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Little Black fox

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"Precisely, see you're getting it down already." She grinned. Though in regards to women's skin ordeal she shrugged. "Its just not considered lady like or proper for girls or women to be showing too much skin at one given time. Its very 'scandalous' bur for what reason I know not. That's just how it is here, though other cultures I'm sure have different policies on that." Her cheeks flushed ever so slightly. With a cough she cleared her throat. "Courting isn't when you take someone to court, nor does it have anything to do with law. Courting, is when a boy or man takes an interest in a woman and will 'court' her everywhere that he can. Basically the males will spend as much time with a female in order to win over her affection or interest. Sometimes they're successful, other times not so much. Though it is a rather pleasant thing. Hopefully I made things a bit more easier for you to comprehend?" She asked, giving him a curious glance.

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Lucifer was blushing entirely. "Oh.... ah... " cough "Yes..I have no more questions now.. um.. ah! We're here.." he said as they slowly made it into town, it seemed like everyone was going through their morning routines and gave the cart a curious glance as they navigated their way to the mayor's home and office. "Actually, I lied. I have one more question. Yukiji would like someone to ride her often and I don't like to ride horses very much. She's very spirited and I believe you two would get along well... would you like to have her?" He asked. "She's still wild, so she prefer if you don't break her. Considering you're a druid, if you ask nicely she'd comply won't you Yukiji?" He said to the Spanish mustang who winnied and tawsed her mane.


"Maybe if I feel like it I will comply." the mare said.

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Xira gave home a sideways glance, narrowing her eyes as if concerned for the male. "You alright there Lucifer?" As they passed through the village she was genuinely glad to be in town for once, considering she had a friend to accompany with. Though at the sound of being able to own a horse she beamed with joy. "Oh I would love to have her! I wouldn't mind in the slightest to keep her unbroken. I'd leave it to her comfort of course, asking everytime if she'd like to be ridden and whatnot. It would be rude to do so without consent." The druid was beyond ecstatic, just couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. It was like receiving a long desired gift after so many years. And he made it possible in a matter of moments. Her day was made, if anything she didn't know if it could get any better. "Thank you so so much Lucifer, I'm not even sure if I could thank you enough." The woman laughed, leaning over to wrap one arm around him in a small hug before sitting upright once more.

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"I like this girl already!" Yukiji said and dug her hoof in the ground. Lucifer casually waved off the druid's question. "I'm perfectly fine,just humans have interesting ways that's all. If you don't mind, let's go speak to the mayor about my land now. " He said getting down and stood to help her get down before walking up to the mayor's door and composing himself before hitting the side of his fist against the door. "I have urgent business with you mayor!" He snarled. "I have been informed on the goings on in the woods and I'll have you paying a hefty fine-"


The door swung open and he stepped back. The mayor was a big, nearly seven foot man with black Smith muscles in his arms and legs, a square jaw. "Eep!" Lucifer squeaked. He actually wasn't at all frightened of this man. He knew he was a gentle giant, but someone who hasn't met him before wouldn't know it, so he played the part well. "U-um... Xira here sent me a letter.. in the mail.. and it said something about the forest... and-and that's my land...um..." He tried to shrink back from the man as he blinked the sleep from his eyes and yawned.


"We'll discuss this inside. Would either of you like some tea?" The mayor said in his deep voice heading inside his home and Lucifer winked at Xira before following him in with a small "yes.. please sir" to his question.


((Mayor is a npc you can play him too.))

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((Oh okay~))


The druid was stunned by how Lucifer reacted to the mayor, even as to how he carried himself before the big man himself walked out. This had to of been a front...there was just no way he was genuinely terrified of him. At the mention of her name she gave a mere smile and a curt wave, knowing very well he'd have some sort of chat with her later...


Chuckling at her friend's wink she followed her way inside after the duo only to find herself familiar with the place already. As usual the mayor lead them to the guest room, generally where most discussions and conferences are held in his keep. There was an excellently crafted oak table in the center of the room accompanied by a set of two chairs and an arm chair that were elegant in their own accord. Everything about the place told of wealth, having it be that he was in fact the mayor. "Have yourselves a seat and I'll have the tea brought up shortly." He said before turning on his heels to retrieve the refreshments.


