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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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7 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Lost_Unicorn was looking for a Uni code. There's a Murkling with one in trade, but they want  a Z code NR (but not a Furor). I have none. 

I went ahead and traded for it. It was accepted and I sent a transfer link send to Lost_Unicorn on your behalf (it was low time and I was worried it wouldn't make it before it matured if we tried sending to you and then to Lost)


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5 hours ago, Lagie said:

House sitting now. I had to drive back from the airport in the rain, then unload my car, then inch each of the cars forward bit by bit to be able to close the gate. I will leave one of them at my house tomorrow. :rolleyes:


just wondering, how often do you house-sit?

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3 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Thank You. 😊 

Anytime ❤️

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7 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:


just wondering, how often do you house-sit?

Right now, I'm out house sitting more than I'm home! This one's a ten day stay, home one night, then a month at the next house. 2020, I was home as no one travelled! 2021, I was home more than I was out. This year so far, I'm out more than I'm home. (This is why I never planned to have animals of my own... but the cats had other plans. :rolleyes:)


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


My arm is very sore from yesterday's booster. I couldn't properly lift it to apply deodorant this morning. :unsure: I may have to leave my hair down today.


9:15 a.m. EEK! It is pouring rain now. My car does not do well in puddles.

Edited by Lagie
Rain rain go away...

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morning all.

i didn't want to come into the office today - i wanted another day off! but... Boss is out today!

i may end up leaving early, because they tried to come in yesterday to put in the window AC unit, but all the roads were blocked... also, we're right on Main Street - which was where the Memorial Day parade was!  so.... no AC today, and the email from the boss says if it gets too unbearable, i can leave early. so there's that. :)


i have dragons that grow up later today, and eggs that hatch tomorrow night.


fun other thing - friends of ours are away this week, and so i get to feed their kitty until friday, but they're only like 10 minutes away from me.  the biggest thing i have with feeding their cat and doing the litterbox is they don't use clumping litter....and hubby says it's not the best idea to "leave a note from the cat" suggesting they give it a try XD  *sigh*

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Clumping litter doesn't work at the shelter but it is awesome in private homes.


The young lady surrendering cats to us this morning... was one of my kindergartners in 1999-2000! :blink:

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:blink: is right!


yeah, this IS a private home. i.... have no idea.

why doesn't the clumping letter work at the shelter?

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Not sure. Every time it's been tried, the staff grumble about it and we switch back to the non-clumping kind. 

I would have thought it would be easier but no...

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No argument from me on that one. :P

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in other news, i'm home now - i left work at noon because it was already 86F in the office! :blink:

silly boss, she's lived in the same town our office is in for many many years.  you'd think she'd KNOW that Main Street is closed ON Memorial Day.  she had friday, saturday or sunday for her hubby to have come in and out the AC in the window.... the AC unit lives at the office.  it's in the bathroom when it's not in the window. XD 

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Glad you were able to go home.  I'm thinking of leaving early myself.  My arm's still sore and my brain's a bit fried.  I can't be sick the rest of the week so it's today or not at all.

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Woke up with a bit of a sore throat, but it's feeling much better. Probably just me getting used to the whole hay in room thing again, plus I need to clean the fan that I have on me... Sigh. lol


Other than that, just doing the whole online shopping and all. 

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*eyes at @AsymDoll13*  We can't take that chance! *pulls out the entire medicine drawer and starts lining up the OTC* We'll start with the Chloraseptic.

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49 minutes ago, Lagie said:

my brain's a bit fried.

i totally get this.  my brain gets mushy when it gets too hot out there.


25 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Woke up with a bit of a sore throat, but it's feeling much better.

yaay!  hope you're feeling 100% soon!

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1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Woke up with a bit of a sore throat, but it's feeling much better

Hope it keeps feeling better!


1 hour ago, trystan said:

my brain gets mushy when it gets too hot out there.

The sore arm's not helping. :rolleyes:


Back with the dogs again.

