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Kingdom Hearts.

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KH 358/2 was epic. I finally beat all the missions in Mission Mode and got the Limit Pass. Also, Lexaeus' (sp?) Final Limit is EPIC PWNZORSHIP. I mean, bashing a stone into an enemy's skull? WOW.

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Wait, Limit Pass? I let my friend borrow the game after I beat Story Mode, so I haven't gotten a chance to do much in Mission Mode.

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*Sits in a corner and cries because she doesn't have a DS*

Don't worry Fortune; we'll all have our respective crying corners when BBS comes and we have no PSP >.<

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lol I still don't have a release date for that.


Off topic: Persona PSP doesn't look like it's coming out in Europe T-T

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I do like Kingdom Hearts. I'm not going to lie.

The obsessive fanbase and ten million characters are kind of irritating though <:

The organization was unneeded.

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Um... without the Organization, there would kinda be no plot.

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They didn't have the organization in the original plot, how is there no plot without them?

They must have been desperately needed a new plot if they had to add twenty new characters in order to create it.

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They didn't have the organization in the original plot, how is there no plot without them?

They must have been desperately needed a new plot if they had to add twenty new characters in order to create it.

they needed something new- a 'boss' that knew what they were doing and malnipulated Sora to do their bidding, unlike in the first KH Sora went to save Kairi (I know that happened again, but Sora's main goal was to get rid of the Organization and not be used... at least I think that's it... blink.gif )


and to show I'm not sideing with one side or the other dry.gif - I liked the original KH a little better because it was darker and was the first game I had played that was like it.

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The FIRST KH game was darker? I thought KH2 was darker than KH1, and KH Days was darkest of them all. (Or at least the most depressing, you can't argue with that.)


The KH series has been getting progessively darker as each game goes by, but I'm not complaining about that. Not as long as they keep their high standard of quality.

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The FIRST KH game was darker? I thought KH2 was darker than KH1, and KH Days was darkest of them all. (Or at least the most depressing, you can't argue with that.)


The KH series has been getting progessively darker as each game goes by, but I'm not complaining about that. Not as long as they keep their high standard of quality.

Something awful is going to happen in BBS or KHIII. I can FEEL IT.

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The FIRST KH game was darker? I thought KH2 was darker than KH1, and KH Days was darkest of them all. (Or at least the most depressing, you can't argue with that.)


The KH series has been getting progessively darker as each game goes by, but I'm not complaining about that. Not as long as they keep their high standard of quality.

I guess it's a matter of opinion on which game is darker. I just feel that KH has more of the darkness and less of the 'hey there's some heartless- lets go beat them'. although, I did learn a lot (two words, not one) about KH from KHII, it had more info on the worlds and how everything is tied together.


and don't talk about Days sad.gif I lost My DS with Days still in it!!! I was only on day 152!!

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and don't talk about Days sad.gif I lost My DS with Days still in it!!! I was only on day 152!!


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Thats what I shouted!! I started a week before my friend and now he's ahead of me! gah!!


*looks for DS in Piles of games, junk and anything else* nooo! it's not there!


*looks behind sofa* ahhh! not their either!


*puts up reward posters for the safe return of her DS*

Edited by Hitaryu

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*Hides behind sofa playing Hitaryu's DS*

That's not very nice.

Kotatsus are niiiice, though.

I can imagine Sora saying that.

2 cookies to whoever knows where that's from!

user posted image

^I like this picture.

Edited by minkymy

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*Hides behind sofa playing Hitaryu's DS*

*Snaches DS*


I found it!! (^.^) It was in my games bag all along... even though I looked there a million times 0.o I think my DS hated me and ran away... I was paying too much attention to my PSP and Monter Hunter...

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*Snaches DS*


I found it!! (^.^) It was in my games bag all along... even though I looked there a million times 0.o I think my DS hated me and ran away... I was paying too much attention to my PSP and Monter Hunter...

Fortune musta put it back. Good fortune!

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Yeah well....I wanted to go back to playing Dissidia.


*huggles Squall*


Don't worry Squall. You'll always be my favourite emo biggrin.gif

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