As told Xira took up one of the vacant seats, her eyes glanced about the room almost in a nervous manner. Hopefully Lucifer didn't catch on. The least she needed was to worry or concern him when important matters are at hand. "Hopefully it won't be too long, I never really like hanging about this place for longer than needed." She sighed, crossing a leg over the other before resting her head on her right hand. The woman definitely wasn't a girl of socializing.


After a few moments passed the mayor returned to the room with a tray of tea in hand. Placing the set on the table he poured and served his guests some of the warm liquid before leaning into the arm chair, arms crossed in an analytical, curious manner. "So, tell me of this matter you wish to discuss in regards to this...land of yours."


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Lucifer sat down beside her and took out her letter in which he memorized and the contract, in a wooden tube to keep it from the elements. He set the tube on his lap and was looking over the letter once more when she spoke. He simply replayed; " You have really nice handwriting. Your right handed, G' are strong and your upper case S's run into your letters. It's interesting." At that moment the mayor came in, served them and asked his question.


Lucifer straightened and fixed the man with a piercing stare. " Xira has been a friend of mine for a long while. When she moved here, I asked her to keep me posted on my land. In actuality, your village is built on my land. You see I own seven square miles of this land, that's 4,480 acres. Now my late mother didn't have the strength to stop you from building on this land, but I can stop you from poaching in my forest, ripping down my trees and expanding this town if I take this to a legal standard. This deed is from five generations ago passed down through the family. This acts as a will and the copy is kept in the city's records. " He said setting the tube down.


The mayor picked it up and opened it sliding out the document to look at it. "And how exactly did you know we were on your land?" He asked glancing at Xira. "As I said before, I had Xira watch it for me. You see, when my mother passed then I was sixteen, I left to tell my father in Japan in person about the news. Xira was my pen pal even then. When she told me she was moving here, I told her to keep an eye on my forest. Then I received this letter. " He handed him the letter. "It says that you have been hiring hunters to get a... fox. That creature better not have been killed by one of your men or hunters. Foxes are considered good luck where my father is from and he gave my mother a pair of them for their anniversary. It probably was an offspring of one of the Japanese wild foxes she had. Then I read that you personally have been hunting deer and other game in my forest without restraint! What you where doing mayor is poaching on my land, and you know that is illegal..." He frowned slightly.

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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The mayor pinched the bridge of his nose and furrowed his brows, heaving a hefty sigh. This lad had him right where he wanted him. And the outcome wasn't looking so much in his favor. Grasping the letter in hand after giving it a thorough read he regarded Xira with a weary look. "You write this I presume? Sounds like you were doing quite the research into the matters." "Yes sir, that's correct." She said, shifting in place. Staring down Lucifer the broad male passed the letter back and laced his fingers together, resting them against the smooth wood. "We've used the forest and its resources for the best of the village for years now. Take what you need to survive. Am I not wrong? However, you come here to tell me that our ways of doing things are wrong and as you put it- illegal." Though he left out any mention of a the fox hunts. "What is your proclamation, your demands lad. What preposition can I construct with you to ensure that legal matters be strictly drawn away from the issue. I'm sure we can settle it just fine here as is." Though a little chuckle passed his lips. "As far as that fox goes- ask your friend there later on today what happened to it. I'm sure she can report that back to you as well."

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"The legality issue would not even happen if you abide by my restrictions. " Lucifer said sitting back and at ease, knowing he had cornered the mayor. But he knew personally that a cornered animal is at its most dangerous... narrowing his eyes, he pressed his finger tips together in a very business like fashion. "As you say, you take what was needed... well, if I where to concoct a census of game animals and ratio their portions to the people in your village, what do you think I'd see? I know for certain two fine young bucks can feed a family of four for two months, as well as beaver and wolf meat aren't good eating... so why is it that I see five racks in the other room, a wolf and a beaver stuffed and on display? Oh, and I counted three Chandeliers made from antlers just on the way in. Not only that your wife's hat and coat seems to be made entirely of rabbit fur... the wild kind. You may have started taking what you needed and that was fine with me, but you want to make it clear that you are the top hunter around here, you wouldn't have these if you didn't feel proud about killing them yourself." He said sternly with a under tone of a growl. He didn't mention the stuffed fox family he saw by the fireplace in the living room.



