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We Need New Drop Mechanics. It's Just A Fact.

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I'm really leaning towards this because I'm getting tired of seeing the exact same breeds in the biomes every day and CB common hunting has become a nightmare. I've given up hunting for specific common CBs at this point because I am flooded with the same stuff all the time. Maybe it's just that I check around the same time every day because I don't have a lot of time in my day to play, but I have only ever caught one CB of several common/uncommon breeds that by all rights shouldn't be that hard to catch but never ever appear for me. And I've only caught one CB metallic ever and it was a copper. 😖 So jealous of people who have CB golds and silvers...

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Support 4-6 visible eggs/biome, its so hard to catch anything even just "less common" like Pink


and mayby something like daily-boost-minievents? every day diffrent Element have boosted % to appear (12 elements so 1-24 of month have boosts, each element twice, and left days is "normal" days like today, exept new-event-breed days xD)

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9 hours ago, Erra said:

Support 4-6 visible eggs/biome, its so hard to catch anything even just "less common" like Pink


and mayby something like daily-boost-minievents? every day diffrent Element have boosted % to appear (12 elements so 1-24 of month have boosts, each element twice, and left days is "normal" days like today, exept new-event-breed days xD)


That's an idea that I really like, actually! It would be cool to have more cave mechanics that interact with the elemental alignments ^-^

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8 hours ago, StarlightLion said:


That's an idea that I really like, actually! It would be cool to have more cave mechanics that interact with the elemental alignments ^-^

Thanks ^^ i think we really need some help to catch specific breed.


And i have one more idea: if we got two pages per biom mayby give them some names? eg. "High/Low Alpine", "Sunny/Rainy Coast", "Sol/Moon Forest" just to make this look prettier xD (and if we go further - small element boosts like sunny coast have eg 1% higher chance for light-element, its diffrent than dialy-boost which should be much higher)

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Personally I would love more biomes. Or having areas you can visit within the biomes that have a separate egg supply, and maybe different breeds than other locations.

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I don't want more biomes, but I do like the idea of a biome being split into multiple sections like Erra said. These places are massive, so there is no way all humans are hunting in the same area of each biome

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I don't think TJ would split them - he has always said everyone has to see the same things.

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They would be seeing the same things..? There would just be different areas to look in. Nobody is suggesting restricting pages to certain people, and clearly seeing as the biomes we added at all TJ does not mind there being multiple pages to hunt on.

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Even a split as simple as Alpines 1-3 would help a lot, honestly. Doesn't even need to show in the main list, if clutter is a concern.

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I imagine you click on a biome like normal, then it would take you to the "1" of that biome. But you can click on "2" and "3", which would now probably be right below the biome list or somewhere else if someone has a better idea, to get to other parts of the biome and see another 3 eggs.

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I'm 100% for updated drop mechanics. I'm seeing allegedly common drops as CBs for the first time and never again way too often and it feels like the caves are just cycling through the same few handfuls of species.

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For posterity's sake, I did some actual numbers.


Since returning at the end of August (2022), I've caught ten Xenowyrms, three coppers, a chicken, a paper, a Spessartine, two Pargulus pygmies, four Zyus, seven Hydras, and possibly other valuable dragons that I don't know are valuable yet XD

I've seen but missed a handful more Xenowyrms, two coppers, a gold, a Staterae, two or three Cantors, several Hydras, and various unbreedables that I don't collect.


In that same time, I've seen two seasonals. And okay, they're meant to be uncommon - I've seen one pillow. Pillows!

It's not a case of not having enough time to 'properly' trawl the caves (accessibility of casual play is a topic for another thread), because clearly I have an excess of that. And I know that I'm in the minority of players when it comes to just how much good stuff I see in the cave, so this is coming from a rather privileged position in my case, but we're not asking for rares to be more common (I don't even think they need to be, but again, I am privileged in that regard to grain of salt and all that). But there needs to be much, much better accessibility to breeds that aren't supposed to be difficult to get a hold of.

