing fire, and his eyes narrowed and he made a beeline for them, a water dragon slowly making a water bubble to disable the fire dragons behind him. He waited a few moments, and then when all forced were engaged he gave the signal and the ramaining half of the force attacked from the trees, diving out from houses and buildings and even fom the dragons themselves. Redifre roared, and breathed flame and then flipped himself out of the way as the water dragon fired.

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((Thank you Red, I'd be terribly grateful if you would. It would help a lot. Thank you, too, Sai.))


-A heavy sweltering wind raked it's humid fingers over whatever may lie in it's path. Unluckily, the dehydrated Chasilin and a panting, worried Lunarissa, were just in the wrong spot. Lunarissa was thankful for the shade at a time like this but it hardly helped, while she waited for Palmephius to return with another leaf full of water, her eyes drifted to her surroundings. Tired and worn out through to the bone, the sweat-matted feline reclined onto her haunches and pushed out her fores to slide onto the warm ground and rest. It wouldn't be long now before they could get moving again. Before Chasilin fainted again, she had seemed much better. She was just in need of water.


Palmephius lurched upward to dodge a branch that had found itself in his way. Blinking hard he tried to clear his vision and stay focused,- For the sake of Chasilin-, he continued to tell himself as he flew towards the stream east bound from where he knew Chasilin and Lunarissa awaited his return. When the faint trickling of water reached him, the melody was soothing and cleansed away much of his worries. Speeding up to sooner reach the river the young Pygmy breathed a sigh and prepared himself to land.


As he arrived at the river bank his wings parachuted out behind him and slapped the air lazily to cushion the decent. His claws clicked against a stone that sat half submerged in the cool waters. Unable to restrain himself, before fetching a proper leaf to carry the water, Palmephius jumped into the stream and let himself be run over by the currents which laced the surface. Once satisfied he burst from the water like seasoned salmon and shook off twinkling droplets like small fine crystals glinting in the sunlight. He quickly got to work searching for a good bowl-shaped leaf and clutched it in either of his hind claws, dipping it into a distilled pool nearby, and then set off for Chasilin and the cat.


Lunarissa stared dazedly in the general direction from where Palmephius had left her and Chasilin and only regained a gleam in her eyes when he had returned, water and all. They woke Chasilin and gave her some water, which she drained thankfully, and then shared the rest amongst themselves before setting off again.


Chasilin made it a mental point to herself to never do that to them again.-

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((...I am not sure, should I post here another character or not...))

After doing some steps forward for looking supplies, he heard a man, shouting about zombies. "Zombies?" - thought Richard, before he saw the reason of the shout. Then he tried to mutter something to zombies, but all he did is soundlessly moving his lips in vain attempt to speak. He really hated zombies. The last time he encountered them he had a only single lit torch with him. Now he didn't have a torch or any source of fire, so he looked around for something flammable and for source of fire. C'mon... I need something flammable... FLAMMABLE!" - he thought with haste.

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Jason looked in amazement at Miko "Wait.....You can read my thoughts?" Jason says in amazement as he looks at Miko "Oh right thanks for the tip and thank you for answering my question and that was pretty cool how you read my mind." Jason says in a kind tone then looks at Rose "Nice family you got here Rose and im greatful to help you out gather." Jason says as he looks at Miko and wonders how did she read his mind "Miko nice name you got there besides I helped out Rose collect spices and herbs and if there is anything else you need food wise i can happly help out." Jason says as he looks out of the cave and takes in the scenery then looks back at Miko "Miko something is bugging me, I just dont know what problem it is though, you see I got out of a underground bunker with no knowlege of what happend during the past year I had orders to get in the bunker before the spell was released." Jason says as he looks out at the scenery again as the images of the ruined cities clouded his mind

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