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I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Tyrantrex

Type: Bird

Diet: Any smaller carnivores and do not care for size of herbivores.

Habitat: Anywhere

Appearance: Gigantic birds that are around 17-19 meters long with a 33-37 meter wingspan. They also have claws on their feet which reach 2 meters in length.

Description: They are top predators in most places except those that have larger predators. They prefer picking up dragons and other prey taking them to the nest, then eating them alive with their hatchlings. They adorn themselves with dead dragon scales to increase their resistance to magic. They engage in intense battles against larger predators using their bonecrushing bite to crush skulls and end it quickly. Being smaller than these may spell early death. Their claws are also useful for slowly killing large herbivores via blood loss. They take bites out of the herbivore to sustain themselves during the process.

I don't think this could fly...


But I'm no expert on this sort of stuff, so if someone can explain, I would appreciate it.

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I don't think this could fly...


But I'm no expert on this sort of stuff, so if someone can explain, I would appreciate it.


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I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Not sure, I can't think of names to save my life

Type: Mammal

Diet: Herbivore

Habitat: Plains, forests

Appearance: About the size of a jack russel terrier, rodentlike, but with a stiff mane running down their spine, otherwise smooth furred. It has a midsize, stiff tail. It also has deer-like ears and small, spike horns on males only.

Description: They are the rabbits of the world, they are small and non-threatening, breed rapidly, are food for many and are the bane to gardeners. Like some rabbits, ones on the plains tend to form large groups. Forest subspecies tend to live alone however.


Heaven knows this world NEEDS something small and non-predatory.

Edited by Nectaris

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What. How can people even survive with those things around?

Heck, how can ANYTHING survive with those things around?


Are they at least limited by mana to make their weight manageable, lest they get crushed?


And also, then why do they have wings?


I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Lanu

Type: Plant

Diet: Sunlight

Habitat: Anywhere and everywhere with light mana

Appearance: Rounded leaves that seem a banal green in the day, but glows neon at night. During spring, they also grow white flowers that glow all the colors of the spectrum ((read: white)) at night.

Description: A source of mana for herbivores. The trace amounts of light mana in them could be considered "processed." The flowers have more mana than the leaves.

Edited by beiningtian

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Description: If the dragon they try to hunt is too big for a single one to kill it screeches. More will come running to try to kill the dragon with numbers. They also have magic-disabling organs that radiate antimagic from their head. They prefer adults but have no qualms killing juveniles or eggs.

These are very large predators, but they have enough numbers that many can come IN TIME at the call of another? Combine that with the large number of predators already in this world and you have a mess.


Plus, an antimagic field would be an advance warning system to dragons. Dragons, being magical creatures can feel when magic leaves an area. There is a reason the cassare's egg description reads "This egg makes you feel uneasy". And that in an INCREDIBLY weak field while at the egg stage(think a barely noticeable difficulty spike in casting).


Also consider another thing when considering very large dragon-predators. How long would a creature with human intelligence tolerate such large, dangerous predators? How long would it take them to gather up a large group of dragons to cleanse them from their area? How long could large, likely slow-reproducing(if these follow the pattern of other large creatures) predators keep from going extinct? Consider how humans have treated dangerous predators during medieval periods. Dragons likely would have as much tolerance as humans did.

Edited by Nectaris

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I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Lowlands Djorbok

Type: Animal, mammal. Seem to be related to deer, or perhaps gazelles or antelope.

Diet: Strictly herbivores. Typically consume grasses and leaves, but will eat almost any vegetation and seem to have a soft spot for honey and fruits.

Habitat: These creatures are found primarily in grasslands and forests, usually near a water source.

Appearance: Large, swift hoofed ungulates, a little smaller than the average adult human. They are furry and brown with white and black markings, and males grow magnificent tined antlers which shed annually. Short, snub tails. Some larger individuals grow mane-like ruffs.

