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Julius was not fooled by the man's smile. He had heard the way the man had been talking to these students and his threat against the school.


"That depends" he said slowly and carefully. "On if Moonshine wants to see you."


He looked over the stranger's shoulder at the three teenagers.


"Cizzur. Great to see you again. Why don't you and your friends go inside and amuse yourselves for a few moments? I think I can handle things out here."

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The man's smile vanished and he rubbed his temples. "Could you pass aloing a message atleast?"

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"Of course."


Julius held up his hands and a pen and a reporters notebook appeared in them. Clicking the pen's point out with one hand and flipping the cover off the notebook with the other he poised as if to write.


"Go ahead" he smiled.

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The man smiled and said "Thanks!" He frowned and looke to the sky as he composted it. "Just tell her.....'The bomb had been rewired, please answer the phone.' " Nodding he gazed at the teacher and nodded "She will know what it means. Thanks." And he walked toward his car and got in.


Moonshine was in the caferteria, eating an apple and musing silently.


(Gotta go)

Edited by warewolves

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Cizzur laughed when Rex asked the man if he had changed out of his pyjamas. In his opinion the man didn't have the right to see his daughter, father or not. Family bonds were no guarantee for good behaviour as he well knew.


He didn't leave when Mr. Abbadon said he had things well in hand. He might owe the man his life but he didn't know him, not to mention that he was the one Rex was looking for.


Once the man who claimed to be Moonshines father had left he poked Rex and nodded in Julius direction.


"That is the one you were looking for. Be careful with your words."



Tegan brought some seeds as food for the mouse mother and refreshed the water.


He smiled at Claire. "You love animals, don't you?"

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Claire's smiled broke into a slightly wider one as she turned to look at Tegan.


"Yes. Ever since I was little. Nature and animals have always been very important to me."




Rex looked the man Cizzur had identified as Abbadon in awe. The man was far too good looking. Did he had Cissy on speed dial or something? He had just worked up the courage to approach the man when Cizzur added a warning.


"What do you mean?" he hesitated.

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"You get one wish only. And as far as I've understood it depends what you say after you utter the words 'I wish' not on what you truly want. So take care that you choose the right words."


Cizzur looked to Mr. Abaddon to see if he would contradict him. He wondered if the man would reprimand him for telling his secret to Rex.


Why doesn't that surprise me?, Tegan thought, Her picture is probably in the dictonary under *Do Gooder*. He wasn't quite sure, but he suspected she was even more idealistic then Cadenza. He'd start looking for an evil girlfriend, but the problem with that were they were treacherous and generally harder to manipulate than their more principled counterparts.


He made sure his eyes shone with good-hearted mischief before he said. "Well, in that case I suspect I've choosen well by naming you kitty-cat."


He let the mischieviousness drain out of his eyes and looked at her more serious. "There is woodland not very far from the school. Would you like to go an explore it with me?"


Edited by Laura-Lana

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Moonshine teleported out just as the man turned the corner and vansihed. She watched him silently for a moment, eating her apple. Then she turned and teleporte back to the caferteria. She grabbed a whole lt off apples and sat down. "for some reason, I feel like eating apples" She mused about this silently.

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"A woodland? Sure."


Claire's smiled turned radiant. She loved walking in woods and the countryside. Unfortunately it was one of the few things her old boyfriend wasn't interested in.




Rex nodded.


"It's okay. I know what I want."


He began to walk towards Julius, who had turned to face the approaching villian. The notebook and pen had vanished from sight.


"You grant wishes right?" Rex asked when he was close enough.

"Yes" replied Julius watching the boy carefully. "But you need to be careful of what you say."


Rex took a deep breath.


"I wish my parents were alive and healthly, above ground and right here."

Julius closed his eyes for a moment and then re-opened them. He looked quite pale.


"Rex?" asked a voice from behind the group.

Edited by Fortune86

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"Great! Shall we go after Mr. Abbadons lesson?"


Tegan sighed when he realized said lesson would start soon. He just hoped the teacher hadn't planned another trip to faerieland.


It was about the least wish Cizzur could have made, but Rex anxious face kept him from saying something.




Cizzur didn't turn around. He simply assumed they were Rex parents. Something else had grabbed his attention.


"If he hadn't added the part about wishing them to be aboveground, what would have happened?"

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Unlike Cizzur Rex did turn around. Standing a few feet away and looking highly confused wre his parents.


He knew what he had been wishing for, but nonetheless his jaw dropped.


"Mom?" he asked in amazement. "Dad?"


Julius banged his ear a couple of times while he tried to sort out his thoughts. That was the problem with the wish granting. They couldn't half scramble his brains at times.


