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Mythological Task Force: Angel Division |OOC|

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I'd assume all the characters' territories would be close to each other, enough that they are aware of the other angels in the area.


Sorry to see you go, Spyro. Looks like we don't have any spirit elementals, now?

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Yup! That was the idea. At the very least, they've had brief interactions and can all be considered acquaintances.


Take care then Spyro. I'll list your character as inactive in case you desire to return.

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If everyone wants to collaborate on exact positions, I can draw up a map in the next few days for a visual of where everyone's located.

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Wait did that mean I was accepted? I was still working on Akane's pistol but I guess I could work that out with Kuro and you later.


I want it to be something sleek, and I wanted it to go along with Rylain's guns, like Rylain has her name on the butt of his Revolvers in Kanji, and she has his name on the barrel of her pistol.


Angel romance must always be cheesy.

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I assume everyone to be accepted until their intro post has information that isn't up to par or isn't accurate. The guns aren't really important and therefore don't require specifics. As long as you have a base design, you're fine. So you could go the entire RP without specifying what type of pistol your character uses.

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Can our intro posts include demons being shot in the face and another charge being saved AS A PAIR?

And are our charges created and dictated by you?

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I'm not sure what you mean by "as a pair".

For the immediate moment, I'd like to try and have you guys stay away from the demons. It won't be long before you guys can have some control as they're special NPCs I have plans for. And, since not many demons are seen every day, it tends to be a little boring. My use of the demon was to help provide some information that I deemed rather important.


Charges are another matter. I intended for them to just be ambiguous NPCs with little impact currently. You can certainly mention the habits of a few as you watched them, sure. I haven't mentioned much about how angels actually go about rescuing charges just yet to allow you a good chance to write such a scene. I'm sorry. Since it's late though, that explanation would have to wait until tomorrow.

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I am open to any and all sort of interaction suggestions. I am not really picky about those sort of things. cool.gif And Narv didn't yell at me about Alrraei's scar so I guess that is accepted... rolleyes.gif

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Oh boy, did I miss a lot. You guys are fast! n_n (or I'm just painfully slow...) Anyway, Narv, is there still room left? I'm considering a Fire or Earth elemental if I can squeeze in.

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Oh no a Moderator everyone hide before you're banned! (flees)


But in other news, I wonder how many things Nar is going to get mad at me for in my post. I went a little overboard. Ugh.

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Thael, I'm not mad. A little hesitant about the tenets but I think they'll work just fine. (I need to just learn how to release the rigidity a little because I do have a plot I want to see realized aha.)


Hazeh, jump in whenever! I'm actually going to leave this thread open and see were people take this a bit while carrying out the plot.


Once the majority have gotten their intros in (at the least), I'm gonna whip up some entertainment for everyone.

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Alright, I somehow knew someone would start a religious debate in an Angel RP.


I said, clearly, they are his servants and messengers. They will not forget their loyalty to Him. The reason Rylain continues to read the Tenets and preach the word of his Lord is because he understands, fully, that he is not above, nor equal to, God, and no man is.


And they are Angels, they are holy beings, and they cannot know fear. They cannot act as though they understand what fear is. If they show fear, then they falter. God is always with them, in a way, so they cannot show fear. Only demons should understand a mortal emotion that is fear.


But other than that, let's not have a religious argument in chat. You can message me all you want but I don't say these things lightly.

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Aroara, so the first thing I will say is I am not religious, and will apologize before hand in case I say something offensive. To me an angel is a warrior and messenger to the gods. It's been that way in basically any mythology that I've heard of.

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I can understand your concern Aroara. However, many religions have a belief in angels that can vary from culture to culture. That's why I left religion ambiguous and this is part of the idea that all supernaturals come from all the mythologies; modern day included. As such, I've left it open for people to interpret some things as they see fit. This means different angels can live among the humans as desired. It's not a cookie - cutter lifestyle.


Thael had every freedom to interpret the higher ranks as he pleased. Generally, low-rank angels do include guardian angels, even if they're a man-made concept. (Let's be fair, everything in religion is a man-made concept.)


But, let's not get into a full discussion about it since that's not the real topic of this thread. I am silencing any further remarks on the matter. If you have issues about it, please PM me so we can talk.


For accommodation sake, Thael? Would you mind breaking your posts up into distinct paragraphs please? I do kind of understand the "getting lost in words" as too much text without lines in between does become a strain to read, even for me.

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I'll get started soon, but I had a couple quick questions. Is there an age range we should keep to? I noticed most seem to fluctuate between 7-9 hundred years, so I'm curious if we're limited to that or not.

Also, what kind of emotional depth can I realistically expect for angels? Would it be wrong to have an angel who feels strongly about certain things, such as similar to the emotional capacity of a human?

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No true age range but kind of veer towards at least a couple hundred years?


And there's no limitation on what angels can experience emotionally. They can be as human as you want them to feel.

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Sweet! Here she is:


Reydris (ray-dree)- Earth | 1, 205 years | Female identity

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Angels can form relationships but it's not recommended they should form anything deeper than a friendship due to conflict of interests. However, they are not banned from more intimate relationships.


EDIT: :| I feel like people aren't reading most of the information I've been providing. I even went back and gathered it all into a single document that I linked yesterday and added to the top of the OOC and IC.


EDIT2: It's, frankly, quite disappointing. The information I provided was deemed important enough to help you guys start RPing your angels. They aren't cookie-cutter characters, there's room for them to be different in more than just looks and personality. Human guise let's them live an alternate identity and includes human emotions. Ambiguous mythology allows them to practice what they believe in or be based on what they believe in.

Edited by Narvix

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He's playing his angels under one mythology. That's perfectly fine. You have the freedom to play your angel under the same or a different mythology. That's perfectly fine.


I don't know what you mean by "even with each other and the whole partner" thing.

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And, your point is?


Yes, they live in the same place. No, they are not assigned to the same section.

It's not important whether or not they are in a relationship as long as they do not let it interfere with their work. If Akane is in danger of being killed at the same time one of Rylain's charges is going to meet an unintended end, Rylain must save the charge and let Akane die. Or hope he gets to both in time. If he saves Akane and sacrifices his charge to do it, he's in trouble. That's on Thael as a writer.


Thael is interpreting things his own way, for his own angels and that's perfect. I want all of you to do that. (Within certain boundaries, sure but so far no one has crossed those boundaries. I will let you know when you do.)


Now, I'm admittedly agitated because this dispute/disagreement/conflict/whatever shouldn't even be a concern. Yet, it is. So, instead of letting my tongue fly, I am brushing the matter aside. I suggest everyone else do the same.

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I understand about what you mean about the Christianity and, I feel like the origins of the angels should be kept ambiguous instead of tying them into any mythology. No mentions of God, as suggested (unrelated: Revelations has always been my favorite section, tbh)


Technically I thought angels were incapable of love but Narvix's assertion that they feel human emotions contradicts that.

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