Description: Lowlands djorboks are gregarious herd beasts, that travel in great groups throughout the lands. Social status is important with males, who will collect and fight for a harem of females in the mating season. They are extremely fast, capable of outrunning most predators. They have also been known to execute great leaps to escape hunting dragons, and despite the male's bulkiness, are quite nimble. They seem to have been affected little by mana, with some small exceptions. Air/light/life/lightning: More lively, appear to become quicker than average. Earth/fire: Bolder, somewhat stronger. More inclined to battle predators than to run. Water/dark: Both increase the djorbok's liking of water, while dark has created some seemingly nocturnal variant. death/time/magi/ice: ??? Stranger things.


Antlers, sorta:

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Edited by Niyaka

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Alright, I understand.


... Although that doesn't answer the wings question. If they use magic to fly, then wings would just hinder them.


.... Wait, no, if they have an antimagic organ, how can they use magic to fly, period?

I wasn't talking to you, this was about another proposed creature.

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I feel like making a literal interpretation of salamanders and their mythological ties to fire. Because salamanders are cute. (Also I don't care much for the sheer overpoweredness of the Tyrantrex. It has like, no limits)


I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Obsidian Salamander

Type: Amphibian

Diet: Mostly minerals, but they occasionally prey on Crimson Flare Pygmies and dragon eggs if the chance arises.

Habitat: Active volcanoes and hot springs.

Appearance: A fully mature Obsidian Salamander is about 6-7 feet long, from snout to tail end. They are rather hefty and have smooth, slippery skin like most salamanders. Unlike normal salamanders, however, they have claws used for gripping onto volcanic surfaces. They have big, long, sticky tongues used to like minerals off the ground. They also have a row of small, serrated teeth used for the lucky occasion when a live meal passes by. As the name suggests, they are mostly black and have semi-transparent skin. In striking contrast, though, are two long orange stripes similar in color to lava the run from the base of their neck and then meet and end at the base of the tail. They have two small, fleshy appendages at the top of their head that resemble horns or ears. Their eyes are protruding and are dark blur in color. Adolescents and babies are similar, but are white and have no stripes, instead gaining their black pigment as they age. Eggs are milky white and very translucent, allowing one to see the young salamander mature.

Description: Obsidian Salamanders are volcanic dwelling creatures who often make their homes in the acidic hot springs near active volcanoes. While they will sometimes prey on smaller creatures that make their homes alongside them, they mostly use their powerful guts to get as many essential minerals out of the soil and rocks as possible. To do so they use their long tongues to lick large areas and scoop up as much dirt and grit as possible. Because they are so adaptable in their environment, are mostly unaffected by food shortages, and are much smaller than most dragons, bar Crimson Flares, they serve as a major food source for carnivorous dragons that also live near and in active volcanoes. Because Obsidian Salamanders need small amounts of fire and earth mana to withstand the extreme conditions, they are also good sources of said mana types. Because of this, the salamanders are also sought after by humans for their flexible yet fire resistant skin, which makes great protective wear for blacksmiths. While as of late their population has seen a slight decline due to human hunting, they are still one of the more common animals seen in the harsh conditions of volcanic areas.


I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Ascentis

Type: Mammal

Diet: Anything living that they can carry off.