Focusing on Cizzur he tried to recall what the teen had just asked.


"Well traditionally they come back to life where ever they are, so if they were buried that would be in a grave. Six feet under ground. Sometimes they suffocate before people can dig them up."

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"That's..." Cizzur searched for a word that was strong enough "disgusting."

He glanced at Rex who stared at his parents, wonderment in his eyes.


"I am glad he figured that out in time. What about people, who were burned with their ashes shattered? Where would they appear?"


"I fear we need to go to Mr. Abbadon's course now. That is if you are interested in attending it with us?".Tegan offered Claire his arm, the question in his eyes.

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"The ashes will reform back into a human body" said Julius as he watched an awed Rex approach his parents. "And reappear in the area. Of course location is an important factor again. If someone was thrown into a body of water or placed inside a memorial, they will probably die again very quickly."




"Is it that time already?" asked Claire turning to look at th clock. "Time has really flown today."


Looking back at Tegan she took his arm.


"I'd love to join you."

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"And if someone was distributed over several bodys of water with the rest of the ashes mixed into the soil of a fiel?. Or several fields? Some people go to great length to make sure their enemis can't reappear. Is your power up to that?"


Tegan directed one of his lethal smiles at Claire and lead her out of the room. She looked right on his arm, he noticed satisfied. If he could manipulate her into becoming his girlfriend it would be a good match.

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"I would think so" said Julius with a slight sniff. "I haven't yet tried something like that to date, but considering I once had to piece the moon back together I think I can manage a person with ease."


He shifted his attention to Cizzur. Was he trying to find a limit to his power? And why?




"What exactly is Mr Abaddon's class about again?" asked Claire. "Cadenza said something to do with fairies?"

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"Myths. Good and evil. Or maybe only evil. I am not one hundret percent sure. We are worrying so much about some villain or other that we forget there are prenatural creatures, who are even more dangerous. Mr. Abbadon want's to make sure we are prepared against them."


Tegan pauised for a moment. Then he said. "He brought us to Faerieland last lesson. It was very romantic. Until we were attacked by a childkilling monster. Stay close to me and Moira, will you? He said he had had everything under control, but..." Tegan sighed, then shrugged. "I hope he'll have a less dangerous lesson today."


((actually I am just using him because my curiousity got the better of me))


"The moon?!?"


Before Cizzur could ask another question a bell rang, announcing that the next lesson would start in five minutes.


Cizzur made a face. "Rex!", he called. "Time is running out. We better get back before someone misses us back home and starts to wonder where we are. Take your parents and lets vanish from here."


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"Allow me" said Julius raising a hand and waving it.


Suddenly the two teenage boys and Rex's parents vanished from sight. Rex stumbled a little as the car park was torn away from under his feet and landed on the grass outside the Villian's school infirmary window.


"What the" asked Rex's mother, looking highly confused. "What just happned?"






Claire fell silent as she thought. New to being a hero she might be, but she knew a little about those magical creatures. Not all of them were nice.

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With Cizzur, Rex and his parents vanished Moira and Mr. Abaddon were the only people left on the schoolyard. She had been so quiet during the last minutes that it was easy to forget about her. She hadn't shown more life then one of the statues.


Now she slowly moved her head and stared at Mr. Abaddon out of those flat, uniform black eyes. She wondered if he had done anything bad to her boyfriend.


"What..." Cizzur let loose a sting of explicit curses, which Julius couldn't hear because he wasn't at Villain School. "I didn't want to return THAT quickly. I didn't even get to kiss Moira goodbye.", he complained.


Tegan nodded. But his thoughts weren't so much on Faerieland as on the way the sun shone on her hair.


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Julius noticed how Moira was starng at him and give her one of his brilliant smiles.


"Don't worry. I just sent Cizzur and his friends back to the villian's school. I don't think they eneded up inside a wall or anything..."


Clapping his hands together he grinned.


"And now the two of us better get going ourselves. It won't do for the teacher to be late."


He hadn't finished speaking before the two of them were suddenly in the Folklore classroom. Julius walked over to his desk and opened a large cardboard box that had been delivered earlier in the day.


"Oh good" he said peering inside. "There's enough for everyone."




Rex ignored Cizzur's potty mouth and continued explaining things to his parents.


"...so then I just went right up to him and wished for the two of you back. When Cizzur saw my wish got granted this Abaddon guy must have sent us here so we wouldn't get into trouble. It was hero school after all."


Rex's parents listened carefully and nodded, although his mother looked unsure.


"Abaddon. I'm sure I've heard that name before."