"He took a deep breath and calmed down his boiling blood. "What I purpose is to keep my forest flush with wildlife. I am moving back here and need to eat too, and I rely heavily on the game in my forest for I have no beef cattle, no chickens, goats, hogs and the like that you folks have. I too have to survive. I will set a restraint on game hunting. If one species is inflated to damaging levels, I'll say how many each hunter can get. When a species gets to low I'll put a ban on hunting that type until it is steady once more. Every other time it is set to the standard levels for survival. Nothing for pelts or extra profit. As for wood, absolutely no deforestation. You only take out the logs of trees that have naturally fallen down. Is this a deal?" He asked raising an eyebrow

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Lucifer had completely shut the mayor down. Who was he to tell an authority that it was for the sake of pride that he hunted....though he wasn't wrong. But the mayor was too stuck in his ways to admit it. Though the druid however rested a gentle hand on the male's shoulder, knowing very well that he was rallied up and angered by the mindless ways of the village. She had hoped silently that aggression wouldn't break out and to her relief, things remained steady.


Eventually a negotiation was made for the mayor sighed, leaned back into his seat and regarded Lucifer with a reluctant nod. "I suppose you have a deal, technically I have to abide by your propositions either way or else I face charges. And that's something nobody would desire. Since it is in fact your land I will make it clear to the people of what must be done with it. Though I hope you're happy lad." He grumbled, clearly displeased that not only did he lose his game privileges, but it also cut into funds with the limited supply that could be stripped from the forest. But what else could he do, this strange fellow had him pinned to the wall and claimed exactly what he sought to own. "You can take leave now sir, our business is concluded. I will make a pact later on in the day and have it delivered to you for signing in regards to your regulations. As for the druid, I'll need to have a brief word with her, it won't take much time and she'll be joining you again shortly I'm sure."

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Lucifer hesitated to leave Xira. He took her hand and with a gentle squeeze. "I'll let Silver know that she can keep your spot warm.... knowing that little princess she probably took both of our seats." He smiled lightly to ease her anxiety a little bit before glancing at the mayor and taking his leave.


The mayor fixed his dark brown eyes onto the girl. "Why wasn't I notified on this? You should have spoken to me first before sending him that letter! Do you have any idea how much a year this would cost this town?" He huffed gruffly.

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She gave him a small smile, squeezing his hand softly in return. "Knowing her- she more than likely did. I'll be out there soon though." The druid gave him a soft look as if to say 'I'll be okay' as he left, training her amber eyes on the mayor before her.


"I didn't notify you because I knew you weren't going to approve of it. Much less allow me the permission to write a letter of such wrongdoings. Your money is the least of my concerns sir, in all due respect. I will manage just fine whereas you and maybe a few other social classes will experience a currency dent. Which personally, I don't feel will be all too bad for you." Her arms were crossed, lips taught in a neutral expression. It wasn't uncommon that he scolded her for things, but she wasn't about to let him get the best of her either.


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"Need I remind you who pays your monthly wages to treat the animals?" He tilted his head up. "There will be no next time on this matter, if it happens again and you failed to notify me, I'll have you run out of town. Am I clear?" He asked stiffly.



Sure enough, silver was stretched across the bench seat. He looked up for Aster. "Hey, I got a question for you Aster. I saw that smug look in your eyes this morning.. what was that all about?" He looked around for the bird.

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The expression on the woman's face dropped like a rock in water. Him, run her out? He had to be joking. With a defeated sigh she tried her best to fight back tears. Not because she was sad, but because she was furious at the man. Luckily she was successful. "Yes sir, I understand..." You'd be losing the finest druid you ever had in service. She thought bitterly. "Anything else while I'm here?"