Habitat: Warm forests, captive ones are of course found with humans though

Appearance: The Ascentis is similar to bats, but with characteristics from foxes and raptors, as well. The often get to be about the size of a small dog, ranging from 1-2 feet from snout to tail base, and a long tail the gets to be about 8 inches. The have a wing span that is proportionately medium, and a full adult may have a wing span of three feet, give or take some inches. The have a face with a long pointed snout, and almond shaped eyes. Their ears are skinny and pointed, though can be tucked forward for less wind resistance. They have several long, white whiskers used for detecting things like wind speed, temperature, and humidity. In their mouths are sharp teeth similar to a dog's. They have an over all lithe, skinny build that is very graceful in the air but clumsy on land. Ascentises have long, somewhat skinny necks. Like bats, they lack arms and have only their wings. However, their legs are very long and powerful, tipped with sharp curled talons used for swooping down and carrying off prey. Their tails are used like rudders, and have two "fingers" and flaps of skin stretched between them. This helps steer them through the air at high speeds, especially when they dive bomb, and allow for great precision when performing aerial maneuvers. They are coated with slick, dark brown fur. Their underbellies and lower jaws are a lighter tan color, and their wing fingers are black. Like birds, their bones are hollow and thus they are very light. Young Ascentises are fluffy and completely tan, and are the most adorbz things to ever grace humanity. This is probably why the captive Ascentis was born. This variant is smaller, has longer fur, and is more suited to land.

Description: Because of their fierce appetite and appearance, the Ascentis has earned the nickname "dragon bat." While they use little to no magic, they are very intelligent and are close to humans when it comes to sentience. They live in small family groups of 6-7, with an alpha male who leads them. Females are expected to tend to the young while males bring back food. They are extremely territorial, and anything that intrudes on an Ascentis family can look forward to a swarm of claws and wings bearing down on them. Unlike their bat cousins, they are diurnal and are most active during the day, particularly during late afternoon. Aside from dragons, they are often the top of the food chain in their ecosystems. Over the years, humans have grown a sort of affection for these angry little dragon bats. Like wolves and cats, there exists a domestic variant which is bred to be more docile and less dangerous. Because of their high intelligence and pack mentality, domestic Ascentises make very good companions. They are also often used as guard dogs because of their territorial behavior.


I might draw these later. Or not. We'll see.


EDIT: Totally forgot to talk about captive Ascentises. Derp :I

Edited by Psycho Cat

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I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Tyrantrex

Type: Bird

Diet: Any smaller carnivores and do not care for size of herbivores.

Habitat: Anywhere

Appearance: Gigantic birds that are around 10 meters long with a wingspan of 14 meters. They also have claws on their feet which reach 1 meter in length.

Description: They are top predators in most places except those that have larger predators. They prefer picking up dragons and other prey taking them to the nest, then eating them alive with their hatchlings. They adorn themselves with dead dragon scales to increase their resistance to magic. They engage in intense battles against larger predators using their bonecrushing bite to crush skulls and end it quickly. Being smaller than these may spell early death. Their claws are also useful for slowly killing large herbivores via blood loss. They take bites out of the herbivore to sustain themselves during the process. The dragon scales allow them to fly which is why they bring it alive as they pluck the scales still infused with magic. Without this they cannot fly. If the dragon scales are removed they will nearly die in shock to the energy being stripped.


Take 2.

Still OP?

Edited by Soulking

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I honestly can't see much of a difference tbh. the only difference is that they can't fly, which is not much help given their gargantuan size. 19 meters is about 62 feet, which is bigger than Terraes, the biggest dragon in DC, which means unless we get a land whale in the DC universe these creatures are basically unrivaled. Not to mention magic resistance, 7 foot long claws, and the ability to literally crush bones. Also why would they eat things alive or kill them by bleeding them to death. All that adds to the concept is the horror factor. Otherwise, anything still alive is going to put up a fight, even possibly killing a chick because, again, they are still alive.

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Probably between 20 feet/6 meters and 35 feet/10.5 meters, if you really want it to be big. That's still big enough to be fierce while still allowing it to exist without destroying the ecosystem.

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I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Magi Salamander

Type: Amphibian

Diet: They eat scales of dragons and plants.

Habitat: Anywhere there is mana.

Appearance: About 5-15 cm pre-elemental after gaining enough mana to form a cocoon influenced by the habitat they emerge at about 5-6 feet. Water ones are blue-greenish, while dark is black and fire is red. Air is pure white and lightning is yellow. Earth is brown while life is green-reddish. Non elementals are purple

Description: They seek as many sources of mana as possible using their size to sneak into dragon hoards then suck up meager amounts of mana barely affecting the dragon, until they reach the cocoon stage where most die. They will suck up massive amounts of mana before scrambling as the cocoon slowly binds them to one place. This process generally takes months to complete emerging with a element depending on where they were.