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*points squirt gun at @AsymDoll13* Stay back! Keep the germs contained! /j


Hope everyone in CPA is doing well! Summer is almost here, sending perfect-temperatures and sunblock to all of you~


I've been extra exhausted lately and not very active. Found out today that ADHD medications can cause sleepiness in people who have ADHD. 😹 Very helpful. I already have a sleep disorder and an illness that causes chronic fatigue – you think I'd catch a break somewhere!! (This is lighthearted complaining, I swear~)


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It's a hay allergy! I swear! And... I forgot to take my allergy med this morning I just realized. That could do it. xD

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20 minutes ago, yanderella said:

*points squirt gun at @AsymDoll13* Stay back! Keep the germs contained! /j

Sounds like she protests too much to me. *fills another squirt gun with Chloraseptic*

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I wish I could QUIT GETTING ADS FOR CRYPTO. I hate cryptocurrency! I don’t want to have ads for it crammed down my throat everywhere I look! Crypto bros are so obnoxious, and I don’t want to associate with them.

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I've never seen a crypto ad. And I think it's interesting, especially since we have zero idea about the guy that created Bitcoin. Fascinating, but too complicated for my smooth brain. 

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6 hours ago, trystan said:



in other news, i'm home now - i left work at noon because it was already 86F in the office! :blink:

silly boss, she's lived in the same town our office is in for many many years.  you'd think she'd KNOW that Main Street is closed ON Memorial Day.  she had friday, saturday or sunday for her hubby to have come in and out the AC in the window.... the AC unit lives at the office.  it's in the bathroom when it's not in the window. XD 

Oof, that's awful warm....and an odd place to store the Ac lol


5 hours ago, Lagie said:

Glad you were able to go home.  I'm thinking of leaving early myself.  My arm's still sore and my brain's a bit fried.  I can't be sick the rest of the week so it's today or not at all.

i hope you get to feeling better soon Lagie!


5 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Woke up with a bit of a sore throat, but it's feeling much better. Probably just me getting used to the whole hay in room thing again, plus I need to clean the fan that I have on me... Sigh. lol


Other than that, just doing the whole online shopping and all. 

I too am allergic to hay...and didn't realize the foraging toy I bought my rats was literally COVERED in timothy hay lol


3 hours ago, yanderella said:

*points squirt gun at @AsymDoll13* Stay back! Keep the germs contained! /j


Hope everyone in CPA is doing well! Summer is almost here, sending perfect-temperatures and sunblock to all of you~


I've been extra exhausted lately and not very active. Found out today that ADHD medications can cause sleepiness in people who have ADHD. 😹 Very helpful. I already have a sleep disorder and an illness that causes chronic fatigue – you think I'd catch a break somewhere!! (This is lighthearted complaining, I swear~)


Fun fact, I am also allergic to like 90% of sunscreens lol last time I used sunscreen was back in like sophomore year of high school (so lemme see that's....what like2007 ish? O.o) I ended up havning a reaction AND frying so bad from it I got sun poisoning and had to stay out of the sun for 4 weeks (which sucked because I had marching band practice I had to miss. Playing catch up on drills was ROUGH lol)

I am sorry your body/meds are being jerks 😕 I feel your pain friend.


3 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

It's a hay allergy! I swear! And... I forgot to take my allergy med this morning I just realized. That could do it. xD

Yeeeeaaaah that would do it lol


1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I've never seen a crypto ad. And I think it's interesting, especially since we have zero idea about the guy that created Bitcoin. Fascinating, but too complicated for my smooth brain. 

I feel the same, it makes 0 sense to me lol


well today was fun. made Cookie her favorite french toast for brunch, we went swimming for 2 hours (I am lightly toasted, yay tan! Ben is extra crispy 😬), took her home, met her new baby sister, Freya, got coffee, went grocery shopping, groceries away, and am relaxing a bit before I go put laundry away and tidy our room up a bit.

I am so mad though, I accidentally knocked my globe terrarium out of the window and may have killed the plants in doing so 😕 ah well, I can always try again with new seeds. At least the glass didn't break!

We go back to work tomorrow night, so I really need to try and get my sleep back on track (I have slept A LOT this past week)

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2 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

Oof, that's awful warm....and an odd place to store the Ac lol

it was quite warm.  and eh, there's really no where else to put it, so..... 

it's not so bad though.  

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