As if on cue the golden eagle swooped down and perched on the male's shoulder, eyeing him with much amusement. You know as well as I do why I gave you such a look. I see the way you look at Xira, even the way you act as of late- its written all over you fox. She may not see it yet, but I can. He gave a gentle caw, adjusting himself. Tell me fox, what has made a cunning male like you fall for a mere human as her?

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"Yes, I would like you to say his last name for me. It's on this contract but just to check his story. If you two are such close friends as he claimed you should know his name." He said looking at the contract then to her.


((His last name is momozono))


Lucifer flushed and looked at his feet, stuffing his shoe in the dirt. "Well.... she's selfless, kind, sincere... warm hearted, brave and clever. Where she sees flaws I see perfection. She's different then other humans. I trust her and feel.... protective of her. I.. can't explain it I just... you know.." He looked at the bird. "Please don't tell her yet.."

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His last name, that's all? She had recalled a time when she managed to visit him the other day and like always, they had a time of getting to know each other further before she had to leave for work. That's when she happened to know his last name, and he hers. Never once had she read the contract, nor was it ever given to her in any of this exchange. It was told to her, never did she have to investigate or read to find it. "I would of thought you had something more of a challenge sir. His last name, Momozono." From there she rose from her seat and stood, amber eyes trained on him. "Now, can I take leave or are you going to keep me here to question your doubts on mine and my companion's relations?"


Aster nodded, swiveling his head to make sure the woman was indeed still inside the manor. I won't harp a word to her, I swear by that. You however have to decide if and when you will. Its not my place to tell her, rather your own. But, I can't disagree with you fox- she's all of those qualities and much more.

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"No. I don't have any more questions for you now. You may leave. " the mayor said with a defeated sigh and he sipped his tea looking out the window.



"I just need to make sure she feels the same way. Humans are slower at this sort of thing apparently. I want her to be relaxed and at ease around me... not anxious. Besides... I wouldn't know what to say..." He looked down again with a heavy love sick sigh.

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With a curt nod she dismissed herself. Xira still couldn't fathom that he'd drive her from town and the worst thing was- she had only one strike left. Here she was risking her hide and career for the sake of a fox....but why? Why did she care so much? Even that left her in a turmoil of emotions. At this moment she felt like she could just break down at any moment....and there was one person she knew that could help.


The avian was about to reply when the door to the manor swung open and a very distraught druid appeared through the doorway and by the looks of it, she was not pleased. Aster ascended from Lucifer's shoulder, giving him a sympathetic glance before leaving the duo be. Xira herself didn't know whether to feel furious, devastated or confused, there was just something she was certain that she had to do. Without breathing or speaking a single word to the male she strode straight up to him and wrapped him in a tight embrace. Burying her face into his chest, she heaved a shaky sigh.

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Lucifer stiffened slightly in surprise and looked down at her confused. Seeing her distress he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, telling silver to move (who did so reluctantly) he sat down with her on his lap and told the horses to go to the forest. He took out a tattered cloak from the back of the wagon and wrapped it around her. "Hey... it's okay, I'm here... I'm here hush... What did he say to you?" He asked softly his breath stirring her hair as the got into the woods and on a path to lead to the winter home. He held her tightly, protectively, softly rubbing her back to comfort her. "Nobody is watching.. you can let it out now.. "

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Normally Xira wouldn't allow most to treat her this way- holding her. It made her feel vulnerable and weak in a sense but she didn't care. Not this time. Though she did feel a little sorry that Silver had to move, little princess was probably comfortable. His voice came off in soothing waves, taking an edge off of her tension and stress but not quite enough to make it disperse. "He....he wasn't the slightest bit pleased about my actions of aiding you. Threatened to not only strip me of my job...but to remove me from town just like all the others." Her voice cracked near the end, and the way the male was holding her she couldn't help but let a few stray tears trickle down her cheeks. No one had been this kind to her. "I-I can't leave this place Lucifer....and refusing to help you further is out of the question. H-he can't do this to me...he just can't." But she knew he had the authority prowess to go through with it. As much as the druid would like to deny it, there were just some truth's that you just had to come to terms with. "I.....I don't know what to do..."

