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Tiny Little Questions

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2 hours ago, newtinmpls said:

Wow this place has an interesting learning curve - thank you!

Got a tiny question: I see other folks with "location" and interesting sayings on their profile pic or signature - how do I do that?


Go to your username up top, click on account settings, and then click on edit profile. 

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26 minutes ago, cornndawg said:

where do i report typos? been reading the encyclopedia and noticed a couple.



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This was weird. Harmless but weird:


When I opened my browser today (it's set to restore my last session) and went to my scroll, two of my growing things showed as fogged. I haven't fogged anything in days, and it can't have been a cache view, as the dragon that grew up last night showed as an adult. I refreshed and they settled - but - anyone else ever have this ?

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3 hours ago, Fuzzbucket said:

This was weird. Harmless but weird:


When I opened my browser today (it's set to restore my last session) and went to my scroll, two of my growing things showed as fogged. I haven't fogged anything in days, and it can't have been a cache view, as the dragon that grew up last night showed as an adult. I refreshed and they settled - but - anyone else ever have this ?


Not with fog specifically, but I've had a random AP egg show as a pink sapphire recently. I grabbed it, still looking like a pink sapph, and it said speckle-throated instead. The wrong image persisted even in the process of abandoning it again (which is why I'm sure I didn't just see it wrong) but it was fixed after a hard refresh. 

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There is a breed dragons that are unnamed, not in the wiki list either. They looks like this:

Why they are not classified?



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That is a Prize Dragon (Western), otherwise commonly known as a Tinsel dragon.

They were introduced first as a prize for the top winners of the Tree Decorating Contest back in 2010.

Here is their Wiki page.

There is also a Prize Dragon (Eastern) better known as the Shimmerscale.

The caveborns are now available as prizes in the monthly raffle. Not in the cave or the market.

Edited by purplehaze

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On 1/31/2023 at 9:49 PM, newtinmpls said:


Thank you. I think I had been told that before, but here I am updating my list of dragons, and then I see the dreaded yellow triangle of Plague (no I'm not at all overdramatic) hovering over my scroll. It was not my most mature or happy moment.


I have seen quite a few lairs with either remains of eggs or little tombstones, and it's a very sad sight.

After all my years of playing I still panic when I see something sick on my scroll.


Especially during new releases and holiday breeding time, many of us will fog our eggs for the first 24 hours to lessen the chance of them getting sick, and some of us fog things when they can't be monitored (like if you are at work and can't check your scroll). If I get a trade from someone, I will often fog the egg/hatchling until it is ready to hatch/grow up.


A lot of players have tombstones or dead eggs because they are trying for neglected dragons, or undeads. Some may want to enrage an Aegis and need a dead egg to be able to do it.


I accidentally made an egg turn neglected and then die, as I picked it up with very little time left. I was upset the whole time that dead egg was on my scroll.

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I don't like looking at my dead eggs so I always put them and tombstones at the end of my last page.  I get a few, being a neglecter!

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58 minutes ago, Aries_Wild_Child said:

What's the point digging in it? Thing is I'm not that easily offended. Like it or not I find this code way stupid, you may find my way stupid, I'm ok with it. You won't change my mind, I really doubt I will change yours. End of the story

Okay, I said that to try to show you that everyone has different ways of playing and how it would hurt to be called stupid for playing a specific way. But you clearly have bigger things to deal with, so, good luck playing and trading on DC.

Edited by Shadowdrake

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2 hours ago, Shadowdrake said:

Okay, I said that to try to show you that everyone has different ways of playing and how it would hurt to be called stupid for playing a specific way. But you clearly have bigger things to deal with, so, good luck playing and trading on DC.


This is the first time I have EVER wished for a like button, It will also be the last - I know this. But so very well put.

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I thought swear words were censored?  I could have sworn at one point they were...

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54 minutes ago, KageSora said:

I thought swear words were censored?  I could have sworn at one point they were...

On dragon names or on the forums?


I thought they were on both, though I had seen some get around the censor.

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42 minutes ago, PrincessLucy said:

On dragon names or on the forums?


I thought they were on both, though I had seen some get around the censor.


Forums.  I know names don't let you out them through if it's a censored name (and being caught bypassing that or otherwise being vulgar can get your scroll burned) but I swear the forum used to censor at least the stronger English swear words but doesn't seem to be doing so now?

Edited by KageSora

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Question: if i was going to look for a "description" that someone added to their dragon, where would I find it?

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Hmmmm I can't see mine at all unless I go in to edit them, and so far I can't find anyone else's but who knows I may not be looking at dragons that have them. 

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3 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

Hmmmm I can't see mine at all unless I go in to edit them, and so far I can't find anyone else's but who knows I may not be looking at dragons that have them. 

You need to find the setting on your scroll that turns on 'show pending descriptions'. Having done that, it won't actually show up until at least one of the reviewers with 'description magic' accepts it.

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Well darn. So I won't see mine any time soon then. 


I did look at a bunch of yours and they are fantastic; gives me lots of ideas for improvement!

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@KageSora - just tested several rude words and the only one that came through unscathed was bollocks which isn't what I'd call extreme. All the rest got the **** treatment,.


@newtinmpls If you turn on "show pending" you can see yours, but others can't. Tle list waiting approval was at several thousand the last I head.

Edited by Fuzzbucket

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1 hour ago, Fuzzbucket said:


@KageSora - just tested several rude words and the only one that came through unscathed was bollocks which isn't what I'd call extreme. All the rest got the **** treatment,.


Interesting, because there's definitely a swear word I'm seeing--I can't figure out how that one is getting through?


Huh.  Wait when I test it in preview it does get censored...


Okay, so how am I seeing a post with a very naughty word in it if that word DOES trip the filter????

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5 hours ago, KageSora said:


Interesting, because there's definitely a swear word I'm seeing--I can't figure out how that one is getting through?


Huh.  Wait when I test it in preview it does get censored...


Okay, so how am I seeing a post with a very naughty word in it if that word DOES trip the filter????

The post has been removed.  I am going to look into the issue with the filter, though.

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Another so called Tiny question. 


Where can I find out more about the world of Galsreim? 


I'm not seeing articles or maps or even discussion topics

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There's some in the encyclopaedia.




Edited by Fuzzbucket

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