The Market is not a viable alternative to acquiring commons and uncommons. If the amount of shards we could earn wasn't so severely limited, then it might be - and that's ignoring the problems with biome-affected breeding - but as it stands, the scarcity of shards makes it a resource that players are (rightfully) reluctant to spend on breeds that are supposed to be common and thus easy to get hold of.

Adding rows/biomes/sub-biomes is a stopgap measure if nothing else about the system is changed, but it's a stopgap that we desperately need. Ratios and algorithm unchanged, simply having more eggs accessible will drastically ease the bottleneck we have going on at the moment.

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It is absolutely unacceptable that I can go a few weeks without a caveborn of a species I collect. I increased my hunting ranges and am now going after commons in general but it's extremely annoying.


The market is a bad alternative because that means saving for rares isn't possible, if you have to spend all your shards on commons/uncommons.


I still haven't seen false headed hydras since the release, btw! They're only 100 in the shop. Why are they so rare? I really don't think I'm asking for much here, just the chance to hunt commons I like!

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2 hours ago, Skadi said:

I still haven't seen false headed hydras since the release, btw! They're only 100 in the shop. Why are they so rare?


New releases are always cheap. Staterae were at first.

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18 hours ago, Fuzzbucket said:


New releases are always cheap. Staterae were at first.

A cost of 100 should still mean it's easily found in the cave.

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20 hours ago, Skadi said:

It is absolutely unacceptable that I can go a few weeks without a caveborn of a species I collect. I increased my hunting ranges and am now going after commons in general but it's extremely annoying.


The market is a bad alternative because that means saving for rares isn't possible, if you have to spend all your shards on commons/uncommons.


I still haven't seen false headed hydras since the release, btw! They're only 100 in the shop. Why are they so rare? I really don't think I'm asking for much here, just the chance to hunt commons I like!


FWIW, the hydras are out there.  A friend of mine caught two in a row in the Coast yesterday (the lucky dog).  I caught one in the Alpine a week ago, despite mostly being focused on breeding Halloween mates the last couple weeks.  Plus I still see a fair number of them in hatcheries, too!  I don't think they're all that rare, I think they're just going fast.


Wonder if there's a time of day that they're more commonly dropped?

Edited by sorenna

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5 hours ago, Skadi said:

A cost of 100 should still mean it's easily found in the cave.


Sorry but that's NOT how it works.

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6 hours ago, Fuzzbucket said:


Sorry but that's NOT how it works.

And it's dumb that it doesn't.


I said should. Not that it doesn't. Commons should be common. It should not be this hard to hunt commons. I should not have to trade 2g prizes for commons as my most reliable way of getting them.

Edited by Skadi

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The market and TJ's own words on the market? 



Weekly earnings were chosen to cap out at one common egg per week.




Anything at 100 shards obviously must be intended to be a common, since we have many breeds that start off at 200 shards despite not being anything special.

Edited by Shadowdrake

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I think Hydras are as least uncommon, because their NR were dropped 6 hours only and got complained... I don't think a common breed would just like that. Maybe it's because they still count of a new breed so their shards doesn't increases?


Edit:  In my experience, the catching difficulty of FHH is around Gemshard/Canto, less than Sapphire/Xenos except stat in this time. But you can see a Sapphire egg need 300 shards and the Xenos are 200/400... I just think if someone want to buy some Hydras, it is a good chance in this time.

Edited by D-wing

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Agreed with this topic, I collect sprites and so all I've ever been doing on this site is log in when there's a new release -> catch my fill -> grow the NRs, name them -> log out until there's another new release. However I got bored of this so I set a new arbitrary goal of replacing my lineaged dragons with CBs, and I decided to start with my pink/red dragons, as I have many of them due to necessity. I now need 3 more adult pinks of each gender, and 24 adult reds; when I started I needed 9 adult pinks of each gender and 33 adult reds. I've been making slower progress than I would like, because they're almost never there, but they're supposed to be common, while I've seen CB metals and straterae fly by. As pinks and reds are common breeds with useful BSAs that are more or less essential to new players and older players alike, I can only attribute this to the sheer amount of breeds that each biome has, and how that has created a bottleneck of sorts. 

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