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Lucifer's voice took a dark edge to it. "If he even tries that he'll get what's coming to him..." He growled lowly before softly lifting her chin to have her look at him, his green eyes soft. "My house isn't in the town. The town is on my property, and I have to just send a telegram to a judge who is a fellow shifter and I could throw everyone, even him, off my land. If he tries to chase you off come straight here. You can stay with me. " He said softly and wiped off a few tears away with a soft sweep of his thumb.


The horses stopped at his home but he still sat and held her. He knew she wouldn't like to be treated like a porcelain doll but he just couldn't help it. As she showed this side of herself, he revealed the soft tender, bleeding heart side of himself he never had shown anyone. "Don't cry... " He muttered softly. it breaks my heart seeing those diamond tears... He thought, biting his tongue. He wanted to place soft kisses on her cheeks, nose, chin, forehead and lips. He wanted to hold her tightly and murmur words of love to her to ease her pain. He wanted...... but never did. She wasn't ready. He wasn't sure if she wanted it. His eyes turned from a soft concern to a sad wistful longing. He tucked her head under his chin and held her tighter. "You're a strong, brave, willful woman. No man could push you around. No man should. I won't let him take you away from here.." from me.. "...it'll be okay. You're friends with a clever, cunning, sly and devilishly handsome fox who faked his own death and cornered a man of authority like a frightened rabbit with nowhere to run. I have a plan for everything Xira. I've got you covered.."

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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The woman sat curled against him as she allowed herself to drown in his presence, grounding her back down to reality. In his voice she could distinctly hear the tone shift, the way his form shifted to the defensive......was he being protective? "I wouldn't want to wrong him that way Lucifer, I can't wish misfortune upon someone else. Though if ever the case is drawn to me being removed, I'll come to you in a heartbeat. You can count on that." His green eyes were caring, tender even the hand that removes her tears was just the same. The druid slid a hand to the side of his face, stroking his cheek soothingly with her thumb before placing it back down to her lap. Such a gentle fox....


She enjoyed this moment, the silence, the calming sound of his heartbeat. Even the form of the male that held and refused to let go of her was blissful. With a little chuckle, she sniffled. "Even the strongest of people cry, then I too can do the same." Slowly her arms wrapped around his torso, hugging him close. As if he wasn't close already. "You say the sweetest of words, spoken with such warmhearted care....I won't ever be able to thank you enough for them, for everything you've done thus far." A sigh. "Its a relief to know, though you're more than just those qualities dear Lucifer- though handsome I can definitely agree on." Another laugh, though this one held more light, liveliness to it. "You're an amazing friend you know...."

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Lucifer sighed at the word friend. "Yea... I know. Now a deep breath. You've got a long day today. Easy. " He set her on her feet and stepped away from her. "Now can you help me set up my house?I can use a woman's eye on setting everything a certain way." He moved to the back of the wagon and started pulling out crates of things.

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Her companion returned, branching his talons out across on one of her now outstretched arms to allow him a place to rest. Smoothing out the eagle's feathery back she took a breather before fixating her gaze on Lucifer. "I most certainly can, though not sure if I'll have the best of taste." She smirked, attitude seeming to return to a more tranquil state. "Just let me know what I need to hive you feedback on and I'll gladly give you my input."

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"You have wonderful taste my dear. You are wearing that beautiful pin I gave you... I don't think I've ever seen you without it now. " He said heading inside. "Actually I was actually asking for you to help me unpack some things for me. Place them where ever you want to. I've cleaned the place. " He laughed and headed inside.


He set a crate down and undid the top, then undid the second one starting to unpack the crate and putting things on the clean shelves. After a long moment of quite....


cough "um..... I ..... I have something to tell you..." He looked at her and aster.

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"I don't think I'll ever take it out to be honest." She smiled, finding her way after him inside, placing Aster on her should as she entered. "Oh, well in that case." A chuckle. "That's something I definitely can do."


The druid had helped sort things out from their respective crates, admiring the tidy atmosphere as she worked. Just as she was about to organize the items throughout the household a sudden cough snagged her attention. Turning her amber gave over to the male her head tilted curiously, though the golden eagle appeared to be un-phased....almost as if anticipating something. "What is it Lucifer, something wrong?"

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