When Tegan and Claire turned into the corridor Claire gasped. More girls than she had ever seen together in her life where all waiting out in the halway, giggling and gossiping away. Could one shcool really hold this many students?

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Moira went to her desk wordlessly and dug out her cell.


Are you allright?She texted Mr Abaddon said he had sent you back to villain school.


She was not interested in the objects Mr.Abaddon was looking at.


Having paused in his cursing Cizzur had heard the last comments from Rex parents.


"Well he seems to be rather powerful. It would be strange if no one had heard from him until now. Downright suspicious actually."


Cizzur's cell beeped and he saw that Moira had texted him.


Everitin feine! He wrote back. Luv u


Moira read the reply and nodded satisfied. With all those spelling mistakes the message was definetly from Cizzur himself.


"Unbelievable. I think there are MORE girls than yesterday around. And I am still the only boy." Tegan shook his head. "Girls are far more pleasing to look at than boys", he glanced at Claire, "And some are amazingly beautiful..."

He looked back to the crowd. " So I can't honestly claim I don't appricate the view. But if I were Mr. Abbadon, I would worry. What if they decide to do more then admire him?"

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Rex's mother shook her long blonde hair over her shoulder, still looking unhappy. She was still reeling from finding out she had been dead for several years, but the niggle in her brain that the name Abaddon had itched up wouldn't go away.


Her husband reached over and put a soothing hand on her shoulder.


"We'll figure it out later love. Right now we have a lot to catch up on. Our son for starters."


Rex grinned madly and looked in turn at each of his parents. Turning to Cizzur he edged a little closer to his friend.


"Can you go on ahead? I have a lot to sort out."




Claire was so busy staring at the girls jamming the corridor she didn't notice that Tegan had been looking at her when he dished out his line, but she nodded in concern when he wondered about how far the girls might go.


She did spot one or two boys amongst the crowd, but something about their facial expressions suggested that they weren't here for the girls. Just how many admirers could one man have?




Julius walked over to the classroom door and tugged it open. He took a double take when he saw the vast numbers waiting out in the corridor. Did they mutliply since yesterday?


Nonetheless he smiled and started to wave the students inside.

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Cizzur nodded. "Yell, if you need me." he told his friend, just in case things went south. He'd be there in a matter of moments if he heard Rex. In his experience parents were in no way safe people. Yet, he knew that not everyones parents were like his and Moiras. Wasn't that one of the reasons he had wanted to be related to Cure? Because he wanted to claim someone as family, who deserved the name?

In any case Cizzur understood enough to do the wise thing and leave Rex with his parents, hoping they were all his friend wanted them to be.


He went to his english lesson. The teacher was annoyed, because he was late and got disgusted when he discovered how abysmal Cizzur's education was.

Despite his best intentions Cizzur got angry enough to try and punch the teacher when he didn't stopp harassing him.

The teacher evaded, but the blackboard that he had stood in front of didn't survive the experience.


Mad at Cizzur the teacher shot a ball of slime at him, which Cizzur evaded in turn thanks to his reflexes. The slime turned out to be acidic and dissolved the wall.

The pupils in the next room stared at them, then one of them grinned and sent a whirlwind through the hole. Books, chairs and acidic slime started to fly around hitting anyone, who wasn't quick enough.


In other words - buisness as usual in villain School.


Moira sat on her place Tegan discovered to his relief when they entered the room. Normally he was pretty bright, but so much had been going on today that one might excuse a moment of thoughtlessness on his part.

In any case, he lead Claire, who was still on his arm, straight to Moira, forgetting for a moment that Claire might not be happy to be around Moira.

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((Thanks Laura, you've given me just the opening I was looking for!))


Rex was happily leading his parents around the school, chatting away quite excitedly as they walked. Since it was such a nice day they had decided against going inside and instead walked around the surrounding gardens. They were just lapping the english clasroom when the sounds of fight broke out.


Curious Rex lagged behind a step and looked through the window. It looked as though they were having fun in there. Unfortunately, that moment's lag cost him dearly.


A massive glob of acid came flying through the window and hit Rex right in the face. Screaming in agnoy he toppled backwards and clawed desperately at his eyes, burning his fingers as he fell. He was dead before he hit the grass.





Rex's parent's hurried quickly to their son's side, but it was far too late. Sobbing terribly his mother made as if to grab at him, but her husband quickly tore her away. The two of them watched in horror as the acid finished its work and dripped down onto the grass under their son's body.




"Right everyone" said Julius once his students were seated. "I want you all to pair up and take one of these each."


As he walked between the desks the cardboard box floated around behind him. Every now and again a few stones with large holes in the center would spiral out of the box and land on the desk in front of a student.


"Can any of you guess what these are?"

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