Edited by Soulking

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Since all these predators will need ample food...


I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Yex, plural yexin

Type: Ungulate (hoofed mammal)

Diet: Herbivorous

Habitat: Yex are somewhat similar to deer or antelope. There are many sub-varieties of this animal, including species adapted for deserts and volcanic regions. The greatest species diversity of yexin is found in jungles and forested regions.

Appearance: Yexin resemble kangaroos or wallabies from a distance, but up close, the details become apparent. Their heads have a bluntly canine or maybe lemur-ish look, with a long muzzle filled with herbivore's blunt teeth. The eyes are generally large, as they tend to prefer a crepuscular (morning/evening or dawn/dusk) activity pattern, but those of diurnal species are relatively small. Both types have horizonal, lobed pupils, similar to those of a horse or goat. The pricked upright ears are more catlike than anything else. A pair of horns crowns the head of both sexes in almost all species of yex (size and shape of horns varies between species; they are not antlers and are not shed yearly). The single large toe of the hind paws ends in a flinty, sharp-edged hoof.


The forelegs have more-or-less grasping hands - dexterity varies between species - which they use for grooming and to pick through dirt or dense vegetation for choice morsels. Both sexes possess barbel-like structures on the muzzle, just below the nostrils, similar to those on some Eastern-style dragons, but their purpose is unknown; they may be purely for display, or may have some odd sensory function. Although they are almost always herbivorous, many species have large canine teeth, which they bare when angry or frightened, similar to a baboon's fangs. (Frighteningly, a handful of species living in difficult regions, such as the desert and the deep volcanic zone, have evolved the ability to digest meat, giving them an additional use for those fangs... ) Some species have large upper-jaw fangs, which may be used for scraping bark. Others have more pronounced tusks on the lower jaw, which are used for rooting in dirt and mud for fungi and other treats. The body is covered in a typical mammal-type hide, good for making leather from. Their fur is usually very short, lying close to the body, but some species, particularly those living in alpine regions, have thick, plush fur.


The smallest yexin species - often found in dense jungles - are cat-sized and arboreal. These critters have small, simple horns so they don't get caught on something as the animal moves quickly through the branches of its mid-canopy home. Their arms are much longer than normal, too, with fully prehensile, rather oddly humanlike hands (it's just convergent evolution but some human groups have superstitions about the origins of this kind of yex because of the humanlike look of their hands, arms, and shoulders/upper torso). The tail is also long, prehensile, and distinctly monkeylike. These critters tend to have equal-sized fangs in the upper and lower jaw, and to prefer easy food like ripe fruit and new leaves.


The largest yexin species are found on the edge of the volcanic region, where the landscape is wide open and relatively flat, with few trees and lots of grass, but there isn't enough volcanic activity to make life difficult. These brutes are taller than horses, and could theoretically be ridden by a human if their anatomy allowed for it. Their big blunt heads bear huge elk-style racks and their hind legs are almost frighteningly powerful, capable of propelling the animal forward at forty miles an hour in huge ground-devouring hops. These grazers spend most of their time eating grass, but their stiff, long-clawed forepaws have become almost shovel-like compared to those of other yexin, perfect for digging in the dirt and mud to find fungi, roots, and other buried food.


Many other variants exist, including a "mountain goat" type found in alpine regions and the frighteningly boar-tusked omnivores found in low-vegetation habitats.




Yexin are generally herbivores and provide food for many other species. Even the large, mean species that are known to eat meat when they can't find enough vegetation are not apex predators; they're definitely not easy prey, but in an environment where the most populous species group is that of the dragon, even the meanest yexin are no match for many of the larger, stronger predators that fill their world. They also contribute to the world by consuming plants and, in some cases, small animals that might otherwise reproduce or grow out of control due to exposure to the natural ambient magic of the world (much less deliberate magical fiddling or unexpected side-effects of nearby deliberate magic use). Even kudzu would be hard pressed to drown a forest if that forest had a healthy population of yexin. Yexin can be domesticated, and some humans prefer yex to cattle for meat and milk, although their anatomy prevents them from being ridden like horses.

Edited by Lurhstaap

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I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Lesser Slyf

Type: Animal (bird)

Diet: Seeds, berries, and insects

Habitat: Scrublands, plains, and temperate forest.

Appearance: Small birds with extremely fluffy feathers, short tails, and very long, narrow wings that they beat rapidly to fly. They almost look like winged spheres. Usually dappled silvery-gray, with white wings and a single curly black feather on top of their heads. Have short but wide beaks and large eyes with almost white irises, and feet designed for both perching and standing.

Description: Chirpy songbirbs that are unusually unaffected by magic, like a much, much weaker Cassare dragon. Have a sort of symbiotic relationship with berry plants that have mana-based mechanisms to deter predation, and seed coats that are not digested by Lesser Slyfs, so the birds eat the berries and spread the seeds. Despite their magic resistance, they are stupid, and often preyed upon by carnivorous pygmy dragons and drakes.

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bonus drawing of stupid dustball birb of annoying magic cancellation

Edited by TheCompleteAnimorph

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OOp yeah, I was mostly talking about the whole "calling in others" thing. Meant it'd just fly off in the meantime. Land crocs were real, and are really cool animals. Boarcroc or armadillo croc are the coolest imo.


I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Spearmouth Cavern

Type: Unknown

Diet: Blood

Habitat: Randomly occurs in caverns with high concentrations of dark mana

Appearance: A fairly normal cave with a pile or two of seemingly abandoned eggs.

Description: Spearmouth caverns most likely aren't even a proper living thing. Created under unknown conditions involving dark mana, they create piles of fake eggs. Often taken in by unknowing dragons/humans the eggs unfurl into wormlike shapes at night and feed upon blood, which seems to somehow remotely nourish the spearmouth.

Generally harmless other than stealing blood, but if sufficiently threatened they will attempt to impale the offending party with toothlike stalactites.

For unknown reasons, every 37 days a heavily deformed, mucous covered, pale humanoid creature crawls out of the pile of eggs before collapsing in a heap and suffocating to death.

Edited by grimace

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that's not a creature that's an SCP

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that's not a creature that's an SCP

An SCP? What does that mean?

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While these are all really cool suggestions, I feel like Valkemare has a lot of predators. It already has dragons, why would there need to be more? :/

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While these are all really cool suggestions, I feel like Valkemare has a lot of predators. It already has dragons, why would there need to be more? :/

There would likely be other large predators around, but not many. Threads like this are always prone to everyone dumping tons of huge predators for whatever reason though

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that's not a creature that's an SCP

This made me laugh harder than it should have.


Not going to lie though. That thing sounds scarysweet as heck.

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While these are all really cool suggestions, I feel like Valkemare has a lot of predators. It already has dragons, why would there need to be more? :/

That's why I suggested a small fluffy bird that is prey for smaller predators.

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Figured I'd try to play with time as an element without making something broken

I want to suggest a creature!

Species Name: Temporal Dragonfly

Type: Dragonfly

Diet: Carnivorous, exclusively small flying insects

Habitat: Rare species, confined to a few specific marshes

Appearance: A delicate looking dragonfly with a gold and silver color scheme.


Description: Time dragonflies are one of the few animals to use time related magic. With their enormous eyes they triangulate exactly what their prey is going to do to try avoiding them. Legends exist of bird sized Temporal Dragonflies who are able to travel extreme speeds by speeding up time itself.

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